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Skooma Whore SE

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Skooma Whore SE


I did NOT create this mod. That honor belongs to the Talented Guffel

I only converted it for Skyrim Special Edition, and have shared it with you with their permission.


If you enjoy this mod, click on the link and give Guffel some love, and check out their other mods!


The following copied from the original LE page:



Hey, psst, psst. Hey you! Yes, you! You look weary looking for mods. I have something to help you relax while playing Skyrim, if you are interested.




Short Description:


Skooma Whore add 18 drugs to Skyrim. All drugs work like potions, but will make you addicted eventually. Once addicted you will suffer from withdrawal effects. These effects can be suppressed for some time by taking another dose of any drug, but that will only increase your addiction. The drugs are for sale at one dealer in every major city. Also the drugs can occure at any alchemist or as loot from enemies and chests.




+ all drugs have individual textures and bottles
+ extreme and long visual effects
+ loot the drugs from dead enemies and chests
+ three diffrent kinds of withdrawal effects depending on the drugs you take
+ get force to dink a random drug when raped
+ risk of blacking when taking too much
+ Addicting H/M/S Potions, called "Brews"
+ Player get treated as scum when highly addicted
+ All drugs are craftable with the right recipe


Detailed Description:


The addiction system:
All drugs follow the same basic scheme. The addiction is seperated into three aspects: Mental Decay, Physical Decay and Magical Decay. Each aspect has it's own respective withdrawal effects. Every drug adds a certain value to the Drug Pool of one or more aspects. This value varies by a small amount every time. Every aspect has five stages with more and worse withdrawal effects the higher the stage is. Once a Drug Pool exceeds a threshold the stage inceases. The thresholds can be adjusted in the MCM.
Each drug is assigned to one aspect. The effects of a drug decrease the higher the value of the assinged Drug Pool is, meaning the more addicted one is the less high he gets. In addition to the drug effects the Withdrawal Suppression effect is applied. This effect cancels every active withdrawal effect for a couple of in-game hours. After the Withdrawal Suppression effect wears off withdrawal effects are again applied according to the current value of the Drug Pools. The time the Withdrawal Supression effect lasts gets shorter the higher the addiction, only counting the highest Drug Pool.
Every 24 in-game hours the Drug Pools are reduced by a certain amount. This amount can be set in the MCM. To make this reduction more smoothly the relative fraction of this value is used every three in-game hours. To get rid of the addiction one just have to wait (for a long time...). The cures "Herb Tea" or "Purifying Solution" reduce the Drug Pools actively and accelerate recovery.


Acquireing Drugs:
All drugs occure as loot of slain enemies and in chests. Also random drugs are sold by alchemists among the normal potions. The drug dealer met on the road sell all drugs and have a dialouge option to pay for Skooma with sex.
In all of the 5 major cities is one skooma den. They can be found in locations where scum and drug dealers can be expected. Just look carefully around.


When the amount of drugs taken within one in-game our exceeds a certain threshold one risks to black out. For every durg exceeding the threshold there is a cumulative 10%-chance of blacking out. Example: With a Blackout Threshold of 5, the sixth dose has a 10% chance of causing a blackout. The Seventh 20%, the eighth 30% and so on. With the 15th dose the blackout will happen automatcally because the chance would be 100%.
When blacking out in a city or town (all with mapmarkers) you'll wake up in jail. But you are not actually imprisoned. You just got yourself a night in the sobering cell.
But when having a blackout in the wilderness there is now a chance to get raped while unconcious. The next version of the Non-SexLab Animation Pack will have some fitting animations with a motionless female (two were made by myself for this purpose), which are used by SW.


High Risk:
There is a 1% chance by default that any drug has a lot higher strenght than usual (+100 in most cases) when the player is on Decay Stage 0 or 1. This throws him direcly into a high addiction and simluates that one can get addicted at the first time.


Active Withdrawal Effects:
Every 3 IN-GAME hours, by default, the player may trip and fall down or drink a random drug from the inventory when on Decay Stage 3 or higher and no Withdrawal Supression effect active.


Now various kinds of Brews can be dropped by enemies. These are basically the same as normal Health-, Magicka-, and Stamina-Potions, but increase addiction. Also the drop rate of the normal Potions it a bit lower so the Brews might occure slightly more often. I want to show that its eays to make a effective substance, but its the high art to make one without side effects and non-addicting. Every medicine is also a drug. The Brew are impure potions made from poor ingredients or by an unskilled alchemist.


Junky treatment:
When on Decay Stage 4 or higher the player starts to feel the comtempt of the people around him. 1. NPC will comment the player in humiliating manner. 2. A Guard might approach and tell the player to leave the town. 3. Inn Keeper will demant Gold or Firewood from the player only to stay inside.


All drugs can be crafted at the cooking pot if the player carries the recipe. The recipes have a very smal drop chance, but can also be aquired through the starter kit option in the mcm.




SexLab Framework SE
Fus Ro Do-h SE


Important: When updating from version 0.9.8 or earlier, make a clean save! There have been huge changes!
1. make a save
2. deinstall Skooma Whore
3. load previous save, wait a minute, save again
4. install new version and load the save from 3.


Don't confuse the version numbers, the latest version is 1.0 we left the beta.
The older versions began with 0.9.x to show that the mod was still beta.


I now consider Skooma Whore finished and have no further updates planned.


Ashal for SexLab Framework
ContentConsumer for providing the basic ideas and names of the new drugs
vito740 for allowing me to use his textures for the drug bottles
Grine for making me these awesome drug dens and sharing a lot of other ideas with me :)


If you enjoy my conversion work and would like to toss a coin to my coffee fund, you can visit my Patreon ~ Nomkaz

  • Submitter
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  • Category
  • Requires
    SexLab Framework SE, Fuz Ro D-Oh SE
  • Regular Edition Compatible


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I've tried the mod, however, I have in the interior of the whiterun skomma-cave constantly back to desktop crashes in the other caves I was not yet have the mod temporarily disabled hope that this can be repaired    
I'm sorry wrong the text is strange English is not my language
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/21/2019 at 4:15 AM, EZK-0X said:

download the facegen from this link that fixed the CTD for me don't forget to remove the space from the facegeom folder


Thanks, fixed it for me too.

Had crashes both in the Witherun and the Windhelm den.


However, I also have a different issue. After the job there is no payment, the client just leaves. Anyone else had that? Possible SLSO compatibility issue?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Is there a way to disable that really intense visual effect that can sometimes hit you? The one that causes you to see double, and eventually ends up showing two copies of your screen spinning around each other? I didn't mind it at first, but I'd rather not have to deal with it again. x3

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On 12/31/2019 at 11:11 AM, shar181 said:

Is there a way to disable that really intense visual effect that can sometimes hit you? The one that causes you to see double, and eventually ends up showing two copies of your screen spinning around each other? I didn't mind it at first, but I'd rather not have to deal with it again. x3

There should be a box to check under the "Effects" settings in the MCM. (I hate that too lol) I shut it off on my game, I think 

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8 hours ago, nomkaz said:

There should be a box to check under the "Effects" settings in the MCM. (I hate that too lol) I shut it off on my game, I think 

That's a relief. xD Do you know which option it is? I don't think its one of the specific drug effects... Could it be from the High Risk option? I'm reluctant to disable that, because I like having the risk, but if that's causing the visual I'll do without!


Edit: Nope. It's the Varemina's Price skooma that does it. I guess i can keep the High Risk option!

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  • 2 months later...
On 10/30/2019 at 6:20 AM, EZK-0X said:

Leave the den and re enter go to the person who gave you the job to collect payment.

I also have this same issue. Leaving the den doesn't fix it. I also seem to not get any withdrawal effects and interactions with NPCs are even more limited than beforehand.

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  • 2 weeks later...


On 3/6/2020 at 2:27 PM, John741 said:

With this mod(Both LE/SE versions) Is it just the player getting addicted or can we sell/give the drugs to npcs/followers to get them addicted?

I believe you can set it so your followers can be effected, but You need another mod for other NPCs to be effected, I can't recall what it is, maybe someone else knows. I think it's "Become a Skooma Dealer" or something. I don't know if it has an SE version or not. There's also a cannabis mod that does similar things as well.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey, I remember some time ago there was a patch for this and skyrim sewers.. cant seem to find it now


the warrens skooma den is blocked by a door placed by skyrim sewers, id try to fix it myself since it was just a matter of moving a door but im not really experienced with this.


Anyone know where that patch might be? Should be easy to convert to SE I think




Ah! found it!


I tried opening it in CK then saving it..  didn't work, however I copied the new coordinates for the door  and teleport location back into the warrens from the esp in the link below and changed the values on the skyrim sewers esp with tessedit and saved it.. Not sure if I am allowed to upload my altered skyrimsewers.esp file here, it's a pretty easy fix though.


I don't recall if the skooma dens have other conflicts, but the one in the warrens makes it totally inaccessible. with the edits it provides a backdoor entrance to that caged shop in the warrens from the sewers... interesting way to get to quietly steal that sweet, sweet skooma haha




thanks to user ttpt


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  • 1 month later...
On 3/6/2020 at 2:27 PM, John741 said:

With this mod(Both LE/SE versions) Is it just the player getting addicted or can we sell/give the drugs to npcs/followers to get them addicted?

On 3/15/2020 at 10:16 PM, nomkaz said:


I believe you can set it so your followers can be effected, but You need another mod for other NPCs to be effected, I can't recall what it is, maybe someone else knows. I think it's "Become a Skooma Dealer" or something. I don't know if it has an SE version or not. There's also a cannabis mod that does similar things as well.

For those interested, the mod in question is here: Become a Skooma Dealer. Buuuuut I have no idea how well it works with Skooma Whore. I think they might step on each other a bit, so use with caution.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I've been running this mod for a while and greatly enjoy a very different playstyle it requires from how I usually play. However I have encountered a problem with missing skooma vendor in Whiterun's drug dungeon. Actually, all of the NPC's in there are missing. I would like to ask for a name of the skooma vendor in Whiterun, so I can move (or spawn if he's dead) him through a console.


While we're at it I would like to ask names for all the skooma vendors from this mod, just in case something went wrong with my current game, all of them despawned and I need to reset them. Thank you.

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On 10/23/2020 at 3:26 PM, belegost said:

I've been running this mod for a while and greatly enjoy a very different playstyle it requires from how I usually play. However I have encountered a problem with missing skooma vendor in Whiterun's drug dungeon. Actually, all of the NPC's in there are missing. I would like to ask for a name of the skooma vendor in Whiterun, so I can move (or spawn if he's dead) him through a console.


While we're at it I would like to ask names for all the skooma vendors from this mod, just in case something went wrong with my current game, all of them despawned and I need to reset them. Thank you.

If you use a mod that changes the interiors where the skooma dens are, they can cause the location id's to be changed which will prevent NPC's from spawning. 

Screenshot 2020-10-24 174453.png

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