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[mod] Miyabi Weather and Parts of a day Pack


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Miyabi Weather and Parts of a day Pack

Mod Completion: 8/11-8/12



Vagonumero13: rdbtool, g1mtools and REDELBE

Ausgeek: 3dmigoto tools for blender

Team Ninja: For character models

Parts of a day wikipedia: For real life names and references on Dawn and Dusk Sunlight behavior https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twilight


Put all in game environments and Time of Day, that I could find into Miyabi. Drop stage(s) in Layer2 and press F to activate, in stage select under "Miyabi". (Not Hidden Garden)


Known Glitches: Sweat on characters turn into black scales. Water in Hidden Garden rises too high.



About the hidden forest night, in next version of REDELBE I will add the possibility of loading the legit version of the boss stage (with the night sky and the moon) by using the work feature. It is currently not possible because for the game, it has the same identifier than the regular hidden forest, but I found out how the game loads that special stage.

On 8/13/2019 at 5:07 AM, vagonumero13 said:

About the hidden forest night, in next version of REDELBE I will add the possibility of loading the legit version of the boss stage (with the night sky and the moon) by using the work feature. It is currently not possible because for the game, it has the same identifier than the regular hidden forest, but I found out how the game loads that special stage.

Oh really? Alright sounds good. When I was looking for the boss stage specifically (when I was originally going to make Night versions of Miyabi), I ran into a file called "Envs_S1101BAM_BOSS_env.motor.kidsscndb" . Sounds like the one I used was a test build probably.





And I have a question, is it possible for you to make a patch where we can change the Facial expressions of Break Blow Face shots? I was talking to HyperBob about it when I was figuring out how to change animations for my Moka mod, and he said it may not be possible and you may have to patch that in if you can.


In my Moka mod, all changed animations are under "RRPreview" If you need to see what I'm talking about.


Changed Facial expressions with RRPreview





Default Facial expressions without RRPreview




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