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Jiggly Butt clipping through Slot 49 Pants


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I have tried making a new Zap Slider but I can't seem to hide the Pelvis Area from clipping through the armor when the character moves. 


Anyone with a little more experience with Outfit Studio and Bodyslide can help? 

1 hour ago, Nichoice said:

I have tried making a new Zap Slider but I can't seem to hide the Pelvis Area from clipping through the armor when the character moves. 


Anyone with a little more experience with Outfit Studio and Bodyslide can help? 

Either fix the weight painting, or enlarge the area a bit.  Unless the mesh seams (vertices and triangles) match perfectly with the skin underneath, a skin-tight outfit will always clip, even with correct weight.


But this does not happen with other pants that I have seen created and they are just as skin tight and using slot 49, e.g. NINI Bless MD 0004 Lower

9 hours ago, Nichoice said:

I have tried making a new Zap Slider but I can't seem to hide the Pelvis Area from clipping through the armor when the character moves. 


Did you transfer/copy the weights from your base form to the pants?

4 hours ago, Nichoice said:

But this does not happen with other pants that I have seen created and they are just as skin tight and using slot 49, e.g. NINI Bless MD 0004 Lower


That's because those other pants have the same amount of Verts.

They also have close or same "weight paint"


People don't just say use weight paint to be mysterious its a thing.  The animations tell the body to deform how?  Through animation "weight paint" assignments.  Those rainbow colors mean how reactive that part of the mesh is to the assigned animation weight paint call action.

If its Blue, it doesn't react, if its Red its extremely reactive.


If you want your Bodyslides to be the best you have to understand and implement good weight paints in your outfits.  Cant tell you how much trash Ive downloaded over the last few years of using Bodyslide cause creators thought they could ignore weight paints.  Even now with weight paint copy being better they generally don't paint by hand, which is a skill you need to remove or correct paints especially when working with HDT effects, some parts just should jiggle right.


Zapping and inflation should be the last thing on your mind to correct something that 99 times out of 100 should have been done with weight paints.


I am trying to weaken the weight values now around the butt and the thighs now to limit the clipping but I can't seem to make any manual edits to it in Outfit Studio unless I delete the whole thing and start from scratch and even then its only limited to Blues when I paint over the area.  


To change the Weight Paints,

1st on the right panel look for "Bones"

Notes -

1) All the selected meshes from the "meshes" tab are worked on at same time in Bones Tab, whatever is highlighted so you can work on multiple objects at the same time useful when fixing HDT Weights or touching up Spine weights.

2) To change the Brush size or strength in the upper left side of the program look for "Brush Settings" tab.  Also "Tools" tab top left, works for adjusting the current tool being used.

3) In most cases the longer your holding left button down the more the area color is changed this is of course effected by "Strength" for how fast this happens. 

4) Hold "ALT" key to subtract

5) If you want a specific strength on a given area, Look to the right most panel for checkbox "Fixed Weight Brush" whatever strength is selected in Brush Settings is absolute color that is applied to meshes.



Be sure to have a reference mesh loaded with the correct effects you want, example...Making an HDT UUNP armor, make sure your using HDT UUNP reference.  (Not the special UUNP ref, no point since your not going to add those bones to the outfit).


To start with you usually want to begin with a weight paint copy,

Tab -> "Shape"

Copy Bone Weights....Uses all Bone Weights copied to selected Meshes

Copy Selected Weight....Copies only the Selected Bone Weights to the Selected Meshes


Typical things overlooked,

Most people don't understand the following

After a copy of the bone weights the program may apply weight color to area's that don't make any since, so you have to go in and remove those paints from those area's.


In game you may notice that certain parts of clothing or armor move when you don't want them too,

Its not always caused by Breast Weight Paints,

In fact more often than not its from application of SPINE weight paints to area's that should not have it.

Its harder to describe in words however understand that you have 3 SPINE weights

Each Spine weight controls a zone on the torso of the body,

0 being the lowest,

1 midsection

2 upper torso and shoulder line


Now here's the thing,

More often than not with many armors that people convert to UUNP/CBBE, these are ignored when they shouldn't be.



You have a Ring between the Breasts.

Bone Weight Copy may apply both SPINE1 and SPINE2 to this ring between the breasts....Which looks very awkward in game since the ring between the breasts will react to mid section animations....Which makes no since cause the ring should only react to upper body animations.



Boots, some boots have solid metal shin guards that go up past the kneecap, most people ignore that and just bone weight copy allowing the solid metal to bend with the leg,

In my conversions I apply the proper paint so that shin guards actually stay solid.



Chest piece that has anything between breasts but not attached to the breasts,

This may have Breasts weight paint on it, but its best not to have breast weight paint on it, simply remove breasts weight paints from the object....Very Likely has also need for SPINE weight adjustment so that ornament doesn't wildly deform.  Example Newmiller Dark Knight outfit has a lions crest which has 2 spine weights on it, when 1 weight on it would stop screwing up how it looks.


There is a point where the actual application becomes more subjective, so you have to go into the game look at the armor during animations and go back to the program to make adjustments.


Tip in Skyrim you can overwrite the meshes while the game is still running and take off put on outfit to have your latest export....Meaning you don't have to exit the game while making adjustments.





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