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Animated Fannies for AAF & Fusion Girl

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Hi folks,


in the last 2 days I set up a brand new Fallout 4 installation (my first time with that game, so please be soft on me ^^) and so far it's going quite well.

Lots of bugs but it's a Bethesda game anyway so...



Of course I wanted to add all the depraved stuff I could find on these forums and because I'm a sucker for body physics I installed CBP too.

But disappointingly that's just bounce physics and no collisions whatsoever.

Seems like there is still no option similar to HDT PE or SMP available for Fallout 4?

Well, at least there are Animated Fannies!

But there's a new problem, I picked Fusion Girl and that body has no Animated Fannies support so far.

So to finally get to the point, I didn't wanna switch over to CBBE because some smart folks here say that Fusion is the future (not just the nuclear one).


Meaning either wait for someone to add Animated Fannies support to that body or do it myself.

Well, you guessed it, I'm in the middle of doing it myself.

If the guys behind the Fusion body have any objections to me uploading an altered bodyslide preset then just tell me, I'll delete it immediately.

@Vioxsis @ZaZ


The download is an early stage, I'm not happy with how far especially the vagina opens, looked bigger while staring at it from close up in Outfit Studio.

That's also the main reason why I didn't put this in the download section, this is work in progress.


Also I tried to tinker with the script but so far I can't manage to compile anything using Sublime Text 3. Especially the AAF scripts with their weird snippet or whatever convention to name the script AAF:AAF_... and the file itself just AAF_... produce lots of errors - I suck at scripting btw.

And I would really love to change some things in that script, male on female only and no creatures is too limiting.




Also credits to @Nahka and @vinfamy for Animated Fannies and to @Jahem_kinkaid for porting it over to AAF.




edit: deleted as promised

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13 hours ago, TheBottomhoodofSteel said:

I mean it's kinda pointless when animpacks like Atomic Lust have animated vageens. IIRC it's also being worked on to add it to Leito/Crazy's anims, so.... 

I'll say I object to it... 

Meaning I should take it down? Say the word and I'll do that.


And I see your point, but my answer to that would be "the more ways to achieve the same goal the better".

Also 3 animation packs are not the majority. Maybe it will be standard one day but so far it really isn't.

Would be great of course, the way Animated Fannies does it is not very precise.

Otoh there's always the problem that characters get out of sync during animations, but then again that screws up the whole thing, not just penetration, so it's not really a counterargument I could use.


Btw, a morph for vag/anus opening triggering at the same time with an animation shape change (whatever that means, I don't know anything about animating - bone movements leading to the mesh following them? probably) will look bad on the animations that already have that feature, right? ...


Would be a better reason to take this down, because that just means it's incompatible with Atomic Lust and will be with Leito/Crazy once they have the visible penetration feature.

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14 hours ago, Bazinga said:

Meaning I should take it down? Say the word and I'll do that.


And I see your point, but my answer to that would be "the more ways to achieve the same goal the better".

Also 3 animation packs are not the majority. Maybe it will be standard one day but so far it really isn't.

Would be great of course, the way Animated Fannies does it is not very precise.

Otoh there's always the problem that characters get out of sync during animations, but then again that screws up the whole thing, not just penetration, so it's not really a counterargument I could use.


Btw, a morph for vag/anus opening triggering at the same time with an animation shape change (whatever that means, I don't know anything about animating - bone movements leading to the mesh following them? probably) will look bad on the animations that already have that feature, right? ...


Would be a better reason to take this down, because that just means it's incompatible with Atomic Lust and will be with Leito/Crazy once they have the visible penetration feature.


Also a morph triggering at the same time the bone moves would break the model in that area completely. I've tested this numerous times before. I'm attempting to move off the morphs system anyway because it's pointless, skeleton considered. So you're breaking Anims using the skeleton for 0 reason and you act like your mod is a solution for no reason other than you can't wait for shit to be updated because you need your pussy popping now... 

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5 hours ago, TheBottomhoodofSteel said:

Also a morph triggering at the same time the bone moves would break the model in that area completely. I've tested this numerous times before. I'm attempting to move off the morphs system anyway because it's pointless, skeleton considered. So you're breaking Anims using the skeleton for 0 reason and you act like your mod is a solution for no reason other than you can't wait for shit to be updated because you need your pussy popping now... 

Hey, don't say it like that! For me personally that's an extremely important feature! ?


Also I might have found a solution to make this compatible. Either delete the vagina and anus bones used by these animations to achieve that feature from the body mesh or at least delete all the weight paint for them. Shouldn't break stuff and give Animated Fannies the exclusive right to open and close these (again: very very important) gates of heaven for all animations independent of the animation mod used and if the animator is even trying it the admittedly much more elegant way you want or not.

Meaning this would be an alternative, a worse one but with the benefit of all animation mods being covered ... and a drawback being that so far strapons and creature anims are not covered at all.

IF I uploaded this in the file section I would of course point that out and recommend your solution (might be important for the guys who are just trying to switch from CBBE and are used to having Animated Fannies in their load order).


So final word, you want me to take it down or not? Because reasons why I should be convinced to not pursue this any more are not what I asked for tbh.

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17 minutes ago, Bazinga said:

Hey, don't say it like that! For me personally that's an extremely important feature! ?


Also I might have found a solution to make this compatible. Either delete the vagina and anus bones used by these animations to achieve that feature from the body mesh or at least delete all the weight paint for them. Shouldn't break stuff and give Animated Fannies the exclusive right to open and close these (again: very very important) gates of heaven for all animations independent of the animation mod used and if the animator is even trying it the admittedly much more elegant way you want or not.

Meaning this would be an alternative, a worse one but with the benefit of all animation mods being covered ... and a drawback being that so far strapons and creature anims are not covered at all.

IF I uploaded this in the file section I would of course point that out and recommend your solution (might be important for the guys who are just trying to switch from CBBE and are used to having Animated Fannies in their load order).


So final word, you want me to take it down or not? Because reasons why I should be convinced to not pursue this any more are not what I asked for tbh.

Animated Fannies works fine with CBBE and the available animations out there, but the physics are pathetic at best. With what TheBottomHood said about Fusion Girl having them eventually included and the introduction of CBP physics to Fallout, Animated Fannies is pretty much a waste of time for Fusion Girl. I'd say if there is people that just cant wait to have them, then just use CBBE until Fusion Girl has them implemented themselves. Myself I don't see the huge deal in this anyhow. Unless youre watching every animation with a magnifying glass, its not like you can really see it in action anyhow. Might be cool for the first couple hours of playthrough, but it gets old fast.

Now I'm not coming down on you for wanting to do it, its always good when someone tries to pitch in to make the game better but like I said earlier, because it already works with CBBE and Fusion Girl is going to have its own working parts eventually, IMO pursuing it for Fusion Girl is probably just going to be a waste of your time in the long run.

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Then again as my past behavioral patterns with Bethesda games indicate I might be one of the guys who have much more fun modding the game than actually playing it. ;)

So no worries, I'm not wasting my time, this is fun for me (to a degree, I hate Papyrus). Even would be if @TheBottomhoodofSteel or one of the other Fusion Girl modders (@ZaZ, @Vioxsis, @Leito86?) asked me to take it down again.

(please don't though)

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Just now, Bazinga said:

Then again my past behavioral patterns with Bethesda games show me that I might be one of the guys who have much more fun modding the game than actually playing it. ;)

So no worries, I'm not wasting my time, this is fun for me (to a degree, I hate Papyrus).

Right on, all the power to you. My post wasn't meant to shit on you by any means. You want to get it working, give it. I'm pretty much done with actually playing the game anymore myself. Most of the times I log in is when I'm bored and just want to build shit or when I'm trying to recreate a issue someone is having to see if I can help. 
At this point modding the game and learning more about the workings of the game is becoming more fun than playing the game for myself also.

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I personally wont ask you to take it down, but others have mentioned what I or Creators/Managers will say. TBOS has mentioned what going on clearly and why we are not using morphs anymore.

I just don't want people to bother @TheBottomhoodofSteel regarding this mod and they will be directed to this mod page with some stern language.

Since TBOS is managing Fusion Girl mostly on his own and he already gets a butt ton of ridiculous requests and queries.


What I can suggest is a disclaimer that only you can answer questions regarding animated fannies + Fusion girl. Since you have credited the team thats good and fine.


Edit - Please credit the Full Team As on the nexus page

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Personally, If he's not planning to manage it and all support inquiries meaning no support for this goes to me, I would prefer it down. Basically put a disclaimer on the main page of the mod like

This mod is a modification of Fusion Girl with Permission from the ZeX Team - The ZeX Team does not officially support this mod. Please do not direct questions about this mod to them as your question will be ignored. If you need related support, please check here.


I wouldn't redirect people with harsh language unless they're being stupid, but between managing a full time job and taking care of family, I really don't need more support stuff or extra problems on my plate from someone doing a secondary modification that seems to have no real point and would break anims anyway, as @Rufgt was working on updating anims and working with other animators to update their anims AFAIK.  


Also tbh, removing the bones kinda just makes it pointless. The bones were specifically designed. Kludgefucking some morphs together sounds stupid, but if you're on that nonsense, it's on you to fix everything you break with the body. I'm offering no support for whatever you fuck up. I'm supposed to be on vacation anyway.

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Yeah, whatever.

I have to say that I don't like the tone but thanks anyway for letting me do this.


I get your frustration though, because all I'm doing is basically reverting back what you're trying to achieve. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I just thought that the Animated Fannies approach to creating fake collisions is pretty clever (so a hard disagree to you there) even though it leaves room for improvement, and that this is within my rather limited modding skill set (trying to modify the AF script doesn't seem to be though, at least not without a lot of further reading about script fragments and the AAF API).

And that's basically it, as I said, tinkering with mods is half of the fun for me.


Anyway, I won't create a download thread for this. I'll even remove the downloads itt.

But since I probably got some people interested I should at least share my final edit to this.



So the plan is to keep this up for a few days and then delete it again. Anyone who got curious and thinks they need this can download it, anyone too late to the party will have to wait for you guys to add animated vags and anuses ... ani? ... the other hole down there to all the other animation mods besides Atomic Lust.

Good luck with that and peace.


edit: deleted as promised

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On 6/22/2020 at 11:23 AM, acecil said:

I wish this community didnt shit on modders and let us depraved sluts have this. What a bunch of no fun nancies.



I also wish the modders wouldn't get butt hurt when a mod is criticized for an obvious bug or failing, so it goes both ways. You respect me, I'll respect you.

I told one modder the new version of the unofficial FO4 patch broke their mod, and he told me to fuck myself. How likely am I to ever use any of his mods again? :)

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  • 4 months later...
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  • 7 months later...

This module helped me a lot, and it helped me complete the integration of nanako and fusion girl.

When I used zexv6, it didn't work well. It broke my character's bones.

Fannis helps my character's vagina to work. Although it is ineffective for some animations, I believe this may be the reason for animation.


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