deki12 Posted July 23, 2019 Posted July 23, 2019 Hey guys i have install CBP Physics and work nice so i wondering do is here a way to i can install with bodyslide CBP Physics in any outfit like breast,but,belly Physics or what i need for it? which Physics to have to use in body to work with CBP Physics please if any know something about this help me
walkin Posted July 23, 2019 Posted July 23, 2019 14 minutes ago, deki12 said: Hey guys i have install CBP Physics and work nice so i wondering do is here a way to i can install with bodyslide CBP Physics in any outfit like breast,but,belly Physics or what i need for it? which Physics to have to use in body to work with CBP Physics please if any know something about this help me You build whatever body you want with no physics to have CBP physics working. Then batch build all your outfits with same settings. Make sure to click on the build morphs also.
deki12 Posted July 23, 2019 Author Posted July 23, 2019 Tnx. i try like u sey but kinda dont work i have use in bodyslide zex fusiongirl and my custom preset then i activate build morphs and batch build and use on outfit what i went but dont work or i doing something wrong sorry for my poor eng.
walkin Posted July 23, 2019 Posted July 23, 2019 5 minutes ago, deki12 said: Tnx. i try like u sey but kinda dont work i have use in bodyslide zex fusiongirl and my custom preset then i activate build morphs and batch build and use on outfit what i went but dont work or i doing something wrong sorry for my poor eng. If your using Fusion Girl you have to use 2 files. The main CBP from Nexus and then you have to use this file for Fusion Girl. ZeX-ZCBP-39308-1-05-1560770606.7z
deki12 Posted July 23, 2019 Author Posted July 23, 2019 I have that already i have download one outfit from here what cbp already work in outfit and naked body too
walkin Posted July 23, 2019 Posted July 23, 2019 4 minutes ago, deki12 said: I have that already i have download one outfit from here what cbp already work in outfit and naked body too I couldn't tell you if the physics work with every single outfit but I think I read somewhere it does. I have quite a few different outfits myself and they all seem to be working but I haven't really paid that close attention to every single one of them to see. The way I usually do it in Bodyslide is pick and customize my body, check the build morphs option then just the build option for my body. Then I make sure all my outfits I have are available and check the build morphs and hit batch build. Seem to work for me. There might be some outfits that the physics don't work with but like I said I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the CBP physics will work on outfits without any other messing around. Not 100% sure on this though.
deki12 Posted July 23, 2019 Author Posted July 23, 2019 Well dunno on that way how u told me dont work lm sure to that outfit dont have any Physics effect what i trying to use
walkin Posted July 23, 2019 Posted July 23, 2019 Im not as sure when it comes to Fusion Girl all though I couldn't see what the difference would be. On my main computer I'm using CBBE and all the outfits work so maybe the outfits have to be converted to work with Fusion Girl first then the physics will kick in. Try using some outfits that you know have been converted to work with Fusion Girl and take it from there.
deki12 Posted July 23, 2019 Author Posted July 23, 2019 can u explain me step by step how to i do maybe lm doing something wrong
walkin Posted July 23, 2019 Posted July 23, 2019 1 minute ago, deki12 said: can u explain me step by step how to i do maybe lm doing something wrong I did already in the previous post. Lol How did you install CBP. Did you install that correctly. Do you have any physics with or without clothing.
deki12 Posted July 23, 2019 Author Posted July 23, 2019 ofcurse i have Physics in nude body and one outfit what i download from here
walkin Posted July 23, 2019 Posted July 23, 2019 4 minutes ago, deki12 said: ofcurse i have Physics in nude body and one outfit what i download from here Okay, well then I'm not 100% sure when it comes to outfits working with Fusion Girl. You may need certain outfits to have physics with them already in order to work properly. Its not something I've messed around with a lot myself. All I do know is the majority of the ones I use with CBBE all have physics, even the armor I noticed on some moved. There has been a lot of conversions from CBBE to be compatiable with Fusion Girl, just maybe search around a bit. I'm pretty sure all the vanilla outfits have been done and a bunch of others as well. I'm just not completely sure about all info when it comes to Fusion Girl. I just recently started using it on my test game and haven't had the time to fully play around with it yet to know all the ins and outs. Sorry
deki12 Posted July 23, 2019 Author Posted July 23, 2019 Oky ty for this i have try to make cbbe body preset in bodyslide and on nude body CBP Physics dint work when i use fusion body on that preset work CBP Physics Weird
walkin Posted July 23, 2019 Posted July 23, 2019 6 minutes ago, deki12 said: Oky ty for this i have try to make cbbe body preset in bodyslide and on nude body CBP Physics dint work when i use fusion body on that preset work CBP Physics Weird I use Bodygen so theres a lot of different body types and theyre not all the same. When I built my body in Bodyslide I used Fusion Girl for my body (with no physics) and Zeroed Sliders for my preset (for Bodygen) and the physics work just fine. I'm just not sure about all the different outfits for Fusion Girl that's all. Like I was saying I just recently started using Fusion Girl. I literally only have about a hour of gameplay with this body. I only installed it for the purpose of AAF testing and just haven't had the time to go any further with it yet. I haven't even downloaded any outfits yet so its something I wont know 100% for sure until I get around to doing it. There are other posts here about Fusion Girl that I'm sure somebody will have your answer for you, just look around a bit.
deki12 Posted July 23, 2019 Author Posted July 23, 2019 well all this outfit what i trying they are from nexus not vanilla one or Fusion girl outftis
walkin Posted July 23, 2019 Posted July 23, 2019 1 minute ago, deki12 said: well all this outfit what i trying they are from nexus not vanilla one or Fusion girl outftis Yeah I just don't know. On the main page on Nexus for CBP it says its compatiable with Fusion Girl so it should work with outfits also. I never did anything special with the outfits when using CBBE and they seem to work with no problems so theres no reason that they shouldn't work with Fusion Girl but I don't know. Good luck, you'll find someone who knows, probably in the posts right on the main CBP page if you look hard enough.
deki12 Posted July 23, 2019 Author Posted July 23, 2019 alright tnx friend one more thing where i can download that Fusion zero sliders for bodyslide?
walkin Posted July 23, 2019 Posted July 23, 2019 35 minutes ago, deki12 said: alright tnx friend one more thing where i can download that Fusion zero sliders for bodyslide? The Zeroed Sliders come with Bodyslide or Fusion Girl. Either one its already there.
Gameplayer Posted July 24, 2019 Posted July 24, 2019 CBP physics is not going to work with every outfit or even every body. The primary determining factor of if CBP will work is simply are the Weight Paint Bones in the mesh? For the most part if the mod you download or are using has been labeled "Physics" than it likely wont work with CBP, since the bones that CBP works on will not be present in some cases and those that are will have unusual behavior as it is and not work as intended. Then there are situations where said outfit will not be made for physics nor have the bones needed for CBP to work. Anyway, Example of a situation, Atomic Beauty doesn't have the left/right breast bones in most outfits. So CBP for the most part doesn't function. If I wanted to make it work. I'd have to open up a program that allows the insertion of weight paints into the mesh. So opening up say Outfit Studio in Bodyslide, I would need a reference body with those body weight paints in its mesh and then copy those weight paints over to said outfits. Its easier to describe this than it is to implement it due to the fact that Bodyslide was designed around CBBE and not Atomic Beauty. Also I have not done much in Bodyslide for Fo4.... However, I would likely just want to fix the weight paints in the Atomic Beauty base reference mesh so that I did not have to reference mesh swap all 5 million outfits for the vanilla game. IF Meshrigger was working for Fo4 mesh models than the process would be much easier and we could just set that up to basically batch build a whole folder of exported bodyslide meshes to implant the needed weight paints. I have no idea who is working on Meshrigger anymore or if its been updated to work with SSE or Fo4 but that would be a really easy solution if it was updated. There may be other batch build solutions that Im just unaware of. Fusion Girl body will face similar issues that Atomic Beauty does however there may be tuts, materials, programs, or mod authors that could help address said implimintation.
krollk Posted July 29, 2019 Posted July 29, 2019 I just did this yesterday. what you are needing is LBreast_skin and RBreast_skin. And butt/belly if you want. And get rid of the old cloth physics. I just replaced the AtomicBeauty bone weights with the CBBE ones. It seems to work fine. Probably work with whatever body you can convert to. Open CBBEBody.nif in outfit studio. BodySlide\ShapeData\CBBE\CBBEBody.nif Convert the CBBE body to AtomicBeauty shape and set base shape.(just like any other outfit) Load AtomicBeauty reference. click the CBBE Body Set the CBBE body as reference. click on the atomic beauty body Copy bone weights click on the atomic beauty body Set Atomic Beauty as reference delete the CBBE body click on the Bones button and if you find any bones like physics or Cloth or whatever at the bottom. Right click and "Delete from project" save project as make sure "copy reference shape into output" is checked. now you have a Atomic Beauty body with the CBBE bones. you will have to use this new reference to copy over the bones or you will have boobies bouncing outa your shirts. each outfit you'll have to find the cloth physics and delete from project on each. im not on these forums much so i wont see any replys.
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