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Too many animations! Gotta catch 'em all!

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today I stumbled upon a wonderful problem. WW has reached a point where there are so many animators and animations that a casual player of Sims 4 can't possibly keep track of them all.


Every three month or so, mostly due to a new pack, I come here to update my WW-mod. Meaning that I download the latest patch, and go through the downloads down to the point where I last updated the animations. I have been doing this operation since WW came out, and since my post is going to sound a little whiny and entitled, let me first say: Without your work, without WW and all the content for it, and of course this site itself, I wouldn't play this game *at all* anymore. So EA should be thankful too.


But what started out as exciting and new, went from becoming a major inconvinience to a three-hour-operation at minimum now. Since the last time I went through this process a new thing called CNMW appeared, there are animations only for it, there are animations only for certain bodyparts, there are objects and scripts and parts, there is a book worth of desciptions for everything. There are also loads of animations that are not for me, and often three or ten different files with mysterious names, sometimes without a description what they actually contain. There are of course manuals, burried under spoilers and hidden content, and all the while loverslab takes it's and my time to load it. Or not. Ofrentimes it doesn't load it.


So what I'm (almost) complaining about are the showcases the creators absolutely deserve. I mean it. I've done some animations for games myself, and what we look at for 15 seconds took the creators long hours, sometimes days or even weeks. But I still would love to spend far less time figuring out what to download, where to download it, the prerequisites I need, while preventing that I  see the downloaded file only to realize that I already have it.


I also understand why the site itself that is slowing down to a crawl to curb my enthusiasm. I'm writing this while looking at a hypnotic circling symbol that will, one of these days, show me the next download. It's been five minutes now, but I'm not a quitter.


- here endeth the whining -


So answer me these questions three:


1. Is this a problem worth solving?


2. Would the content creators be willing to see their work bundled into one very convenient file, containing credits and patreons, and having me share that file on this site? I haven't contributed *anything* here myself, so it would be my pleasure.


3. actually, I don't have a third question, so just tell me your favorite colour.







Not only did I catch your Pokemon reference... I also caught your Monte Python's Holy Grail reference. Well done.


I usually look at the first one to three pages in the downloads subforum and click on anything that sounds interesting. Mostly animations, of course. As I keep track of when I last downloaded something, it's easy to compare that date with the "Updated" date of the downloads page (and when I know when I last were on a download streak I can omit threads that have the latest update date in the title).

Of course you can subscribe to a file, but that would require to download the file immediately after an update - even if I'm not in the mood for any sims, so that's not quite working for me.


My biggest gripe with downloading animations is that some download pages include huge preview gifs that take forever to download. And until the gif has been downloaded, every other download is on hold or very slow.


But, bottomline, I'm happy we have many animations (and downloads) to choose from (or not choose at all and just download all the things). ?

And don't forget to push the like button on the mods/downloads you use ?


PS: There are, occasionally, bundles with lots of mods/animations. I don't know how "official" these are (i.e. if the uploaders asked the creators of the included content). Most bundles include more than animations, though, and considering tastes differ, they are not for everyone. Also mostly outdated, and redownloading the whole bundle for one updated animation isn't ideal, either.

On 6/22/2019 at 4:53 PM, Veniabiit said:



today I stumbled upon a wonderful problem. WW has reached a point where there are so many animators and animations that a casual player of Sims 4 can't possibly keep track of them all.


Every three month or so, mostly due to a new pack, I come here to update my WW-mod. Meaning that I download the latest patch, and go through the downloads down to the point where I last updated the animations. I have been doing this operation since WW came out, and since my post is going to sound a little whiny and entitled, let me first say: Without your work, without WW and all the content for it, and of course this site itself, I wouldn't play this game *at all* anymore. So EA should be thankful too.


But what started out as exciting and new, went from becoming a major inconvinience to a three-hour-operation at minimum now. Since the last time I went through this process a new thing called CNMW appeared, there are animations only for it, there are animations only for certain bodyparts, there are objects and scripts and parts, there is a book worth of desciptions for everything. There are also loads of animations that are not for me, and often three or ten different files with mysterious names, sometimes without a description what they actually contain. There are of course manuals, burried under spoilers and hidden content, and all the while loverslab takes it's and my time to load it. Or not. Ofrentimes it doesn't load it.


So what I'm (almost) complaining about are the showcases the creators absolutely deserve. I mean it. I've done some animations for games myself, and what we look at for 15 seconds took the creators long hours, sometimes days or even weeks. But I still would love to spend far less time figuring out what to download, where to download it, the prerequisites I need, while preventing that I  see the downloaded file only to realize that I already have it.


I also understand why the site itself that is slowing down to a crawl to curb my enthusiasm. I'm writing this while looking at a hypnotic circling symbol that will, one of these days, show me the next download. It's been five minutes now, but I'm not a quitter.


- here endeth the whining -


So answer me these questions three:


1. Is this a problem worth solving?


2. Would the content creators be willing to see their work bundled into one very convenient file, containing credits and patreons, and having me share that file on this site? I haven't contributed *anything* here myself, so it would be my pleasure.


3. actually, I don't have a third question, so just tell me your favorite colour.






1. You will have too many animations in just one pack so if there are animations you do not want it's hard to "remove" (maybe you find a lot of animations from different animators which are "the same" and you can get bored to filter them all)

2. No because each animator put his own effort and creativity to make animations that's why people support them think about if another animator has mi animations in his package, you just need to support him :P will be not fair for the others

3. Blue


Perhaps have animations "packaged" like..all the oral sex, then anal sex, etc...you get my drift....I know that sounds easy and in reality it's not. But I'd like to see it done somehow where we can pick and chose what animations we would want. Or even group it into Straight, Gay, Lesbian, etc.... idk just something easy for us to download..


Loved the reference to Monty Python btw!


I agree that the preview GIF's are a huge headache. On one hand you want them to see if it's a good pack, obviously. I for example will never download a pack that doesn't include animated bouncing tits, because it just looks bad at this point. On the other hand, for those of us just coming in to update, it's a PITA. I'll go through my usual list and it takes ages for all the tabs to load. I have found that it works perfectly well however if you just let the main page load up, and then stop the site from loading all the GIFs. The download button still works.


As for a mega-bundle, while it would be awesome for us, the end-users, I think it would be practically impossible to create, manage, and keep updated. In the end you don't need them all anyhow, I have well over 3500 by now, and I probably have only ever used a fraction of them. In essence, it's a first-world problem, and the hassle and difficulties of having a mega-pack (for the creators, rather than the users) probably will keep it from working.


I just run the ones I find to be top quality and ignore the rest. Amra72, Wild_Guy, Darkos, Error404, Golden88, MotherlodeSims, ooOLaLaWorld and Mike24 are the best available IMO.


I agree that it's a wonderful problem to have...

I'm not bothered in the slightest by the preview animation gifs - they load very quickly on my connection, and I DO prefer the previews.


My main problem is more to do with the way the site is setup. The downloads section doesn't have comments, and not all creators link from the DL to the discussion thread (and sometimes vice versa). I find myself looking at downloads that I might like, but would like to see the discussion about it and it's frustrating to try to find if it's not linked. I've actually gone to creators' profiles to find threads on certain downloads.


I've only recently gotten back into The Sims, so I'm currently "trying to catch them all". I've downloaded some older animations that simply don't show up in game (presumably due to their age).


Perhaps just a sticky thread with links to all "the best" WW animations that's kept up to date with updates and new animations and notes about older/incompatible animations would work... but someone would have to maintain it, which might be a PITA.


I also agree that the creators are precious treasures for the great work that they're doing.



ETA: I just noticed this:


... so I'm a moron.


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