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female character's body is replaced with Male torso during sex anims

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Hi all, I just got started trying out the AAF frameworks and finally got the sex animations to load for the AAF violation mod, however two issues.


1. My female Player character's torso is replaced with a male torso

2. Male actors during the scene only wear underwear



I followed the instructions for AAF violate and installed all the necessary mods in the order they recommended, here is my load order.


  0  0     Fallout4.esm
  1  1     DLCRobot.esm
  2  2     DLCworkshop01.esm
  3  3     DLCCoast.esm
  4  4     DLCworkshop02.esm
  5  5     DLCworkshop03.esm
  6  6     DLCNukaWorld.esm
  7  7     DLCUltraHighResolution.esm
  8  8     Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
  9  9     SpringCleaning.esm
 10  a     ArmorKeywords.esm
 11  b     JonsMod.esm
 12  c     NAC.esm
 13  d     SimSettlements.esm
 14  e     Games.esm
 15  f     BarstoolGames.esm
 16 10     TrueStormsFO4.esm
 17 11     TortureDevices.esm
 18 12     Devious Devices.esm
 19 13     AAF.esm
 20 14     CumNWealth.esp
 21 15     TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp
 22 16     NAC-FarHarbor.esp
 23 17     NAC-NukaWorld.esp
 24 18     ToughGirlAttire.esp
 25 19     Bryson's LaTeX FaNTaSY v2.esp
 26 1a     HairVariations_FairyTails.esp
 27 1b     HairVariations_Sophisticate.esp
 28 1c     KSHairdos.esp
 29 1d     KSHairdos_oel.esp
 30 1e     More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp
 31 1f     SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp
 32 20     LooksMenu.esp
 33 21     The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
 34 22     TheEyesOfBeauty.esp
 35 23     Armorsmith Extended.esp
 36 24     Unique NPCs.esp
 37 25     BetterSettlers.esp
 38 26     BetterSettlersHeavyArmorOnly.esp
 39 27     CBBE.esp
 40 28     FortHope.esp
 41 29     SOTS.esp
 42 2a     SalemEXPANDED.esp
 43 2b     FemsheppingsCliffsideHome.esp
 44 2c     Unique NPCs FarHarbor.esp
 45 2d     Unique NPCs_Red Rocket Settlements.esp
 46 2e     Unique NPCs_SpecialSettlers_All.esp
 47 2f     MsAbominations.esp
 48 30     The Lost Vault.esp
 49 31     Deviously Cursed Wasteland.esp
 50 32     bbprepatch.esp
 51 33     DWUK_LexingtonInteriors.esp
 52 34     TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp
 53 35     DX Courser X-92 Power Suit.esp
 54 36     ESPExplorerFO4.esp
 55 37     HAAS Automatron Replacer AE 2LM Edition.esp
 56 38     HAAS Core Replacer AE 2LM Edition.esp
 57 39     HAAS Far Harbor Replacer AE 2LM Edition.esp
 58 3a     HAAS Nuka World Replacer AE 2LM Edition.esp
 59 3b     Modern Assassin.esp
 60 3c     TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp
 61 3d     Spartan-Calyps.esp
 62 3e     AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp
 63 3f     Glowing Animals Emit Light.esp
 64 40     Mikasa Wasteland .esp
 65 41     LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
 66 42     GITS_suit_by_OniNigma.esp
 67 43     HorizonParasite1.4Patch.esp
 68 44     Rage_XOF_armor_pack.esp
 69 45     four_play.esp
 70 46     AAF_Violate.esp
 71 47     RohZima_RealAnimatedPoses.esp
 72 48     FO4_AnimationsByLeito.esp
 73 49     EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
 74 4a     Fallout 4 Plus 1.1.esp



16 hours ago, baggles44 said:

The esp for the four play animation framework.

the problem with male's with underwear can be solved by removing  Unique NPCs (this is a known issue with it and sex mods).  Remove FourPlay as you have no mods using it. Reinstall AAF and the animations, rebuild your CBBE body and you should be good.  ( AAF and looksmenu have been updated to the latest FSE now)

14 minutes ago, mashup47 said:

the problem with male's with underwear can be solved by removing  Unique NPCs (this is a known issue with it and sex mods).  Remove FourPlay as you have no mods using it. Reinstall AAF and the animations, rebuild your CBBE body and you should be good.  ( AAF and looksmenu have been updated to the latest FSE now)

Whoever does the keeping up with the Compatibility Patch really needs to get rid of the Proxy and Fourplay .ESP out of there. I go through this same conversation 3-4X a week. Apparently the only reason its left in there is for modders if they want to mess around with the two of the frameworks. Ritual has a warning or heads up, whatever you want to call it, but if they don't come across his heads up, they are not going to know any better. Any person who is a modder for AAF or anything related to AAF, I'm pretty sure already has copies of them, and if not could get their hands on them easily enough.


It just causes more confusion than its worth to leave them in there imo.


Also have no idea why people just don't use Looksmenu Body Gen. It works flawlessly and provides different bodies for everybody no problem. Unique NPC is riddled with problems for AAF like you mentioned. There should almost be a sticky somewhere to give people a heads up to try using BodyGen instead, also just my opinion. Lol


Unique NPC also has a shit load of unique Skin Textures it gives to NPCs. Notably it's not the Textures part that's the problem, it's more the mesh part. LooksMenu has a Skin Overlay system, but it only affects the Player. 


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