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help with enboost


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Basically the issue i have that enboost wont start multiples of it self to take care of ram on LE skyrim. Ive been disabling this that and anything that i can to try to see but  it never wants to start  a new enbhost to take up the ram.enblocal.ini 

thats my enblocal and plenty have said its fine way it is and ive mesed with settings nearly every day and yet have found why a new enbhost wont start. ive already verified that skyim never gets above 2.6gb of ram but since the enbhost wont start a new of itself it will fill up then crash the game since it has no where to dump itself.


Your enblocal is incorrectly configured for ENBoost.


UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=false [This should be true for ENBoost]


And that is just for starters. The Memory section is a mess.

Read this



You might want to read this also:



9 hours ago, sidfu said:

Ive been disabling this that and anything that i can

That is a very stupid way of trouble-shooting a problem.

3 hours ago, Grey Cloud said:


UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=false [This should be true for ENBoost]

this disable any grahpics u get from enb

SpeedHack=true is what u use when u want to use the graphics of the enb and enboost together

memory section if fine as ive already tried every single memory setting out there as there are only x number of them. the current setting is just a setting i tried and had same results of all he other settings

no idea why everyone links always to the step even when it had nothing related to their issue im having which is enb related not skyrim related

3 hours ago, Grey Cloud said:

That is a very stupid way of trouble-shooting a problem.

no that is a very valid way to trouble shoot when u have tried eveything else u can find. remember this is for my persnaol use not to pass a exam for disarming nukes. every person has a differn way they will trouble shoot. i tend o try small random things while keeping a backup of the orginal to see what happens.



remember my issue is that enboost wont run mutiple of the enbhost exe so it cant manage the ram. it still runs the enbhost thou.


1 hour ago, sidfu said:

remember my issue is that enboost wont run mutiple of the enbhost exe so it cant manage the ram. it still runs the enbhost thou.

Your issue is that you have ENBoost configured incorrectly and will not listen to good advice, preferring to talk absolute shit instead.


1 hour ago, sidfu said:

every person has a differn way they will trouble shoot.

There is only one correct way and that is methodically and systematically. That applies to any trouble-shooting not just ot Skyrim or computers.

53 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

Your issue is that you have ENBoost configured incorrectly and will not listen to good advice, preferring to talk absolute shit instead.

i haven't talked shit about anything i just stated facts.

next u haven't given no advice yet. u just said this is wrong yet didnt say HOW its wrong. i mean while would love to have telepathy to read your mind to grab that advice  i dont think ive developed it yet.  or have i?


on the memory section
step guides formulas tried them same result
 al those weird ones going win 10 minus x to get x ram formulas tried all those using differ maxes people said or dont say worked.
thus is what the enb ram test gives me

ive tried that in all those calculations also. the only thing i think i havent tried is striping naked and put ona pink wig then dance in the street naked whilel chanting  enbhost over and over.


if u know what the issue is and how to fix by al means post your enb file for me to try. as i said right now im at the point that ima need to sacrafice the first born again to see if that get it working :P

and u have to forgive me if it feels like im being sarcastic it helps pay for all the keyboards checked across the room trying to fix this last instablity in my skyrim



"i haven't talked shit about anything i just stated facts."


"this disable any grahpics u get from enb"
No. 'False' is the setting for when you use an ENB preset (i.e. you are not using it without graphics). ENBoost is the memory management tool. An ENB preset is what you need for the fancy graphics.


"SpeedHack=true is what u use when u want to use the graphics of the enb and enboost together"

Wrong. See above and this below:

From the S.T.E.P. ENBoost guide:
<-- Note this is for ENBoost so it is 'without graphics' so therefore it is true.

"if u know what the issue is and how to fix by al means post your enb file for me to try"
I told you what the issue is - your enblocal is incorrectly configured.
My enblocal will be no use to you as 1. I use an ENB, 2. I am running W7 and 3. You have no idea of how much RAM or VRAM I have.

You are not sarcastic you are a fool who has ignored the solution to his problem.



hmm i think we might be on different pages here.
im trying to get enbhost(enboost) to run with having the enb preset running not by itself.

11 minutes ago, sidfu said:

hmm i think we might be on different pages here.
im trying to get enbhost(enboost) to run with having the enb preset running not by itself. 

We might be on different planets here. What does the above mean? Are you running ENBoost or an ENB?

If you are trying to run ENBoost then you should see something like this:




The red text is correct but there should be more of it (not sure, it has been a while since I used just ENBoost).



If you are trying to run an ENB (i.e. and ENB preset) you should see something like this:




The white text is correct aand that is the full text.



Which, if any do you see? Can you post a screenshot?



im trying to run a enb preset basicaly the second pick u posted. the rudy one in fact is the one im trying to run. from my understanding the enboost(enbhost.exe) should run multiple version of itself to  take the texture ram off the skyrim.exe or is it that if u use a preset u cant get the mutiple running ? my issue is that the enboost(enbhost.exe) will keep filling up and never start a second one to help with the texture ram then it fill up and i get OOM crash even thou the skyrim.exe never goes past 2.6gb of ram



It will only create other instances of itself if it needs them. The fact that you get CTDs may not be related to enbhost.

Do you have Crash Fixes 12 installed? If not you should have.


Crash Fixes



SKSE Plug-in Preloader (I also recommend this)



Follow the S.T.E.P. guide for setting up your Skyrim so it is stable.



Follow the S.T.E.P. guide for configuring an ENB. Do not listen to what 'people' say.



Follow the instructions for installing and configuring Rudy ENB. Never used it myself - far too dark for my old eyes. Do not use the enblocal.ini which comes with Rudy (if one does). Or at least make sure you configure it for your machine as per S.T.E.P.




yep i use crash fixes and the preloader.  its the crash fixes that gives the popup saying ran out of memory.
this is how it loosk like after flllowing step guide which ive did before.enblocal.ini

this is the message crash fixes gives me when it says OOM


 Skyrim has failed to allocate memory! Possibly running out of memory. Size / alignment of object being allocated was 5592560 / 0. Some things you can try:

1. Make sure ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=true is set in enblocal.ini - if you don't have ENB then install ENBoost and enable this option.

2. Try set AlignHeapAllocate=0 in CrashFixPlugin.ini - if you get additional crashes then put back to 1.

3. If it's during ShowRaceMenu then close the menu from time to time to free memory.

4. Enable CustomMemoryBlock in CrashFixPlugin.ini to reduce memory fragmentation.

5. If it's during ShowRaceMenu then disable UseOSAllocators=1 and re-enable after character creation is completed.



64gb of ram and the vid card is 8gb total ram

well the ram issue has to be cause the enboost wotn stat a new task. ive seen it get to 3.9gb on the enbhost  with skyrim.exe still at 2.5ish gb range and it still wont have a new one started or the new one will be a whole 50mb or such and never increase then game crash saying OOM.


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