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Converting SUM 1.2.1 for SSE

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Good Evening All,

     Downloaded SUM 1.2.1 after being advised to convert to SSE myself. I am not new to Skyrim or SSE from a user aspect, using mods, creating merge files, etc. I am somewhat new as far as converting items. I read the articles out there and I have all the tools. CK, SSEdit, TES5, Wyre Bash just not totally proficient. According to what I read what it sounds like is you install in a mod manager and then open Bash. In Bash select SUM right click and then select espify. The next step is to save and then reopen bash, pull the file up, and then esmify and you're done. The issue I ran into is either I missed a step or espify was greyed out in bash. Currently using DDEquip 3.50 which doesn't require SUM but would much rather be using the newer version. Any help or advice with converting SUM or providing a SUM SSE file would be greatly appreciated.



16 hours ago, llokii70 said:

I am in bash now and the only esp option I have is copy to esp which I figured was not the same as espify

You can copy it to esp, delete the old esm, re-save the new esp, and then copy to esm and delete the esp.


Thanks thought about that just wasn't sure if copy to esp could achieve the same, however someone actually upped the se in reference to one of my posts. Good thing to know though anyways for future knowledge

  • 3 months later...


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