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Anyone familiar with Unity? (Increasing Polycount)


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So, Unity, I'm trying to find a way to use it to increase the polygon count on a mesh with the .FBX format (which itself was extracted from a Unity engine game, from a Unity3d file format). So, in Unity itself I can import (or even drag and drop into it) the mesh just fine. I see it, it shows up along with the textures that goes with it. Now... I want to increase the number of polygons (well, Vertices / Faces, whatever the tech term is; essentially making the model look better and less 'blocky').



On Google, all I'm seeing regarding Unity and LOD / Mesh / Polycount stuff is about decreasing Polygons count. What I want is to increase it. I haven't found any 'Component' (plugins for Unity) that would allow me to do that (there are some for decreasing Polycount but not increasing, to repeat myself here).


Is there any way I can do that? If so, please let me know! (If you know of a guide for doing just that please just give me the link and I'll try to inform myself; I just can't find anything on Google about increasing polygon count of a mesh in Unity, at all).


Thank you very much!

16 hours ago, Molokkx said:

On Google, all I'm seeing regarding Unity and LOD / Mesh / Polycount


hey, Molokkx, 

i might be wrong here, but i believe you ought to use an external 3D modelling software so to increase the polygons count.
if so, the best choice available is Blender — a free app that reads from and writes to Autodesk's .FBX —; other commercial options i'm aware of are Cinema 4D, SoftImage 3D, LightWave 3D, and 3D Studio MAX.

hope this helps.

10 hours ago, ZenBuddhist said:


hey, Molokkx, 

i might be wrong here, but i believe you ought to use an external 3D modelling software so to increase the polygons count.
if so, the best choice available is Blender — a free app that reads from and writes to Autodesk's .FBX —; other commercial options i'm aware of are Cinema 4D, SoftImage 3D, LightWave 3D, and 3D Studio MAX.

hope this helps.


Thanks for your reply!


Ok so I tried Blender (the latest stable version that is, not the newer Beta). At first, I looked around (inside Blender) to open the .FBX file but I couldn't see anything that would allow me to open such files. However, I did find a plugin for it which allows importing .FBX files (in Blender). But, it doesn't work? For some reason. Literally nothing happens. I browse inside Blender to where it says 'open FBX file', I then browse to the location on my HDD to find the file, left-click it and then "open" it... but literally nothing happens. It doesn't appear anywhere on the screen, it remains the default grid and nothing else.


I'll keep looking around for Blender but if it doesn't work I'll try the other programs you mentioned.

17 hours ago, ZenBuddhist said:


hey, Molokkx,

first of all: you're welcome.
try opening the .FBX file through the Menu ---> Files ---> Import/Export option.
i believe it'll work this way.

cheers, mate.


Yep that's what I do, and nothing happens :(


Blender does see the file itself (from the Import option), I browse to the file's location and it does show up, and then I double left-click on it and... nothing happens. All I see is the usual default scene grid with the grey cube at the center on the screen in Blender and nothing else.

2 hours ago, Molokkx said:


Yep that's what I do, and nothing happens :(


Blender does see the file itself (from the Import option), I browse to the file's location and it does show up, and then I double left-click on it and... nothing happens. All I see is the usual default scene grid with the grey cube at the center on the screen in Blender and nothing else.

Its probably in a fbx format Blender no longer recognizes. You can use a tool like Autodesk's FBX Converter to the model to a newer format (I recommend the 2013 format). Though once you do get the model imported in Blender I'm not sure if there is any automated way of increasing the polycount. But I could be wrong, never actually tried it myself.


Anyways, welcome to the world of game design! Expect a lot of weird little headaches like this to pop up constantly. Good luck.

58 minutes ago, MrEsturk said:

Its probably in a fbx format Blender no longer recognizes. You can use a tool like Autodesk's FBX Converter to the model to a newer format (I recommend the 2013 format). Though once you do get the model imported in Blender I'm not sure if there is any automated way of increasing the polycount. But I could be wrong, never actually tried it myself.


Anyways, welcome to the world of game design! Expect a lot of weird little headaches like this to pop up constantly. Good luck.


Thanks a lot!


However... yes, another problem, lol. I'm really just out of luck with this.


So I got that converter, it works (well I mean the converter itself works). I add my FBX file, and hit Convert (everything seems to be ready from the get go, doesn't look like I have to edit anything prior to converting; unless of course I'm missing something important), and then all it does is create a new folder at the file's location, and a text file appears in that folder with this message in it (it's a log file):

"Call to FbxImporter::Import() failed. Error: File is corrupted"


Wow... really? Oh well. If there's a way to "repair" it, then I wouldn't know how (I guess it's yet another program I'd have to get somewhere). If it matters to mention, it's a mesh file coming from the game Honey Select, by Illusion. It's a Unity-based game, and the game files are using the Unity3D format which I've learned with some research used to be accessible in an old way by using web browser plugins. However, it's supposedly not possible to do that anymore.


Now, I myself am using a separate mod which allows opening Unity3D files, and when I do that I can export meshes. When they are exported, they are exported under the FBX format. If the file then becomes "corrupted" in the eyes of Blender and/or FBX tools out there then I suppose that the problem is originating from the export methodology of the mod I'm using,


I'll check again in the mod itself to see if maybe I could check something I missed (maybe a check box or some option or something prior to exporting). If not, then I guess I'll be stuck with blocky meshes. I basically want to change two meshes. The first one is the default Honey Select female body mesh (overall it's "fine", but the blockyness starts to show up too much when zooming in closer to the butt, the hands and the feet; the rest of the body is ok though), and the second one is the mesh of a rigged penis mesh (made by modders). But anyway none of this will matter if every time I export those files they become corrupted.




Alright so it appears that the mod I am using to export meshes did, after all, offer different Exporting options (different file formats basically). The default one, the one I chose previously (which gave that 'Corrupted' error message) happens to be "FBX 2018.1.1". So... that one is obviously not good to be used in other programs (and not good either when trying to convert it). But among the other Export format options to choose from I saw one called "Collada (FBX)". I thought that since there's "FBX" in the name of that new format I'd try it. So I exported the mesh under that new format.


The resulting Exported file then has a new file extension, namely a .DAE file. There was actually an option in Blender to Import a "DAE" file so I tried that and... guess what? Nothing happened again! LOL ... anyway... no big surprises there. Fine, I thought. Then I'll try that Converter again. Lo and behold, this time I COULD, actually, convert the DAE file into an FBX file! No error message, and a green-colored confirmation that it worked instead appeared in the converter window to the right. Cool! Right? Well... (oh the suspense builds up now...)


So I then go in Blender again and try to Import that newly-converted FBX file. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaannd? It. Doesn't. Work.


Nothing happens, nothing appears. But there's no error message either, or no sound or no warning. Just... nothingness ensues.


So, quite officially right now all I can say is this: I don't get it.




Alright so I've managed to find a way to import meshes into Blender.


Now, back to trying to get more polygons! It turns out that there's a couple of ways to go about it, but one in particular is rather straightforward and gives - overall - pretty nice results (or at least that's the stuff I was looking for mostly in terms of results).


It's a method (and a feature in Blender) called 'Subdivision'.


Now here's the thing with Subdivision (at least from what I've checked around about it but I'm VERY amateur at this so yes I am most definitely missing something). With each addition of a Subdivision multiplier (starts at 1, and then can go beyond if the system can keep up with it; because it's very demanding past a value of 3 for me) it DOES technically sort of "add" vertices and faces (well, polygons I suppose, overall) since it divides the original number into a greater one.




To my surprise, simply having more polygons does NOT 'smooth out' the physical shape of the mesh into something less blocky or "more round", per se. I looked around a bit more until I found out that right under the Subdivision feature there's another little effect called "Smooth" (as simple as that, yes) and THAT one, combined with Subdivision DOES actually smooth out the polygons' shape and makes the mesh considerably more... well, smooth, and round; and less blocky. In other words it makes good use of all those new faces and vertices added by the Subdivision effect.


HOWEVER... even though it does smooth out the whole mesh... it also then creates problems and this is where the main meal of this new post of mine comes into play.


It turns out that using Sub (even just set at default of 1) + Smooth at 1.00 (which is the best maximum result; beyond 1.00 it appears to actually start deforming the mesh, so for me 1.00 is the max but also the best result so far) actually causes "cracks", and seams and new 'opened' regions on the mesh itself. It even creates "holes" in some places. I took some pics for examples:


#1 In this picture, it's the default mesh, no changes; just showing how it looks like when just clicking on Edit mode to start doing changes (the initial number of Edges, Faces, etc, is shown at the top next to the Blender version number).




#2 In this one, it's how it looks like after JUST applying 1x Subdivision and nothing else (no Smoothing yet), at this point there's more polys, but no overall changes to the actual physical shape (I.E. no 'roundness', still as blocky overall as it used to) BUT... the mesh is still physically intact.




#3 Now, in this one, this is the result after applying Smoothness (at 1.00). This now shows what I was talking about earlier (the cracks and the seams in the mesh start appearing where they did not exist before).




#4 Just more examples of those cracks and straight seams forming in the mesh (mostly the edges or extremities like the Toes' tips, Finger's tips, the extremity of the Nipples and some other places like that).




#5 A closer example of what I mentioned above (about the extremities of the mesh being significantly affected by the issues).




#6 Ok here is the ONLY way, so far, I found to "fix" the problem BUT it is waaaay too long and also very inaccurate at times. Which is to go in Edit mode and right click on specific regions of the polygons manually to edit their placements (via Transformations on the 3D Axis, or Rotation, etc). I think it would take me a solid week just fixing all of it (not everything is seen from just these few pics believe me; there's way more and at places it's sometimes very tough to even spot at all).






Here I ask for some guidance and help for a complete newb at this (and newb at Blender).


How do I prevent (if at all possible) those seams and cracks from happening WHILE also basically having the Sub + Smooth effects applied? And, if it is NOT actually possible to prevent that from happening, then is there any FASTER, more efficient way to fix those issues in the mesh than just going in Edit mode and manually fiddle with the very polygons themselves almost one by one for a whole month? Please, tell me Blender is as powerful as I'm sure it is and I've simply missed an important step or there's something I'm simply not aware of that can very easily fix it all.


Thank you to anyone reading this! And maybe also taking their time to help!

18 hours ago, Molokkx said:

Thank you to anyone reading this

hey, Molokkx,


since i read your post through, i believe i'll get only half "thank you." :) 

this seems to be a geometry issue. since the mesh was converted to a format then re-converted into another so Blender was able read it, the mesh probably got modified or even corrupted along the way. we can't exclude the possibility of a flawed design as well.

yet, it might be the way Blender's camera interprets the object(s). even though i'm not familiar with Blender's camera(s), this might help: 
• set the object to the center of the grid floor (global X, Y, Z = 0 point);
• size up all scene and move Camera on Local Z axis while you get the same region in camera view;
• set focal length to around 50 ~ 70, this will make view look closer to ortho (which you had before — due to camera being close to the objects);
• use Blender Internal to render the scene instead of Cycles (note: the latter is a physically based renderer, whereas Blender Internal is a camera-based one).
see if the issue continues to exist.

hope this helps.



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