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On 7/21/2023 at 9:36 PM, Mushano said:

Here, I noticed it has been heavily modified from what I once put out, so it would be really hard to scrub things. I'll give you a somewhat clean one that I use for creatures. You can test it out and see if it works for you. Maybe it is a VR thing though.

The naming is "Creature-Aggressor-Male-Victim-Oral Sex-Start", so you can guess what it is supposed to be used for. To change it to male or female oriented, you can just change the 

["actor_getgender", "$self"],
["if", "$$", "!=", "0", "end"],

line near the beginning to 1 instead of 0. Text flavour is all up to you though!

c-a-m-v-oral-start.json 9.17 kB · 1 download


Thanks! I noticed it uses SLSO though which doesn't work well in VR.  Can I just delete those lines?  And yep, it looks way different then the first iteration you posted.


Update: darn, it didn't work. I did see that you switched actor positions in the code where the creature was 1 and the partner was 2.  I tried doing that to the original creature triggers but it didn't do anything.


If you have a sec, can you take a look at my version of Aggressive female?  All I did was add dialogue so I'm not sure why only FM vaginal works and none of the rest.  But maybe it's just one of those VR things.


Edited by kamithemoon
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Hi, I made a new version of cum effect.


I use spell to avoid redress bug.


You've got an esl flagged esp to get all the effect and a set of triggers rules.


3 effects availables :


- Mouth cum leaking  (meant to be used on male orgasm and oral sex)

- Milk squirt

- Pussy squirt


Last ones are meant to be used on female orgasm.


SL Triggers cum effects.zip


If someone find a way to apply a slavetats using trigger, i'm interested. I tried with 'event bridge' but with no success (got the tats as applied in the slavetats MCM but not on the NPC or it was transparent)

Edited by Nevropath
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On 7/25/2023 at 11:07 PM, kamithemoon said:


Thanks! I noticed it uses SLSO though which doesn't work well in VR.  Can I just delete those lines?  And yep, it looks way different then the first iteration you posted.


Update: darn, it didn't work. I did see that you switched actor positions in the code where the creature was 1 and the partner was 2.  I tried doing that to the original creature triggers but it didn't do anything.


If you have a sec, can you take a look at my version of Aggressive female?  All I did was add dialogue so I'm not sure why only FM vaginal works and none of the rest.  But maybe it's just one of those VR things.

Aggressor-F-start.json 30.7 kB · 1 download

Okay. I know where your problem lies.


So one problem with this earlier version, and the reason why I think I split it into multiple categories, is because I didn't realize that SLTriggers had a goto limit back then.


SLTriggers only supports up to 32 goto labels per command file. You'll have to split it into chunks and just have it trigger under certain conditions like Anal, Vaginal, Oral in the MCM menu, or by gender, or just have them all under the same conditions but multiple command files and have the filters put in so they skip to the end if they don't make the conditions.


You'll know almost instantaneously if you've setup the command correctly because if there is even a single syntax error in the file, nothing will work from it. If even one line works when the command is called, then technically the file is readable by SLTriggers and runs through perfectly.

Edited by Mushano
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On 7/1/2023 at 1:12 PM, Fotogen said:

Does not exist in papyrus script. You can use console command (script supports that). But its glitchy. Gender will change.  But only body' not head. So you end up as girl with dudes head or dude with girls head.


Theres a mod on this forums (cursed transformation something) that tries to fix this 'head' problem with undocumented Racemenu functions, but its also glitchy.


Unrelated to the quoted post but I just wanted to say thank you for making this mod.


There are way too many mods where people try to do too much and it ends up taking away from their mod more than it adds and I love mods like this where it's minimal and modular but you can still do almost anything with it. I've already used this mod to replace 3 mods in full, and half of like 4 other mods.


Out of curiosity, have you considered removing some of the commands that come with the mod like


and just replacing everything (or almost everything) with the console stuff instead?

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Hey everyone, I would like to create a condition where, if the scene's tag is "aggressive" (or similar), it sets the `setrelationshiprank` of the value of the NPC to -4. The goal is to make things a bit more immersive, e.g., if your player rapes someone, this should be reflected in how the NPC perceives you. Do you have any idea on how to do this? All I have for now is the following but it doesn't seem to work.


    "cmd" :
        ["console", "setrelationshiprank", "$actor", "-4"]


Edited by Commander_
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Why don't you use the trigger native command about setting relationship rank ?


["actor_setrelation", "$self", "$partner", "-4"],


By the way, depending on what you want you can just setup trigger to use this simple command when player is aggressor in the MCM.


If you want something more subtle, something like that should do it :


["sl_hastag", "aggresive"],
["if", "$$", "=", "0", "End"],

["actor_setrelation", "$self", "$partner", "-4"],

[":", "End"]


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Hello. A pretty cool idea came to mind while using your mod.

There's no reason why the goal of a game should be to win.

If there would be a mod that makes player lose and could give the player some direction so that defeat-like mods can go beyond just playing animation and serve as a game objective, it could be cool.

There are many good modders making SL mods, but you, the creator of the SL Triggers mod, seem to could be the best at making this mod than anyone else.

Dovahkiin's Tragedy ( A tentative title )

Quest mode that the main menu appears when player is raped by an enemy or enemies after blackout screen and if random quest's conditions like location, level, equipment, completed main quest stage and enemy's species, number of killed enemies in the location, health percentage (for defeat-like mod triggered by power attack or bash) are met.

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On 5/25/2023 at 2:01 PM, dweezer said:

I think it's because it's still feeding in a value in and I didn't set anything to specifically clear out morphs (or how to handle zeroing out a morph). For this attachment, I did just add in a commandlet for clearing all morphs in one go on an actor as a quick-fix, and you don't have to give a value to do so. Let me know if you need a command for only one morph at a time as well.


Usage: "actor_body", "$self" / "$partner", "clearmorphs"





I tried to use your modification.


Augmenting a morph works pretty well, but there is no way to make reduce whatever commands I tried (your clearmorphs commandlet or some I tried to implement by modifying your code. See attachment)


getmorph return me a 0.0 value afterward but no viewable result on screen.


Any clue ?




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13 hours ago, Nevropath said:




I tried to use your modification.


Augmenting a morph works pretty well, but there is no way to make reduce whatever commands I tried (your clearmorphs commandlet or some I tried to implement by modifying your code. See attachment)


getmorph return me a 0.0 value afterward but no viewable result on screen.


Any clue?

I *think* I see what was happening. I wasn't calling UpdateModelWeight within the commandlets, so Nioverride wasn't forcing a new render during the function call. I've amended that for both functions, and also added in a if / else switch for if the value  of the specific morph ends up zero as to clear it out (I believe that negative values can be passed as a string, but I could be wrong).



sl_triggersCmd.pex sl_triggersCmd.psc

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@dweezer, Thanks,


I made my version working yesterday.


UpdateModelWeight, made it works and there is a trick about the value to pass to the SetBodyMorph function to go back to the initial size. See below


2 things :


- Each tests I 've done with the morphbody and a negative value to reduce morph size didn't work. Looks like the 'as float' function doesn't take account of the '-'. The NPC finished with gigantic boobs instead of going back to normal. 

- Don't know why, but to go back to the initial size I have to apply a negative morph value equivalent to the positive value applied previously. Going to 0.0 is not enough

Exemple : if Inflated morph size is 3.0 and I decrease it gradually to go back to normal, my target value must be -3.0, not 0.0


I'll give a try to the clearmorph function and maybe I'll publish a merge with my modification too.

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17 hours ago, Nevropath said:

@dweezer, Thanks,


I made my version working yesterday.


UpdateModelWeight, made it works and there is a trick about the value to pass to the SetBodyMorph function to go back to the initial size. See below


2 things :


- Each tests I 've done with the morphbody and a negative value to reduce morph size didn't work. Looks like the 'as float' function doesn't take account of the '-'. The NPC finished with gigantic boobs instead of going back to normal. 

- Don't know why, but to go back to the initial size I have to apply a negative morph value equivalent to the positive value applied previously. Going to 0.0 is not enough

Exemple : if Inflated morph size is 3.0 and I decrease it gradually to go back to normal, my target value must be -3.0, not 0.0


I'll give a try to the clearmorph function and maybe I'll publish a merge with my modification too.

Sounds promising. I'd be interested in what JSON files you created and the triggers you set for those, if you please.


Edit to add: I think I have a way to include checking for negative using StringUtil and keeping things as one commandlet


ssva1 = Nioverride.GetBodyMorph(mate,ss2,"sl_triggers")
if (StringUtil.getNthChar(param[4], 0) == "-")	; check if the first char is negative - not sure if the sign is saved during resolve, so bypassing that for the check
	ssva1 -=ss3 as float
	ssva1 +=ss3 as float
if ssva1 == 0.0000
	Nioverride.ClearBodyMorph(mate, ss2, "sl_triggers")
	Nioverride.SetBodyMorph(mate, ss2, "sl_triggers", ssva1)

Let me know how that works for you.

Edited by dweezer
Adding code
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9 hours ago, dweezer said:

Let me know how that works for you.

Here is what I've done and JSON setting to use them.


Can't make the clearmorph function working... 


Added a function 'reducemorphbody' (which is your morphbody function with a conversion to a negative value)


ex :        ["actor_body", "$partner", "reducemorphbody", "Breasts", "2"], 


Function wait for a positive value.


Be careful : if you want to go back to the initial size, the value to use to reduce the morph should be twice the one you used to augment it (from the test i've done. Don't know why and how the calculation are done.)


For exemple :

- Inflate :

        ["actor_body", "$partner", "morphbody", "Breasts", "3"],

- Deflate :

        ["actor_body", "$partner", "reducemorphbody", "Breasts", "6"],


Here is all my files, feel free to use it how you want

sl_triggersCmd.psc sl_triggersCmd.pex Boobs clearing.json Boobs inflate.json Boobs restore.json

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
16 hours ago, Fotogen said:

Get Arousal level?  No. As far as I know, you have to call a script function inside Arousal mod. As I don't use that mod, I never bothered to implement it.


Thank you so much for your fast reply!


And is there a way to check at which SL slot/position is actor, during animation?


I need one command to cover both options where player can be aggressor but also other times can be victim, so I can't use menu option to filter it at the start.

Edited by wegaming
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  • 2 weeks later...

Im trying to find a mod that will make the player character (or any other npc maybe) have a crying/sobbing texture on their face when they are a Victum. This mod seems like it might be able to do that if I could figure out how to apply the textures. I know slavetats has some and there have been a few people asking if slavetats can be triggered from this mod, but looks like thats a no go still.


Anyone have any suggestions where I should start?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/26/2023 at 8:10 PM, Nevropath said:

Hi, I made a new version of cum effect.


I use spell to avoid redress bug.


You've got an esl flagged esp to get all the effect and a set of triggers rules.


3 effects availables :


- Mouth cum leaking  (meant to be used on male orgasm and oral sex)

- Milk squirt

- Pussy squirt


Last ones are meant to be used on female orgasm.


SL Triggers cum effects.zip 12.99 kB · 47 downloads


If someone find a way to apply a slavetats using trigger, i'm interested. I tried with 'event bridge' but with no success (got the tats as applied in the slavetats MCM but not on the NPC or it was transparent)


These are great! I'm just wondering if they effets are supposed to be glowing brightly with a hint of purple, or do I have a missing texture bug?

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13 hours ago, alofsofme said:


These are great! I'm just wondering if they effets are supposed to be glowing brightly with a hint of purple, or do I have a missing texture bug?


Sorry, I forgot the texture when packaging. 


You can take it from ZAZ pack or wait a bit to let me correct that

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/22/2023 at 12:52 PM, wegaming said:

Quick question,

How can I load to "$$" arousal level?
I've been searching everywhere, if someone knows, please let me know too. :)

There is actually a simple way to get arousal. Arousal is stored as a faction rank.


So just use:

["actor_getfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:03FC36"],

and it'll pull the arousal value from there.

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Hey everyone, 

I have a question I’m trying to make a trigger that speeds up time.  I copied the time slow json file, renamed it time fast and changed sgtm from .5 to 2.0.  I haven’t been able to get it to work. Am I missing a step or am I way just off in thinking I could do it just like that.



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On the first page:

Time Slow.json: slows global time by 50%. Resets time to normal at the end. Uses console command (must have ConsoleUtilSSE plugin)


Its a simple script. It activates skyrims console command.

Only thing I can think of is:

- you do not have a working ConsoleUtil plugin

- .json doesn't start. Wrong conditions in MCM, bad .json format?


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