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Any harm converting these Adult mods to form 44?

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9 hours ago, Garolding said:

Yeah, re-reading my original I can see where you'd think I was only considering formIDs, but I meant it as in addition to the index you mentioned. In either case the problem is scripts using broken references to converted mods.

It's a bit more nuanced than that.   Mods which reference other converted mods in scripts by formids will break when those converted mods have their formid's compressed to turn into an ESL.

The converted mods can also have their own scripts break if they reference their own internal formid's that have since been changed by the renumbering.

If the converted mod is called by modevents from other mods, rather than formid's, then they should still work as long as the mod is detected.

In addition if a mod doesn't need it's formid's compressing (just needs to be flagged as an ESL) than that should work fine as long as the ESL tagged mod can be detected by other addons that are looking for it.

Which is where the other part of the problem kicks in, how do you detect if a plugin is loaded.

The standard method for identifying if a plugin installed (pre ESL days) was 

If Game.GetModbyName("yourmod.esp") != 255
Then do stuff


Which doesn't find anything that has been flagged as an ESL.


Changing it to something like

If Game.IsPluginInstalled("yourmod.esp")
Then do stuff


Would fix that part of the problem.


In the sosracemenu example (empty pluigin, no formid's that are referenced or need changing), it is only ever referenced in the SOS_SetupQuest_Script provided by schlongs of skyrim.  All it does is tell whether to allow SOS to change schlong sizes via the MCM or instead use racemenu sliders. In the below SOSRacemenu is a boolean variable that has been declared false at the start of the script


Default SOS_SetupQuest_Script (line 155)

Function CheckSOSRacemenuPlugin()
    int modIndex = Game.GetModByName("SOSRaceMenu.esp")
    SOSRaceMenu = modIndex != 255



This could be changed to


Function CheckSOSRacemenuPlugin()
   SOSRacemenu = Game.IsPluginInstalled("SOSRaceMenu.esp")


Once I get the CK to stop complaining about missing source files I will try and recompile this and a few other scripts as well to verify.

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3 hours ago, Grummkol said:


Default SOS_SetupQuest_Script (line 155)

Function CheckSOSRacemenuPlugin()
    int modIndex = Game.GetModByName("SOSRaceMenu.esp")
    SOSRaceMenu = modIndex != 255



This could be changed to


Function CheckSOSRacemenuPlugin()
   SOSRacemenu = Game.IsPluginInstalled("SOSRaceMenu.esp")


Once I get the CK to stop complaining about missing source files I will try and recompile this and a few other scripts as well to verify.

so now I get new SOS_SetupQuest_Script?




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3 hours ago, Grummkol said:


Awesome.  Does SOS stop you from using it's MCM menu to resize the schlong when the plugin is flagged as ESL now?

If it does that's one more space I can squeeze another mod in :)

mmm,,,, I do not know what is wrong, so please you test,, 

because after I change form, then set flag as ESL (with nexus manuall, which I tried before for othe pach only),  and in game MCM, I restart SOS..

now they show set size in MCM menu ^^;   It ok because I keep backup,, so now I return once.

though I am fool enough to check script, but I almost confirm your edit is correctl, so I think if there is another place which need to edit.

to tell SOS,, I install racemenu already.. 


anyway for me all things is good to know (enjoy and learn ), so thanks you tell me where I need to edit.. (I tried once, but could not find

which script I need to edit,,because I serched the place  in xpmse scripts ^^;)



I may try again, if I need to test clean save data, or re-insall XPMSE I feel...

anyway if you can compile but not hope to edit source, I follow Grummkol way,, then compile it, without I miss something, ^^;

so attach script source too.. someone test please,...  because if it work,, we can get one more space ...





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5 hours ago, Grummkol said:


Awesome.  Does SOS stop you from using it's MCM menu to resize the schlong when the plugin is flagged as ESL now?

If it does that's one more space I can squeeze another mod in :)

I think I must need to test with new save data. (or may need to  un-install SOS and XPMSE once )


because even though I return everything, (I actually re-install same SOS, XPMSE use MO2 repalce)  

then use same save  data.  after load save data,  In SOS MCM menu,

I restart SOS.. then I select  one of SOS mesh for PC,, affter all  , now MCM show  "change size"

then  I ccould change SOS size in MCM menu. (but it may cause issue,, I suppose) , and I could change size in racemenu too. 


I clear remember, untill I restart SOS in MCM menu,, the  MCM menu did not show the size setting when I esmify (flag only), and change form with edit script.  so I think,,  there seems no difference, "keep all as same as before"  or "edit script and  add esl flag for  SOSracemenu.esp, 


And I check the SKSE64  game.psc  too.  as you said, I could find IsPluginInstalled function as bool.  (though there is no clear discribe in code)


I use recent version racemenu, SOS, and XPMSE, , so I do not know the script made so (it only check when we first install. then if restart SOS,

it can not check any more)



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21 hours ago, greenmango12 said:

I think I must need to test with new save data. (or may need to  un-install SOS and XPMSE once )


because even though I return everything, (I actually re-install same SOS, XPMSE use MO2 repalce)  

then use same save  data.  after load save data,  In SOS MCM menu,

I restart SOS.. then I select  one of SOS mesh for PC,, affter all  , now MCM show  "change size"

then  I ccould change SOS size in MCM menu. (but it may cause issue,, I suppose) , and I could change size in racemenu too. 


I clear remember, untill I restart SOS in MCM menu,, the  MCM menu did not show the size setting when I esmify (flag only), and change form with edit script.  so I think,,  there seems no difference, "keep all as same as before"  or "edit script and  add esl flag for  SOSracemenu.esp, 


And I check the SKSE64  game.psc  too.  as you said, I could find IsPluginInstalled function as bool.  (though there is no clear discribe in code)


I use recent version racemenu, SOS, and XPMSE, , so I do not know the script made so (it only check when we first install. then if restart SOS,

it can not check any more)




Tested it in a new game with an esl flagged SOSRacemenu.esp and the script does what it's supposed to, when going into the SOS MCM it tells you to use racemenu to change the size for the player



I will be using this moving forward :)

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7 hours ago, Grummkol said:



Tested it in a new game with an esl flagged SOSRacemenu.esp and the script does what it's supposed to, when going into the SOS MCM it tells you to use racemenu to change the size for the player

  Hide contents


I will be using this moving forward :)

I see, congrarutate , and thanks you report?

and thanks you teach us (non skill about script)  with use new SKSE offered function. It hsould effect quite a few mod, which could not change as esl before.


I hope if SOS will be up-dated, after others confirm. of course I change it..(but may need to discribe, not need SOS restart, when user use same save data.

or user may report it not work?  like me.. 


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  • 2 months later...
36 minutes ago, theanarchistotaku said:

so if this is not a problem the form 43 error is there anyway too stop mo2 from moaning at me under notifications? 

On 1/9/2020 at 8:29 PM, dontknowdontcaredontask said:


(...) go to the MO Settings, and in the "Plugins" tab look for "Form 43 Plugin Checker", in the right panel double click in "True" and change it to False. Then press Ok to go back to MO.


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  • 1 year later...

I realize this is over a year old topic, but it's full of useful info. And since it's still very relevant and some extensive research has been done in last few days by DavidJCobb regarding form 43/44, here is a bump with the most recent info:



The short version

  • Version 43 data is only harmful in specific situations. It's not radioactive in the way that much of the community seems to believe.
  • Version 43 data is only different from version 44 data in places where Skyrim Special Edition actually adds new features, and in a small number of places where Bethesda made some very specific mistakes. Bethesda worked hard to make sure that Skyrim Special would properly handle Skyrim Classic data in every case where Bethesda wasn't actually adding new features or functionality.
  • Even official game files for Skyrim Special Edition contain a mixture of data in versions 43 and 44. Forms in official files are read in exactly the same way as forms in modded files, so what works in the former will also work in the latter.
  • Re-saving a file in the Creation Kit is the recommended way to port mods between Skyrim Classic and Skyrim Special.
  • However, without community fixes, re-saving a file in the Creation Kit won't properly convert all data, because Bethesda made some mistakes in specific places.
  • There are xEdit scripts out there that can scan your load order and find all mods that contain version 43 data. As of this writing, these scripts are not advanced enough to identify when that data is actually out of place. Do not assume that everything found by these scripts is broken.
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  • 3 months later...

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