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AAF for beginners: Step by step (Outdated)

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15 hours ago, Kythana said:


In my build it was Unique NPC. I removed it for the tests and the boxer shorts vanished completely.


Regarding the command TGM (thats the one you implied). It would break quite a few functions of the mods i'll have to test. I'm proud of not using, with the exception of modpos, disable, and markfordelete in building mode, any other console commands. It would ruin the game for me and then this guide/list wouldn't exist at all.


Not TGM, which is full invulnerability plus others.  TIM is "toggle immortal mode" which in some other games is referred to as undeath.  You can still take damage, just not die outright.  It does cause severe issues if you get caught in a finisher kill animation though.

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Sorry, don't know a solution for that.





OK, than thats a command i didn't know about. 




Redownloading the stuff NMM doesn't recognize, then sorting the files into one of the eightteen categories. If all goes well i'll be back to testing in the evening.


Who would have thought that the removal of one bug would have such consequences. I really thought i finally got everything running perfectly...


Just noticed: the folder for AAF got more files in it than every other one.


Should i be worried?



Update of Status:

Game reinstalled (without AAF). will play the game for a 1-2 hours so there are no broken scripts in the background. Then it goes back to fight the <censored> <censored> <censored> bugs.



The new ENB looks very nice. If nightvision goggles work i'll finally have a keeper.


Western entrance to my base.



Visiting Goodneighbor


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OK, scripts should be gone now, will clean the savegame again (was clean), reinstall AAF (done) and start the new run of tests (started).


Installed the ominous 'gender file' and put the 'Position tags' below AAF for this run.


Rise of the penis - OK
Companion Intercourse - OK (Male: OK - Female: ?)

Dog intercourse - OK

Feral intercourse - OK (flaccid - found no up.nif and down.nif for them - error message but works)

Ghoul intercourse - OK (flaccid - found no up.nif and down.nif for them)

Human intercourse - OK (might throw an error message about a missing table but works)

NPC intercourse - OK

Supermutant intercourse - OK (throws an error message (failed animation) but works)
Getting the sluttiest char in FO4 - in Progress
TD - OK (Application: OK - Building: OK)

PS - OK (Application: OK - Building: OK)

DD - OK (Application: OK - Shop: OK)

FPE - OK (Belly: OK - Baby: OK - Informations: OK - Quests: OK - Start: OK)

CWSS - OK (Animations: OK - Buffs: OK - Shower: OK - Singing: OK - Toilet: OK)

MCM - OK (Everything shows up and works)

RSE - OK (Assault: OK - Abductions: ? - Basic Needs: OK - Bounty: ? - Book: OK - Brothel: ? - Infamy: OK - Informations: OK - Shenanigans: OK)


Missing Actors - none so far

Missing Animations - none so far

Missing Objects - 1 (Table)

Boxer Shorts - gone (Unique NPC not installed)



For this error we need the help of a modder as i don't have the slightest idea how to fix that. Opened a XML once, shuddered, and very VERY quickly closed it. I wouldn't even touch those files with a 10 foot pole if my life would depend on it.



Going to check if i find something for the ghouls.

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Transferred 'Troubleshooting' to a new section and expanded on it.


Added info to the description of AAF. Which i forgot to mention before.



Different setup (done) and next testrun (started).


Removed the ominous 'gender file' and put the 'Position tags' below AAF for this run.


Rise of the penis - OK
Companion Intercourse - OK (Male: OK - Female: ?)

Dog intercourse - OK

Feral intercourse - ? (Damn, its hard to see if a feral is male or female. This is the test which takes the most time.)

Ghoul intercourse - OK (There goes my theory for the up.nif and down.nif down the drain. Will update Troubleshooting now)

Human intercourse - OK

NPC intercourse - OK

Supermutant intercourse - OK

Getting the sluttiest char in the Commonwealth - Achieved. Good girls go to heaven - bad girls whereever the fück they want.
TD - OK (Application: OK - Building: OK)

PS - OK (Application: OK - Building: OK)

DD - OK (Application: OK - Shop: OK)

FPE - OK (Belly: OK - Baby: OK - Informations: OK - Quests: OK - Start: OK)

CWSS - OK (Animations: OK - Buffs: OK - Shower: OK - Singing: OK - Toilet: OK)

MCM - OK (Everything shows up and works)

RSE - OK (Assault: OK - Abductions: ? - Basic Needs: OK - Bounty: ? - Book: OK - Brothel: ? - Infamy: OK - Informations: OK - Shenanigans: OK)


Missing Actors - none so far

Missing Animations - none so far

Missing Objects - gone 

Animation Failure - rare - but an Animation is played anyway so it might be a false positive of AAF.

Boxer Shorts - gone (Unique NPC not installed)



Looks like the 'gender file' caused more trouble than the few animations it unlocked would have been worth. Will delete that one for good (has already been taken off the list days ago) as i have no way to contact the author for a fix. 



Btw a VERY rough picture of the progression of the pregnancy development.


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Updating Status to Beta.


Modified the list to the new results.


So far ist playable and only has minor issues which cause no real problems. The messages are just annoying but often enough gone so fast you can't really read them ('R** did something something event something' is an example. Seen it two or three times but it was gone so fast i couldn't make any sense of it).

Its almost as if the scripts think they got a problem, report it, and then notice a moment later that everything is fine. 




Cleaning the game, start a new char (so that no rest from something else is in the savegame), reinstalling AAF... Done

Checking if the false (?) error messages come from the new placement of #4 (Nope reorganized list is #10 now) or if #11 is in the wrong place (Nope).

Checking Bounty (Level to low now)

Checking Brothel (no settlers - no check possible) 



Taking a break for a few hours to get a free head. 



Ran a round with the original guide - it worked but had way more errors in the first five minutes than i had in hours of the last tests.

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Testrun 675754876 (feels like it)


Deactivating SEU in case it conflicts with RSE (Nope). Concentrating on the things where the messages popped up…


Also testing an idea i just had - if i'm right then that solves all problems (Nope, but a few minor ones).



Primarily testing:

Companion Intercourse - OK (Male: OK - Female: ?)

Dog intercourse - ? (Sneaking to Red Rocket right now)

Feral intercourse - OK

Ghoul intercourse - OK

Human intercourse - OK

NPC intercourse - OK

Supermutant intercourse - OK (Error message 'Animation failed') 

Missing Actors - none so far

Missing Animations - none so far
Animation Failure - rare - but an Animation is played anyway so it looks like a false positive of AAF.


Secondary testing those worked fine in the tests, so i'll only recheck them if i can do it easily: 

Rise of the penis - OK

Using Furniture - OK

TD - OK (Application: OK - Building: OK)

PS - OK (Application: OK - Building: OK)

DD - OK (Application: OK - Shop: OK)

FPE - OK (Belly: OK - Baby: OK - Informations: OK - Quests: OK - Start: OK)

CWSS - OK (Animations: OK - Buffs: OK - Shower: OK - Singing: OK - Toilet: OK)

MCM - OK (Everything shows up and works)

RSE - OK (Assault: OK - Abductions: ? - Basic Needs: OK - Bounty: ? - Book: OK - Brothel: ? - Infamy: OK - Informations: OK - Shenanigans: OK)


Missing Objects - gone 

Boxer Shorts - gone (Unique NPC not installed)


Removing all savegames (Done) - Reinstallation (Done) - Test (Running)



Two more for the troublesection guide. One with a solution, the other one with a hint where to look for the problem.


Unique NPC left a few nude settlers behind. In the new game they are gone.


NMM crashed while reinstalling some files. Will do a manual install on top of NMM. It then knows where the files came from and i know they are really there.



Three new settlers in one go…



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I ran into a slight problem. How do you get rid of the cum from the body after sexual intercourse?


I've tried several obvious things such as taking a shower (CWSS Redux) and swimming in water, but none seemed to work.

I also tried to search if there's a option setting in the MCM that disables the cum overlays, but couldn't find one. (I might have missed it if there really is one)


I did see someone mentioning here in the forums to get rid of the cum overlays, but I'm not sure which one of these mods does that and I don't really want to go breaking the game by uninstalling these mods one at a time to see which one it is.


I mainly play FO4 on the survival mode because I prefer it over the normal mode, so could that break the RSE (and cum overlays) somehow?

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This sometimes happens to me too and seems to be related to saving and/or reloading the game at the (for this) wrong time.


I recommend getting this mod here to get into the character editor safely (i don't recommend using console commands as they might break the savegame) and remove the overlays there. Just like you would remove Tattoos.


This also seems to restarts the script for the overlays and they should then vanish automatically again.



Good question. Something to add to Troubleshooting later.


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2 hours ago, Kythana said:

I recommend getting this mod here to get into the character editor safely (i don't recommend using console commands as they might break the savegame) and remove the overlays there. Just like you would remove Tattoos.


For some reason I never got the Look Mirror to work (maybe it's getting conflicted with Sim Settlements, idk), but then again I always use the console to get into looks menu because its faster and more convenient for me. (I use the console a lot and I don't remember having any problems with my save file getting corrupted, but then again I'm always careful when I tinker with the console and how I save the game afterwards)


But that's irrelevant and more importantly removing the overlays from the looks menu worked. I should have realized this removal method myself but I didn't, so thanks for reminding me.

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Then its OK. But most are not careful, so i rarely recommend the console route.


You're welcome.



Couldn't resist to take another shot. I'm just too happy to have finally (it took me years!) found 'my' combination of ENB, weather and lighting.


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Almost final results (see below)


Rise of the penis - OK

Using Furniture - OK

Companion Intercourse - OK (Male: OK - Female: ?)

Dog intercourse - OK

Feral intercourse - OK

Ghoul intercourse - OK

Human intercourse - OK

NPC intercourse - OK

Supermutant intercourse - OK (Error message 'Animation failed') 
TD - OK (Application: OK - Building: OK)

PS - OK (Application: OK - Building: OK)

DD - OK (Application: OK - Shop: OK)

FPE - OK (Belly: OK - Baby: OK - Informations: OK - Quests: OK - Start: OK)

CWSS - OK (Animations: OK - Buffs: OK - Shower: OK - Singing: OK - Toilet: OK)

MCM - OK (Everything Shows up and works)

OK (Assault: OK - Abductions: ? - Basic Needs: OK - Bounty: ? - Book: OK - Brothel: ? - Infamy: OK - Informations: OK - Shenanigans: OK)


Missing Actors - none so far

Missing Animations - none so far

Missing Objects - gone 
Animation Failure - only with supermutants - but an animation is played anyway so it might be a false positive of AAF.
Boxer Shorts - gone


The ones with the white 'OK' worked again and again, so those should be stable and cause no trouble. I'll mark them green as soon as i've played a bit and used them (i don't expect any surprises with those anymore). The ones with the '?' have requirements i can't fulfill at the moment. For that i'd have level up my char quite a bit (i'm only lvl. 7 now, halfway to lvl. 8).


Regarding the supermutants. I've always tried to get a threesome but that never happened. Single works, village bicycle works, double or triple not. Maybe thats the cause for the failed animation. The problem is that i killed the supermutants around Diamond City (except the one for the tests) and the other ones i know of are way to strong for me atm. They got laser rifles and i something that could be called a peashooter.


If someone could test if there's an error message while Farelle's animations are DISABLED in RSE (they are in two places) that would be a big help for everyone…


For now the list in post #1 is final.


Should i change something i'll keep you updated in the first line of the first post.


Next Posts will be if i find something funny, a nice pic, or a question in this thread. Also don't forget we're juggling here with 35 different mods which are either Beta or even still Alpha. So there might still be a bug lurking somewhere. I've done my best to get them all (with way too much coffee and way too little sleep).


Updating status to 'Pre-Release V0.8.3' (+ 0.0.5) aka public testphase. If this number goes up i've found some of the white OK working and 'greened' them. Version 1 will be achieved only when we found a solution for the error message. 


So, have fun and don't be shy and leave questions or remarks.


One last thing.

If you run into trouble please make a screenshot of the error. That way i'll be able to expand the section for Troubleshooting and we have everything in one place and not bits somewhere in the middle of the thread. Those won't be found easily in a week or two. 

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15 hours ago, VonHelton said:

It's a GIRL!


? ?




Yep. Take FPE, and mix it with Player Comments and Head Tracking plus Realistic Conversations Fallout 4 and NPCs Travel. Suddenly you've got a living world.


The only one i didn't test yet is 'Sim Settlements' plus maybe 'Better Settlers'. Then its all covered.


Sadly 'Unique NPC' causes trouble... :(



You know you've played too many RPG when you got nicknames for files in the list...


The king on the hill (RSE), his queen (FPE), the two guards (the two patches for RSE), the servant (the last XML set), and the fool of the court (my file). ?

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Played around a bit. Seems like the author of Player Comments and Head Tracking knows about this site here. The char has comments about nude NPC (Thats more than i ever wanted to see) or someone having intercourse (Oh, sorry, there was no sign to stop me).


OK, not the exact wording, but something along the line.



Now back to Starlight. I have to remove about 200-300 objects to rebuild my base again…


The normal stuff isn't that bad, but the projector alone got something around 50 parts which all have to be modposed, disabled, and then marked for deletion manually. Then another hour rebuilding via blueprint (already got ~3500 parts (with only 4 rooms fully decorated)). It will be interesting to see how big this will get when it is finally finished. 


After that i can finally start to actually play the game and stop juggling mods...

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I ran into another slight problem, this time with the Sex 'em Up animation and the masturbation animations more precisely.


Whenever I try to initiate the masturbation through hotkey (MCM-->Sex Em' Up-->Hotkeys), the game gives me error message saying something along these lines:

AAF ERROR [034]: Failed to start ¨F¨scene because there are no 'SOLO FEMALE HUMAN' animations using tags:MASTURBATION. Install animation pack with this type of animation.


I obviously tried to search for masturbation animation packages, but as usual finding a specific AAF animation package is pretty tough thing to do.

Anyone has pointers where I could find these female masturbation animation packages?

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Masturbation works fine here. Looks like your mod manager didn't get all the files (sometimes i think this happens on purpose with 'foreign' mods).


Thats the reason i installed everything using NMM and then manually extracted and copied the contents from #04-08, #11-19, #25-26, and lastly #35 (following the order of the list (if there was a Fomod it got a bit complicated to select the right ones) into an empty folder and the content of that one into the game. That way NMM knew where the files came from and i knew they were actually there.




I only had crashes like that when either the UI had problems  (see section 'Troubleshooting') or the installation of some mods in the list failed (happened both with Vortex and NMM).


Check about the UI first, if that doesn't help you should do the same as i mentioned above.



Looks like i have to add that into post #1 and the Troubleshooting section.

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32 minutes ago, Jordick said:

I ran into another slight problem, this time with the Sex 'em Up animation and the masturbation animations more precisely.


Whenever I try to initiate the masturbation through hotkey (MCM-->Sex Em' Up-->Hotkeys), the game gives me error message saying something along these lines:

AAF ERROR [034]: Failed to start ¨F¨scene because there are no 'SOLO FEMALE HUMAN' animations using tags:MASTURBATION. Install animation pack with this type of animation.


I obviously tried to search for masturbation animation packages, but as usual finding a specific AAF animation package is pretty tough thing to do.

Anyone has pointers where I could find these female masturbation animation packages?

Install Crazy Animations........






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Thanks for that info.




Do you have a screenshot of the error for Troubleshooting? 



Updated posts #1 and #2 with more informations. Also if something is unclear then tell me that. English is only my second language so i might get some wordings and phrases wrong (aka Denglish).




Falls Jemand mit Englisch nicht so recht klarkommen sollte. Ihr könnt eure eventuellen Fragen ruhig auch auf Deutsch stellen, versucht aber bitte immer zuerst Englisch (notfalls kann man für die Details dann Deutsch nehmen). Eine übersetzte Zusammenfassung kann ich dann später machen. Wir wollen hier ja keine Person ausgrenzen, nicht wahr?


That for most unreadable part is just an additional offer to support a second language should someone run into trouble. Anything that comes up this way will of course be translated and/or integrated in the Troubleshooting section. 

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3 hours ago, Kythana said:


Do you have a screenshot of the error for Troubleshooting? 


Not really sure how a screenshot would help out in troubleshooting, since I basically copy-pasted the same text in my earlier post. But here it is anyway.



edit. The picture worked just fine for me while it was in spoiler, and. Weird, huh.  =/


I guess its possible that Vortex didn't install all the animation packages correctly, so I'll have to tinker around and try to install them manually.

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Pic still doesn't show up in the spoiler. Take a look at post #2 and you'll understand why i want the pics. ;) 


Hmmm, so it's Vortex. I only had problems with that one.


Files simply vanished, some activated but could only be found in the UI, some were in the game but not in the cache-folders of Vortex, compressed files simply gone, and other shenanigans. When the 'Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch' was simply gone (i only restarted the game) i deinstalled that software and went back to the old NMM. It surly got its flaws, but it won't stab you in the back the whole time.


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34 minutes ago, Kythana said:


Hmmm, so it's Vortex. I only had problems with that one.


Files simply vanished, some activated but could only be found in the UI, some were in the game but not in the cache-folders of Vortex, compressed files simply gone, and other shenanigans. When the 'Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch' was simply gone (i only restarted the game) i deinstalled that software and went back to the old NMM. It surly got its flaws, but it won't stab you in the back the whole time.


Vortex has its short comings such as the total lack of creating custom mod categories, but after using it for such a long time its hard to go back to NMM.


But that's irrelevant here. After tinkering around with the Vortex for a while I managed to sort out the problem. Turns out there was a slight conflict in the animation packages and dependencies that escaped my sight, so I re-installed everything and sorted them out more carefully this time. One problem solved.

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Added incompatible mods to post #1. Only three entries at the moment, but i fear this list will grow over time.


Added another info to post #2 regarding lighting.



Base is finally rebuilt (three days in game / 2 hours RL). Now i can finally try to get some settlers and test the brothel (one floor reserved only for that).


Also found some other stuff to add for the Troubleshooting section. No real bug just something that some people might think to be a bug.



Added a position for CWSS as an optional file to the list where it should be positioned if you install it (just tested that). No need to worry about reinstalling everything. If you have it already it is fine - if not you might want to reconsider that choice.


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Almost final results (see below)


Rise of the penis - OK

Using Furniture - OK

Companion Intercourse - OK (Male: OK - Female: OK)

Dog intercourse - OK

Feral intercourse - OK

Ghoul intercourse - OK

Human intercourse - OK

NPC intercourse - OK

Supermutant intercourse - OK (Error message 'Animation failed') 
TD - OK (Application: OK - Building: OK)

PS - OK (Application: OK - Building: OK)

DD - OK (Application: OK - Shop: OK)

KF - OK 

FPE - OK (Belly: OK - Baby: OK - Informations: OK - Quests: OK - Start: OK)

CWSS - OK (Animations: OK - Buffs: OK - Shower: OK - Singing: OK - Toilet: OK)

MCM - OK (Everything Shows up and works)

OK (Assault: OK - Abductions: OK - Basic Needs: OK - Bounty: ? - Book: OK - Brothel: ? - Infamy: OK - Informations: OK - Items: OK - Shenanigans: OK)


Missing Actors - none so far

Missing Animations - none so far

Missing Objects - gone 
Animation Failure - only with supermutants - but an animation is played anyway so it might be a false positive of AAF and/or RSE.
Boxer Shorts - gone


The ones with the white 'OK' worked again and again, so those should be stable and cause no trouble. I'll mark them green as soon as i've played a bit and used them (i don't expect any surprises with those anymore). The ones with the '?' have requirements i can't fulfill at the moment. For that i'd have level up my char quite a bit (i'm lvl. 10 now, halfway to lvl. 11).


Regarding the supermutants. I've always tried to get a threesome but that never happened. Single works, village bicycle works, double or triple not. Maybe thats the cause for the failed animation. Tried every combination regarding triple and Farelle in RSE (the SM respawned). No luck with that. Removed Farelle. No luck with that either. Shifted mods around. Nope. Tinkered with the pack from SavageCabbage. Wasn't it either. I'm completely out of ideas what else i could do about that error message…


If anyone got an idea how to fix this i'm all ears… (contacted some mod authors for help)


Added a position for CWSS as an optional file to the list where it should be positioned if you install it (just tested that). No need to worry about reinstalling everything. If you have it already it is fine - if not you might want to reconsider that choice.


For now the list in post #1 is final.


Should i change something i'll keep you updated in the first line of the first post.


Next Posts will be if i find something funny, a nice pic, or a question in this thread. Also don't forget we're juggling here with 35 different mods which are either Beta or even still Alpha. So there might still be a bug lurking somewhere. I've done my best to get them all (with way too much coffee and way too little sleep).


Updating status to 'Pre-Release V0.9.7' (finally topped 0.9) aka public testphase. If this number goes up i've found some of the white OK working and 'greened' them. Version 1 will be achieved only when we found a solution or workaround for the error message. 


So, have fun and don't be shy and leave questions or remarks.


One last thing.

If you run into trouble please make a screenshot of the error. That way i'll be able to expand the section for Troubleshooting and we have everything in one place and not bits and pieces somewhere in the middle of the thread. Those won't be found easily in a week or two.



Adding updated #37 (to have the actual status closer to the end of this thread).



UPDATE for file #4 

He fixed some tags for Farelle and now Supermutants again - this might solve the problem with the error 'Animation failed' (sadly it did not). 



A general question:


Do you think i should change something in the first four posts. Are they OK? Something unnecessary? Split off to a separate thread (with a link to and from here)?


In the end this all is just for you and if i can improve it somehow then tell me your thoughts.

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