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Slaverun Reloaded resistance?

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Is there any way to have your character be able to fight back against your rapists in free cities and is there any way to free the cities or do you just have to watch as the cities come under the control of the slavers or join the slavers to prevent yourself from being a fucktoy because apparently there isn't a single slave anywhere in Whiterun or anywhere else I've never seen Ysolda get raped meanwhile 10 guards take turns on me in the public square. There needs to be a system where you can resist a rape especially if you are armed, clothed, daylight and everything under the sun. In addition when guys put bondage stuff on you they should have to chase and catch you I'll be outside of the room and they'll be standing back there and I magically have a chastity belt or balloon collar on my neck. Just some things I think needs to be addressed to make the mod more immersive. To say there's nobody in Skyrim opposing this slavery thing is crazy especially Solitude and Riften they are ran by women especially strong women you think Sybill Stentor would allow slavers coming and taking over her territory?


So two things that need to be implemented if possible: 1. ability to fight your rapist rather than you just freezing out of nowhere and a guy from nowhere appearing and raping you 2. some sort of resistance movement that is easy to access right from the start. Tell me I'm not the only one a little irked by guys who you are friendly with and can't see you raping you with no chance to defend yourself and then when you get revenge as is Nord tradition the guards fight maybe when you surrender you have an option to say it was an honor killing for raping you or he's a slaver and you have a chance to prove it through a quest of investigation. because as it stands you cant walk 5 feet in any city without being raped it makes the game unbalanced and not as fun as it could be. Just my two cents on this.

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I just turned off "NPCs call free females" in Slaverun and use something different thats not auto-sex. Like Deviously Enslaved. With that NPCs will approach the PC under certain conditions and you have the option to brawl. Currently i use the new Horrible Harrasment instead (it has multiple chances for resistances). 

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I agree with this post. Slaverun needs to have more of an "environment" feel to it. For example there needs to be more enslaved npcs just around the place. I definitely feel the mod is too focused around the player rather than the player entering a world where slavery is a thing.


To add to this point, there needs to be more discrepancy between the female slaves and the female "free" women. More like in ancient times where there were still noblewomen (i.e. Jarls and their wives) but there were slaves. In this instance, if the female player is a thane etc, I think it'd be better to have the men recognize that she is thane but still make snide comments etc. OR where the females have rights but still less than the men. Not necessarily having no rights whatsoever. Using this difference, it would also highlight the severity of the slave problem. In other words, its easier to see the "bad" if there is something "good" to compare it to.


Also there is a clear lack of integration with the game. I.e. bandits, captured enemy soldiers could be used for the "roaming" slave npcs.


Also, yeah there needs to be some sort of #metoo movement in slaverun where the "free" women try to form some sort of resistance as well.


Definitely needs more of the mod interacting with the npcs in the game. Its annoying that my character the mighty f***ing dragonborn who literally could destroy the entire skyrim barehand (magic lol) somehow has to obey some stupid nudity law when some piss weak female npc like Ysolda stands around clothed and untouched (no offense to Ysolda who is great).


TL:DR slaverun does not provide immersive experience and feels like some stupid BDSM fantasy that revolves around the player (which pretty much summarises all of the slave mods here).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't get me wrong the idea is amazing and slavery being introduced to fund the civil war makes sense but for Whiterun to be the first to fall? makes no sense on that front I could see Ulfric doing that and maybe as you progress in the civil war storyline you would open up the locations to be enslaved. Slaverun does feel very unimmersive it's a great sex mod if you want to fight against a world that is out to literally just get you I take it as a personal challenge to finish quests and stuff while getting raped by someone I thought had a good impression of me. Jarl Balgruff would rape you after slaying a dragon literally burning his hold and act like nothing happens. There's no consequence for it if you're "free" and you can't even honor kill. You're a true daughter of skyrim a Nord woman must defend her honor!

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Well, i edited the the mod ro do some roleplay-like things so:


-I use sewers of skyrim, so i can sneak into the cities without having to drop my stuff (guards may arrest you when they see you, so better be good at sneaking)


-I placed some followers naked and tied in cities, so my goal is save them and bring them out


And future plans are:


-Maybe creating a hideout with only females (resistence/ escaped slaves) that work as followers


-Making slavers in the wilderness attack me or adding to the guard-faction, so they try to catch me when i have bounty


This scenarios can be lot of fun to play...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I haven't managed to finish it all the way through so I'm unsure on how slavery ends and come back but there should definitely ne either a free city leafing the resistance or have the Dragonborn start the resistance with like you said a hideout. also free women should be allowed to honor kill without the guards attacking. In a slave city maybe punishment is a month of servitude while free cities have a fee or let you off completely. The female Jarls should be replaced maybe... Idk but since misogyny they should have something happen maybe a slaver "trains" them in the wee hours at night. imagine a Elisif in the dungeons tortured in front of the grave of High King Torryg or something like that. I haven't updated yet so I will do that

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