About This File
Luxuria Fantasia
Version 1.10.0
Updated 23AUG20
Potion Seller - allowing you to buy potions to enhance various parts of your character for a short time.
Initiate Sex decision - Can right click a lover/spouse/consort's portrait for sexy funtimes. This may result in pregnancy.
Racial seeding (Holy Fury required) - Starting on a Shattered/Random World will allow you to seed the entire world (or some of it) with LF races.
Check Stats decision - For some reason, CK2 doesn't allow you to see hidden stats like fertility normally. This decision will give you an exact number to those hidden stats.
Futa trait – Give your woman a dick and allow her to impregnate other women!
Masculine/Feminine traits – Be a tomboy/girl!
Slavery - Wish you could turn prisoners into gold? Enslave and sell them! Or just keep them. I don't care. I'm not your mother.
Mage trait - Yer a wizard, Harry! Obtain the Mage trait and from your Wizard Tower, and start casting spells! Certain magically-aligned races will be able to naturally cast spells without needing the Mage trait.
Sexual Role Selection - Take your sexytimes to a new level and become Dominant, Submissive, or a Switch! Two doms or two subs won't like each other. Switches are the universal role.
Fantasy races - Demons, Half-demons, Divines, Nekos, Kitsunes, Dragons, Half-dragons, Elves, Orcs, and Fairies are all included.
Society of Seduction - A devil-worshiping society that isn't devil-worshiping, the Society of Seduction aims to bring the world of demonic seduction to virgins and the old alike.
Ghosts - Sometimes when a ruler dies, they cannot accept their deaths and live on as a shade. Spoopy!
Special NPCs - Charlotte the Bard, Mwamba the Warrior, Desmona the Vampire, and others join the cast.
Custom Pagan Religion - For when you want to craft a religion just the way you want it before reformation.
Challenges - Game rules that add a certain element to your games, including forcing you to cannibalize others, rulers swapping upon death, and more.
Crusader Kings II version 3.1+
Way of Life for certain decisions involving focuses.
Holy Fury if you want to play around with bloodlines.
Download the file.
Unzip into your My Documents/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings II/mod/ folder. Windows' built in zip extractor is garbage and will not work. Use 7zip instead.
Mark the Luxuria Fantasia checkbox in the launcher
If you find yourself running into major problems, perform the following:
1. Be absolutely sure you have the most up-to-date version of Crusader Kings II on Steam.
2. Delete the LuxuriaFantasia folder in your /My Documents/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings 2/mod/ folder.
3. Unzip the latest version to that same directory.
4. Uncheck ALL mods in the launcher except for Luxuria Fantasia. Optional: Include the modules.
5. Restart the game.
If the problem no longer persists, then it was either an old version you were using, or there was a conflict with another mod. All versions of Luxuria Fantasia are tested for blank events and crashes, and if these are happening to you but not to me, then there is a problem on your end. For quicker troubleshooting, join the discord via the link above and post your problem in the #luxuria_fantasia channel. Do NOT post problems in #general, I have that channel on mute and there's a good chance I won't see it when I'm modding or when I wake up from sleeping.
Playing a total conversion mod?
Sometimes total conversion mods overwrite things that LF does, such as the narrative event window. You can easily prevent conflicts by opening up the LF's .mod file in Notepad or Notepad++ and adding in this line:
dependencies = { "XXX" }
XXX being the exact name of the total conversion mod, as it appears in the CK2 launcher or its .mod file. If there is already a dependencies line present, add in "XXX" somewhere in the brackets.
This will ensure that LF is loaded after the total conversion mod to prevent conflicts.
Should be compatible with most things. Some mods may be out of date.
dewguru - For the original Dark World Reborn and his permission to use the localisation
zia - For allowing me to integrate v0.12 of Serpent Expansion into LF
Everyone who beta tested 1.0 on the discord.
R0nin78 and Jim Raynor for the localisation of the sexytimes events.
Roll1d2Games for his valiant sacrifice of any possibility of YouTube monetization in order to support LoversLab mods. Go take a look at his channel.
Help Support Me
Have some pocket change lying around? Why not toss me a dollar over on SubscribeStar?
Offmap Empires cluttering up the minimap?
Looking for the dark elf content?
What's New in Version 1.10.0
Joseph nerfed.
Bug Fixes:
Revamped the Random Ruler Challenge to be less buggy.
Fixed most events that relied on is_save_game.
Minor text fixes.
New Additions:
Added a popup window on game start explaining that you've installed LF, along with a few tidbits about the mod.
Removed Raen/Xaela portraits from DWSE until I find better portraits I am satisfied with.
Removed ghosts entirely. They were just a huge pain when it comes to cross-mod compatibility.
Options Menu will now appear on game start, and Racial Choice will now appear one day later.