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About This File

A comprehensive rework of the Carnalitas prostitution system aiming at improved balance and better integration with other aspects of the game.

The latest version is compatible with CK3 1.14.x and Carnalitas 2.8.


Carnalitas adds a prostitution system to CK3, enabling the player to play as a prostitute, or to force their slaves into prostitution. This is a great idea and the basics are certainly solid, but as with the slavery system, there are certain aspects that could be improved. In particular:

  • The corresponding decisions and interactions are either player-only, or never executed by the AI with the default (and most historically accurate) Shunned default prostitution doctrine. As a result, there are no prostitutes in the world, unless the player creates some.
  • Forcing slaves into prostitution if it's shunned costs a piety level. This penalty is too harsh, and also inconsistent with other similar penalties, e.g. for enslaving prisoners.
  • The vanilla game features a number of events that involve visiting brothels or having sex with prostitutes. However, they are not integrated with Carnalitas prostitution in any way.
  • The chance for contracting STD from both Carnalitas and vanilla events is too high.
  • Having sex with a prostitute via Make Love is hardly worth the money paid, since there are no benefits compared to free sex.
  • As a player prostitute, you don't get many opportunities to have sex with clients. There is only one such event (An Alluring Proposition), but it's rather unlikely to fire.

This mod does for prostitution what Carnalitas Slavery Reimagined does for slavery. It improves and expands the original system, aiming to better integrate it with the existing vanilla content and other aspects of the game, make interacting with prostitutes more interesting and rewarding, enable more roleplaying options, and achieve a better game balance. It does this by reworking prostitution decisions, interactions, and events (including vanilla ones), introducing some new ones, and rebalancing or fixing some of the original effects and outcomes, while still maintaining compatibility with other Carnalitas features and other mods based on Carnalitas.

With this mod:

  • AI rulers may also become prostitutes depending on their personality, skills, and personal circumstances, or force their slaves into prostitution, depending on their personality, opinion of the slave, the slave's skills, etc. AI non-ruler characters that already have the Prostitute trait may decide to start or stop working as prostitutes on their own as well.
  • Forcing slaves into prostitution costs just piety if prostitution is shunned.
  • Additional prostitutes are spawned into the world via vanilla stress coping and other events, available for the player to Make Love or interact with in other ways.
  • There is a lower chance for contracting STD from Carnalitas and vanilla events.
  • Characters stop working as prostitutes immediately when no longer able (e.g. due to being imprisoned), not with some months delay.
  • Make Love prostitution prices scale more gradually with the Prostitute trait XP, and so does stress loss.
  • Having sex with a prostitute may result in secrets being learned by either of the partners.
  • In future versions, there will be more prostitution-related interactions, decisions, and events for prostitutes to offer their services to clients, and for rulers to visit brothels during travel or while visiting holdings as landless adventurers.

All taken together, prostitution is no longer a rarely used player-only feature, but instead a global social phenomenon that affects the gameplay in various ways. As a player, you can choose between many different ways to interact with the system to either roleplay or use it to your advantage.


This mod requires Carnalitas as a prerequisite (obviously). While it modifies the prostitution system in a substantial way, it doesn't touch other Carnalitas features and should be compatible with all of them.

Compatibility with Mods Based on Carnalitas

This mod should be compatible with all mods based on Carnalitas that don't modify the prostitution system. Compatibility with Character Body Overhaul has been explicitly verified, but most others should work as well.

This mod has been explicitly designed to complement Carnalitas Slavery Reimagined and Carnalitas Love Reimagined, so you are encouraged to use all of them. If you do this, put this mod after Carnalitas, CLR, and CSR in the load order.

Compatibility with Total Conversion Mods

Due to its changes to vanilla files, this mod may conflict with changes done by total conversion mods. This is also true for Carnalitas itself. For best experience, such mods require compatibility patches for both Carnalitas and CPR.

If you still want to try using CPR with a conversion mod, be prepared that some features might be broken. To make the best of it, load Carnalitas and CPR before the total conversion mod, since if there are conflicts you would rather want the conversion mod overwrites, not the CPR ones. Note that the CPR overwrites of a few specific vanilla objects will always take precedence, no matter the order.


This mod is currently available in English and Chinese (translated by @Dark_Crow). For other languages, it uses the original English text as a placeholder.


If you like this mod, you may also consider my other mods:

For detailed information on all features and changes, see the full README.

Edited by pharaox
Update description

What's New in Version 0.1.1


Version 0.1.1


Version 0.1.0


  • Improved the Moonlight as a Prostitute and Stop Moonlighting as a Prostitute Carnalitas decisions and enabled them for AI rulers.
  • Improved the Visit a Brothel stress-coping vanilla decision for Rakish characters and its related events so that they now involve an actual Prostitute character and have a much lower chance for STD.


  • Improved Start Prostitution and Stop Prostitution Carnalitas interactions and enabled them for AI rulers.
  • Rebalanced the prices and stress effects for having sex with a prostitute via the Carnalitas Make Love interaction.


  • Improved existing Carnalitas prostitution events.
  • Changed the following vanilla events to involve Prostitute characters: The Hippodrome's Refreshments (chariot_race.4030), Outside the Walls (tour_travel.3140), House of Pleasure, (tour_travel.3007).
  • Added a hidden event for non-ruler Prostitute characters to decide to start or stop working as prostitutes.
  • Added spawning additional Prostitute characters every year.


  • Improved the conditions for being able to work as a prostitute, and the AI willingness to do so.
  • Reduced the STD chances in both vanilla and Carnalitas content.
  • Having sex with a prostitute may result in secrets being learned by either of the partners.

For more information, see the full CHANGELOG.

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