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Cowards always attack in pack



After posting my last diary in Sunday morning I returned to the bed. My Prince joined me when Mikey slept. He showered my face with kisses and “thank yous”. I asked him why is he thanking me for and he said:

- For giving me a son. He is perfect like you, my love. After marrying you and Ivy, he is the best thing that ever happened to me.

His words melted me and I kissed him back saying I love him very much. During our morning routine I said to my luvs that I’m in the mood for “Mistress” game with them tonight. They were thrilled and showered me with kisses.



When our parents arrived for morning coffee we had great time together. I asked them if they are willing to talk to Mikey in Italian when they baby sitting him explaining we want him to learn his mother language. Oh, my, my mom and dad were very thrilled. Mom and dad Boss will teach him too because they speak Italian fluently. My Prince will try to learn Italian although languages aren’t his “field” just like math and some other areas, but I know he’ll do his best. Zdenka is doing more then great with renting villa, bungalows and two other high class villas for her neighbors for percentage. My mom and dad doesn’t have to go to villa to help her any more. She hired full time professional instead of part time so they can spend more time with their grandson.



Our folks left. Fran and Dante arrived with groceries. Dante slept over Fran’s place. While they were cooking we had a great time together. When we had heavy thundering storm followed by rain and strong Nord wind, my Prince and Ivy ran to our beach and they swam in the sea. I was holding Mikey and watched them from the kitchen window. Of course, my Fran had to comment calling them heavy brain damage cases. He likes to tease them. Dante and I laughed. I asked Fran if he can stay over the night so he can watch on Mikey because we gonna have special night. He smiled and said: “Of course, you pervs.” When Dante left, we cleaned the dishes and took a nap. Mikey was sleeping with us on Prince’s chests. He produced content sounds while sleeping.



When the time came we all prepared our bodies for kinky sex. My Ivy and I wore black high hills boots, black stocking and collars. She was very excited. We both cuffed my Prince to the bed and I cuffed her hands behind her back. I used very dirty language that turned them on very much. I also fucked her ass and pussy with her toys and enjoyed in licking them both. Delaying their orgasm and forbidding them to cum until I permit them made my Ivy extremely horny. I don’t have a time and space to write all about what we did (use your imagination for you can’t be wrong). We had multiple orgasms. I can’t even remember how many times we came. All in all it was wonderful although we didn’t fuck long as we used to because of Mikey who missed his daddy and didn’t stop crying until he took him into his arms.



My dad came up with interesting idea in Monday during our family coffee time. He and dad Boss will take Mikey with them for he wants to show his grandson to his friends in his fishing club and the pub he use to go. Of course, he asked us for permission first. We agreed. My Prince said that he wants my b.g. to go with them as their protector. My dad protested saying they need no protection. Just before my Prince opened his mouth to respond to him, dad Boss said they should respect his will because he is Mikey’s father and he knows the best. My dad apologized to my Prince saying they’ll do whatever he demands. I fed Mikey before they went and we gave them all necessary for him. I also asked them not to stay long. So, my Prince called my b.g. who followed them discreetly and was on the guard to intervene if necessary. He informed my Prince that dads had fun and were very proud at their grandson. Mikey was doing great. He enjoyed in sticking his fingers in my dad’s nose and cooing loudly. They treated all friends with drinks on both places and returned home.



Now, about the subject from the title.

My Prince came home much earlier yesterday. He kissed us and went to Mikey’s room to kiss Mikey who was sleeping. I had a feeling that something was wrong and I asked him to tell us for he wouldn’t tell by his own.

Prince: Had a little incident and that’s all. It started when guitarist from our Hotel band didn’t play with the band last night and he didn’t came on morning rehearsal. He called Lidija and told her that he resigned. She told it to me. I visited him at his house with my b.g. Before we went to his home, we stopped at the store and bought a bottle of Istrian wine for him. In short: the guitarist said that he resigned because he is depressed. He said to me to find new guitarist. I asked him if he likes to play guitar, his job and is he satisfied with his wage. When he confirmed he is, I declined his resignation. I commended his work so far and gave him couple of days off to put himself together. He thanked me and we left. On our way to the car three guys ambushed us. One of them said:

- That’s the blond faggot I told you about. He thinks he is something, but he is only a big asshole.

Prince to us: I couldn’t recognize him. He was probably one of the bullies I kicked his ass earlier and who saw us in the store. My b.g. pulled out his gun (loaded with real bullets) and told them to back off or he’ll *shot them. (*he wouldn’t kill them, but wound them)

The bully: It’s easy to be brave with a gun. C’mon blonde fuck, you and me, fist fight. You got lucky last time and I say you are not so good as you think you are!

I told to b.g. to check them if they have blades or any other cold weapons. When he did having them aimed all the time and said they are clean, I gave him my gun, told him to not intervene and walked toward the challenger. When I got close to him, his two friends attacked me too. The fight was very short for I kicked very painful spots on their bodies (arms, legs and ribs). I was precise and fast because Ivy and I practiced it every day. They laid on the ground moaning in pain. I told them that if I see them ever again, I will hurt them much worse. I dropped b.g. home and here I am.



I felt rage growing in me for he played god damn hero endangering his life. I was about to slap him, but Trilog’s words how I react impulsively and too emotionally stopped me. Instead of slapping him and yelling at him, I showered his face with kisses and “loves yous”. My Ivy bit his lip saying thrilled: “That’s my husband! You made me proud!” We went under the shower and we fucked him good. Four years ago my Prince was heavily beaten by my ex and his two pals on a parking lot. I’m quite sure that they won’t have a chance against him now. And he was right again: cowards ALWAYS attack in the pack.


Recommended Comments

3 hours ago, dharvinia said:

Cowards!!!! I am glad it ended well for Prince.  At least they did not strike from the shadows.?

> Thank you, my dear. He practice martial arts very hard every day with my Ivy. The source of his strength, the discipline and dedication, beside being disciplined himslef, lays in his desire to protect us. Well, our city is not totally dangerous, but crime increasing every day. People daily stubs, shots and fight for various reasons and as multi national city there is a hatreds among the nationalities. We have a lot of gypsies that most citizens hates because they are thieves and provokers. There are also Albanians, Serbs, Italians, Croats, Bosnian and Slovenians. All those nationalities do not put well with each other. We have no problem with racism, but nationalism is very strong. Add local gangs and extreme soccer fans to them and you have one big troubled city.

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Can't believe the guy asked him for a loyal fight and then let his two folks meddle in... But I guess being three, his intention weren't anywhere fair from the start. Some people have fallen low. Despite of this, Ivy is right commending Prince's skills, but at another end he took a risk that one day he'll have to avoid.


Compliments for your reaction, you controlled your impulsivity quite well. However, I still agree with you on the whereabouts. It might be useful to talk to your Prince on how he could avoid those situations in the future. Strength is commendable, but is nor an infallible, nor everlasting thing. :classic_smile:

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1 hour ago, Tirloque said:

Can't believe the guy asked him for a loyal fight and then let his two folks meddle in... But I guess being three, his intention weren't anywhere fair from the start. Some people have fallen low. Despite of this, Ivy is right commending Prince's skills, but at another end he took a risk that one day he'll have to avoid.


Compliments for your reaction, you controlled your impulsivity quite well. However, I still agree with you on the whereabouts. It might be useful to talk to your Prince on how he could avoid those situations in the future. Strength is commendable, but is nor an infallible, nor everlasting thing. :classic_smile:

> I agree with you. My theory, since my Prince doesn't talk about it no longer, is that the guy saw him in the store, followed him and invited his friends to ambush him. He didn't mean to be fair from the start. Anyhow, my Prince showed them who is capo. :)


> Thank you for compliment. You see, I told you you have strong influence on me.  I'm reacting violently toward my Prince when I'm deeply concerned about him. I'm working on it and I know I will put this side of my bad character under control.


> We talked about his reaction toward bullies "hundred" times and he is aware that some day he will meet someone stronger and faster than him. No help. I'm not saying I will never try to talk to him about this matter ever again, but until he realize it by himslef, it is pointless. It doesn0t go through his ears to his mind. Something has to happen to him so he would realize that violence is not always response to violence although I'm becoming more like him. You know his saying, right?

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So do velociraptors. At least if my extensive research (eg watching Jurassic Park) is to be believed. 

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5 hours ago, EvalovesEP said:

 Something has to happen to him so he would realize that violence is not always response to violence although I'm becoming more like him. You know his saying, right?

Malicia : « A candy for a candy, one pack for one euro. :classic_lightbulb:






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6 hours ago, Tirloque said:

Can't believe the guy asked him for a loyal fight and then let his two folks meddle in

That's exactly what is to be expected from bad-mouth_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqqVzuuqpFlyLIwiB6NTmJwfSVWeZ_vEN7c6bHu2jJnT8.png.. and not a single thing more.




Is he still trying to beat sense into them? Or a slight trace of ethics?

Wasted energy, wasted life time. They won't get it.

@Elf PrinceBut at least, it leaves a satisfying taste to know that you are unhurt. :classic_happy:

And another honeypot, that the bullies got another arrow in the knee. :cakeslice: Struck their ribs?

Call my mindset mediavel. But I sincerely hope they have problems to breath clearly for the rest of the week.




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You can say Prince is a well trained professional by now and had back up from bodyguard so there no need to worry... too much. Experience has shaped into a Witcher quite literally, all he needs now is a good sword. :wink::thumbsup:

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5 hours ago, SpyVsPie said:

So do velociraptors. At least if my extensive research (eg watching Jurassic Park) is to be believed. 

> Well, might be true if you would believe in unproved theories ;) But I know that hyenas are cowardly animals.

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5 hours ago, Tirloque said:

Malicia : « A candy for a candy, one pack for one euro. :classic_lightbulb:



  Reveal hidden contents



> No, but that Stranger would love to have FF/M sex with Skyrim Ivy and Malicija. :P

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5 hours ago, worik said:

That's exactly what is to be expected from bad-mouth_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqqVzuuqpFlyLIwiB6NTmJwfSVWeZ_vEN7c6bHu2jJnT8.png.. and not a single thing more.


  Reveal hidden contents


Is he still trying to beat sense into them? Or a slight trace of ethics?

Wasted energy, wasted life time. They won't get it.

@Elf PrinceBut at least, it leaves a satisfying taste to know that you are unhurt. :classic_happy:

And another honeypot, that the bullies got another arrow in the knee. :cakeslice: Struck their ribs?

Call my mindset mediavel. But I sincerely hope they have problems to breath clearly for the rest of the week.




> I'm  not martial arts expert at all. But I know my Prince and Ivy studied and practiced various techniques and that being hit in ribs is long lasting pain that immobilize and disable opponent's movements like ducking, moving in all directions, deep breathing, bending, even a sitting is problematic. Anyhow, my Prince is a fair player and he would go on one on one fairly. If he would be taken down or defeated, he will not let his bodyguard to avenge.

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2 hours ago, Jayomms said:

You can say Prince is a well trained professional by now and had back up from bodyguard so there no need to worry... too much. Experience has shaped into a Witcher quite literally, all he needs now is a good sword. :wink::thumbsup:

> Exactly! He is real professional now and he always goes in company so he won't get attack from the back.

> As for the sword, he has veeeery big one in his pants and he use it quite well ;)

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1 hour ago, EvalovesEP said:

> As for the sword, he has veeeery big one in his pants and he use it quite well ;)

:classic_laugh: I had a feeling you were going to say that. giphy.gifgiphy.gif



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9 hours ago, EvalovesEP said:

> Well, might be true if you would believe in unproved theories ;) But I know that hyenas are cowardly animals.

I mean Chris Pratt lead a squad of them while riding a motorcycle, how much more proof do you need?

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2 hours ago, SpyVsPie said:

I mean Chris Pratt lead a squad of them while riding a motorcycle, how much more proof do you need?

> I need a proof that Clark Kent is not Superman, Peter Parker is not Spiderman and Bruce Wayne is not Batman :)

Jokes aside as Trilog would say; I do not believe in evolution and similar unproved creation theories.

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