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Did LoL starts loosing playerbase for HOTS?



I something noticed recently.


Before HOTS 2.0 launched, the only option to get skins was by paying in RL money. Same way is still in LoL but nvm that. But after HOTS 2.0 launch, game is getting more playerbase. I noticed opinion, that LoL is getting lose players in favor for HOTS.


Worth to mention, that LoL this year, released Xayah & Rakan Vastayans Rebels, Kayn The Shadow Reaper, and next is Ormn The Mountainsmith. Seems Riot try keep up the pace with HOTS, because in HOTS last year we got Gul'Dan, Auriel, Alarak, Zarya, Samuro, Varian Wrynn, Ragnaros, Zul'Jin, Valeera Sanguinar, Lucio, Probius, Cassia, Genji, D'Va, Malthael, Stukow and next is now Garrosh.


But if leaks are actually true, we can expect after Garrosh long awaited.


Ana Amari.


Worth to mention, that Ana Amari sounds possible, because in ptr files, players discovered new kind of CC, which is sleep. Ana use sleep to stun enemies, same do Dreadlords in Warcraft. While Xavius might use sleep CC as part of emerald nightmare skills. Also upcoming Firebat might be related to Starcraft 1 reemaster, since in ptr files also players found files about PvE brawl.


I know, that views on twitch.tv dosen't mean much, but HOTS lately get more and more, while HGC is progressing and i admit. It is fun to watch, how pro players from Team Dignitas, Fnatic etc, fight for championship.


Worth to mention also, that while LoL got only three maps, because Howling Abyss ARAM, Summoner's Rift and Twisted Treelane. In HOTS we got more maps, and seems more is coming. Not only for brawls, but as well for normal playing. The only issue what both games got, is matchmaking, this can't be solved for 100% so i don't get dramas about that.


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