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Vargr - Chap 75 The Awakening






Gukahn had to do the prolog quests one time too many and lost his mind ? (exactly one time.. Once was enough >__>)

And I have to do it again! T__T DANG





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How many vampires is one Hour Belial worth? :classic_angel:

I apology's to everyone who would've loved Serana gagged and arlaned this evening. Won't happen very soon if ever. Let's keep that option as a maybe >__>

I mean.. She is kinda badass.. HERE I said it! And I almost puked writing it! >-<


So you see, dawnguard might take longer than I want it to >_> but I've written everything in a way, where I can mix the teams up when and however I want and left enough space for side things and stuff. So I should be good without getting pissed off by it and take it as slow as I need to ? I Seriously don't expect this to end before summer. Positive thing is.. I will always know what to do and when I don't, I can switch to one of the other chars in there and make mini side storys around them ?


So next entry will start where I left of. We will take a look at the downguard, see which unfortunate member (I know which.) will follow Arlan around and be the target of all of his jokes >__>  I am sure almost all of you also know who that will be

And we'll see if Arlan gets paid in coin or Belial ?


And before you say it.

Yes logical speaking the first team constellations should've been a little different. But there is no merit in putting Ariel in Arlans team, I think she, Sarah and Isran can give me much funny things to work with. And No my dear sexy people, I also know which of the Twins will land in arlans group first.. Hehehehehe I'm an asshole~ ?




Recommended Comments

What do you mean by Belial? :sweat_smile: BTW Nice work with the girls meeting each other for first time. It was priceless. :mrgreen::heart:;):thumbsup:

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Hmmmmmm.... ok, I fucking love this Serana. Isran, well he certainly devolved, but can't complain there, he obviously always had a talent for pissing off people, so new management might be good for the Dawnguard. ?


A bit disappointing not to find out at this time who is better, a DB charged with some Arlan or a fully trained one (I guess the bigger shout selection might have made the difference, just getting Arlarned regularly shouldn't beat out everything). But ok, you probably still need Fort DG, so made sense to postpone it. ?
(Although I guess the real reason was your dislike for depicting fights ... G. is the make love not war type, who would've though. ?)

Oh, and come on, lil Timmy does not deserve THAT just for dreaming big. ? He even brought his own ax, after all.


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Well, Gukahn, you've done it. You made me like Serana and I normally cannot stand her.  But it was incredibly satisfying to see Arlan dominated for a change (no, his time in prison or in that rehab monastery does not count). ?


I've been following your stories from the start and it is clear you have improved greatly over time, learning new techniques and finding a style that is uniquely your own.  Good job on special effects and posing in all your Vargr entries.  I especially appreciate the fact that you take great care to make sure nothing clips through even in the most intense and complicated lewd scenes - that's something that takes a lot of time and effort.  Also your graphics have improved by leaps and bounds from your Old Man Dovahkiin chapters. Your writing is humorous and a lot of times lighthearted, making even grim situations feel less harrowing.


A few nitpicks, if I may: I've noticed that you almost never use facelight. Is that a personal preference? Some of the screens could really benefit from it, as character faces are too dark and blend into the environment. Another thing, and I know I mentioned it in Discord - proofreading.  It feels like you write the dialogues straight into the screens, without running them through spellchecker first (my personal pet peeve, and you are not the only one guilty of occasionally making that mistake: woman - singular, women  - plural). Things like these are easy to overlook in blogs that are just starting out, but you are a seasoned author by now and such mistakes end up taking away reader's attention from the actual dialogues and happenings on the screen.


As for your main character and overall story -  my compliments to you as a writer. It is quite difficult to create a hero, or antihero in Arlan's case, that can elicit strong emotions in a reader.  You've done a really good job of making him practically irredeemable and he is well aware of the fact. In a way, Arlan's story is a tragedy - he is a product of circumstance, influenced by the powers way out of his control. We see it in the chapters depicting his childhood, his time as a mercenary and even those with his mother. It is hard to tell if Arlan ever could make different decisions from the ones he made as he is in a state of almost constant struggle with his daedric ancestry while entities infinitely more powerful keep using him in their own little games. And while I am patiently waiting for his behind to get kicked back into Hircine's Hunting Grounds, his journey and his downward spiral are definitely quite entertaining.


Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing your stories with us. ?

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You changed Serana into a nasty vampire. Interesting.

And in his place, as a friendly vampire ally, Ariel.

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8 hours ago, Jay-Omms said:

What do you mean by Belial? :sweat_smile: BTW Nice work with the girls meeting each other for first time. It was priceless. :mrgreen::heart:;):thumbsup:

Shiiiit I meant Beleval.. See? that's what happens when the Char is not around >-< daaamn it. Need to fix that later. Thanks for pointing it out.

And Thank you, wait for Florence and Sarahs first conversation.. They are very similar to each other, friend material :classic_angel:


8 hours ago, ?????? 1627 said:

How nice to see the big cat again  ??

She is a treasure :classic_angel:

Depending on how it goes, we'll see her more often again. I already know where I'll send team Scroll first :classic_angel: 


7 hours ago, Talesien said:

Hmmmmmm.... ok, I fucking love this Serana. Isran, well he certainly devolved, but can't complain there, he obviously always had a talent for pissing off people, so new management might be good for the Dawnguard. ?

Wanna know a secret? I kinda love this personalty too oO and it's freaking Serana! DAMN IT! xD

Isran being a little bit less competent than most, is actually a Nitpick of myself and probably many others. He is supposed to be the Boss but all he is doing is sending one Person out to do the most dangerous shit, no backup, no actually help in form of Items (Crossbow and Armor don't count.)

He does not even serves as a useful trainer in my opinion. He is just the Questgiver ? And a boring boss fight.. WTF bethesda, at least make him a good boss fight.. I put him down with one arrow

The Dawnguard will strive under Sarahs management! Because Arlan and Sofia are away most of the time,  so they can't fuck it up >__>


8 hours ago, Talesien said:

A bit disappointing not to find out at this time who is better, a DB charged with some Arlan or a fully trained one (I guess the bigger shout selection might have made the difference, just getting Arlarned regularly shouldn't beat out everything). But ok, you probably still need Fort DG, so made sense to postpone it. ?
(Although I guess the real reason was your dislike for depicting fights ... G. is the make love not war type, who would've though. ?)

Both reasons actually.. But there is a lot of potential for arguments and the one or other escalation that might lead to small bouts. We can't forget, both teams are on different sides ? 

And I agree with you about their actual battle powers. Sofia shouldn't beat her just because Arlan sticks it in to charge her up like a damn E-Car xD


8 hours ago, Talesien said:

Oh, and come on, lil Timmy does not deserve THAT just for dreaming big. ? He even brought his own ax, after all.

Hey, timmy might be in for a hard time, but I will make sure he will have his moments (When they don't leave him cuffed in a corner to do their thing) :classic_angel:

I think I already know how he will react to Sofia and Arlans antics..  Poor guy..


7 hours ago, Devianna said:

Well, Gukahn, you've done it. You made me like Serana and I normally cannot stand her.  But it was incredibly satisfying to see Arlan dominated for a change (no, his time in prison or in that rehab monastery does not count). ?

Mhm.. Ok I Agree, the Monastery doesn't count in the slightest.. But hey, he got raped in Prison! His butt ain't virgin no more! xD 

(Reminds me that I still have the goblin Guard witht he massive honks.. >_>)

This Serana.. Is hard not to put into words right now since I just started her. But I'll try to write her constant in this way, powerful, smart and dignified. Very well the opposite of what most mods I've seen made her out to be. ? Or bethesda for that matter.. Not too sure about the rest of the family yet

(But I especially loved to get him used as a chair.. Arlan got arlaned without the fun parts, ain't that the biggest FU I could give him?  xD )


7 hours ago, Devianna said:

I've been following your stories from the start and it is clear you have improved greatly over time, learning new techniques and finding a style that is uniquely your own.  Good job on special effects and posing in all your Vargr entries.

Thank you very, very much ?


7 hours ago, Devianna said:

I especially appreciate the fact that you take great care to make sure nothing clips through even in the most intense and complicated lewd scenes - that's something that takes a lot of time and effort.  Also your graphics have improved by leaps and bounds from your Old Man Dovahkiin chapters. Your writing is humorous and a lot of times lighthearted, making even grim situations feel less harrowing.

Uff If I could blush ?

Yes it takes a lot of time,but I myself am annoyed by clipping a lot, I once said when I can do something about it, I sure as hell will. It helps a lot that most Animators took special care about their animation movements and that I mostly pose the same races together. (The height differences are ridiculous sometimes tho.. >_> and don't get me started on kissing. Took ages till I finally made good expressions for that x,X)

Funny thing about Oldman. I made Arlans father out of DB's old preset and he actually looks so much different with all the mods I added now.. I didn't recognize him myself oO

And I always try to sneak a little b it of Oldman into the chaps ^_^ unless.. I really want to show how messed up this story really is.


7 hours ago, Devianna said:

A few nitpicks, if I may: I've noticed that you almost never use facelight. Is that a personal preference? Some of the screens could really benefit from it, as character faces are too dark and blend into the environment

I try to do without facelight most of the time and only really use it when I see myself that I actually should. Like with Isran who almost constantly had the effect on him. But yeah it's a preference. I once was told it looks unnatural in may situations. I still need to find a balance for it ?

I'm almost as much in the MCM Menu as I am working on the poses, so using it again more often wouldn't be a problem. I'm starting to get a bit annoyed about my lighting in general, so in case of indoor lighting, it might change how I do things again.


7 hours ago, Devianna said:

Another thing, and I know I mentioned it in Discord - proofreading.  It feels like you write the dialogues straight into the screens, without running them through spellchecker first (my personal pet peeve, and you are not the only one guilty of occasionally making that mistake: woman - singular, women  - plural). Things like these are easy to overlook in blogs that are just starting out, but you are a seasoned author by now and such mistakes end up taking away reader's attention from the actual dialogues and happenings on the screen.

Yeah, the good old gramma mistakes and misspellings >_<

I really write bigger texts into a translator nowadays if I want a char to sound more dignified like Serana.. But Spellchecks.. I rarely do I am being honest and smaller texts I simply tip into the pictures. I am meant not to do that anymore.. Just need an Offline translator and spellchecker x_X 

Once again, something I only can promise to try to improve


7 hours ago, Devianna said:

ry -  my compliments to you as a writer. It is quite difficult to create a hero, or antihero in Arlan's case, that can elicit strong emotions in a reader.  You've done a really good job of making him practically irredeemable and he is well aware of the fact. In a way, Arlan's story is a tragedy - he is a product of circumstance, influenced by the powers way out of his control

Oh my goodness, thank you every very much for this. It makes me incredible happy to read that ^__^

It helps seeing him as everyones Tool. Even his so called Women (HA!) see him at a means to archive things at times. Best seen in Sarah I think. If she knows it or not, she does the same thing as his Mom does, by using his characteristics and the fact he seem not to be able to do without her, to her advantage ?


7 hours ago, Devianna said:

. We see it in the chapters depicting his childhood, his time as a mercenary and even those with his mother. It is hard to tell if Arlan ever could make different decisions from the ones he made as he is in a state of almost constant struggle with his daedric ancestry while entities infinitely more powerful keep using him in their own little games. And while I am patiently waiting for his behind to get kicked back into Hircine's Hunting Grounds, his journey and his downward spiral are definitely quite entertaining.

I once started to make a scenery with him, showing him struggle with his own instincts and losing the battle. All while a character watches and comments on it like the Goblin Byneth commented on her live in the household. I scrapped it because it never made any sense for him to fight it. But I plan on making a scene where it does make sense for him do fight. If he loses or wins this inner battle is another matter I didn't fully decided on yet. By all what we know about him, he should lose tho ?

And if I ever decide to put an end to this story, big chance for him to end up bad. There are multiple Ideas floating around my head about his fate.

Only one of them is a so called Happy ending for him.


7 hours ago, Devianna said:

Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing your stories with us. ?

Thank you again for all you've wrote ^^ I really appreciate the critic and nice words, especially how detailed you pointed out some flaws and goods ^_^

Like I said, I'll try to improve on the things you pointed out. I hope I do well in the future


2 hours ago, hana120 said:


You changed Serana into a nasty vampire. Interesting.

And in his place, as a friendly vampire ally, Ariel.

Yeap, We needed someone to explain things, Ariel was the best option for it.

Serana turning out the way she is now is highly influenced by her appearance tho. I have to admit that I actually planed for her to be a joke >_>

Can't do that with someone looking as menacing as her  ?

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I'm still on team Steve. He would have made a fine Serana. Though having an actual powerful and evil Serana and weak dawnguard is a fun flip. I'm glad you're doing it this way. 



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11 minutes ago, yorpers said:

I'm still on team Steve. He would have made a fine Serana. Though having an actual powerful and evil Serana and weak dawnguard is a fun flip. I'm glad you're doing it this way. 



Behold! Steve might still cumming! Serana needs a pet >_>

(Alltho I rather give her a female one..)

Edited by Gukahn
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9 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Behold! Steve might still cumming! Serana needs a pet >_>

(Alltho I rather give her a female one..)

Does not have the same energy as Steve falling out of the coffin exclaiming "crikey mate!" 

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this episode is pure gold


long version:

Story moved foward very good

kitten in the epsiode : gooood

arlan get cured: as expected ghukan quality good

Serena the Real Scary: OMG this character the way shown... WoW love it :)


the veronica and scrol party its going to be intresting ride :) like it.

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10 hours ago, yorpers said:

Does not have the same energy as Steve falling out of the coffin exclaiming "crikey mate!" 

Or Arlan sitting depressed in a bar and Sofia in the background
"I bet he was hit by a surprise penis"
He would cry himself to sleep that night :/


1 hour ago, Nonseen said:

this episode is pure gold

Thank you, thank you?


1 hour ago, Nonseen said:

kitten in the epsiode : gooood

Kitten is the most loved char is she? ?

Not that I don't understand :classic_angel: 


1 hour ago, Nonseen said:

Serena the Real Scary: OMG this character the way shown... WoW love it :)

Thanks! xD yeah I.. Dunno she went from Troll bait to hardcore badass just because the replacer makes her out to be o__o so I couldn't bring it over myself to waste this and.. I somehow made my most hated character into the coolest thing I've ever done o__o


1 hour ago, Nonseen said:

the veronica and scrol party its going to be intresting ride :) like it.

Don't forget me Team Fortress. Sarah, Ariel and Isran.. Might be entertaining to see the three bickering and arguing in between xD

I will do a few scenes at Fort dawnguard with Arlan and Kitten next, afterwards I need to decide how I'm doing this.. Either split entrys per team or do entrys per team.. Both ways have value ? 

I Promise to not rush anything.. We're in for a very long ride o_o my god protect us once I unleash the mother of all milfs when Valerica gets encountered.. Holy fucking shit.. She is way hotter than her Daughter >__>

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10 hours ago, Gukahn said:

o_o my god protect us once I unleash the mother of all milfs when Valerica gets encountered.. Holy fucking shit.. She is way hotter than her Daughter >__>

sounds greet :)


Serene is very hot the moment :)


added bonus she made arlan to a wolf and chair :)

at least some female that can use arlan as pet not in the other way :)

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8 hours ago, Nonseen said:

at least some female that can use arlan as pet not in the other way :)

Won't be the last time we see Serana owning everyone and everything :classic_angel:


8 hours ago, Jay-Omms said:

Here's what I got when I looked up Belial. :sweat_smile:


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for the seak of storry keep serana badass  BUT this ark SHULD ended be her right fuckent and joining arlan harem that not a question! Let her play taht badass rol for awhile and crush it in the end. And that still lor acurate. 

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On 10/24/2023 at 2:04 AM, ERPModEnjoyer said:

for the seak of storry keep serana badass  BUT this ark SHULD ended be her right fuckent and joining arlan harem that not a question! Let her play taht badass rol for awhile and crush it in the end. And that still lor acurate. 

I won'tmake any promises about how Serana ends up ^^

All depence on how the story flows and how I feel about it. I don't want to waste this characters personality by making her like most others :classic_angel:

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18 hours ago, Gukahn said:

I won'tmake any promises about how Serana ends up ^^

All depence on how the story flows and how I feel about it. I don't want to waste this characters personality by making her like most others :classic_angel:

Ofc! you story teller! I jsut think she will be grate addition to hrem and not like other broken toys more like equal to main girls. But again i will gladly see all outcomes that you show us! 

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On 10/26/2023 at 1:43 PM, ERPModEnjoyer said:

Ofc! you story teller! I jsut think she will be grate addition to hrem and not like other broken toys more like equal to main girls. But again i will gladly see all outcomes that you show us! 

Yeah all depence on how it flows :classic_angel:


29 minutes ago, ?????? 1627 said:

Maybe you already have it , the maid pack is really nice

Thank you ^_^

I have it and boy do I have plans with it.. I already made Maid characters, just didn't had the time to use them :classic_angel:

I planed using them for Sofias family arc. Dawnguard just pushes it a bit further in the back (I made such a cute dunmer >-<)


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