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The Grey Cowl Of Who Now?



I don't know how I get into these things! I found a note on a dead thief in Riften, and that had wanted me to talk to a beggar. So I spoke the secret password to old Snilf in the Market who gave me another note. This note to said to rob a noble's house in the city (I cheated and I persuaded her to give me the key), and that in turn produced another note telling me to pick someone's pocket in Solitude. Honestly I have no idea why I do these things! For all I know there's a couple of Scamps watching from the shadows as I do these things, giggling and elbowing one-another in the ribs and whispering "what do you want to make him do next?"


Sometimes I think I must be terribly gullible.


Anyway, the person I had to pickpocket turned out to be Gisli. You know Gisli? "Just call me Erikur's Sister" Gisli? Well I ran into her coming into Bits and Pieces as I was going out. So quick as a flash, I tapped her over the back of the head and bundled her into a sack before leaving the city, pronto. Honestly, I'd expected Sayma to blow the whistle on me, and for me to have to fight my way out of the city, but Sayma seemed remarkably chill with the whole situation. I guess she doesn't like that bitch any more than we do.


I made my escape and found a disused cave where I'd have some privacy. Then I strip searched her until I found the Land Deed the note sender wanted, and I left her chained up. I should have probably let her get dressed first, but I honestly didn't think I'd be that long. Next thing you know I'm clearing Silverdrift Lair and then there's clandestine meeting in the Riften graveyard to swap a sword for a nice piece of Grey Fox memorabilia.  (I'm not sure that's the best word for it considering what the Cowl actually does, but I'm getting off topic...).


The point is, with all that other stuff going on, it was quite a while before I remembered where I'd left Gisli. And then I had to decide what to do with her. When I first nabbed her, I had considered ransoming her back to Erikur. So I thought as a conversation starter, I might take her up to the Blue Palace and give her some Humiliation Training. Let everyone see what had become of Erikur's Sister.


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Funnily enough, when I tried talking to Erikur, he acted as if he didn't know her. I guess no one likes poor Gisli after all!


Never mind, I think I'll keep her. I'm sure I can find something to do with her...


Edited by DocClox


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