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UPDATE 29th December 2021



UPDATE 4th December 2020

This year has seen some weird things, shifts on all theaters: From political to sociological to cultural and generational. We've been shaken, influences are pulling on threads that are like roots, bound into the fabric of our culture and society. Dialogue is stifled with violence of thought and action. Ears are closed and many of us have been scared this past year. Pandemic, elections, crazy things happening all around. This weird and unsettling year has seen both collective and personal tragedy for many, but there have been glimpses of light. Hope. Endless hope and determination to see things once started, through till the end. And with that background, work on Ivy has continued slowly and steadily this year.

We're about three quarters (3/4) into recording Ivy. But we're not only recording Ivy: some other surprises lie in store in regards to voice acting for the mod.

It's most likely that we will not make a Christmas release, and end of year release is possible but no promises at this time, no set release date yet.


Within a few weeks a new trailer will be released on Ivy's youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzTRb8ab9ZjK46X63Mtbluw/

Make sure to like and subscribe if you want to keep up with important developments.

This channel is demonetized by default, no money is earned in any way while making Ivy!









What weird place our world is in currently.

As life as we know it is changing around us and more and more are living an isolated existence, development on Ivy has become even more important to me and I make sure to work on her every day I can. The 5.2 build has been finished and a teaser trailer with the new Voice Actress is in the works (and it's looking great) all to provide you with the much needed escapism we all so crave during this difficult time.


I can't promise that anything will be easy, in the coming months, for any of us.

But I can promise that Ivy will keep going as long as I keep going. ❤️


5.2 will be released as soon as the test team gives the OK!





Alright so another Major Update. Apologies for the swinging left and right here. During the Multi Follower implementation I ran into some serious issues with Ivy on the technical front that were near impossible to solve. So instead of making Ivy compatible with MF mods, I have decided to create a multi-follower mod that will get a full stamp of approval from Ivy and will be the supported MF mod of choice for players wanting to add companions to their game and Ivy.


This mod was specifically designed to make ANY custom companion the main companion, and allows for an extra companion at any time, keeping most (if not all) of their functionality in tact. I have developed the base for this mod and have been testing out runs with Ivy and Nick Valentine, Ivy and Piper and Ivy and Codsworth + Codsworth Customized in the Robot DLC. So far the mod has run flawlessly without any major issues.


The major advantage of applying this outside of Ivy are:

- The mod can be used by ANY follower and is not restricted to just Ivy.

- More player choice!

- This Multi Follower mod does not touch ANY of the vanilla Follower framework. It uses a system completely outside of the Follower script and quest and does not alter ANY vanilla objects at ALL.

- This mod is NOT dependent on F4SE or any other mods, it does not require the DLC but it works on ANY follower.



I've worked hard on making Ivy's magazine plugin more robust. Sometimes she would get stuck in the scene, not pretty. This happens especially when combat takes place. It does eventually solve itself but it's not as elegant as it should be in 5.1. So for 5.2. I've completely reworked the magazine comments and now extra companions will comment on Ivy's remarks if they are vanilla companions (e.g. Nick, Piper, Codsworth etc..etc..)



Ivy's scanning system was not working well always. It's nice to Roleplay for yourself that these are glitches in an 80 year old prototype Synth, but that's not how she was intended. Ivy now only remarks on LOCKED safes. And she does it less. Once she's scanned a location, she will not scan that location again.



It's always bugged me that Ivy would sometimes go on a tangent while in the middle of combat, or that she would make an offhanded sexy remark, just seconds after heavy combat. In 5.2 a timer now tracks Ivy's combat and she will remain quiet for a respectful period of time during and after combat. And remarks or chat made will be related to combat and nothing else.



I have tried to design 5.2. in a manner in which you can keep your current save. This has hampered me heavily in improving her base systems, but I felt obliged to all of you not to ask you once again to start a whole new game with her. It will always be the recommended way to start any new version of Ivy, but in this case since the releases follow each other up so quickly it will not be necessary.


I will ship the test version to the Q&A team soon after which it will take a few weeks to root out any bugs they might find.

I expect 5.2. to be release somewhere in February, March the latest.


IVY 5.2. Will ADD the following features:

- Over 600 animations during her dialogue with the player.

- Ivy now automatically unequips her weapon as soon as the player enters dialogue with her.

- A new COMPLETE affinity quest called 'Robotic Assimilation' spanning 9 DIFFERENT LOCATIONS, see the spoiler tag.









Yes you heard it right.


Ivy will receive OPEN HEART SURGERY for 6.0.


This basically means I'm going to rip open her entire follower system and rework it from scratch to be outside of the vanilla companion system once and for all. The main reason for wanting to do this is very simple. I don't like it when multi follower mods break her functionality. Then people experience a 'regular' follower with Ivy and think 'what's all this fuss about?', never realizing they didn't even get close to the real 'Ivy' experience because they broke her to begin with.

I will also be replacing her complete scripting system to allow me much easier updating in the future.


Ivy 6.0 will be fully voiced again.


Watch the Ivy 5.0. trailer below:



Visit Ivy at Discord: https://discord.gg/vyTvJYd

(link checked last: 23-01-20)

Edited by Reginald_001


Recommended Comments

Malicia : « Hi-iii♪, Ivy ! I'm very glad you're doing well. I hope you'll get vacations from shooting people soon, yes ! simchevelu.gif »

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Aww.... that's so cute with the voice thing!  Poor Ivy...


That time when you build a whole new computer just for a fresh fallout 4 Ivy play through.... ?


"My Computer is Ready!"

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IMPORTANT: Version 5.1 release

A bug was identified where the NPC's did not have voice files during Ivy's Main Affinity quest.

This has been addressed and fixed.

You can simply overwrite the current mod with this one and continue playing where you were.

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Thanks for the new version of Ivy.
Now I can continue with the Spanish translation.
I can't promise you a end date.
When you commented that you were working on this new version, I was translating version 4.0 (Approximately 50% was done) and I decided to wait for this new version.
I will have to verify that what I had translated matches with version 5.1 and continue from there.

Thanks again.


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@davidbonde for technical support please go to the appropriate section of the blog: 'Documentation and Technical support'.

This is announcements, so I'll clean up this thread a bit.



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Hello Reginald_001!) You have created a wonderful mod that today knows no equal in the world of Fallout 4!!! Will you allow me to translate it into Russian and place it on a Russian-language website with mandatory indication Of your copyright and links to Your page?

Thank you in advance .

Sincerely yours


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12 hours ago, Vasabi90 said:

Hello Reginald_001!) You have created a wonderful mod that today knows no equal in the world of Fallout 4!!! Will you allow me to translate it into Russian and place it on a Russian-language website with mandatory indication Of your copyright and links to Your page?

Thank you in advance .

Sincerely yours


Make sure to check with @Fiona159 who is also working on a translation for 5.1.

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For quests, such as the robot DLC, Far Harbor.. and other quests that require you to have a specific companion. Ivy 5.2. will support her OWN IMPLEMENTATION OF MULTI-FOLLOWERS. This means that from 5.2 (will be released within several weeks/2 months at most) you will be able to travel with ANY ONE (1) extra companion. And if you use the 'Best Friend' DogMeat companion mod you can add DogMeat to that group if you want.


So if this kind of silliness is your thing.. Ivy will support it soon!


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I've often wondered how Ivy would interact with other characters such as Piper, Curie, or Cait. I know this change won't answer that question, but her snarky or charming dialogue  towards other characters would be fun. We see a bit of this in her interaction with Marcy at the Museum of Freedom and when she chases her out of Sanctuary. Ivy seems to have some affinity for Piper from the comments she makes about her and I could see those two getting along as traveling companions. You've given us such a rich and wonderful companion to explore and explore with, it just seems like a natural evolution for Ivy, at least to me. Regardless, thank you for all your hard work and dedication to Ivy. She is absolutely the best. I would have quit playing FO4 long ago if it weren't for her. As others have said, it has truly become 'the Ivy Game.'

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Thank you Reginald_001! IMHO this is the most significant feature being added to Ivy so far. Despite its faults Fallout 4 is a pretty good game. With the addition of one or two hundred mods it becomes a wonderland of imagination and adventure and creativity. Hell yeah, I'd still be playing Fallout without Ivy. And i wouldn't be playing an "Ivy Game" without Fallout!


Ivy's recent interactions with the settlement NPCs has been delightful, and with Thuggysmurf's new Companion and Settler Dialogue Overhaul has brought Fallout's social atmosphere up to a whole new level. Fallout is the story of many diverse communities of actors. Ivy is the story of one girl (and a pelican).


I don't want to "run" with a gang of companions as well as Ivy. Ivy works just great as a full-game permanent companion. But the vanilla companions are an integral part of the Fallout story and dismissing Ivy to complete their quests now feels very lore-unfriendly. Ivy will add some much-needed spice and humour to the vanilla companion quests.


Thanks again Reginald_001, i knew you could do it.




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My only specific wish for Ivy is that someone would come up with an XDI compatibility patch, as was done for Heather. Does not have to be Reginald.

Just Business requires XDI...  Wolfmark has a pretty good XDI "enhancer", but he has been gone from Skyrim for a long time.


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Holy Shit @Reginald_001, how many projects are you going to do at once, and when are you going to take a break? Dude, I/we don't need you to burn yourself out. If I was freakin' talented enough, I would take a 1/4 of what you are doing and help you out. All I can seem to do is write stories and do a little xEdit work.

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14 hours ago, fred200 said:

My only specific wish for Ivy is that someone would come up with an XDI compatibility patch, as was done for Heather. Does not have to be Reginald.

Just Business requires XDI...  Wolfmark has a pretty good XDI "enhancer", but he has been gone from Skyrim for a long time.


With as many thing as he's doing, don't be surprised if he doesn't figure out a way to create his own kind of XDI. It looks like he's trying to keep everyone from complaining about things. SMH, sometimes, just sometimes, people have to learn to accept what does and does not work and deal with it before they drive the authors crazy and ghost everybody.

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14 hours ago, fred200 said:

My only specific wish for Ivy is that someone would come up with an XDI compatibility patch, as was done for Heather. Does not have to be Reginald.

Just Business requires XDI...  Wolfmark has a pretty good XDI "enhancer", but he has been gone from Skyrim for a long time.


There is one. Untested, but there it is. :)



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12 minutes ago, DontBlnkBadWolf said:

Holy Shit @Reginald_001, how many projects are you going to do at once, and when are you going to take a break? Dude, I/we don't need you to burn yourself out. If I was freakin' talented enough, I would take a 1/4 of what you are doing and help you out. All I can seam to do is write stories and do a little xEdit work.

Currently I'm working on/off on 4 projects:


Active development:

- Ivy 5.2

- The Extended Lore Project

- RAM-FM (Reginald's 'awesome' multi follower mod lol)

- 'Daddy' a poignant quest and companion mod featuring a male companion ex-raider that hires the player for a quest



- Reginald's Basement

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24 minutes ago, Reginald_001 said:

There is one. Untested, but there it is. :)


xdi-1.3.6-wmk(1).zip 196.12 kB · 0 downloads


Thank you!

I am relatively certain that is the Wolfmark version I referenced. It is buried deep in the XDI topic.

For those that need, I can recommend it. It make Ivy's dialog fully useable albeit a bit wordy.

It does let me run Ivy (mandatory) and still be able to enslave those that deserve it. Like the Raider bosses.

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