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Eva's, Ivy's and Elf Prince's sex diaries.


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New family business?

The preliminary calculations we made yesterday showed that this summer season is the most successful and most profitable season we had in the last 10 years. Dad Boss is very proud of us, the executive board. Since **“Ferragosto” is at the door, we had to hire more workers for two weeks term. (** Ferragosto is an Italian mass vacation and you can read about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferragosto ). Why is it important to us? Well, since it starts on the Roman Catholic and national holi


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Moral offense

Although my dad apologized to my Prince for insulting him, and although it seemed that all was fine afterwards, the family boycotted him: they didn’t communicate with him. No, they didn’t agree to do that, it happened spontaneously. When my dad had enough of it, he asked us when do we plan to stop boycotting him and start talking to him. Mikey, who was sitting in his lap, told him: - I do not know what boycotting means, grandpa, but I know you don’t love my tata. You made me very sad. I wis


Evaloves4 in Diaries


I have no idea what is happening lately with us being sick, but my Prince suddenly felt nauseas and had the urge to vomit on our way to work in Monday. My Ivy quickly changed the course and she drove us home. I called our house doctor. My poor Prince vomited all the way home through open window on the car. His body squirmed very hard when vomited. We felt very sorry for him. Since he was very weak to walk, we helped him to lay on the bed and together with my mom, we undressed him. His whole body


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Because I love Eva

I needed the rest and thanks to my luvs and my mom I got it. I was very touched by the care of the family members and some Hotel workers who called me or my luvs asking about me. Seeing I am feeling better, my mom allowed visitors today. Since the weather was nice and so many people wanted to see me, my Prince came to the idea to organize a big feast in my (recovery) honor on our beach. He said no word to our guests about it when he called them and told them when to come.     When


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Our never growing up boys

My dad thinks he is very independent man who needs nobody’s help and that he could go through life pretty good alone. I wonder how when he has no habit to do simple things like taking insulin pills twice a day. He usually forgets to take them in the evening. He also forgets (sometimes he ignores) he is not allowed to eat certain meals and drink certain drinks. That’s why my mom monitors him and prevents him to eat and drink forbidden substances and she reminds him to take the pill or she brings


Evaloves4 in Diaries

False alarm

When I woke up early yesterday morning, my Prince wasn't in the bed. My Ivy either. I always feel when he gets out of the bed, even when he is sneaking out, but this time I didn't feel it. I thought my luvs are in the living room or with the children. I looked for them, but they weren't there. Coming to the kitchen, I found a note on the table: "Prince and I are out. We'll call you asap. Love you." My Ivy knows me; if everything was all right, she will write it to me. I had no idea where they ar


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Crossing the line

We were very proud at Lidija, especially my Prince when she told us that she invited Gabriela in the Hotel bar and treating her with juice, she told her why she was hostile toward her. She also apologized to her for being rude and she promised to her she’d be much nicer to her. She started with inviting her to have a lunch with her and Ivan in Sunday. Gabriela gladly accept it and she apologized for sending wrong signals that she tried to push her away from my Prince. It wasn’t her intention esp


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Helping Smilja

I don’t know how many of you remember my Prince’s cousin, Smilja? She is his Uncle’s younger daughter, married and lives with her husband in Austria. (You can read about her in my earlier diaries). Anyway, she called my Prince several days ago heavily crying and asking if she my come to visit us for she needs to talk to us in person about very serious matter. We agreed and she arrived next day. She brought the gifts for each of us and although she tried to behave normal, she couldn’t hide her fe


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Anniversary group sex

There was a final march of the parade under the masks in our city yesterday. It was too crowdy and really loud. The three of us went to see it with our children. Silvano and Malicija, Irena and Damir were with us. Malicija was very cute. She enjoyed it very much and she made us smile with her dancing. Although my Prince tried his best to enjoy the parade because of the children, he couldn’t. When he had enough of being pushed, stepped on his toes, and heard too loud music and various drums and s


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Living somebody’s dreams

Davor and Sandra stayed until Monday, as they planned. The three of us had group sex with her one more time and it was incredible. Just as much pleasure and orgasms she gave to us, we gave her too although she was more focused on my Prince than on my Ivy and me. Besides having excellent sex with Sandra, we enjoyed having supper with her and Davor in a very fancy restaurant. Their treat. Of course, we had sex in turns with my Prince in the ladies’ restroom. She did too and she said she likes it v


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Aunt Melany (Most wonderful news)

Let’s start with a little background of his uncles and aunts so you would have a better insight into what is going on. (I mentioned them a few times in my earlier diaries). My Prince had two uncles and two aunts from his father’s side. Well, the oldest uncle passed away a few years ago. He was loved by all of us. The younger uncle is a vandal and criminal wanted by police who tricked my Prince and his father for a big sum of money and they aren’t in contact. He allegedly lives in the capital. Tw


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Very functional family

Nine more days until Christmas. I can’t hide my excitement and I am talking about it whenever I have a chance. We also had a family meeting in which we shared grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning responsibilities so that no one would be too busy and overwhelmed by work. Of course, our moms carries the biggest burden - cooking, baking, frying and all related to the kitchen. Silvano asked us if we would invite Malicija, his girlfriend for a family lunch on Christmas. We said we planned to do it


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Lying lady

Our children went totally crazy about driving in the boat. My dad drives them on the boat every day. Mikey likes it better than riding on the electric motorcycle with his tata. My dad chuckled happily as the children showed more interest in the sea. He once took them on his lap and asked them if they would like to learn boat fishing. Mikey said he would love to. Nobody was happier than my dad at that moment. He showered his face with kisses and "love yous”. When he asked Precious why she doesn’t


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Return to natural beauty

My Prince’s idea to put the food into cardboard packages and paper bags, and hang them on the fence of the food disposal for the homeless and beggars showed to be an excellent move. We saw the record from security cameras of how they took the packages, looked inside to see what was in them, and walked away. Nobody even tried to climb over the fence. Some of them even waved to the cameras as a ‘thank you’ sign. My Prince contently smiled seeing them satisfied and he commented: - If we only k


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Lidija snapped

My luvs and I decided to see what skills our children have so far so that we can help them to develop them. So, Mikey still likes practicing martial arts, he likes sports; everything that is motional since he is restless like his father. Therefore, besides continuing of practicing martial arts with him (Ivy’s domain), we will continue to swim with him and do every physical activities which is my Prince’s domain. Oh, yes, he loves the music; singing and dancing. My Ivy will teach him that. Precio


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Herd of pigs

My Ivy and I had no time to get tattoos my Prince likes since we were very busy and when we told him we will do it next week, he said he doesn’t want us to do it anymore. He argued he likes when we wear red, white, blue, or black stockings.   Some number of Croatian nationalists tried to attack our guests who were Orthodox believers when our drivers took them to the mass in the Orthodox church, but they gave up seeing our security guards. So, since they couldn’t harm them, they swore a


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Last night group sex

It doesn’t happen often that our “Fantastic 4” calls us about having group sex. We usually call them when my Ivy has a strong need for gangbanging. But Peter called my Prince yesterday morning saying that they are very horny and asked us if we can have group sex at the evening at Matija’s place. They simply can’t wait for another day. He was very proud of Matija and himself saying that they have been eating and drinking fruits and vegetables which my Ivy and I suggested to them. He also said how


Evaloves4 in Diaries

A war hero mocked

The weather finally turned to better and warmer although it was still windy. Although the three of us (me, my Fran, and Lidija) are having helpers now, we were very busy for three days and I was very tired. I wasn’t able to do anything after work except have sex with my luvs which always relaxes me. My Prince and Ivy made an unannounced inspection of the Hotel as they do occasionally. And again, except for a few small irregularities, everything was fine. Of course, he gathered responsible ones w


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Sneaky tricky skinny ass bitch

It was total madness in our house on Thursday, when Croatia played against Belgium, the elimination game for the 1/8 finals. I planned to decorate our house with Christmas ornaments after work, and I was very happy about it when my mom told me there will be a full house of people since there is a WSC match Croatia against Belgium. And it was so, a full house again and everyone was very loud. We couldn’t bare it anymore. Since we have the keys to our parents’ houses with our room in them, and the


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Ruined day

Everything in the Hotel is submitted to organizing the Valentine’s. Our band was rehearsing songs that they would be playing that evening, my Fran and Lidija were choosing ornaments, decorations, and gifts for our guests; the wedding, and love couples. My luvs would do something nice for me although, if you ask them, they do not care about it. My Ivy used to celebrate Valentine’s with me but since she became “Princelike”, she stopped doing it just like everything else he doesn’t like. However, m


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Cocktail maker

Everything in the Hotel is submitted to Halloween and the All Saints holiday. We expect a lot of guests, our people who live in other European countries but have their loved ones buried in their homeland. My Prince hates Halloween with all his being but because of the children, he will participate in dressing into Hulk. Our son is the biggest fan of Hulk and both of them will be Hulks. Precious and I will be princesses and my Ivy will be a Supergirl because she is strong, blond, and have perfect


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Damn sick perverts

Our accounting office fixed my Fran’s report error. They contacted financial state bureau and explained the situation providing all available papers. We were lucky this time and we didn’t suffer any consequences. And I relearned good lesson again to check every report before signing, no matter how much I trust my Fran, because mistakes happens to everyone.     As the chief of human resources Lidija had to discipline one female worker for coming late to the work three days in the r


Evaloves4 in Diaries

It turns us incredibly on

We had an excellent weekend. Before I tell you about it, I have some good news about the Christmas present for my Prince. Namely, the children wrote all that their father means to them, and how much they love him and they drew all of us holding hands in the circle. They did it when we were at work so their father won’t spoil the surprise. My Ivy and I smiled reading what Mikey and Precious wrote to him. They used the words they don’t fully understand or don't understand at all, but they know the


Evaloves4 in Diaries

A shack for … other things

Mister “XXX” and his family gifted us all, especially our children. My Prince did not get anything, but Mister “XXX” told us in private that he has a special gift for him which he will give to him on the day of their departure. He told us not to worry about his reaction to the gift because he knows how to avoid my Prince’s potential anger.     Mister “XXX” and his wife are coming to our morning family coffee gatherings with dad Boos and mom Zdenka and they like it a lot. After fin


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Even more beautiful

We worked on Saturday morning. Since we are getting more and more bookings for May, we decided to start the summer season, on Mikey’s 4th birthday (5th according to the calendar year as I count). We asked him what would he like to get for his birthday. To our surprise, he didn’t say anything about Hulk. He wanted a cell phone. On the question of why would he need a cell phone, he said: - How do you expect me to talk to my girlfriend if I have no cell phone? We laughed but we told him h


Evaloves4 in Diaries

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