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Cocktail maker



Everything in the Hotel is submitted to Halloween and the All Saints holiday. We expect a lot of guests, our people who live in other European countries but have their loved ones buried in their homeland. My Prince hates Halloween with all his being but because of the children, he will participate in dressing into Hulk. Our son is the biggest fan of Hulk and both of them will be Hulks. Precious and I will be princesses and my Ivy will be a Supergirl because she is strong, blond, and have perfect legs. But my Prince will be Hulk only at home. He refused to come to the Hotel costume party we will organize for our workers saying that he will be a fool (as he calls it) only to our children and nobody else. Oh, my, our children and I can’t wait while my Prince is already “sick”. :D



One day my luvs came to my office and my Ivy told me what just happened in the bar. Namely, my Prince and Ivy went to the bar to talk to the cocktail maker during his break about some private problems. (Will tell you about it very soon). Anyway, during their conversation, a very beautiful girl sat across from my Prince and started to seduce him. He tried to ignore her, but he couldn’t for she was stealing his attention by constantly squirming and exposing her legs. He couldn’t be focused on the conversation. He would change the seat if the bar wasn't fully occupied. My Ivy had to intervene. She approached her and asked her to stop doing it or to leave. The girl left. When they finished the conversation, my Prince thanked her for dealing with the girl. She told him that she wasn’t her, but him; a transgender. He couldn’t believe it. He was 100% sure the man was a girl. She told him about small details that the man covered/hid, and about his most obvious mark - Adam’s apple, which females do not have. My Prince completely forgot about that detail. (He made the same mistake some time ago). My Fran laughed hard and teased him saying that if my Prince would fuck him in the total dark, he will think that his penis is a giant clitoris. We died laughing.



Now, back to the problem of the cocktail maker. He asked my luvs for help. Namely, he borrowed a certain amount of money from his acquaintances who charged him some interest. He returned the money and interest in time, but they requested a new interest. He didn’t have money; therefore, he asked my luvs if they can help him. My Prince was angry with him for not talking to Lidija about the money. The Hotel would give it to him without interest and he might pay it back in rates. He argued he was embarrassed to do it because he didn’t want other workers to know about his financial problems. Then my luvs told him he will not pay them the requested money, the second interest. It was obvious racketeering. They will talk to them. The man begged them not to since they threatened him that if he tells it to anyone, especially the police, they will hurt his wife and his little child. Hearing it, my Prince went mad. He hates people who are hurting women and children. After getting their names and addresses, my luvs visited them. They put them in the car and took them to an isolated place, and killed the shit out of them. The guys looked like the train passed over them. Then they threaten them saying if they get closer than 10 meters to the couple and their child, they will break their legs and arms with permanent consequences. They made them swear they will not harm the cocktail maker and his family and then they returned to him with the good news. Anyway, I am sure those two jerks wouldn’t dare to harm our cocktail maker now. We know him as a hard worker, an honest man who loves his wife and child. They came to my Prince’s office and talked to Lidija who told him that whenever he needs financial help, he may freely ask her and he will get it and nobody would know he asked for help. Discretion guaranteed. :)

Edited by Evaloves4


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> All right, my LL angel pointed out my problematic expression again: "They kill the shit out of them" which most probably allude that my luvs killed morons. No, they haven't. :D It is a literal translation of our saying "ubili su govno u njima".  which is equivalent to English saying: "They kicked the shit out of them" but with stronger meaning: they didn't just beat them, but they beat them almost to death.

Edited by Evaloves4
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10 hours ago, Evaloves4 said:

> All right, my LL angel pointed out my problematic expression again: "They kill the shit out of them" which most probably allude that my luvs killed morons. No, they haven't. :D It is a literal translation of our saying "ubili su govno u njima".  which is equivalent to English saying: "They kicked the shit out of them" but with stronger meaning: they didn't just beat them, but they beat them almost to death.

I saw, but never play online auto-correcter. ))) Especially if English is not first language of poster, as many on this site!

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11 hours ago, TheLadysGhost said:

I saw, but never play online auto-correcter. ))) Especially if English is not first language of poster, as many on this site!


> There are many sayings in our language translated in English on net but sometimes I have no time to look for them, sometimes I am lazy to look for them and sometimes (like now) I rather pick literal translation knowing that it might say something else than I wanted to say at first place :D 

Edited by Evaloves4
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11 hours ago, Evaloves4 said:

> There are many sayings in our language translated in English on net but sometimes I have no time to look for them, sometimes I am lazy to look for them and sometimes (like now) I rather pick literal translation knowing that it might say something else than I wanted to say at first place :D 

Well, I studied English at uni, with ambition of becoming an interpreter. And studied 2 more years after married and moved to US, AND basically language submersion in US for more than 10 yrs. I rarely speak Russian these days, and almost never have reason to write. I still make mistakes with English!


But, translator and interpreter are not the same thing. Translator is this word (usually) means this or that, and next, and next, but interpreter is these words mean this or that when in context of a thought process. Electronic online is mostly only translator, so sometimes meanings get lost, and I understand this. )))

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