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-Pictures- Ruled by Sins of the Flesh, Liam, the Soothsayer



I created a new character which I intended to use through the gray cowl of nocturnal, and he started to grow on me. I thought why not see if others thought he looked nice, and if he garners enough of a reaction, I would start taking more pictures of him for you guys. Also, if people are interested, I could add a little bit of information about him.




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There seems to be a problem with the specular map (I guess it's that one), since the light reflection looks weird.


Besides that, he strongly looks like the Prince of Persia. Go ahead, show and tell. And thanks in advance for sharing.

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Yeah, after I took the pictures I realized I had the bad racemenu light on, and I forgot to cast facelight. He resembles the Prince because of the outfit I assume,but yeah, I had similarities in mind. I was planning something along those lines in his trip for the cowl tbh.


Thanks for taking time to look in and respond, I got two people who displayed some interest in him so far, so maybe I'll upload his story.

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Fuck public attention, fuck positive feedback and fuck the applauding masses. You do that for yourself, to hone your creative skills. Try to see it that way and take the feedback as a bonus. This modern-days addiction to attention and direct feedback (the facebook version of a social live) is nothing but an illusion.


Yeah, I grant you, it is nice to be praised by the masses. But if you make yourself dependent from other people opinion, you lose yourself within your work / creation. You express yourself with your work - you train yourself by creating. Just because most people don't like a certain product doesn't mean that the creator didn't do a damn fine job with it.


But enough of me blathering about philosophy. Looking forward for your work.

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Fuck public attention, fuck positive feedback and fuck the applauding masses. 

Yes, I agree as a rule, but, I'd rather post things that people (no matter how few) like. I'm not saying that I need X amount of likes, and Y amount of comments before I would post more, even if it was only one person, I would continue to post so long as that one person enjoyed it. 

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Fuck public attention, fuck positive feedback and fuck the applauding masses. You do that for yourself, to hone your creative skills. Try to see it that way and take the feedback as a bonus. This modern-days addiction to attention and direct feedback (the facebook version of a social live) is nothing but an illusion.


Yeah, I grant you, it is nice to be praised by the masses. But if you make yourself dependent from other people opinion, you lose yourself within your work / creation. You express yourself with your work - you train yourself by creating. Just because most people don't like a certain product doesn't mean that the creator didn't do a damn fine job with it.


But enough of me blathering about philosophy. Looking forward for your work.

Couldn't agree more , sometimes i get so proud in the stuff i make and nobody likes it , then i get frustrated as hell , this post is truly a lesson to be taken by many, especially me.

@GimmeBACON: Can't wait for more, I'll be following this blog closely ;)

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