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Bitches be Crazy -Real Life-



Regarding the title, I don't generally refer to women as 'bitches', nor do I believe women in general are more or less crazy then men; that was merely click bait, so yeah... I guess I hooked you in. I just needed to vent my frustrations with my situations, as well as gather other peoples opinions on the subject.


Firstly, my gf is not pregnant, but I think that she might be a bit upset about that. I think part of that stems from the fact that she clings to security, and that she fears that I am 'looking for something better', which, I am by no means searching for a new gf. While she may put airs of confidence, I think she invites other people into the bedroom because she's afraid I'll get bored of her.


Lately there's been a good bit of stress in my life, and that has kind of affected her as well; regardless of how strongly I tell her it's nothing and I'm trying to fix it. The first stressful situation comes from her friends sister, who has been affectionately labeled 'the psycho' whom I had to sit down with my gf and explain the whole awkward situation. She still doesn't want it to just be dropped, regardless of how much we both agreed that it would be bad if she were invited into the bedroom.


A new stress to her (not inherently me, but her stressing, stresses me) is that an ex of mine has been trying to get back in touch with me. Let me start by telling you that she cheated on me with like 5 other guys, and being with her made me feel awful. It started casually with her showing up at my job, and trying to 'make amends'. In retrospect, I should have just shut down the attempt from the beginning, but I didn't wish to make a scene at work, and I was done being angry with her by this point anyway. So she invites me out to a party (just me, but I brought my gf to make it a point that I wasn't single) and as I went outside to take a breather (agoraphobic) my ex came out and started lightly flirting with me, even though I blatantly told her I wasn't interested. Apparently later that night she had been drunk, and told my gf that she could have me again if she wanted, and that I'd dump her in a heartbeat. I told her how stupid my ex was, but I think part of her is nervous that she may have been right. (I would never get back with her just an fyi)


She texted me yesterday asking if we could go have a cup of coffee, but after this mess, the only response I gave her was messaging the link to

to which she hasn't responded, but I think my gf's low self esteem keeps all these things spinning in her mind. I told her that I love her, and that I have no interest in being with anybody else, even telling her that we should be exclusive, but I can't really read her, even after being with her for over three years.


So I guess that's where I'm stumped, I know that I created these stresses, but my intention wasn't to hurt, I was honestly trying to fix my problems. Did I do something wrong by trying to play nice with these girls? Is this just karma for being a womanizer and an asshole when I was younger? I know time, and me proving myself will mend these problems, and I know part of me deserves this, but I really am getting tired of the cold shoulder.


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It's been I while since a heard that song

May I ask why did you accept to go to her party?

That album got me through a few break-ups. I don't know why to be honest, I just didn't want to be known as bitter and resentful, I kind of wanted to show I got over it and I could still be friendly, bad choice in hindsight. 

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Added a "like" on your dark room post - I'm not really in the whole facebook-like-subject, and I hope it didn't seem like I "like" the past you had to live through. It was meant as a sign that I was waiting for you to tell something about yourself.


That's why I post here. Because what you said in this blog entry is... well, it's lacking crucial info about why you think what you do. One can't give proper reply if the story teller remains unknown.


That's that. Good luck to you. Looking forward to reading more from you, young one.

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Added a "like" on your dark room post - I'm not really in the whole facebook-like-subject, and I hope it didn't seem like I "like" the past you had to live through. It was meant as a sign that I was waiting for you to tell something about yourself.


That's why I post here. Because what you said in this blog entry is... well, it's lacking crucial info about why you think what you do. One can't give proper reply if the story teller remains unknown.


That's that. Good luck to you. Looking forward to reading more from you, young one.

Relax, I know you weren't trying to offend and I wasn't offended by it, regarding being left without depth, ask a question; get an answer, simple as that. If you have a specific question, it'd be easier to know what it is you wish to know, so I can try and answer it. If you don't feel comfortable asking publicly, PM is an option. Just remember, while I'm likely to answer, if your questions get to personal, I may ignore it.

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