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  • Skeever Butt
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  1. Replace "LGBTQ" with "the Nazi" and rethink what you wrote.
  2. I'm really curious how the localized versions of this game translated for languages (e.g. Japanese, Finnish, Turkish, Hungarian) that don't use gendered pronouns handled this pronoun BS. Logically, it should be a non issue for them, but I somehow doubt they'd be able to get rid of "they/them" BS.
  3. The LGBTQ is a political movement with its own rainbow flag and all, literal definition of identity politics, and the pronoun BS is a part of it. There is no universally accepted value in it, if people in a democratic country don't like your world views and politics then they have every right to fight against it. However, "freedom of expression" is a basic human right and is universally accepted and has been a part of the so called western values. You can't deny people's basic human rights by taking away their freedom of expression simply because you don't like what they say, and then try to excuse your intolerance by calling it "Western Values" unless those values are completely made up.
  4. Negative reviews = review bombing 10/10 fake reviews = Just a balancing act Self negating, dumbass logic.
  5. If you want everyone in a game to be either male or female or refuse to play retarded LGBTQ identity politics games, then you are no doubt a "nazi shit".
  6. I'm sure you have access to a search engine. A mod to remove a pathetic political statement from a video game.
  7. Perhaps you should've done a little bit of research before calling something you had no idea about as "bullshit" and then bravely flaunting your ignorance with your "personal" experiences. If some people are calling something as an "ideology", perhaps you should've considered that it could be something that go well beyond "tranny fucking/stabbing". You insult and criticize so called "do-gooders" for getting angry about pronouns and call the "straight" mods as "people-despising" as if wanting to play a "straight" game is purely out of malice against trans people. You can't even ask yourself why trans pronouns have become a thing if not a result of an "ideology". Anyway, I'm not here to entertain your ignorance and this is the second time you have made sweeping generalizations and then spewing insults, which clearly proves my point about the likes of you.
  8. Hah! Don't you guys have 4090s!? Bugthesda is not only utterly incompetent developer, but also doesn't give a shit. They literally broke Skyrim LE by their final patch and left it broken. All of its memory allocation issues, crash issues, string count issues, save game issues, lipsync issues etc. etc. all solved by modders, for free. Link for the SF discussion.
  9. Ask them why they advocate trans, feminist etc. ideologies, and they'll tell you "cause they are discriminated against", yet they themselves never hesitate to insult, scorn and discriminate against others. People demand tolerance and rights for themselves, yet are always unwilling to give it to others. Modding sites see absolutely no problem hosting trans, loli, furry, bestiality etc. mods, yet ban people for wanting to make their game feel "straight". Hypocrisy is clearly no longer seen as a bad thing in the new millennia, everyone's perfectly happy with it as long as it fits their agenda.
  10. Would've been cool if the game had some of these... ...so that I can have a plate armor made.
  11. Doth thee claimeth t'is not lewd!? https://www.pcgamer.com/baldurs-gate-3-is-the-horniest-rpg-ive-ever-played-and-honestly-its-a-bit-much/
  12. Even Astarion doesn't play BG3 as Astarion... ?
  13. Just for fun, possible companion zodiac signs: ?
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