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  • Birthday 01/01/1988

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  1. Was wondering, I have it set to male only, would it be possible to console command to enable selected female npcs? Just like how you can block approachers, would be good for Nuka world gang leaders etc
  2. I'm using AAF 166.0beta, and just realised there's been updates since lol. I go on the discord, I'm still very new to discord. Only problem, I can't find the download for the latest version! It's probably obvious, but can anyone tell me where to navigate to find the latest version, please.
  3. So my character was equipped a shock collard by Violate, but then a settler became the shock collar master, then later started shocking pc long distance lol. When you get shocked long distance a quest comes up (and stays) in your pip boy, and the quest reactivates, you could say, when you get shocked again; when that happens you visit the collar master, due the deed and quest is finished but stays in quest tab until shocked again. With that explained. I paid the npc to remove the collar but the quest is still in pip boy (I don't need to visit collar master), it's inactive. Was wondering if this is normal? It's very minor.
  4. quick question: is the bimbo perk acquired by npc giving the pc bimbo serum? After perk and serum, last for duration in mcm, right? I've left body morphs off in mcm, but thinking of turning it on now, sounds fun lol.
  5. This also happened to me. Only difference my character has been persuaded into hypnosis treatment before (so far only good npc's with no rape intentions), but never reached the hypnosis level that made pc vulnerable to "sleep" trigger word. So I thought it was weird, when an evil npc used trigger word, after refusing shock collar approach. Not using Milking Human Kindness.
  6. Have a request for next update: During the butt slap dialog, we're given choices, the intimidate sometimes has a chance of backfiring. I like that intimidation can fail, but there's always a dialog exit sign near that option, when it is going to fail. Can you make this tiny change, so that the dialog exist sign doesn't show, when butt slapper is going to attack for trying to intimate them. Because it's easy to avoid/cheat that outcome, when you're trying not to get, potentially, raped. Hopefully makes sense, half a sleep.
  7. I found this online, before seeing your reply 😅 Console command: player.caa animarchetypeplayer Is there a difference? Either way, going to use your method, but just curious of the difference.
  8. I just realised something. During abduction, when you choose the submit option the 3rd time; pc's idle stance changes. Haven't been able to properly check but I'm 99% sure it's this mod. Going to be honest it's kind of annoying because it messes the camera and everything up; also there's no option to disable it in mcm. edit* omg after abduction time ends and you're given the option to leave or retrieve items, if you select don't need/leave them (nothing was stolen because violate already took/robbed items). Quest ends BUT then it restarts and you're back where you started! edit* forgot to mention the prompt comes up twice for some reason. Probably a good thing because if you select: retrieve items first, then leave items on the second time prompt, it doesn't restart the abduction again! (in case anyone else has same issue)
  9. M.BISON

    Site Feedback

    It's weird because it only recently started popping up, after visiting the site for the past 10 years! Based on that, yes, I do trust the site 😅 BTW what antivirus are you using? I'm just using windows defender.
  10. M.BISON

    Site Feedback

    Sometimes when I click on LL/site, Google chrome says the site is not safe to access, and doesn't continue to open the page (gives the option to proceed or go back). Does this happen to anyone else?
  11. This is just my opinion. Man, Nora's voice sounds just like vanilla, but then I heard the males and they all sound British! lol. I find it funny cus the one I was using before, they all sound South African (to me). It's a little surreal hearing all the (male) waste landers go all posh with their pick up lines, not that I'm complaining or anything. Great work with the voices! ✌️
  12. I have a quick question: is it safe to uninstall voice file mods? Using a different one for Violate, but wanted to try this one. I think HR is the sexual harassment mod?
  13. M.BISON

    Site Feedback

    @Sneaksmile "Bison defeated and sexually humiliated by Cammy?! That can not be! ... Nope?? ... of course yes!!" 😂😂😂. Also like the use of Bison lines from the cartoon lol. Cammy had a dream, that she defeated Bison but for Bison it was just a Tuesday...
  14. Oh damn, that's crazy and was not expecting something that complex sounding going on behind the scenes. I'm running it on M2 ssd and 4070 ti lol. I was wondering is "ce" and abbreviation of something? Google results is too varied. I'll try what you said, it's only happened a couple of times. Thanks.
  15. Hi all, I don't know what this is mesh/texture; so wasn't sure how to title post, but couple of instances this has happened. Seems like it's always there for vault 88 (screenshot). Weird thing is that you can "fall in it," almost like falling to another level. Load order: Screenshot: Thanks in advanced.
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