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Roggvir's DD Items Manager

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Roggvir's DD Items Manager

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Allows the player to control which "Devious Devices" items can be put on

Toggle which items are allowed or not, and set probability of picking random item from each of the 26 categories

...currently ignores actor's sex (female is presumed), but that shouldn't be a problem for now.


- Items are distributed amongst several Categories.

- When picking items, all Categories are considered.

- Each Category has a configurable probability/chance of picking ONE randomly chosen item.
- Individual items can be allowed/forbidden from the picking procedure.
- Uses lists of "mutualy exclusive items" to prevent picking conflicting items (by function, or visually)


Supported by mods:


Mod Configuration Menu is required since version 1.0.2.

If you are updating from 1.0.1 or 1.0.2, simply uninstall the old version and install the new one, then in game use the "REPAIR MCM SETTINGS" button. No special cleaning steps neccessary.



You should be given the "Devious Devices Manager" item automatically.

If not, you can craft it at any Chem Station (recipe can be found under Utility).




To use the "Devious Devices Manager", click on it as if you are trying to equip it.

(you can of course bind it to some quick item slot, but i dont think you are gonna use it that often)




Toggle Allowed Items.

Any items you set to OFF, will be ignored by this MOD's procedure for picking random items.


NOTE: I do want to make a proper user-friendly variant using MCM later, but no guarantees.



Review and Configure the Probability settings.

Each category contains items that are somewhat distinct from items in other categories - by their looks, by their function, sometimes (not always) by used slots.

When picking up random items, the probability setting affects the chance that ONE random item (allowed only) will be picked from that category.

The system considers lists of "mutually exclusive items", so it won't try to put on both hood AND a blindfold, and it tries to pick items from EVERY category in sequence (from highest probability to the lowest).



Pick a Category...



...and set its Probability





NOW, obviously this wont do much, unless...

...some MOD makes use of the provided functionality (like AAF Violate for example).

Use the following to fetch a list of random items to be put on:

Rogg:DDManager DDManager = Rogg:DDManager.GetAPI()
form[] _items = DDManager.PickRandomItems()
; now you can call the EquipDevice() from DD:DD_Library to equip the items one by one



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  • Requires
    Mod Configuration Menu (only required by version 1.0.2), Devious Devices v2.0 - https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/3796-devious-devices/


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Received permission to release the FP Violate patch, so that happened.

I also added download link and short description into the package's fomod.xml, so i had to reupload the main file too - which is the main reason i changed the version number to 1.0.0 and you may be confused by the main file having the same content as v0.0.3.

Just throw away the v0.0.3, download the version 1.0.0 and you're set.

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Thought I would give this a try but cant get it to work. Tried installing with NMM several times, but the FOMOD installer never popped up. In game the DD Device Manager is not in my inventory and not craftable at the chem station under utility.

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37 minutes ago, Olmech said:

Thought I would give this a try but cant get it to work. Tried installing with NMM several times, but the FOMOD installer never popped up. In game the DD Device Manager is not in my inventory and not craftable at the chem station under utility.

What do you mean by "the FOMOD installer never popped up" ???

If you are trying to pass the download link directly into the NMM, that won't work. Just download the archive, then drag it into your already open NMM, and it will land in the "Unassigned" category, then install the mod from NMM as usual.

Or did i completely misunderstood what your exact problem is?

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36 minutes ago, Roggvir said:

What do you mean by "the FOMOD installer never popped up" ???

If you are trying to pass the download link directly into the NMM, that won't work. Just download the archive, then drag it into your already open NMM, and it will land in the "Unassigned" category, then install the mod from NMM as usual.

Or did i completely misunderstood what your exact problem is?

I downloaded the archive and installed it as you suggested. I downloaded the main file and the Violate patch to my desktop, then clicked the green plus sign to add them to the mod manager. They did show up in the unassigned category and I activated them. Still does not work.

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25 minutes ago, Olmech said:

I downloaded the archive and installed it as you suggested. I downloaded the main file and the Violate patch to my desktop, then clicked the green plus sign to add them to the mod manager. They did show up in the unassigned category and I activated them. Still does not work.

I dont know what to suggest other than to double check everything is properly installed (including all dependencies) and activated.


- Devious Devices 2.0

- Four-Play with Four-Play Community Patch v2.6.1

- Four-Play Violate v2.5.1

Scratch the FP - obviously, you need the FP stuff only if you are using it - it is not required by this mod to function (that being said, this mod just wont do anything unless FP or something else is using it)


Is this mod's ESP even loaded? There is no way it is loaded and you don't see the "Devious Device Manager" recipe in Utility category in chem workbench - if you dont see that, then you either already have that item in your inventory, or the mod is not loaded.



I noticed the "Rogg DD Items Manager.esp" requires my other mod "Rogg No-Strip Items Manager.esp" - which is just wrong, it is a mistake.

So, that must be why it is not loading for you :smile:

...i'll fix this in an update ASAP

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41 minutes ago, Olmech said:



26 minutes ago, Roggvir said:

I dont know what to suggest other than to double check everything is properly installed (including all dependencies) and activated.


- Devious Devices 2.0

- Four-Play with Four-Play Community Patch v2.6.1

- Four-Play Violate v2.5.1

Scratch the FP - obviously, you need the FP stuff only if you are using it - it is not required by this mod to function (that being said, this mod just wont do anything unless FP or something else is using it)


Is this mod's ESP even loaded? There is no way it is loaded and you don't see the "Devious Device Manager" recipe in Utility category in chem workbench - if you dont see that, then you either already have that item in your inventory, or the mod is not loaded.



I noticed the "Rogg DD Items Manager.esp" requires my other mod "Rogg No-Strip Items Manager.esp" - which is just wrong, it is a mistake.

So, that must be why it is not loading for you :smile:

...i'll fix this in an update ASAP


Version 1.0.1 uploaded

- FIX: Removed "Rogg No-Strip Items Manager.esp" from masters required by this plugin (was added by mistake).


Shoud work for everyone now.

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5 hours ago, alima309 said:

This is so necessary ........ 


Is this viable to RSE mod, too ?

I tried minutes ago it seems not ....

It should be very easy to add support for this into any mod out there (try asking the creator of RSE?), or make a patch for it (i might do it later, but i am a bit busy atm).

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6 hours ago, alima309 said:

This is so necessary ........ 


Is this viable to RSE mod, too ?

I tried minutes ago it seems not ....

I'll see what can be done. Im not familiar enough with DD to know right at this instant how to integrate this, but I shant allow that to stop me from trying... :smile:

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1 hour ago, Roggvir said:

It should be very easy to add support for this into any mod out there (try asking the creator of RSE?), or make a patch for it (i might do it later, but i am a bit busy atm).

Looking at your Violate patch to see how you integrated your mod - is it correct to say that the only place you modified Violate's code to use your mod was on the RandomDD() function?




I see a script declaration: Rogg:DDManager RoggDDManager

I see LoadDD(): RoggDDManager = Rogg:DDManager.GetAPI()

And also the aforementioned RandomDD() function.


Question though - why did the code change to add an _ prefix to the vars?

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55 minutes ago, Flashy (JoeR) said:

I'll see what can be done. Im not familiar enough with DD to know right at this instant how to integrate this, but I shant allow that to stop me from trying

Would be nice to have this in RSE so we could limit DD to simple shackles, cuffs, collars and harnesses. The mittens are impossible...

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42 minutes ago, Flashy (JoeR) said:

Looking at your Violate patch to see how you integrated your mod - is it correct to say that the only place you modified Violate's code to use your mod was on the RandomDD() function?




I see a script declaration: Rogg:DDManager RoggDDManager

I see LoadDD(): RoggDDManager = Rogg:DDManager.GetAPI()

And also the aforementioned RandomDD() function.


Question though - why did the code change to add an _ prefix to the vars?

I use underscores to distinguish local variables - my Notepad++ is set to show that with different color, which i find VERY helpfull.


It has no other function than that, its just a coding style, nothing else.


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This is all you need - instantiate the DDManager, call PickRandomItems(), and then use CallFunction to call the DD's EquipDevice() function ot put on each of the random items.

Feel free to remove my precious underscores :smile:

RoggDDManager = Rogg:DDManager.GetAPI()

form[] _forms = RoggDDManager.PickRandomItems()
var[] _vars = new var[6]
_vars[0] = _actor
_vars[2] = none
_vars[3] = true
_vars[4] = none
_vars[5] = "none"
int _i = _forms.Length
while _i > 0
	_i = _i - 1
	_vars[1] = _forms[_i] as armor
	bool _result = DDLibs.CallFunction("EquipDevice", _vars) as bool

Btw. you can probably do without the CallFunction as you probably have the DDLibrary instantiated somewhere anyway, and i guess the mod already is dependant on DD, so you will not be adding a new dependency to your script by referencing DDLibrary directly.

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I'm using RSE 3.1.9 and DD management simultaneously,

(uninstalled violate already)

with a clean save.


Adjust strain rate to 100% on CSA

Setting handcuffs category to on only

probability of handcuff to 100%



But no strains be added on the player even when CSA happens or afterwards


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1 hour ago, alima309 said:

Setting handcuffs category to on only

probability of handcuff to 100%


But no strains be added on the player even when CSA happens or afterwards

I think this can happen when already wearing something that uses same body slots as the handcuffs, and RSE didn't stripped it before trying to put on the handcuffs.

Can you test to see what happens while wearing absolutely NO other clothing (just be totally naked, no earings, nothing).

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