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Dead Or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation - Modding Thread and Discussion -

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2 hours ago, sesefi40 said:

Hello, after introducing mod, red circle part (OuterSkirt?) Can not be displayed. What should I do now?


So, I can't seem to reproduce your error. Can you list what ini files are in the AradiaLace folder that do not start with "DISABLED ". Another thing you should check and list is whether you have any other mods in your mod folder that are supposed to alter the White Lace suit such as "White Lace Nude."


Also, there is a bug i found with the selector stuff. Once you switch to Aradia Lace for Luna/Honoka, for some reason if you go back to the other girls, you can't cycle the colors/pieces. I don't have time to fix it right now, but the workaround for the time being is to reload your configs using "F10" if you want to change them again.

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On 8/27/2018 at 10:05 PM, FF3 said:

It is a bad idea. It does not give us anything new.
And I need a working script!


Stop using this big fonts.

it feel like you just screaming on everybody. and we arent at your services.


you would have better help if you didnt used that way to communicate.


its unrespectfull for peoples to scream on them like that.

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On 8/28/2018 at 11:38 PM, KuroKaze78 said:

Also, there is a bug i found with the selector stuff. Once you switch to Aradia Lace for Luna/Honoka, for some reason if you go back to the other girls, you can't cycle the colors/pieces. I don't have time to fix it right now, but the workaround for the time being is to reload your configs using "F10" if you want to change them again.

Fixed the bug in Aradia Lace v1.4


If anyone has looked into how it worked, I'll explain the bug and how it was fixed. The current active suit was being determined by the w6 variable which was being set by a preset associated with each mesh replacement. Apparently, I didn't realize that the presets are only being invoked a single time so the w6 variable only changed once for each invoked preset. Now, rather than attempting to invoke a preset with each mesh replacement, it now calls a CommandList and the old Preset was converted to a CommandList. I also updated the template to v0.2 to reflect the fix as well.

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4 hours ago, KuroKaze78 said:

Fixed the bug in Aradia Lace v1.4.


If anyone has looked into how it worked, I'll explain the bug and how it was fixed. The current active suit was being determined by the w6 variable which was being set by a preset associated with each mesh replacement. Apparently, I didn't realize that the presets are only being invoked a single time so the w6 variable only changed once for each invoked preset. Now, rather than attempting to invoke a preset with each mesh replacement, it now calls a CommandList and the old Preset was converted to a CommandList. I also updated the template to v0.2 to reflect the fix as well.

Nice work and nice mod. I wish every modder would add version numbers to their mods, makes since so much clearer!


Now, here's hoping someone will update those alternative nipples (from post #1) to work with the new square bikini nude UV's I've been hoping someone would get on that for weeks :( I offer a virtual cookie to anyone willing to take on this noble task ?

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14 hours ago, alpalia said:

Stop using this big fonts.

This is also a bad idea.  If I use the usual fontsize, no one will pay attention to my needs.

And we need a script!


it feel like you just screaming on everybody. and we arent at your services.

you would have better help if you didnt used that way to communicate.

its unrespectfull for peoples to scream on them like that.





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On 8/28/2018 at 12:58 AM, neych said:


Do it better

I'll try.
I looked into this script and made sure that there was nothing particularly complicated.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CheatTable CheatEngineTableVersion="26">
      <Description>"OPPAI SLIDER"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
aobscanmodule(boobies1,DOAX_VV.exe,0F 28 43 40 66 0F 7F 45 C0) // should be unique
dd 3f800000
dd 3f800000
dd 3f800000

//  movaps xmm0,[rbx+40]
  movaps xmm0,[boobvalues]
  movdqa [rbp-40],xmm0
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  db 0F 28 43 40 66 0F 7F 45 C0


"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E4EB: 48 8B C8                    -  mov rcx,rax
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E4EE: 41 FF 90 D8 00 00 00        -  call qword ptr [r8+000000D8]
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E4F5: 48 C7 45 08 0F 00 00 00     -  mov [rbp+08],0000000F
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E4FD: 48 89 75 00                 -  mov [rbp+00],rsi
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E501: C6 45 F0 00                 -  mov byte ptr [rbp-10],00
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E505: 0F 28 05 F4 EB B0 00        -  movaps xmm0,[DOAX_VV.exe+C4D100]
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E50C: 0F 29 45 C0                 -  movaps [rbp-40],xmm0
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E510: 48 8B 4C 24 48              -  mov rcx,[rsp+48]
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E515: 48 3B 19                    -  cmp rbx,[rcx]
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E518: 74 09                       -  je DOAX_VV.exe+13E523
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E51A: 0F 28 43 40                 -  movaps xmm0,[rbx+40]
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E51E: 66 0F 7F 45 C0              -  movdqa [rbp-40],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E523: F3 0F 10 05 99 19 B1 00     -  movss xmm0,[DOAX_VV.exe+C4FEC4]
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E52B: F3 0F 11 45 AC              -  movss [rbp-54],xmm0
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E530: 48 C7 45 9C 00 00 00 00     -  mov [rbp-64],00000000
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E538: 48 C7 45 88 00 00 00 00     -  mov [rbp-78],00000000
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E540: 48 C7 44 24 78 00 00 00 00  -  mov [rsp+78],00000000
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E549: 48 C7 45 A4 00 00 00 00     -  mov [rbp-5C],00000000
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E551: 48 C7 45 90 00 00 00 00     -  mov [rbp-70],00000000
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E559: C7 44 24 74 00 00 00 00     -  mov [rsp+74],00000000
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E561: C7 45 80 00 00 00 00        -  mov [rbp-80],00000000
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E568: F3 0F 10 45 C0              -  movss xmm0,[rbp-40]
          <Action>Decrease Value</Action>
          <Action>Increase Value</Action>
          <Action>Decrease Value</Action>
          <Action>Increase Value</Action>
          <Action>Decrease Value</Action>
          <Action>Increase Value</Action>


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In the beginning there is nonsense, which does not represent importance.
At the very end, I think, are described hotkeys?
This also does not matter.

The most important thing is to be here:



"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E4EB: 48 8B C8                    -  mov rcx,rax
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E4EE: 41 FF 90 D8 00 00 00        -  call qword ptr [r8+000000D8]
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E4F5: 48 C7 45 08 0F 00 00 00     -  mov [rbp+08],0000000F
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E4FD: 48 89 75 00                 -  mov [rbp+00],rsi
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E501: C6 45 F0 00                 -  mov byte ptr [rbp-10],00
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E505: 0F 28 05 F4 EB B0 00        -  movaps xmm0,[DOAX_VV.exe+C4D100]
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E50C: 0F 29 45 C0                 -  movaps [rbp-40],xmm0
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E510: 48 8B 4C 24 48              -  mov rcx,[rsp+48]
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E515: 48 3B 19                    -  cmp rbx,[rcx]
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E518: 74 09                       -  je DOAX_VV.exe+13E523
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E51A: 0F 28 43 40                 -  movaps xmm0,[rbx+40]
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E51E: 66 0F 7F 45 C0              -  movdqa [rbp-40],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E523: F3 0F 10 05 99 19 B1 00     -  movss xmm0,[DOAX_VV.exe+C4FEC4]
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E52B: F3 0F 11 45 AC              -  movss [rbp-54],xmm0
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E530: 48 C7 45 9C 00 00 00 00     -  mov [rbp-64],00000000
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E538: 48 C7 45 88 00 00 00 00     -  mov [rbp-78],00000000
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E540: 48 C7 44 24 78 00 00 00 00  -  mov [rsp+78],00000000
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E549: 48 C7 45 A4 00 00 00 00     -  mov [rbp-5C],00000000
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E551: 48 C7 45 90 00 00 00 00     -  mov [rbp-70],00000000
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E559: C7 44 24 74 00 00 00 00     -  mov [rsp+74],00000000
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E561: C7 45 80 00 00 00 00        -  mov [rbp-80],00000000
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E568: F3 0F 10 45 C0              -  movss xmm0,[rbp-40]


That's what we need to work with.

What ideas?


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On 8/3/2018 at 1:23 PM, amiga5000 said:





Download This file if you use normal texture



Download This file if you use the Square Bikini Nude newUV ( if you have not downloaded yet, look at some posts further back, remember to activate them by removing the disable in front of the file you want to use) 


Down_Square Bikini Nude_newUV.zip


Do not use the two mods at the same time!




On 8/2/2018 at 7:32 PM, HI-METAL said:

That mod is also used for Tamaki Aikujaku.



On 8/2/2018 at 5:38 PM, andj said:


where are the links?


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On 8/27/2018 at 2:00 AM, KuroKaze78 said:

It would be possible to merge the 49, but that doesn't mean it'll make it easier on the modder to make it work. Anyhow, I'm probably just going to stop pitching into the discussion of replacing hair models. All I'm doing is theorizing from what I understand about replacing suits onto how someone could do the same techniques with Hair models, but until someone actually attempts to do so, there'll likely be unknowns and obstacles to overcome and I don't have plans on personally dealing with hairs all that much.


Anyways, I've updated the AradiaLace mod with support for Honoka and Luna. Also adjusted the choker to be nearly flush with the neckline to minimize some of the issues caused by the transparent blending.




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On 7/16/2018 at 8:01 AM, mono1214 said:

Hi, I made Full Nude Models with new UVs for rich Skin Texture.
There are PSD files of all girls, so please use it.
Thank you.


Square Bikini Nude_20180804.zip
It updated on 2018/07/17.

If you edit this model, please set the active UV Map to 'TEXCOORD.zw' when exporting.
'TEXCODORD1.xy' looks good in a Honoka case.

It updated on 2018/07/29.

Fixed skin weights of Honoka's nipple.

It updated on 2018/07/29.

Fixed skin weights of all body.

It updated on 2018/08/04.

Fixed skin weights of Common body.

Pregnant model added





Can you make a Puffy Nipple version based on " DOAXVV ModPack 4.7z " without changing the size and shape of the breast, just changing the nipple PuffyNipple, thank you

" DOAXVV ModPack 4.7z "→PufyNiple only

But the middle line of Luna cleavage UVs seems to be a bit distorted.


つの" DOAXVV ModPack 4.7z "を作ることができて、乳房の大きさと形を変えないようにして、乳首を変えるだけでPufyNipleのバージョンですか、ありがとうございます












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6 hours ago, FF3 said:


This is also a bad idea.  If I use the usual fontsize, no one will pay attention to my needs.

And we need a script!





you know you can be reported just for that ?


putting big fonts will not give you more attention, at the contrary, peoples would avoid it because it show someone without manner screaming around loudly.


as for "WE" .. you the only one asking for it . why dont you make like "WE" and wait for it without screaming around ? ...

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1 hour ago, alpalia said:

you know you can be reported just for that ?


putting big fonts will not give you more attention, at the contrary, peoples would avoid it because it show someone without manner screaming around loudly.


as for "WE" .. you the only one asking for it . why dont you make like "WE" and wait for it without screaming around ? ...

Just drop it, you're not helping the thread either with this childish fighting. Report it and move on. This thread's enough of a mess already without everyone fighting over who's messing it up more.

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5 hours ago, kholdy said:

Just drop it, you're not helping the thread either with this childish fighting. Report it and move on. This thread's enough of a mess already without everyone fighting over who's messing it up more.

I think we can all agree it's high time VV got its own sub-forum here at Lovers Lab. I sent a message to the moderators explaining the situation and humbly requesting exactly that. Maybe if a few more people do it they might create it for us. I can't imagine it's that big of a thing to add a sub-forum for a game that clearly needs it.


13 hours ago, HI-METAL said:
  Reveal hidden contents




Kasumi(Misaki) 1024×1024 Skin textures.

#1133 It can also be used for Square Bikini Nude.

Other characters will be added at a later date.




Thank you sir! The more nipple types options (size, areola, color, puffyness) the merrier! I feel that red nipples suit Kasumi well, where as lighter pink nipples suit someone paler like Luna better. Variety in color and type also helps set each girl apart. Kudos for this :)

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On 8/28/2018 at 9:04 PM, sesefi40 said:

Hello, after introducing mod, red circle part (OuterSkirt?) Can not be displayed. What should I do now?



If "aikujaku_benikujaku.rar" mod is used, please disable it.


hash = 0b76a35c80823274
handling = skip


Or delete this statement in the ini file.
I found that it interfered with other MODs, so I will delete my MOD.

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44 minutes ago, baron112 said:


If "aikujaku_benikujaku.rar" mod is used, please disable it.


hash = 0b76a35c80823274
handling = skip


Or delete this statement in the ini file.
I found that it interfered with other MODs, so I will delete my MOD.

I never got any of the kimono SSRs so i never tried it. But ya, that's a pretty overbearing skip, since anything using that shader, many of which are commonly shared between many different suits would be affected by that rather than just what it was intending to skip for that specific suit.

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9 hours ago, kholdy said:

Just drop it, you're not helping the thread either with this childish fighting. Report it and move on. This thread's enough of a mess already without everyone fighting over who's messing it up more.

aint you just did it with this comment ? XD


what you call a "childish" fight is an attempt to make the thread better.  but sure if you prefer the thread to turn as a big pile of shit... i just take my leave then.


3 hours ago, Jumeng said:

I think we can all agree it's high time VV got its own sub-forum here at Lovers Lab. I sent a message to the moderators explaining the situation and humbly requesting exactly that. Maybe if a few more people do it they might create it for us. I can't imagine it's that big of a thing to add a sub-forum for a game that clearly needs it.



Thank you sir! The more nipple types options (size, areola, color, puffyness) the merrier! I feel that red nipples suit Kasumi well, where as lighter pink nipples suit someone paler like Luna better. Variety in color and type also helps set each girl apart. Kudos for this :)

as for a specific sub forum... wont happen sooner. DOAXVV is far away from being popular enougth to deserve his own thread/forum.

sorry but whatever the amount of mods or the complexity of them.. a game here in LL get his own forum/sub forum based on popularity. and on that DOAXVV is behind DOA5 and far from gettting it soon.

for simple exempl.. that thread get followed by a hundreds of peoples.. its not enougth sadly to open a sub-forum for it.

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