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On 9/1/2018 at 4:14 AM, KuroKaze78 said:

I believe what is dumped is based off each shader's assigned "dump = ..." and "analyse_options = ..." during a frame. Typically these are assigned in the d3dx.ini where you have multiple ShaderOverride... sections that call out a CommandList<Something> that specifies the dump and analyse_options.  You could choose not to dump something by commenting those dump options off in a given generic commandlist. Personally, I've done this for CommandListHair to keep my "Frame Analysis" dumps smaller since i don't typically care about the hair and it just bloats the filesize of each analysis if I plan to keep it around. Anyways, where I'm going with this is, because each shader has to call out a dump parameter at some point for it to be included in the frame analysis, any mod that includes custom ShaderOverride may be bypassing the generic ShaderOverride... in the d3dx.ini that may be  preventing it from being included in your frame analysis dump.


To be safe, if you are having an issue with things not showing up in your frame analysis, disable your entire Mods/Costume folder (rename Mods/Costume -> Mods/DISABLED Costume) temporarily and then reload your configs (Press "F10" in game), then perform your frame analysis dump and see if that works out better for you.  If that makes it now properly show up, you could hunt for the VS or PS hashes that correspond to what you were missing from your dumps and then search all the ini files in your Costume folder for any that call out that VS/PS hash. Likely they are calling "handling = skip" or something which is preventing it from calling out to the CommandListClothes that would assign it dump parameters.


If that doesn't work, I'll take a look to see if I can get any better results, I think I have one alt-account that had one of the SR versions if I can figure out which one it was. If you still need the dump and I can get it to work, let me know if I can trim the fat (leave out any textures, etc) to keep the size smaller before uploading.


EDIT: I did find an old dump i did 6 weeks ago shortly after I first was getting started (7/16) and it is also missing the metal pieces (Lei Fang is the character). So if it is caused by a mod, then its likely an older one that is older than 7/16. Or the common models use a different shader than Marie/Honoka/Luna do and it hasn't yet been mapped in the d3dx.ini file at all.


EDIT2: Found the account that had one. So, it looks like the metal bits for the common body aren't identified under any of the ShaderOverride<whatever> that set it up to be properly included in the dump.

It seems typically its the PS hash that's associated and the hash is "142f047d3792cc72". Neither the VS hash  or PS hash are included in my d3dx.ini. To fix this, it should be just add the following to the d3dx.ini file:


; Common body Mermaid Metal accessories
hash = 142f047d3792cc72
run = CommandListClothes


I added that part to the d3dx.ini, it got some weird results with the mod active, but when pressing F2 and doing a frame analysis then got me the metal work when imported into blender.

But now I still dont know how to edit it... When looking through the VS, I can skip that metal work while the laces stay, but I dont know how to type that into code in the ini files. DOnt know what lines I need to add to replace it correctly.

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Bigger Breasts Marie-Rose:


Inspired by the bigger breasts mod by amiga5000 I tried it myself with Marie-Rose. I usually like her small perky perfect tits. I think they are the only ones that move the most realistic with these settings, but seeing them a big better was also very intersting ;)



There is still the Normal version but with a new genital area, a "Swollen" version with bigger breasts, and an "Implant" version with the biggest breasts.






















White Lace Nude.rar


For this one you need to have one folder active! DISABLE the rest.


I made is possible to choose for two costume mods:

The Aloha Costume

Mermaid Costume

For these two you need to exchange the files in the main folder!!




Aloha Costume.rar

Mermaid Costume.rar


Tell me what you think

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1 hour ago, knight77 said:

Bigger Breasts Marie-Rose:


Inspired by the bigger breasts mod by amiga5000 I tried it myself with Marie-Rose. I usually like her small perky perfect tits. I think they are the only ones that move the most realistic with these settings, but seeing them a big better was also very intersting ;)



There is still the Normal version but with a new genital area, a "Swollen" version with bigger breasts, and an "Implant" version with the biggest breasts.


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White Lace Nude.rar


For this one you need to have one folder active! DISABLE the rest.


I made is possible to choose for two costume mods:

The Aloha Costume

Mermaid Costume

For these two you need to exchange the files in the main folder!!


Aloha Costume.rar

Mermaid Costume.rar


Tell me what you think

Mermaid Costume.rar

I think it's too small. ?

I mean the size.

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12 minutes ago, jijijoe said:

Thank you!
Is there any search on this board? I hav't found anything like that yet.

No. And it'd be useless anyway, threads get deleted extremely fast unless they're active because of how fast that board moves.

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11 hours ago, HI-METAL said:

There are no pubic hair version.
That version does not include "pubic" character string in the directory name.
For example,[DISABLED ALTERNATIVE Kasumi nipple_G labia_close]

Please remove "DISABLED" from the directory name and enable it.

great Thank you very much

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7 hours ago, knight77 said:

Bigger Breasts Marie-Rose:


Inspired by the bigger breasts mod by amiga5000 I tried it myself with Marie-Rose. I usually like her small perky perfect tits. I think they are the only ones that move the most realistic with these settings, but seeing them a big better was also very intersting ;)



Jumping on the release wave today. Updated the Aradia Lace v1.5 mod to include Marie Rose. As I was fitting the mesh today, I saw @knight77posted alternative body-types for Marie Rose, so I figured what the heck and updated the mod to be compatible with his "White Lace Mod" posted above.


I attempted to get my mod to auto-detect whether you were using any of the resources in the White Lace Mod, but it wasn't working the way I needed it to, so instead I'll release it for now as is with manual switching. So for now, If you decide to use the AradiaLace v1.5 mod with White Lace Nude, be sure to disable all of the (Common/Honoka/Marie)_Body.ini files in the ReplaceWhiteLace_wAradiaLace mod. For Marie, there are 3 ini files that match her body types, Marie, MarieSwollen, and MarieImplant. Also, thanks Knight77 for the mod.


I did a brief precursory check of the weights between all 3 and I think they were fine, but I hadn't gone through too many animations just yet. Let me know if you encounter any issues. Also, be sure to completely remove any older versions before adding in the new version into your mods folder.


I could potentially do the same treatment for @amiga5000's Honoka Mod, however what made it so easy on me for Marie Rose was that Knight77's mod uses the same suit and its weights so I didn't really have to do anything extra other than transfer the weights from his mod to my suit, while for Honoka, I think I'd have to recreate the weights.




Also, if anyone is interested in adding more color options, if anyone updates the textures and sends them to me, I'll add it to the mod in the texture rotation. If you do, please update all of the textures include the stocking texture which is now included (the stocking mod isn't fully usable yet) so that they are all a matching set.

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@knight77 & @amiga5000, if you don't mind sharing, how did you both accomplish your body-mesh mods. Are they ports of other mods into DOAXVV, a mash-up between an external mod and the existing DOAXVV mesh, direct edit of the DOAXVV mesh, or some other way I'm not thinking of. Unlike some of the other recent mods, the finished product from these mods don't really provide much insight into how they were accomplished.

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17 hours ago, KuroKaze78 said:

@knight77 & @amiga5000, if you don't mind sharing, how did you both accomplish your body-mesh mods. Are they ports of other mods into DOAXVV, a mash-up between an external mod and the existing DOAXVV mesh, direct edit of the DOAXVV mesh, or some other way I'm not thinking of. Unlike some of the other recent mods, the finished product from these mods don't really provide much insight into how they were accomplished.


I just tooke the body mesh for the white lace mod and scaled the breast area. simple as that. there was a cheat engine method to enlarge the breast bones but that doesnt seem to work anymore. with cheatengine, every other mod would have worked with it as well, but they seem to block that.

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On 9/3/2018 at 9:26 PM, amiga5000 said:



It's just a first version, it's not perfect but I like it and I do not care !


Use the Sage R costume (at least I think it's called that), the striped one to be clear.




The difficult part is to adapt the vertex group of the breast, I had to invent amazing spatial techniques ..


I'm joking naturally .. ?


Please do not ask me to adapt this body to the other mods, it would take too much time.


I thank Saafrats for the textures of the body.













7 hours ago, amiga5000 said:

Hi, here is Marie big tits:




Use This Costume




Nude Normal Tits ( In two version standard Texture and NEW_UV_MAP )




Big BOOB Version ( First Release )





This Mod (also applies to Honoka big tits) I used the H-LOD version as a starting point.


Some things of course did not match such as nails, the position of the feet and hands, so I had to adapt the meshes.


Then I took the original model and expanded the vertex map as much as possible to adapt it to the new body.


Compared to the standard mods that remove parts of clothes and replace the body in the nude version there is only the initial adaptation of the mesh after the import of the TMC model. The rest is the same as the usual procedure.


I would like to point out that these mods are used to experiment.


If anyone has any technical questions about it, I will be happy to give as many explanations as I can.


As always excuse my English, I use Google Translator ..


Thank you











Great job, amiga. Thank you very much!

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On 9/3/2018 at 8:07 PM, knight77 said:

Bigger Breasts Marie-Rose:


Inspired by the bigger breasts mod by amiga5000 I tried it myself with Marie-Rose. I usually like her small perky perfect tits. I think they are the only ones that move the most realistic with these settings, but seeing them a big better was also very intersting ;)



There is still the Normal version but with a new genital area, a "Swollen" version with bigger breasts, and an "Implant" version with the biggest breasts.


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White Lace Nude.rar


For this one you need to have one folder active! DISABLE the rest.


I made is possible to choose for two costume mods:

The Aloha Costume

Mermaid Costume

For these two you need to exchange the files in the main folder!!


Aloha Costume.rar

Mermaid Costume.rar


Tell me what you think

Mermaid Costume.rar

thank you   everything is great 

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13 hours ago, KuroKaze78 said:

Wasn't originally planning on dealing with this because I don't usually use cheat-engine on online games, but I used an alt account just in case. Anyways, I believe this should now be a working script. Assembly isn't usually written directly, so anytime they make an executable code change, the compiler can easily optimize the code in any sorts of different ways which can result in different addresses and registers being used. Luckily enough, ideally something may be the same or you can find something that looks like it did before.


The important part isn't neccessarily the listed address (as thats the old address), its actually the following line:

aobscanmodule(boobies1,DOAX_VV.exe,0F 28 43 40 66 0F 7F 45 D0)


Which is telling cheat engine to search DOAX_VV.exe module for an array of specific bytes  listed above. Between the last version and the now working version, only the last byte changed from C0 -> D0 which was the following assembly change:


"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E51A: 0F 28 43 40          -  movaps xmm0,[rbx+40]
"DOAX_VV.exe"+13E51E: 66 0F 7F 45 C0       -  movdqa [rbp-40],xmm0

DOAX_VV.exe+141BF8 - 0F28 43 40            - movaps xmm0,[rbx+40]
DOAX_VV.exe+141BFC - 66 0F7F 45 D0         - movdqa [rbp-30],xmm0

Hopefully, if it breaks again and other people can help pitch in and fix it again.



Excellent, KuroKaze!

I said that we can fix this script ourselves, without Nepathu, but some people did not believe me. And some even tried to scare me.  IMAO!

Thank you very much, KuroKaze!!!!!!


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On 29/8/2018 at 9:33, HI-METAL said:
  Revelar contenidos ocultos








Kasumi (Misaki), Kokoro, Leifang, Momiji, MarieRose 1024 × 1024 Texturas de la piel.

Hay varias variaciones en los pezones y el vello púbico.

Esta textura de piel también admite MOD que no sea el # 1133  Bikini Square Desnudo.

Otros personajes serán agregados en una fecha posterior.



is there any version with pubic hair for marie rose of 2048x2048? I do not find it ... if it exists

#1174 here you commented that it was under construction and in #1242it seems that it is not yet finished or inccluded

I would like to have it in 2k if possible ?


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2 hours ago, mileichu said:


is there any version with pubic hair for marie rose of 2048x2048? I do not find it ... if it exists

#1174 here you commented that it was under construction and in #1242it seems that it is not yet finished or inccluded

I would like to have it in 2k if possible ?


Blonde pubic hair is hard to express and trial and error.
I can not make texture that is still convincing.
As soon as the port of 1024 x 1024 skin texture is over, I am going to work on a high resolution version.
I think that it will probably be around ten days.

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