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Everyones characters?

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Armitage' date=' mind if I ask where you got those scars for your character from? Every person with a scarred character for some odd reason never seems to want to share. As if its somehow going to make their character less original when someone ahlf a globe away uses it on their own character.


My current character is cute as a button and i'd like to give her some 'sharp edges' as I move her into the Thieves Guild and MQ.



I found the textures from a mod that replaces npcs looks called Eurn. Which can be found on the non adult mod forum on the thread MBP based NPC replacers. I just took the textures from a npc char face which had the scars and placed them on my char.



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wrong plce to ask but better than making a new thread i think. so when i do my reinstall..since im going to hold off on mbp for a bit.. what are the best mods to install to get good looking races.. i know better faces is one and i have it.. but anything else.. beside the high rez textures of course... help me out here..thanks

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wrong plce to ask but better than making a new thread i think. so when i do my reinstall..since im going to hold off on mbp for a bit.. what are the best mods to install to get good looking races.. i know better faces is one and i have it.. but anything else.. beside the high rez textures of course... help me out here..thanks


I'm sure there are more out there, but the one that I've been eyeing on so far is this:




It's another vanilla race overhaul mod kind of like MBP++ only that I think the women look better here than MBP. The problem is that this mod will be in conflict with MBP, and vice versa, if both are installed at the same time. That said, I have not tried this mod yet because I need to have MBP in order for a couple of Lovers mods to work.


Alternatively, if you don't care too much for the vanilla races then you have lots of options for unique ones at TESNexus.

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wrong plce to ask but better than making a new thread i think. so when i do my reinstall..since im going to hold off on mbp for a bit.. what are the best mods to install to get good looking races.. i know better faces is one and i have it.. but anything else.. beside the high rez textures of course... help me out here..thanks


Without going in to hi-rez stuff I'm not going to be much help. Depending on the specific look you want(and how much time your willing to spend) there are plenty of custom races that you can download that look amazing, I have (in the past) changed most non-essential npc's over to special custom races with the CS, but it takes forever and its all gone if you ever need to do a clean install.

There are also a few overhaul mods that target npc's as well as enviornments aspects of oblivion. You could check out a few of those but I believe various ones request MBP.

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Ryan' date=' she is superb! Very nice work on her... Fantastic screenies.



your probably gonna laugh, I got the face adjusted in about 5 to 10 mins, and about 20 ins to cycle all the textures thru photoshop to increase the definition. It took me longer to pic hair and eyes. LOL. :D

These are directly out of my game, I'm not very good with PS so I don't bother trying. :)

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Here are some pics of my current character. She's no great heroine or sex goddess, just an ordinary girl seeking adventure and fame. I was going for a "girl next door" tomboy kind of look. She's only level 2 right now, since I'm pretty new to xlovers and started a new game with a clean install just for it. So far I'm addicted.






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