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[SEARCH] [SOLVED] Looking for HDT female topless ragged trousers

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So right now I'm using this (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52562/?) topless female ragged trousers mod however despite my searching both here and on Nexus even going so far as to use google I can't find a similar mod that comes with breast jiggle.


Its a good opportunity that seems to have gone too long unnoticed. Would anyone be willing to give something like this a shot?


Try the attached (unp)

I'm pretty sure that's what you're after ... hopefully smile.png


Yes that is the right thing two questions though


1. It appears that I'm missing a texture in your file not sure if that was on purpose or not.


2. Are there any body slide files because I would like to use the Blessed body rather than the I assume skinny body shown here.


In any case this is great that you got this.


If memory serves, I used a mod like the one you linked and edited it in nifscope to remove the top.

No idea there was a missing texture as it works fine in my setup - sorry about that :(


No bodyslide unfortunately, just standard unp.


Best bet - fine one that matches your body and edit the mesh in nifscope.


If memory serves, I used a mod like the one you linked and edited it in nifscope to remove the top.

No idea there was a missing texture as it works fine in my setup - sorry about that sad.png


No bodyslide unfortunately, just standard unp.


Best bet - fine one that matches your body and edit the mesh in nifscope.


Funny thing is that I actually found the mod you used as a base and while I got the texture I lost the HDT even after reinstalling your file however if I used the mod I originally quoted I lose the texture but gain the HDT. I think I could get it to work if I manually start planting textures but I'm short on time to dig around that much in Skyrim.

Thanks though I'll see if I can teach myself enough to maybe get something worth releasing publicly. Of course if any one more experienced wants to tackle this don't mind me. :)


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