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Can anyone give instruction on how to upload my custom content Sim to this thread? I keep getting the error message below when I upload and test it for download after. I'm using the Sims 4 Tray Importer.


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On 12/18/2019 at 11:12 PM, olkl1234 said:

Hmm ... at least my furry sims are male

 True that , I mean there was that dude who put his abominations in here all the time... Cause they were male and then their is that one person who would put thier males with vaginas in here so I don't see why the Furry males need to be seperated 

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This is what Gaston Beaulieu looked like before his life turned upside down and inside out from love gone wrong:




This is an unflattering image of him, but it's the look on his face in the game, when he saw his lover across the dancefloor, flirting with someone else. Hades had no fury like the beast uncoiling in Gaston's gut at that moment.








I have several others of very different styles of attraction depending on purpose (a bronzed smooth-chested Boyfriend Next Door; an alpha-male Sim in Black whose arrogance is only topped by his amazing ability to back it up; and a few others worth showing when I get some decent shots of them to share.



To be attractive, I think Sims need to look healthy, and my Sim guys need to have a fire in the belly, at least when called for. If they look or act like they don't have an ounce of chutzpah, they just aren't compelling, no matter what their body shape, eye color, hairstyle, or fashion choices are.

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