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General information on mod MCM config variables


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Could somebody explain how and where the values set or changed in MCM menus are stored? I would like to explore the possibility of parsing these values and potentially come up with an exporter/importer script to save and load configuration settings for various mods which make use of MCM.


Any information or links would be greatly appreciated.




MCM does not store values on its own.

A mod can have an MCM page (a quest = a script), then is its own scripts the values are stored.

Very often they are stored in properties. In some other cases, they are stored in files.


So, if you want to develop a "global import/export" you need to decide what are the mods you want to manage, and then you may do something for them.

But it will be an heavy tasks.


Doesnt Jcontainer do something like that?


JContainers is one of the frameworks that can save values to a file. JsonUtils is another one.

And they are more.


But all of them are dependent of a specific mod using them. So they cannot be directly generalized.


Thanks. That information is progress. So the next step may perhaps be to see what is being held in JContainers and Json to start, while collecting more data on what others methods can be used. 


Added personal note that may be helpful to others wanting to learn more about writing mods:

JContainers documentation wiki


I have found and identified a majority of the values used by assorted mods, while browsing through global variables using the in-game console. It may not be all of them, but it is looking like a good start. 


I suppose the question would be whether or not it would be possible to somehow export a text file or some sort to list all global variables. If not all mod configs are registered as global variables, then I'll likely need to also figure out other options and alternatives to discover and export the rest. 


Though it would be much easier to do the same (export and import values for specific mods), it would be tedious when using a large number of mods, as well as useless for any and all not playing the exact same selection of mods. 


I'd likely have a better understanding of modding overall, if I could ever figure out how to create a clean fresh vanilla installation, without risking losing all access to my current, heavily modded playthrough. "Plan B" which involves buying a second hard drive, making a duplicate image of my system HD to swap between as desired, and using a clean install to mod with, really isn't an option when the hard drives my computer uses cost between $300 - $500 each, and I'm still paying off the Christmas credit cards.





Just another update: 


It does look like the majority of MCM settings in the mods that I use are stored as global variables. Previously, I had tried viewing them via console, but the list would be far too long to page up through the console text buffer. However, using a DLL called "Conscribe", I was able to view them as a saved text file. I'll include what I can of that as a spoiler if anybody is curious or wants to take a look: 


--- Global Variables -----------------------------
GameYear = 201
GameMonth = 9
GameDay = 30
GameHour = 20.1563
GameDaysPassed = 74.8398
TimeScale = 20
PlayCredits = 0
DecapitationChance = 40.0000
CrimeArrestOnSightNonViolentThreshold = 1000
CrimeArrestOnSightViolentThreshold = 999
DA16ErandurCheckpoint = 0
FFRiften02LynlyFriend = 0
CompanionsGearChanceNone = 100
WEBountyCollectorChance = 25
CompanionsThievingThreshold = 0
MiningSkillIncrement = 1
SpeechSkillMult = 75
CWDistantCatapultsAMB = 0
TGDialogueOff = 0
AtrFrgRecipeChestChance = 100
AtrFrgDaedricRecipeChestChance = 100
AtrFrgDaedricRecipeChance = 100
AtrFrgRecipeChance = 100
WE100ReadLetter = 0
MaiqDialogue = 10
MS11FollowUpStartDay = 0.0000
FFRiften09Gate = 14
WIKill03Tax = 10
WIKill03Inheritance = 100
PerkMasterTrader = 100
TGNToggle = 0
CanRehireErik = 0.0000
CanRehireVorstag = 0.0000
CanRehireStenvar = 0.0000
CanRehireBelrand = 0.0000
CanRehireMarcurio = 0.0000
CanRehireJenassa = 0.0000
HirelingRecognizeJenassaCOPY0000 = 20
TG07ValdTriggered = 0
CarriageCostSmall = 50
AcolyteHealingFarmer = 0
ShorsStoneMineOpen = 0
doomTowerCountGlobal = 0.0000
MQClearSkyFogGlobal = 0
1stPKillCam = 0
DA16StoneDoorDown = 0
DA16SkullDestroyed = 0
DA16ErandurDead = 0
TGHonningbrewPackages = 0
HirelingRecognizeVorstag = 20
HirelingRecognizeStenvar = 20
HirelingRecognizeMarcurio = 20
HirelingRecognizeErik = 20
HirelingRecognizeBelrand = 20
HirelingRecognizeJenassa = 20
CanReHire = 0.0000
HirelingCommentNextAllowed = 0.0000
TG00BrandSheiJail = 0
MQ106DelphineChatterPercent = 10
TGRMasterTotal = 0
TGBrynUnlocked = 0
SpecialLootChance = 90
MAGProjectileStormVar = 0
TGHonningbrewActive = 0
KillMove = 1
TG04EECCheck = 0
TGProwlersProfit = 100
FFR18OreTotal = 1
FFR18OreCount = 1
FFR18TuskCount = 1
FFR18TuskTotal = 1
FFR18GemTotal = 2
FFR18GemCount = 23
FFR10SaltTotal = 10
FFR10SaltCount = 0
FFR07TeethTotal = 5
FFR07TeethCount = 0
FFR04NightshadeTotal = 20
FFR04NightshadeCount = 0
FFR04DeathbellTotal = 20
FFR04DeathbellCount = 0
FFR04NirnTotal = 20
FFR04NirnCount = 0
FFRiften06Total = 3
FFRiften06Found = 20
FFRThaneQLDone = 0
MGRitualRestBook = 100
MGRitualIllBook = 100
MGRitualConjBook = 100
MGRitualAltBook = 100
MGRitualDestBook = 100
MQ201PartyGuestHelloMax = 3
AchievementSideQuestCount = 0
LevelGateIceWraith = 10
WEbountyCollectorCrimeGoldRequirement = 1000
WEbountyCollectorCrimeGold = 1278
InvestAmount = 500
HPMarkarth = 8000
HPRiften = 8000
HPSolitude = 25000
HPWhiterun = 5000
HPWindhelm = 12000
HDMarkarthHall = 500
HDMarkarthBedroom = 800
HDMarkarthAlchemy = 1000
HDMarkarthEnchanting = 1000
HDSolitudeBedroom = 2000
HDSolitudeLiving = 2000
HDSolitudeKitchen = 1500
HDSolitudeAlchemy = 2500
HDSolitudeEnchanting = 2500
HDSolitudePatio = 500
HDRiftenKitchen = 500
HDRiftenPorch = 400
HDRiftenAlchemy = 1000
HDRiftenBedroom = 600
HDRiftenGarden = 800
HDRiftenEnchanting = 1000
HDWhiterunLoft = 200
HDWhiterunDining = 250
HDWhiterunKitchen = 300
HDWhiterunAlchemy = 500
HDWhiterunBedroom = 300
HDWhiterunLiving = 250
HDWindhelmKitchen = 1000
HDWindhelmLiving = 1500
HDWindhelmBedroom = 1000
HDWindhelmArmory = 2000
HDWindhelmEnchanting = 1500
HDWindhelmAlchemy = 1500
HDWindhelmKiller = 500
VampireFeedReady = 0
TGRQuitDelvin = 0
TGRQuitVex = 0
TG04SceneEndDetected = 0
TG04SceneEndNormal = 0
CWAttackCityConfrontatioTooCloseDistance = 500
LevelGateWispMother = 15
LevelGateWisp = 15
LevelGateBear = 12
LevelGateBearCave = 16
LevelGateBearSnow = 20
LevelGateFalmer = 20
HorseCost = 1000
SkyforgeSmithing = 0
HDMarkarthLiving = 900
BlackreachElevatorAlftandGlobal = 0
BlackreachElevatorRaldbtharGlobal = 0
BlackreachElevatorMzinchaleftGlobal = 0
CartQuickExit = 0
PCRestorationMaster = 100
PCRestorationExpert = 100
PCRestorationAdept = 100
PCIllusionMaster = 100
PCIllusionExpert = 100
PCIllusionAdept = 100
PCDestructionMaster = 100
PCDestructionExpert = 100
PCDestructionAdept = 100
PCConjurationMaster = 100
PCConjurationExpert = 100
PCConjurationAdept = 100
PCAlterationMaster = 100
PCAlterationExpert = 100
PCAlterationAdept = 100
PCMagicSkillMaster = 90
PCMagicSkillExpert = 65
PCMagicSkillAdept = 40
LevelGateGiant = 24
LevelGateHagraven = 20
LevelGateTrollCave = 12
LevelGateTrollFrost = 18
LevelGateSpriggan = 8
PotionRackGlobal = 0
GuildCost = 0
CWMission07Test = 0
DA16OnTheWay = 0
HirelingRandomChatterChance = 20
NightEyeTransitionGlobal = 0
TGBadInfo = 0
PlayerIsVampire = 0
PlayerIsWerewolf = 0
TGRFailArrestVex = 0
TGRFailArrestDelvin = 0
CarriageAllowCWDisable = 1
TGTalkGate = 0
NN01Total = 30
NN01Count = 0
FFSS01Cleared = 0
FFHM01Found = 0
FFSarethi01JazTotal = 20
FFSarethi01JazCount = 0
DA04MinLevel = 15
DA16Walk = 0
WICastNonHostileTimer = 0.0000
CWPlayerInGuardOffLimitsArea = 0
IvarsteadScene = 0
IvarsteadLynly = 0
FFI02Sad = 1
FFI02Happy = 0
FFI04Planted = 0
FFI03BearTotal = 10
FFI03BearCount = 0
MS06MinLevel = 10
FFRiften22End = 0
TGRFailDelvin = 0
TGRFailVex = 0
MarriageGoldEarned = 0
BookShelfGlobal = 0
RealCartOn = 0
MarriagePerkTimer = 0.0000
CWCountMissionsDone = 0
MQAlduinIgnoreDragonrend = 0
MS04MinLevel = 14
QuestReward03Large = 300
QuestReward02Medium = 200
QuestReward04Wow = 400
QuestReward01Small = 100
TG06KeyOwn = 0
WEMadmanKilled = 0
WECarvansKilled = 1
TG03Breadcrumb = 0
WETalsgarIsDead = 0
WEThalmorAskAboutTalos = 0
TGLTick = 0
TGLDayStored = 0
TGLTon = 0
TGLBryn = 0
TGLVex = 0
TGLDelvin = 0
PerkConnectedAmount = 0
WICommentChanceDiseased = 100
FFRiften21JTotal = 4
FFRiften21JFound = 0
WIAddItem07PayB = 75
WIAddItem07PayA = 60
WICraftItemAlchemySkillMedium = 40
WICraftItemAlchemySkillLow = 20
WICraftItemAlchemySkillHigh = 80
WICraftItemEnchantingSkillMedium = 40
WICraftItemEnchantingSkillLow = 20
WICraftItemEnchantingSkillHigh = 80
WICraftItemSmithingSkillHigh = 80
WICraftItemSmithingSkillMedium = 40
WICraftItemSmithingSkillLow = 20
WIWaitCraftItem = 0
WINextCraftItem = 0
WIAssaultRememberChance = 100
WIThiefChance = 20
MGR11Reward05 = 240
MGR11Reward04 = 120
MGR11Reward03 = 60
MGR11Reward02 = 30
MGR11Reward01 = 12
FFRiften02Solved = 0
FFRiften01Counter = 0
SittingAngleLimit = 0.0000
DA16Boss = 0
DA16Lab = 0
DA16Library = 0
TGRNStoredWhiterun = 0
TGRNStoredWindhelm = 0
TGRNStoredSolitude = 0
TGRNStoredMarkarth = 0
TGRNStoredRiften = 0
TGRNWin = 0.0000
TGRNTotal = 0.0000
TGRNStored = 0.0000
TGRNGold = 500
TGCrownGemsFoundQuest = 0
TGCrownGemsTotal = 24
TGCrownGemsFound = 0
FFRiftenJailPass = 0
FFRiften19Brawl = 0
FFRiftenThaneCount = 3
FFRiften12Done = 0
FFRiften18Count = 3
FFRiften14Count = 0
FFRiften03Arrest = 0
FFRiften11MarkCount = 0
FFRiften02LynlyDead = 0
PlayerWerewolfShiftBackTime = 0.0000
VampireDiseaseApply = 0
BladesBlessingTimer = 0.0000
WIWaitDragon = 3.0000
WINextDragon = 0.0000
CW01BPlayerLevelHelp = 20
dunValthumeVesselCollectedCount = 0
DaysToResetFakeHarvest = 3.0000
TGRadiantGoDelvin = 0
TGRadiantGoVex = 0
DA08MinLevel = 20
ArenaLargeWager = 1000
ArenaMediumWager = 500
ArenaSmallWager = 100
WRackPlaqueGlobal = 0
TGFenceStage04 = 100
TGFenceStage03 = 100
TGFenceStage02 = 100
TGFenceStage00 = 0
TGFenceStage01 = 100
TGCrimeSolitudeTaken = 0
TGCrimeWindhelmTaken = 0
TGCrimeWhiterunTaken = 0
TGCrimeMarkarthTaken = 0
TGCrimeRiftenTaken = 0
SpeechVeryHard = 70
SpeechHard = 52
SpeechAverage = 35
SpeechEasy = 17
SpeechVeryEasy = 10
TGBribeTemp = 0
ShowFriend = 0
ShowSpeechChallenge = 0
MQ106PlayerVisitsDragonMound = 1
MS12FollowUpStartDay = 0
MQ106TurnOffRandomDragons = 0
DA13MinLevel = 12
MQ105OutroPlayerReady = 0
WICommentChanceMagicFlames = 100
JobsOreSilverValue = 25
JobsOreQuicksilverValue = 8
JobsOreOrichalcumValue = 7
JobsOreMoonstoneValue = 6
JobsOreMalachiteValue = 11
JobsOreIronValue = 1
JobsOreGoldValue = 50
JobsOreEbonyValue = 14
JobsOreCorundumValue = 3
JobsWoodValue = 1
FriendsTotalMinorHold = 3
FriendsTotalMajorHold = 5
FriendsCountFalkreath = 0
FriendsCountWinterhold = 0
FriendsCountPale = 0
FriendsCountHjaalmarch = 0
FriendsCountEastmarch = 5
FriendsCountWhiterun = 5
FriendsCountHaafingar = 3
FriendsCountRift = 5
FriendsCountReach = 5
LightFootTriggerPercent = 100
FavorGoldRewardSmall = 25
PerkAvoidDeathTimer = 0.0000
WE17GoldAmount = 100
AnimalGold = 500
CaravanLocationC = 1
CaravanLocationB = 0
CaravanIsCampedC = 1
CaravanIsCampedB = 0
CaravanIsCampedA = 1
CaravanLocationA = 0
DialogueRiftenScene05 = 1
FavorTimer = 1.0000
PlayerAnimalCount = 0
CWObjRift = 0
CWObjEastmarch = 0
CWObjWinterhold = 0
CWObjPale = 0
CWObjFalkreath = 0
CWObjWhiterun = 0
CWObjHjaalmarch = 0
CWObjReach = 0
CWObjHaafingar = 0
IdleDragonPriestChance = 70.0000
PlayerFollowerCount = 0
HasHireling = 0
HirelingGold = 500
MS11EnteringWindhelmCount = 5
DialogueOrcHuntersConversationNum = 1
WIComplexEventsEnabled = 1
WEEnabled = 1
CombatIdleChance = 20.0000
CWDebugAllowCampaignsInFinalHolds = 0
PerkInvestorRiftenMagic = 100
PerkInvestorSolitudeMagic = 100
PerkInvestorWhiterunMagic = 100
PerkInvestorFalkreathGeneral = 100
PerkInvestorMorthalApothecary = 100
PerkInvestorWinterholdGeneral = 100
TGBanToggle = 0
TGBanGoldTotal = 1000
TGBanGoldCount = 0
AllowPlayerShout = 0
PerkInvestorDawnstarApothecary = 100
PerkInvestorDawnstarBlacksmith = 100
PerkInvestorWindhelmMagic = 100
PerkInvestorWindhelmBlacksmith = 100
PerkInvestorWindhelmApothecary = 100
PerkInvestorWindhelmGeneral = 100
PerkInvestorMarkarthMagic = 0
PerkInvestorMarkarthBlacksmith = 100
PerkInvestorMarkarthGeneral = 100
PerkInvestorMarkarthApothecary = 100
WIWaitFlatter = 0
WINextFlatter = 0
WIEventChance = 30
PerkInvestorRiftenApothecary = 100
PerkInvestorRiftenBlacksmith = 100
PerkInvestorRiftenPawn = 100
TGStatusCount = 0
FavorJarlDispositionThreshold = 50
PerkInvestorSolitudeBlacksmith = 0
PerkInvestorSolitudeFletcher = 100
PerkInvestorSolitudeTailor = 100
PerkInvestorSolitudePawn = 100
PerkInvestorWhiterunBlacksmith = 100
PerkInvestorSolitudeApothecary = 100
PerkInvestorWhiterunGeneral = 0
PerkInvestorWhiterunApotheecary = 100
PerkInvestorRiverwoodGeneral = 0
WIGuardReactionON = 1
PerkInvestorRiverwoodBlacksmith = 0
WICommentChanceMagicDangerous = 100
DialogueRiftenScene04 = 0
DialogueRiftenScene03 = 0
DialogueRiftenScene02 = 1
DialogueRiftenScene01 = 1
ImperialLuck = 100
WICommentChanceMagicColorful = 100
WICommentChanceWeaponRare = 100
WICommentChanceArmorRare = 100
WICommentChanceDaedricArtifact = 100
WICommentChanceJewelryExpensive = 100
WICommentChanceClothingRich = 100
WICommentChanceClothingPoor = 100
WICommentChanceSneaking = 100
WICommentChanceNaked = 100
WICommentNextAllowed = 72.8062
WICommentChanceCollegeRobes = 100
GoodbyeGenericPercent = 25
WIBaseChanceCommon = 75
DA06MinLevel = 9
DA16SkullDreamCount = 0
DragonsEnabled = 0
DA02MinLevel = 30
DA09MinLevel = 12
TGCrownTotal = 24
TGCrownFound = 0
RoomCost = 10
IdleGiantChance = 50.0000
CR03PeltsGotten = 0
CR03TotalPeltsNeeded = 0
WEDebug = 0
MGRJ1Total = 3
MGRJ1Test = 0
TGRDone = 0
CWPathClear3 = 0
WRackGlobal = 1
CWPercentPoolRemainingDefender = 0
CWPercentPoolRemainingAttacker = 0
DA11DraugrTotalCount = 11
DA11DraugrDeadCount = 0
CWDebugForceAttacker = 0
CWDebugForceHold = 0
PerkGoldenTouch = 100
PerkDaedricMind = 0
dunAngarvundeDraugrKilledCount = 0
DA09ChangeLocChance = 0
CWPathClear2 = 0
MG05CreaturesTotal = 10
MG05CreaturesKilled = 0
CWPathClear1 = 0
FreeformRiverwood01Timer = 0.5000
MG03BooksTotal = 3
MG03BooksFound = 0
MQHideTulliusObjective = 0
CWBattlePhase = 0
FFRiften05Total = 20
FFRiften05Served = 0
WIErikMeetingCount = 0
MG02ItemsTotal = 4
MG02ItemsFound = 0
FavorCostJilt = 500
CWSons = 2
CWImperial = 1
CWStateDefenderOutOfReinforcements = 0
CWStateDefenderLowReinforcements = 0
CWStateAttackerOutOfReinforcements = 0
CWStateAttackerLowReinforcements = 0
CWStateDefenderLastStand = 0
CWStateDefenderFallingBack = 0
CWStateAttackerBrokeThrough = 0
CWStateAttackerAtGate = 0
CWStateAttackStarted = 0
CWThreatWindowSonsMage = 0
CWThreatWindowImperialMage = 0
CWThreatWallSonsMage = 0
CWThreatWallImperialMage = 0
CWThreatTowerSonsMage = 0
CWThreatTowerImperialMage = 0
CWThreatFenceSonsMage = 0
CWThreatFenceImperialMage = 0
CWThreatWindowSonsArcher = 0
CWThreatWindowImperialArcher = 0
CWThreatWallSonsArcher = 0
CWThreatWallImperialArcher = 0
CWThreatTowerSonsArcher = 0
CWThreatTowerImperialArcher = 0
CWThreatFenceSonsArcher = 0
CWThreatFenceImperialArcher = 0
CWThreatWindowSons = 0
CWThreatTreeSons = 0
CWThreatRockSons = 0
CWThreatTowerSons = 0
CWThreatStablesSons = 0
CWThreatHouseSons = 0
CWThreatFenceSons = 0
CWThreatBridgeSons = 0
CWThreatRockImperial = 0
CWThreatTreeImperial = 0
CWThreatStablesImperial = 0
CWThreatHouseImperial = 0
CWThreatWindowImperial = 0
CWThreatBridgeImperial = 0
CWThreatTowerImperial = 0
CWThreatFenceImperial = 0
CWThreatWallSons = 0
CWThreatWallImperial = 0
WWDisarm = 1
WWIceForm = 1
WWThrowVoice = 1
WWKynesPeace = 0
WWStormCall = 0
WWFrostBreath = 1
WWPhantomForm = 0
WWMarkedforDeath = 1
WWElementalFury = 1
WWDragonrend = 0
WWAuraWhisper = 0
WWFireBreath = 0
WWWhirlwind = 0
WWUnrelentingForce = 1
WWDismaying = 0
WWClearSkies = 0
WWCallofValor = 0
WWCallDragon = 0
WWBecomeEthereal = 0
WWAnimalAllegiance = 0
WWSlowTime = 0
WIWaitUseMagic = 0
WINextUseMagic = 0
ItemTypeTorch = 11
ItemTypeShield = 10
ItemTypeMagicSpell = 9
ItemTypeStaff = 8
ItemTypeBow = 7
ItemTypeTwoHandedAxe = 6
ItemTypeTwoHandedSword = 5
ItemTypeOneHandedMace = 4
ItemTypeOneHandedAxe = 3
ItemTypeOneHandedDagger = 2
ItemTypeOneHandedSword = 1
ItemTypeNothing = 0
WISpectatorDistanceLarge = 2750
IdleSitIdleChance = 2.0000
CWMissionsForRank4 = 30
CWMissionsForRank3 = 18
CWMissionsForRank2 = 9
CWMissionsForRank1 = 3
FreeformFrostRiverReset = 0
FreeformKarthwastenATotalCount = 4
FreeformKarthwastenADeadCount = 0
MQ105TargetsTotal = 3
CWMissionFailDay = 0.0000
IdleTrollChance = 1.0000
TGRHCValuablesTotal = 3
TGRHCValuablesStolen = 0
FreeformKolskeggrATotalCount = 9
FreeformKolskeggrADeadCount = 0
FreeformCollegeAReset = 0
MQ103DraugrTotal = 6
MQ103DraugrDeadCount = 0
MGRejoinVar = 0
CWDebugSkipPurchase = 0
MQDebug = 0
CWReinforcementPoolDefender = 0
CWReinforcementPoolAttacker = 0
TG02HiveCount = 0
KillMoveRandom = 50.0000
FavorBribeIntimidateDelayDays = 0.5000
FavorFlatterDelayDays = 0.5000
FavorCostIntimidate = 50
FavorRewardIntimidate = 100
FavorRewardBribe = 50
CarriageCost = 20
DA02SpectatorDistance = 2000
DB10LegionAttackerDeadCount = 0
MQ302StartingNegotiationDelta = 0
CWContestedHold = 0
CWCountHoldsSons = 4
CWCountHoldsImperial = 5
CWPlayerAllegiance = 0
TGFailures = 0
MQQuickstart = 0
MQ103DefenderTotal = 5
MQ103DefenderDeadCount = 0
CWDefender = 0
CWAttacker = 0
DragonsReturned = 0
CWDebugOn = 0
MQ105TargetsHit = 0
TGDVexMood = 0
TGDDelvinMood = 0
CombatLowStaminaPercent = 0.3300
HelloPercentChance = 25
FavorFollowTimerFriend = 28800
DragonsAbsorbed = 0
DragonsKilled = 0
WICourierItemCount = 0
MusicDelayHours = 0.1250
MusicWhiterun = 0.0000
MusicRiverwood = 0.0000
WIWaitActivateActor = 0
WINextActivateActor = 0
WIWaitTrespass = 0
WIWaitRemoveItem = 0
WIWaitRelationshipRankChange = 0
WIWaitNewVoicePower = 0
WIWaitKill = 0
WIWaitInfection = 0
WIWaitDeadBody = 0
WIWaitCure = 0
WIWaitChangeLoc = 0
WIWaitAssault = 0
WIWaitAddItem = 0
WINextTrespass = 0
WINextRelationshipRankChange = 0
WINextCure = 0
WINextInfection = 0
WINextNewVoicePower = 0
WINextDeadBody = 0
WINextRemoveItem = 60
WINextAddItem = 9
WINextKill = 61
WINextChangeLoc = 63
WINextAssault = 0
WIEventsEnabled = 1
MQDragonAbsorbCount = 0
FavorCostLarge = 1
FavorCostMedium = 1
FavorCostSmall = 1
FavorRewardLarge = 100
FavorRewardMedium = 50
FavorRewardSmall = 25
WISpectatorDistance = 1500
DebugFavors = 0
CrimePettyCrimeThreshold = 100
CWCampaignPhase = 0
RadiantVariantDebug = 0
MGR11Amount = 0
HelloOncePerDay = 12
HelloInfrequent = 2
HelloFrequent = 0.5000
RelationshipHelloTimer = 25
CRMiddleReward = 50
CRMinorReward = 25
TRUEGlobal = 1
RadiantTownDebug = 0
ResourceDestroyedAtStage = 4
CRRewardRank3 = 100
CRRewardRank2 = 50
CRRewardRank1 = 25
CRQuestsCompleted = 0
CWmaxConsecutiveAttacks = 5
OghmaInfiniumBookHasBeenRead = 0
RiftenUngrienGlobal = 0
WEDL06LetrushKilled = 0
DLC1ReflexesCount = 0
DLC1RH07NextAllowed = 0.0000
DLC1VampireFeedStartTime = 0.0000
DLC1MistformCount = 0
DLC1RV06DoOnce = 0
DLC1RV10DoOnce = 0
DLC1DetectAllActive = 0
DLC1VQ04VampireSolution = 0
DLC1RV09DoOnce = 0
DLC1RV08DoOnce = 0
DLC1nVampireNecklaceGargoyle = 0
DLC1nVampireNecklaceBats = 0
DLC1nVampireRingErudite = 0
DLC1nVampireRingBeast = 0
DLC1EclipseAttackNextChanceNight = 5
DLC1DurnehviirDisallowFlying = 0
DLC1EclipseAttackGuardHellos = 0
DLC1VQElderHandlerGlob = 0
DLC1ArkgnthamzRumbleGlobal = 1
DLC1ArrowsAvailable = 100
DLC1VQ05JumpPad = 0
DLC1VQ07BalconyTrigger = 0
DLC1HarkonChill = 0
DLC1HarkonTutorialForcegreet2 = 0
DLC1HarkonTutorialForcegreet1 = 0
DLC1BatsCount = 0
DLC1VQ04LabArrival = 0
DLC1VQSoulDamageTog = 0
DLC1VQ04SoulTrapped = 0
DLC1ReflectingShieldTimesHitGlobal = 15
DLC1ReflectingShieldCurrentStageGlobal = 3
DLC1VampireLordDisallow = 0
DLC1VQ04DLink05 = 0
DLC1VQ01AgmaerTravelChatter = 0
DLC1VQMinLevel = 10
DLC1HarkonNoActivation = 0
VQ03FightOverrideVariable = 0
DLC1VQ02HarkonIntro = 0
DLC1RNPCGeneralHelloTime = 0.0000
DLC1VQ07PostSeranaArrowAvail = 0
DLC1RadiantDisguisedVampireLordChance = 25
DLC1WENextSpecialAttackDay = 0.0000
DLC1ScoutPatrolChance = 100
DLC1TechXbowSteelChanceNone = 100
DLC1AurielLastArrowFiredByPlayer = 0
DLC1RH05FinishedAllQuests = 0
DLC1VQ07Trigger = 0
DLC1RV03LetterIn = 0
DLC1VQ05KeepersAllDeadFirst = 0
DLC1HarkonTransforming = 0
DLC1FVBGotABook = 0
DLC1SCMerch = 0
DLC1VCPortcullis = 0
DLC1VQ08FG00 = 0
DLC1VQ08DLink02 = 0
DLC1VQ08DLink01 = 0
DLC1VCSoulCairnOpen = 0
DLC1VQ02HarkonGreet = 0
DLC1VQMinLevelVampireAttacks = 8
DLC1VQ05FG01 = 0
DLC1VQ05FG00 = 0
DLC1VQ04Crests = 0
DLC1TolanHealed = 0
DLC1WerewolfTotalPerksEarned = 0
DLC1VampireTotalPerksEarned = 0
DLC1WerewolfMaxPerks = 11
DLC1VampireMaxPerks = 11
DLC1VQ04FoundVoidSalt = 0
DLC1VQ04FoundSoulShards = 0
DLC1VQ04FoundBoneMeal = 0
DLC1EclipseAttackNextMaxWait = 20
DLC1EclipseAttackNextGauranteed = 85.9443
DLC1EclipseAttackNextChanceEclipse = 100
DLC1VQ04BecameVamp = 0
DLC1FerryCostLarge = 500
DLC1FerryCostSmall = 50
DLC1FerryCost = 20
DLC1UndeadKilled = 0
DLC1VQ04BookPre = 0
DLC1EclipseAttackNextWait = 1
DLC1EclipseAttackNextAllowed = 66.9443
DLC1VampireLevitateStateGlobal = 0
DLC1VQ06LocationToggle = 0
DLC1VQ06DLink01 = 0
DLC1VQ07PostTLGo1 = 0
DLC1VQ05PostMove = 0
DLC1HarkonDead = 0
DLC1VQ05PostTLGo1 = 0
DLC1WWDrainVitality = 0
DLC1VQ07TLGo01 = 0
DLC1RH08RunCount = 0
DLC1VQ05TLGo01 = 0
DLC1dunRedwaterDenWithdrawalStopDay = 0.0000
DLC1dunRedwaterDenPowerStopDay = 0.0000
DLC1VQ05VLink01 = 0
DLC1IntroCompletedHunter = 0
DLC1IntroCompletedVampire = 0
DLC1VampireChaliceStopDay = 0.0000
DLC1VampireChaliceLevel = 0
DLC1VQSaintDLink03 = 0
DLC1VQSaintDLinkEnd = 0
DLC1VQSaintDLink02 = 0
DLC1VQSaintDLink01 = 0
DLC1VQSaintLoopOff = 0
DLC1VQSaintTotal = 10
DLC1VQSaintCount = 0
DLC1ElderScrollCount = 0
DLC1VQElderScrollCoin = 0
DLC1VQDragonFG01 = 0
DLC1VQDragonDoneTalking = 0
DLC1VQDragonDLink01 = 0
DLC1TrollCost = 500
DLC1VQ05TL01 = 0
DLC1VQ05DLink01 = 0
DLC1RH05RunCount = 0
DLC1TechXbowBoltsExplodingShockChanceNone = 100
DLC1TechXbowBoltsExplodingIceChanceNone = 100
DLC1TechXbowDwarvenEnhancedChanceNone = 100
DLC1TechXbowEnhancedChanceNone = 100
DLC1TechXbowBoltsExplodingFireChanceNone = 100
DLC1TechXbowDwarvenChanceNone = 100
DLC1VQ04TL01 = 0
DLC1VQ04TripFG = 0
DLC1VQ04DLink04 = 0
DLC1VQ04SafeToEnter = 0
DLC1VQ04BookSearch = 0
DLC1VQ04DLink03 = 0
DLC1VQ04DLink02 = 0
DLC1VQ04Ingredient = 0
DLC1VQ04FG02 = 0
DLC1VQ04DLink01 = 0
DLC1VQ07FG03 = 0
DLC1VQ07FG02 = 0
DLC1VQ07ShrineDone04 = 0
DLC1VQ07ShrineDone03 = 0
DLC1VQ07ShrineDone02 = 0
DLC1VQ07ShrineDone01 = 0
DLC1VQ07EwerTotal = 5
DLC1VQ07EwerFills = 0
DLC1VQ07FG01 = 0
DLC1VQ07GeleborSceneGate = 0
DLC1VQ07BowSaid = 0
DLC1VQ07Conv01 = 0
DLC1EclipseActive = 0
DLC1NightPower = 0
DLC1BloodMagic = 0
DLC1VQ06TreeDone05 = 0
DLC1VQ06TreeDone04 = 0
DLC1VQ06TreeDone03 = 0
DLC1VQ06TreeDone02 = 0
DLC1VQ06TreeDone01 = 0
DLC1VQ06HaveKnife = 0
DLC1VQ05TravelModeOff = 0
DLC1VQ05DurnehviirDeath = 0
DLC1VQ05Keeper03Dead = 0
DLC1VQ05Keeper02Dead = 0
DLC1VQ05Keeper01Dead = 0
DLC1PlayerVampireShiftBackTime = 0.0000
DLC1VQ06MothsTotal = 7
DLC1VQ06MothsFound = 0
DLC1SurgeryCost = 1000
DLC1WerewolfFeedPoints = 0.0000
DLC1WerewolfNextPerk = 5.0000
DLC1VampireBloodPoints = 0.0000
DLC1VampireNextPerk = 5.0000
DLC1WerewolfPerkPoints = 0.0000
DLC1VampirePerkPoints = 0.0000
DLC1VQ04FGStart = 0
DLC1PlayingVampireLine = 0
DLC1LD_ShardsFound = 0
DLC1LD_ShardsTotal = 4
DLC1VQ05KeepersTotal = 3
DLC1VQ05KeepersKilled = 0
DLC1VQ04FG01 = 0
DLC1VQ04Dead = 0
BYOHLastAttack = 68.6036
BYOHHouse3Room12Started = 0
BYOHHouse3Room11Started = 0
BYOHHouse3Room10Started = 0
BYOHHouse3Room09Started = 0
BYOHHouse3Room08Started = 0
BYOHHouse3Room07Started = 0
BYOHHouse3Room06Started = 0
BYOHHouse3Room05Started = 0
BYOHHouse3Room04Started = 0
BYOHHouse3Room03Started = 0
BYOHHouse3Room02Started = 0
BYOHHouse3Room01BStarted = 0
BYOHHouse3Room01Started = 0
BYOHHouse2Room12Started = 0
BYOHHouse2Room11Started = 0
BYOHHouse2Room10Started = 0
BYOHHouse2Room09Started = 0
BYOHHouse2Room08Started = 0
BYOHHouse2Room07Started = 0
BYOHHouse2Room06Started = 0
BYOHHouse2Room05Started = 0
BYOHHouse2Room04Started = 0
BYOHHouse2Room03Started = 0
BYOHHouse2Room02Started = 0
BYOHHouse2Room01BStarted = 0
BYOHHouse2Room01Started = 0
BYOHHouse1Room12Started = 0
BYOHHouse1Room11Started = 0
BYOHHouse1Room10Started = 1
BYOHHouse1Room09Started = 0
BYOHHouse1Room08Started = 1
BYOHHouse1Room07Started = 0
BYOHHouse1Room06Started = 0
BYOHHouse1Room05Started = 0
BYOHHouse1Room04Started = 0
BYOHHouse1Room03Started = 1
BYOHHouse1Room02Started = 1
BYOHHouse1Room01BStarted = 0
BYOHHouse1Room01Started = 1
BYOHHBA2Ransom = 5000
BYOHHPCostBard = 1500
BYOHHouse3Room12 = 0
BYOHHouse3Room11 = 0
BYOHHouse3Room10 = 0
BYOHHouse3Room09 = 0
BYOHHouse3Room08 = 0
BYOHHouse3Room07 = 0
BYOHHouse3Room06 = 0
BYOHHouse3Room05 = 0
BYOHHouse3Room04 = 0
BYOHHouse3Room03 = 0
BYOHHouse3Room02 = 0
BYOHHouse3Room01B = 0
BYOHHouse3Room01 = 0
BYOHHouse2Room01B = 0
BYOHHouse1Room01B = 1
BYOHHouseLogCount = 202
BYOHHPCostEntryRoom = 1000
BYOHHouse2Room12 = 0
BYOHHouse2Room11 = 0
BYOHHouse2Room10 = 0
BYOHHouse2Room09 = 0
BYOHHouse2Room08 = 0
BYOHHouse2Room07 = 0
BYOHHouse2Room06 = 0
BYOHHouse2Room05 = 0
BYOHHouse2Room04 = 0
BYOHHouse2Room03 = 0
BYOHHouse2Room02 = 0
BYOHHouse2Room01 = 0
BYOHHouse1Room12 = 1
BYOHHouse1Room11 = 0
BYOHHouse1Room10 = 1
BYOHHouse1Room09 = 0
BYOHHouse1Room08 = 1
BYOHHouse1Room07 = 0
BYOHHouse1Room06 = 0
BYOHHouse1Room05 = 0
BYOHHouse1Room04 = 0
BYOHHouse1Room03 = 1
BYOHHouse1Room02 = 1
BYOHHouse1Room01 = 1
BYOHHPCostLibrary = 1500
BYOHHPCostArmory = 2000
BYOHHPCostStorageRm = 1000
BYOHHPCostTrophyRm = 1500
BYOHHPCostGreenhouse = 1500
BYOHHPCostMainHall = 3500
BYOHHPCostKitchen = 1500
BYOHHPCostEnchanting = 2500
BYOHHPCostBedroom = 2000
BYOHHPCostAlchemy = 2500
BYOHHPAmountClay = 20
BYOHHPCostClay = 20
BYOHHPAmountStone = 20
BYOHHPCostStone = 100
BYOHHPAmountLogs = 20
BYOHHPCostLogs = 200
BYOHHPCostChicken = 25
BYOHHouse1ChickensMax = 3
BYOHHouse3LastVisit = 0.0000
BYOHHouse2LastVisit = 71.4764
BYOHHouse1LastVisit = 74.8216
HDMarkarthChildRoom = 700
HDRiftenChildRoom = 550
HDSolitudeChildRoom = 3000
HDWhiterunChildRoom = 250
HDWindhelmChildRoom = 1250
BYOHHouse1CowsMax = 1
BYOHHPCostCarriage = 500
BYOHHPCostCow = 200
BYOHHPCostSmallHouse = 1000
BYOHHPCost = 5000
DLC2DragonAbsorbChance = 0
DLC2Book01TakenBookInPartA = 0
DLC2ThirskHalbarnLootChanceNone = 100
DLC2VaronaSaidHello = 0
DLC2HeartStoneAcquired = 0
DLC2MQ06MaskLightChance = 0
DLC2MQ06MaskHeavyChance = 0
DLC2DragonLandingRequested = 0
DLC2IsInApocryphaWater = 0
DLC2ArrowSmithing = 1
DLC2HeartStoneTopic = 0
DLC2ElmusAshfireChanceNone = 100
DLC2SV01CommentChance = 75
DLC2TharstanCommentNextAllowed = 0.0000
DLC2NelothIntroSaid = 0
DLC2Book01ResetHalls = 0
DLC2MHBlockPillarWork = 0
DLC2RR03AlreadyRead = 0
DLC2ImprovedBonemold = 0
DLC2dunBardActive = 0
DLC2MetNelothAtTelMithryn = 0
DLC2WhereNelothAvailable = 0
DLC2TT2OutToGetMeHello = 0
DLC2CostToSailx2 = 500
DLC2LlerilSays = 0
DLC2ThirskHilundSpearCount = 50
DLC2ThirskHalbarnEbonyCount = 15
DLC2ThirskHalbarnStalhrimCount = 10
DLC2WE05DoOnce = 0
DLC2ThirskElmusFavorDone = 0
DLC2RieklingNextAllowedDay = 0.0000
DLC2RieklingRescueChance = 25
DLC2_DA04RejectHM = 0
DLC2HirelingRecognizeTeldryn = 0
DLC2CanRehireTeldryn = 0
DLC2AshSpawnAttackChance = 0
DLC2MQ01NelothGlobal = 0
DLC2MiraakDragonSouls = 0
DLC2CostToSail = 250
DLC2dunFrostmoonCurrentRing = 0
DLC2RRMQNote = 0
DLC2NelothSpellExpire = 0
DLC2WE09Chance = 100
DLC2OmenOfDanger = 1
DLC2RRASForce = 0
DLC2RR03IntroDia01 = 0
DLC2RR03Intro01 = 0
DLC2RR02TilisuGo = 0
DLC2RR02AdrilDia01 = 0
DLC2EBRun = 0
DLC2TT4bRun = 0
DLC2TT4aRun = 0
DLC2TT3bRun = 0
DLC2TT3aRun = 0
DLC2KagrumezGemPlacedCount = 0
DLC2MH02NordsKilled = 0
DLC2MH02NordsTotal = 7
DLC2FreaWillFollow = 0.0000
DLC2RRF07BookFound = 0
DLC2dunKarstaagIceWraithCount = 0
DLC2RRGjalundInit = 0
DLC2TGGlobal01 = 0
DLC2RRCresciusDia02 = 0
DLC2RR03Dia02 = 0
DLC2RR02VelethFG = 0
DLC2RR02TilisuDone = 0
DLC2NiyyaGreeted = 0
DLC2WWBattleFury = 0
DLC2WWDragonAspect = 0
DLC2WWCyclone = 0
DLC2WWBendWill = 0
DLC2WaterStoneDismissalDone = 0
DLC2KagrumezGlobalFightCount = 0
DLC2SV01WallsTranslated = 0
DLC2MH01KuvarLike = 0
DLC2AcolyteMaskTimerShock = 0.0000
DLC2AcolyteMaskTimerFrost = 0.0000
DLC2AcolyteMaskTimerFire = 0.0000
DLC2SV02ThalmorLeave = 1
DLC2RRFethisDia01 = 0
DLC2RRF04Ask = 0
DLC2RRF04DrinkTotal = 10
DLC2RRF04DrinkCount = 0
DLC2RROthrelothDia01 = 0
DLC2RRF02JellyTotal = 5
DLC2RRF02JellyCount = 0
DLC2RRFavor01Global = 0
DLC2RRGjalundDia01 = 0
DLC2RRMiloreDia01 = 0
DLC2RRAphiaDia01 = 0
DLC2RRCresciusDia01 = 0
DLC2RRDreylaDia02 = 0
DLC2RRDreylaDia01 = 0
DLC2dunHaknirTreasureQSTMinLevel = 36
DLC2RRCindiriDia02 = 0
DLC2RRCindiriDia01 = 0
DLC2RRAdrilDia02 = 0
DLC2RRAdrilDia01 = 0
DLC2MQ06MiraakCombatStyle = 1
DLC2BlackBookReward6 = 0
DLC2BlackBookReward5 = 0
DLC2BlackBookReward4 = 0
DLC2BlackBookReward3 = 0
DLC2BlackBookReward2 = 0
DLC2BlackBookReward1 = 0
DLC2RR03Dia01 = 0
DLC2DremoraForceGreet = 0
DLC2SoulStealCount = 0
DLC2TT1bMogrulConv = 0
DLC2MH02NordsAlive = 7
DLC2RR02DeathCount = 0
DLC2RR02TilisuMove = 0
DLC2RR02Dia03 = 0
DLC2RR02Dia02 = 0
DLC2RR02Dia01 = 0
DLC2TTR8Ingredient = 0
DLC2BooksActive = 1
DLC2PillarChantNum = 0
DLC2WhirlwindCloakForSale = 100
DLC2EntombForSale = 100
DLC2ConjureAshSpawnForSale = 100
DLC2TTF1Tattled = 0
DLC2TTR7DoneOnce = 0
DLC2TTR2DoneOnce = 0
DLC2TTR1DoneOnce = 0
dlc2DBDragonWeapons = 0
dlc2MerchAnimalsKilled = 0
DLC2RR01Dia01 = 0
DLC2TTR4aWet = 0
DLC2RR01InvToggled = 0
DLC2PreventNelothRadiant = 0
DLC2TTF2PotionsAvailable = 100
DLC2TTF2TaprootsSoaked = 0
DLC2TTF2TaprootsAcquired = 0
DLC2AshGuardianForSale = 100
DLC2MH01RieklingsKilled = 0
DLC2MH01RieklingsTotal = 0
DLC2MH01RieklingsAlive = 0
DLC2ThirskRieklingOwned = 1
DLC2BlackBookCount = 0
DLC2RRQuestChain = 0
DLC2RRLlerilDia01 = 0
DLC2RRMine = 0
DLC2GjalundStatus = 0
DLC2dunNchardakCubeCount = 0
USKPPerkInvestorMarkarthMoth = 100
USKPPerkInvestorMorthalFalion = 100
USKPPerkInvestorDawnstarMadena = 100
USLEEPCindiriAranoTopicDone = 0
USKPPerkInvestorShorsStoneFilnjar = 100
USKPCalcelmoWIAddItem07Persuaded = 1
USLEEPWE31Completed = 0
USLEEPStormfangSpawns = 0
USLEEPStormfangLooted = 100
USLEEPMS06StartDay = 0.0000
USKPGretaRoggvirTopicDone = 0
USKPPerkInvestorWhiterunHunting = 100
USKPPerkInvestorFalkreathApothecary = 100
USKPPerkInvestorFalkreathBlacksmith = 100
USLEEPFreaMotherTopicDone = 0
USKPWEJS11SigarIsDead = 0
USKPWEJS13ArdwenIsDead = 0
USLEEPPerkInvestorRavenRockBlacksmith = 100
0SA_uGlyph = 0
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= 0.0000
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zbfSlaveLeashStatus = 0
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zbfSlaveWhipEndTime = 0.0000
zbfSlaveDialogueType = 0
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zadPlayerMasochism = 1
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zadDialogueArmbinderDisable = 0
zadDeviceEscapeSuccessCount = 17
zadDebugMode = 0
zadDialogueGagDisable = 0
PlayerFollowerPluginSpells = 1
PlayerFollowerPluginAggression = 1
PlayerFollowerPluginWerewolf = 1
PlayerFollowerPluginTattoo = 1
PlayerFollowerPluginNickname = 1
PlayerFollowerMaximum = 100
PlayerFollowerRideHorse = 1
PlayerFollowerCountEx = 0
PlayerFollowerMenu = 1
PlayerFollowerIgnoreTimeout = 1
PlayerFollowerStats = 1
PlayerFollowerClassicMenus = 0
PlayerFollowerAutoInvisible = 0
PlayerFollowerPluginCollect = 1
PlayerFollowerPluginOutfit = 1
PlayerFollowerPluginTrain = 1
PlayerFollowerPluginCombat = 1
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CCO_ArmorHeavyRecipes = 1
CCO_ArmorClothingRecipes = 1
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CCO_ArmorCuirassRecipes = 1
CCO_ArmorGauntletRecipes = 1
CCO_ArmorHelmetRecipes = 1
CCO_ArmorShieldRecipes = 1
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CCO_ClothingRobeRecipes = 1
CCO_ClothingGlovesRecipes = 1
CCO_ClothingHoodRecipes = 1
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CCO_MiscRingRecipes = 1
CCO_MiscCircletRecipes = 1
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CCO_CategoryIron = 1
CCO_CategorySteel = 1
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CCO_CategoryNordicAncient = 1
CCO_CategorySilver = 1
CCO_CategoryBonemold = 1
CCO_CategoryChitin = 1
CCO_CategoryFalmer = 1
CCO_CategoryElven = 1
CCO_CategoryDwarven = 1
CCO_CategoryOrcish = 1
CCO_CategoryGlass = 1
CCO_CategoryEbony = 1
CCO_CategoryStalhrim = 1
CCO_CategoryDragon = 1
CCO_CategoryDaedric = 1
CCO_CategoryMiscellaneous = 1
CCO_CategoryFaction = 1
CCO_CategoryFactionBlades = 1
CCO_CategoryFactionDawnguard = 1
CCO_CategoryFactionForsworn = 1
CCO_CategoryFactionImperial = 1
CCO_CategoryFactionStormcloak = 1
CCO_CategoryFactionThievesGuild = 1
CCO_CategoryFactionDarkBrotherhood = 1
CCO_CategoryFactionNightingale = 1
CCO_CategoryFactionCompanions = 1
CCO_CategoryFactionThalmor = 1
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CCO_CategoryExotic = 1
CCO_CategoryExoticAkaviri = 1
CCO_CategoryExoticArgonian = 1
CCO_CategoryExoticKhajiit = 1
CCO_CategoryExoticRedguard = 1
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CCO_CategoryMoonstone = 1
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CCO_CategoryQuicksilver = 1
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CCO_WeapSwordRecipes = 1
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CCO_WeapWarAxeRecipes = 1
CCO_WeapBattleaxeRecipes = 1
CCO_WeapMaceRecipes = 1
CCO_WeapWarhammerRecipes = 1
CCO_WeapBowRecipes = 1
CCO_WeapAmmoRecipes = 1
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CCO_OptionBreakdownEquipmentatSmelter = 1
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CCO_ArmorOnlyMALE = 1
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CCO_Placeholder = 0
CCO_DLCDawnguard = 1
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CCO_DLCDragonborn = 1
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CCO_MODImmersiveWeapons = 1
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CCO_MODHeavyArmory = 1
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CCO_MODBandoliers = 0
CCO_MODBookofSilence = 1
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CCO_MODWinterIsComing = 0
CCO_MODCloaks = 0
CCO_MODSupported = 1
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DIST_WCRegionWarm = 100
DIST_WCRegionVariable = 0
DIST_WCRegionCold = 100
CCO_MODWICRequireBasket = 0
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CCO_GoldArmorPerkGV = 5
WAF_PerkFistsLight = 0
SPO_PerkAdvancedHeavy = 0
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ResourceCountGV_CCO = 10
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PRUFEI_FavoriteProtectedAmt = 1
PRUFEI_EquippedProtectedAmt = 1
CACO_CACOIsInstalled = 0
MCM_CCOJaysusInst = 0
DIST_CCOJaysusSwords_ON = 100
MiningGemLeveledGV_CCO = 100
MiningGemUnleveledGV_CCO = 0
MiningGemSpecialGV_CCO = 100
DIST_CCOJewelCraft_ON = 100
DIST_CCOJewelCraft_OFF = 0
DIST_CCOJaysusSwords_OFF = 0
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MCM_CCODragonbornInst = 1
MCM_CCOHearthfireInst = 1
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MCM_CCOJewelCraftDist = 0
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QuicksilverRename_CCO = 0
MalachiteRenameMoldavite_CCO = 0
MalachiteRenameGlass_CCO = 0
PlayerHasLevelUpSpell_CCO = 0
LevelUpSpellAutoRun_CCO = 0
ModUDBPInst_CCO = 0
ModUDGPInst_CCO = 0
ModUSKPInst_CCO = 0
1Dr_BANEnchantmentToggleGV_CCO = 1
MCM_CCOBandoliersDist = 0
MCM_CCOBandoliersInst = 0
MCM_CCOBandoliersDGInst = 0
DIST_CCOBandoliers_OFF = 0
DIST_CCOBandoliers_ON = 100
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DIST_CCOBandoliersDG_ON = 100
DIST_CCOBandoliers_Chance = 100
MCM_CCOBandoliersModStatus = 0
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EnchantTweakClothingGV_CCO = 50
EnchantTweakCuirassGV_CCO = 25
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EnchantTweakJewelryGV_CCO = 10
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EnchantTweakBowsGV_CCO = 0
EnchantTweakOneHandGV_CCO = 0
EnchantTweakTwoHandGV_CCO = 0
TemperTweakBowsGV_CCO = -10
TemperTweakDaggersGV_CCO = -15
TemperTweakTwoHandGV_CCO = 15
TemperTweakLightArmorGV_CCO = -10
TemperTweakLeatherHideArmorGV_CCO = -15
TemperTweakShieldsGV_CCO = 30
TemperTweakCuirassGV_CCO = 20
TemperTweakGauntletsGV_CCO = -20
TemperTweakToggleGV_CCO = 0
EnchantTweakToggleGV_CCO = 0
MCM_CCOImmersiveArmorsInst = 0
CCO_AltSmithingXPBonusMultGV = 53
CCO_AltSmithingXPBonusExpGV = 0.5000
MCM_CCOBookofSilenceInst = 0
MCM_CCOHeavyArmoryInst = 0
MCM_CCOFrostfallInst = 0
MCM_CCOSilverWeaponPerk = 50
MCM_CCOStalhrimEnchPerk = 10
MCM_CCOWinterIsComingInst = 0
MCM_DawnguardWorkbench = 0
TemperTweakBaselineGV_CCO = 0
MCM_CCOCloaksInst = 0
MCM_CCOBandoliersEnchSmall = 5
MCM_CCOBandoliersEnchMed = 10
MCM_CCOBandoliersEnchLarge = 15
MCM_CCOBandoliersEnchXLarge = 20
SmithingXPTanningRackGV_CCO = 1.0000
SmithingXPSmelterGV_CCO = 1.0000
DIST_CCOCrossbows_ON = 0
MCM_CCOCrossbowsInWorld = 1
DIST_CCOCrossbowBolt_Chance = 25
DIST_CCOCrossbows_OFF = 100
EnchantTweakJewelryExquisiteGV_CCO = 10
MCM_CCOImmersiveWeaponsInst = 0
FlawlessGemChance_CCO = 30
MCM_CCOOreSmeltingAmt = 2
MCM_CCOCharcoalAmt = 0
EnchantTweakAccessoriesGV_CCO = -50
DIST_CCOCloaks_OFF = 0
DIST_CCOCloaks_ON = 100
MCM_CCOCloaksDist = 0
DIST_CCOCloaksGuardChance = 35
DIST_CCOCloaksImperialChance = 50
DIST_CCOCloaksCommonChance = 65
DIST_CCOCloaksBanditChance = 85
DIST_CCOWinterIsComing_ON = 100
DIST_CCOWinterIsComing_OFF = 0
DIST_CCOCloaksBanditBossChance = 55
DIST_CCOCloaksForswornChance = 85
DIST_CCOCloaksHunterChance = 75
DIST_CCOCloaksNecroChance = 65
DIST_CCOCloaksVampireChance = 65
DIST_CCOCloaksThalmorChance = 90
DIST_CCOCloaksThalmorBossChance = 25
MCM_CCOWinterIsComingDist = 0
CCO_AltSmithingXPInitialMultGV = 0.5000
MCM_CCOImmersiveJewelryInst = 0
CCO_AltSmithingXPEnabledGV = 0
CCO_OptionCraftingMenuOptions = 0
TrackCraftingMenuOptionArmorType_CCO = 0
TrackCraftingMenuOptionArmorClass_CCO = 0
TrackCraftingMenuOptionWeapClass_CCO = 0
TrackCraftingMenuOptionWeapType_CCO = 0
CCO_CategoryALL = 1
CCO_CategorySmelterOrganic = 1
CCO_OptionCraftingMenuCategories = 0
SSv3_GiantSexMutex = 0
SSv3_GiantCounter = 0
SSv3_PlayerGender = 1
ObisRandom = 0
OBIS_DungGovernor = 1
OBIS_Governor = 1
OBISBandits = 0
OBIS_TimePassed = 1648
OBIS_Toons = 0
OBISSize = 1
deletebandits = 0
GivePotion = 1
potionchance = 60
ActivateDungeon = 1
TestD = 0
OBIS_Intensity = 10
OBIS_Cooldown = 5
Cleaned = 50
OBISFlag = 1
LevelLimit = 30
ObisShowMessage = 0
CDxAssistPlug = 0
CDxSlavePresent = 0
CDxAssistAgree = 0
CDxAssistPrev = 0
CDxAssistSchedule = 0
CDxPS_Activity = 0
CDxAssistTotalResults = 0
CDxAssistBonusResults = 0
CDxAssistCustStartTime = 0
CDxAssistResults = 0
CDxPS_Training = 0
CDxCCNewPrisoner = 0
CDxCCFollowerRelease = 0
CDxCCFollowerTotal = 0
CDxPSE_Activity = 0
CDxPSE_Training = 0
CDxPSE_Assign = 0
CDxPSE_Correct = 0
CDxDeliveryEnd = 0
CDxDeliveryTime = 0
CDxAssistReturn = 0
CDxMCMDelFreq = 2
CDxMCMRecFreq = 3
CDxPDCustNo = 0
CDxAssistStatus = 2
CDxPDRude = 0
CDxErrandRank = 0
CDxLTBeltFee = 0
CDxLongTermBelting = 0
CDxPDAddCDItems = 0
CDxPDPunishment = 0
CDxPDOnTime = 0
CDxPDHideout = 0
CDxCCFollowersImprisoned = 0
CDxFTRelStatus = 0
CDxBeltSetting = 0
CDxConfSevere5 = 1
CDxConfSevere6 = 1
CDxConfSevere4 = 1
CDxRDCooldown = 0
CDxPDCooldown = 0
CDxFTDoneBefore = 0
CDxRemovalFees = 0
CDxSmithErrandDest = 0
CDxEraniMode = 0
CDxSECollar = 0
CDxSEVPlug = 0
CDxSEAPlug = 0
CDxSEBelt = 0
CDxPS_WaitErani = 0
CDxPS_RelaxErani = 0
CDxPS_RestrainErani = 0
CDxPS_RestrainEraniNow = 0
CDxPS_SleepErani = 0
CDxAssistApptMade = 0
CDxCDBra = 0
CDxCDCollar = 0
CDxCDCuffArm = 0
CDxCDCuffLeg = 0
CDxCDGag = 0
CDxCDPlugA = 0
CDxCDPlugV = 0
CDxCDBelt = 0
CDxRSDChangePlug = 0
CDxDeliveryStart = 0
CDxDeliveryBonus = 0
CDxDeliveryLate = 0
CDxJailedAssault = 0
CDxJailed = 0
CDxLTBEltNeedBelt = 0
CDxLTHasNGBelt = 0
CDxDiagnostic = 0
CDxAssistSetDate = 0
CDxPDBanditTotal = 0
CDxConfActive = 1
CDxEQ02CAReset = 0
CDxLTExtraType = 0
CDxEQ4JarlWindhelm = 0
CDxNonCDQuestItem = 0
CDxExpansionStart = 36
CDxGameTimeMod = 1
CDxDeliveryCompleted = 0
CDxRSDComplaintItems = 0
CDxMP03DialogueSet = 0
CDxConfiscateCool = 0
CDxSceneID = 0
CDxSceneCommentatorPos = 0
CDxSceneObserverPos = 0
CDxSceneSlavePos = 0
CDxTaskOreMinedVol = 0
CDxSceneMasterPos = 0
CDxTaskOreMinedPun = 0
CDxSceneVariable01 = 0
CDxPunishRecLevel = 0
CDxTaskIsMining = 0
CDxSlaveRelationship = -26
CDxSlaveProperty = -26
CDxSlaveStartType = 0
CDxSlaveRole = 0
CDxRankAriasha = 0
CDxRankWorkerSlave = 0
CDxRankMineSlave = 0
CDxRankManorSlave = 0
CDxRankVIPSlave = 0
CDxRankAdmin = 0
CDxRankGuardCommon = 0
CDxRankRayani = 0
CDxSlavesCollar = 0
CDxSlavesVagplug = 0
CDxSlavesAnalPlug = 0
CDxSlavesBelt = 0
CDxSceneVariable02 = 0
CDxSlaveTaskLvl = 0
CDxSlaveTaskAdj = 0
CDxMineDoorAutoB = 0
CDxS_Prop_OvsWait = 0
CDxSlavePropCounter = 0
CDxSlavePropTarget = 15
CDxMineDoorAutoA = 0
CDxTaskOreDayQuota = 0
CDxTaskOreTotalQouta = 0
CDxTaskOreMinedSlave = 0
CDxSlaveTaskChange = 0
CDxSlaveTaskComplete = 0
CDxSlaveTaskEnable = 0
CDxLTBeltRemAttempt = 0
CDxSlavePropQ2Done = 0
CDxSlavePropQ3Done = 0
CDxSlavePropQ4Done = 0
CDxSlavePropQ5Done = 0
CDxSlavePropQ1Done = 0
CDxSlaveTaskProgress = 0
CDxBarracksCellDoor = 0
CDxSlavePropAPQuota = 0
CDxSlavePropVPQuota = 0
CDxSlavePropBQuota = 0
CDxInvisibleFence = 0
CDxSmithyDoorStateA = 0
CDxSmithyDoorStateB = 0
CDxSlavePropQ4Slavestat = 0
CDxSlaveBlock = 0
CDxEmma = 0
CDxXPOStatus = 0
CDxErrandsBelt = 0
CDxLastQuestSuccess = 0
CDxDTTransfer = 0
CDxInvisibleLoc = 0
CDxDR_ItemCost = 0
CDxDifficultyLvl = 1
CDxerrands = 0
CDxLongTermBeltEx = 0
CDxDCUR_Reset = 0
CDxPlayerOrientation = 0
CDxCA02_WhipStrikes = 0
CDxCA02_ObjectUsed = 0
CDxGuestSession = 8
CDxGuestSpecial = 0
CDxGuestNonSession = 5
CDxCA02_DialogueFlag = 0
CDxCA02_HasDevices = 0
CDxMCMDelTimescale = 20
CDxMCMRndBandit = 25
CDxMCMConfVar = 3
CDxMCMHvyDebt = -30536
CDxMCMDelPunish = 0
CDxMCMCustAsst = 0
CDxMCMDispBase = 1
CDxChasteLifeStatus = 0
CDxCourierItemCount = 0
CDxInviteJarlDia = 0
CDxSendAds = 1
CDxAssistActive = 0
CDxPref_BeltStyle = 0
CDxChasteSpouseStatus = 0
CDxEQ01Status = 1
CDxEQ02Status = 1
CDxEQ03Status = 1
CDxEQ04Status = 1
CDxAllowBra = 0
CDxAllowHood = 1
CDxAllowYoke = 1
CDxAllowGloves = 1
CDxAllowCorset = 1
CDxAllowBodysuit = 1
CDxPref_SoftFinish = 0
CDxPref_SoftColor = 0
CDxDR_CostMult = 1
CDxPref_BeltColor = 0
CDxAllowBlindfold = 1
CDxAllowBoots = 1
CDxAllowGag = 1
CDxAllowNipPierc = 1
CDxAllowVagPierc = 1
CDxAllowArmbinder = 1
CDxCourierActive = 0
CDxChasteSpouseRel = 0
CDxDRCooldownFlag = 0
CDxPref_ArmType = 0
CDxPref_MatTypePref = 0
CDxFTEnable = 1
CDx3rdFloorTrigger = 0
CDxRestrainedSpell = 0
CDxAssistCustStartMonth = 0
CDxRankAssistant = 0
CDxRankShopSlave = 0
CDxRankSmith = 0
CDxRankGuardHigh = 0
CDxCountHarness = 0
CDxCountBoots = 0
CDxPlayerDisposition = 0
CDxRankMaster = 0
CDxRemovalCost = 0
CDxRemovalTimes = 0
CDxCountLegCuff = 0
CDxCountCBelt = 0
CDxCountCBra = 0
CDxCountCollar = 0
CDxCountLockedPlayer = 0
CDxCountArmCuff = 0
CDxDeliveryKillaBandit = 0
CDxUnusedItemCount = 0
CDxEquipableItems = 0
CDxAssistGag = 0
CDxAssistArmbinder = 0
CDxLTBeltRemFees = 0
CDxConfSevere1 = 1
CDxProtector = 0
CDxAssistBlindfold = 0
CDxOldWornItemCount = 0
CDxConfSevere3 = 1
CDxConfSevere2 = 1
CDxAssistBra = 0
CDxAssistCuffs = 0
CDxAssistCollar = 0
CDxAssistBelt = 0
CDxCustAssistLastVisit = 0
CDxMineBound = 0
CDxEQ01Jarl = 0
CDxEQ01DengeirDir = 0
CDxEQ01Reward = 0
CDxEQTime = 0
CDxEQ01Locked = 0
CDxEQ02DiaTrack = 0
CDxEQ02HadPierce = 0
CDxCourierMission = 0
CDxAssistDemerits = 0
CDxCellAvail01 = 0
CDxCellAvail02 = 0
CDxCellAvail03 = 0
CDxCellAvail04 = 0
CDxCellAvail05 = 0
CDxCellAvail06 = 0
CDxGrabFollower = 0
CDxCellControllerActive = 0
CDxCellCandidate02 = 0
CDxCellCandidate03 = 0
CDxCellCandidate04 = 0
CDxCellCandidate05 = 0
CDxCellCandidateTotal = 0
CDxCellCandidate01 = 0
CDxEQ3Cooldown = 0
CDxWalkAwayBookmark = 0
CDxPref_MetalColor = 0
CDxPref_CollarStyle = 0.0000
CDxPref_Bra = 0
CDxPref_PlugVag = 0
CdxPref_PlugAnal = 0
CDxPref_GagStyle = 0
CDxPref_Boots = 0
CDxFTTime = 5
CDxCourierActive_Jobs = 1
CDxAssist02Active = 0
CDxAllowBeastTrans = 0
CDxCourierStatus = 0
CDxCLArrayReset = 0
CDxMCMSpousePlay = 1
CDxCA02Timer = 3
CDxCA02AltMale = 0
CDxCA02AltFemale = 0
CDxSlaveEscapee = 0
CDxEQ3ElisifSuccess = 0
CDxDevRegistered = 0
SLSW_TimeLastCheck = 74
SLSW_install = 1.0000
SLSW_clientcount = 0
SLSW_DrugPool_mkd = 0
SLSW_DrugPool_md = 14
SLSW_SuppressionLock = 0
SLSW_DoseCounter = 1
SLSW_Dose1 = 0
SLSW_Dose2 = 0
SLSW_Dose3 = 0
SLSW_Dose4 = 0
SLSW_Dose5 = 0
SLSW_Dose6 = 0
SLSW_Dose7 = 0
SLSW_Dose8 = 0
SLSW_Dose9 = 0
SLSW_Dose10 = 0
SLSW_Dose11 = 0
SLSW_Dose12 = 0
SLSW_Dose13 = 0
SLSW_Dose14 = 0
SLSW_Dose15 = 0
SLSW_Dose16 = 0
SLSW_Dose17 = 0
SLSW_Dose18 = 0
SLSW_Dose19 = 0
SLSW_Dose20 = 1713
SLSW_AddictionIndicator = 0
slsw_Comment = 0
SLSW_RLLoc = 0
SLSW_WhoreGold = 50
SLSW_DrugPool_pd = 45
SOS_Initialized = 0
SOS_MaxSchlongSize = 10
SOS_LItemChanceNone = 25
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_Gen02 = 1.0500
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_Gen03 = 1.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_Gen04 = 1.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_Gen05 = 0.9500
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_Gen06 = 0.8000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_GenScrotum = 1.1500
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_GenBase = 1.6000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_Gender = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_Gen01 = 1.0500
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability10 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability09 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability08 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability07 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability24 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability23 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability22 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability21 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability20 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability19 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability18 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability17 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability16 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability15 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability14 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability13 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability12 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize00 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize01 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize02 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize03 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize04 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize05 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize06 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize07 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize08 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize09 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize10 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize11 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize12 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize13 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize14 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize15 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize16 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize17 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize18 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize19 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize20 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize21 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize22 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize23 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize24 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability00 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability01 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability02 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability03 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability04 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability05 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability06 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability11 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceSize25 = 0
SOS_Addon_SmurfAverage_RaceProbability25 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_Gen02 = 1.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_Gen03 = 1.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_Gen04 = 1.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_Gen05 = 1.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_Gen06 = 1.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_GenScrotum = 1.2500
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_GenBase = 1.8000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_Gender = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_Gen01 = 1.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize12 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize11 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize10 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize09 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize24 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize23 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize22 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize21 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize20 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize19 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize18 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize17 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize16 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize15 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize14 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize00 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize01 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize02 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize03 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize04 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize05 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize06 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize07 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize08 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize13 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability10 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability09 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability08 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability07 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability24 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability23 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability22 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability21 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability20 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability19 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability18 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability17 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability16 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability15 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability14 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability13 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability12 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability00 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability01 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability02 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability03 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability04 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability05 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability06 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability11 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceSize25 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusMuscular_RaceProbability25 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_Gen02 = 1.2500
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_Gen03 = 1.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_Gen04 = 0.8000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_Gen05 = 0.8000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_Gen06 = 1.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_GenScrotum = 1.5000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_GenBase = 1.4000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_Gender = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_Gen01 = 2.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability10 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability09 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability08 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability07 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability24 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability23 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability22 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability21 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability20 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability19 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability18 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability17 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability16 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability15 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability14 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability13 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability12 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize00 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize01 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize02 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize03 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize04 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize05 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize06 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize07 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize08 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize09 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize10 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize11 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize12 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize13 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize14 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize15 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize16 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize17 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize18 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize19 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize20 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize21 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize22 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize23 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize24 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability00 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability01 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability02 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability03 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability04 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability05 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability06 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability11 = 10.0000
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceSize25 = 0
SOS_Addon_VectorPlexusRegular_RaceProbability25 = 10.0000
DefeatHKModifier = 42
DefeatHKFollowerApproach = 0
DefeatHKSurrender = 37
DefeatBribeAmount = 57.0000
DefeatHKActionKey = 34
DefeatHKOption = 11
DefeatSOValue = 1330
DefeatSOLevel = 35
DefeatSOUnique = 700
DefeatSOPure = 0
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DefeatSORaceBonus = 210
DefeatSOValueGuard = 665
DefeatSOValuePimp = 133
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slac_Pursuit01Type = 10
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slac_Pursuit00Pounce = 0
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mf_MaxSpectatorDistance = 7002.8013
= 1.0000
= 1.0000
mf_PrefersWomen = 1.0000
mf_Bisexual = 2.0000
mf_PrefersMen = 0.0000
0fLokiiFollowerMax = 15
0fLokiiPlayerTeammateFlag = 0
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_SleepySleepActiveType = 3
_SleepyNecroActiveType = 3
_SleepySleepFearBool = 1
_SleepyNecroArrokChance = 35.0000
_SleepyNecroOverideF = 0
_SleepyNecroWakeChance = 4.0000
_SleepyNecroSleepParaBool = 1
_SleepyNecroDebuffBool = 1
_SleepyNecroSleepDispo = 0
_SleepyNecroGrabActiveType = 3
_SleepyNecroConjBuffBool = 1
_SleepyNecroIsCrime = 0
_SleepyNecroSAForceBed = 1
_SleepyNecroCowgirlUsed = 1
_SleepyNecroGrabMet = 0
_SleepyNecroLimitStrip = 0
iDDeUtilityTask = 0
iDDeEqpOutfit = 0
iDDeOutfitReady = 0
vhddmq_FS_Current_Argonian = 0
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vhddmq_SM_NpcArousalLevelMin = 1
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vhddmq_SM_DelayPcRnd = 1
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vhddmq_FS_Multiplier = 1.5000
vhddmq_DN_Probability = 0.4000
vhddmq_DN_Enable = 2
vhddmq_SN_SlutMadnessNpcProbability = 0.2000
vhddmq_SN_SlutMadnessNpcProbabilitySuccess = 0.5000
vhddmq_SN_SlutMadnessNpcEnable = 2
vhddmq_DW_Enable = 1
vhddmq_DC_FollowerInsultable = 1
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vhddmq_DC_AllowEmbarassed = 1
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vhddmq_DW_StageEmulation = 0
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vhddmq_DW_DelayHour = 0.5000
vhddmq_DW_GainMultiplier = 1.0000
vhddmq_DW_ArousalLevelMin = 1.0000
vhddmq_DW_HourToComplete = 12
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vhddmq_SM_CantHoldForever = -1
vhddmq_SM_ChanceToStopTheChain = 15
vhddmq_SM_MadnessFadingEnable = 0
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vhddmq_DW_MaxGain = 500
vhddmq_DC_AllowShameAnim = 1
vhddmq_DW_Acceptedscene = 1
vhddmq_FS_Current_Slut = 0
vhddmq_DC_AllowFollowerDialog = 1
vhddmq_SM_DelayBetweenRequest = 0
vhddmq_DN_Delay = 0.0000
vhddmq_DN_FollowerProbability = 0.2500
vhddmq_DN_FameofSlutNpcExtension = 1
vhddmq_SN_Delay = 0
vhddmq_ST_FollowerArousalMin = 10.0000
vhddmq_ST_AcceptProbability = 0.7000
vhddmq_ST_Accepted = 1
vhddmq_ST_Enable = 1
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vhddmq_FS_BullshitMagnitudo = 0.1000
vhddmq_FS_Randomizer = 0.1000
vhddmq_SM_ProbabilityThreesome = 0.5000
vhddmq_SM_BreakAfterBeast = 0
vhddmq_SM_BestialityProb = 0.4000
vhddmq_SM_AllowHuman = 1
vhddmq_SM_AllowCreature = 1
vhddmq_DN_AllowAbuse = 0.2000
vhddmq_DN_FameRequired = 5
vhddmq_DN_AllowAbuseFollower = 1
vhddmq_ST_GoTooFarProbability = 0.3000
vhddmq_ST_StageEmulation = 0.0000
vhddmq_ST_SlutnessMinToSmn = 40
vhddmq_ST_GoneTooFar = 0
vhddmq_ST_WhoreValue = 100
vhddmq_FS_Current_Dog = 0
vhddmq_FS_Current_Creature = 0
vhddmq_FS_Current_Oral = 0
vhddmq_FS_Current_Vaginal = 0
vhddmq_FS_Current_Anal = 0
vhddmq_Mood_Duration = 4
vhddmq_Mood_ProbDisgusted = 1
vhddmq_Mood_ProbPuzzled = 1
vhddmq_Mood_ProbSurprise = 1
vhddmq_Mood_ProbSad = 1
vhddmq_Mood_ProbHappy = 2
vhddmq_Mood_ProbFear = 1
vhddmq_Mood_ProbAnger = 1
vhddmq_Mood_ProbNeutral = 1
vhddmq_Mood_Override = 0
vhddmq_Mood_ExhibAutoset = 0.6000
vhddmq_DC_AllowedComment = 0
vhddmq_DC_Probability = 0.6500
vhddmq_DC_PlayerReply = 0
vhddmq_DC_NpcReactionReply = 0
vhddmq_Mood_ChildRemove = 0
vhddmq_FS_Current_Cat = 0
vhddmq_FS_Current_Orc = 0
vhddmq_FS_Current_Lesbian = 0
vhddmq_FS_Current_Homosexual = 0
vhddmq_FS_AllowedComment = 1
vhddmq_FS_Probability = 0.7000
vhddmq_FS_HelmMakeAnonymous = 1
FCO_Frequency = 30
FCO_Only_CFF = 0
FCO_Incl_Spouses = 1
CoCoCDShopActive = 0
tdm_no4 = 1
tdm_KS = 0
NPCO_WeatherFactorGlobalThePale = 1
NPCO_WeatherFactorGlobalEastmarch = 1
NPCO_WeatherFactorGlobalWinterhold = 1
NPCO_AIGlobalCompanions = 1
NPCO_AIGlobalThievesGuild = 1
NPCO_AIGlobalDarkBrotherhood = 0
NPCO_AIGlobalWinterholdCollege = 1
NPCO_AIGlobalThePale = 1
NPCO_AIGlobalFalkreathHold = 1
NPCO_AIGlobalHjaalmarch = 1
NPCO_AIGlobalWhiterunHold = 1
NPCO_AIGlobalHaafingar = 1
NPCO_AIGlobalTheRift = 1
NPCO_AIGlobalTheReach = 1
NPCO_AIGlobalEastmarch = 1
NPCO_AIGlobalWinterHold = 1
NPCO_GlobalCandleLight = 1
NPCO_AIGlobalOrcStrongholds = 0
NPCO_AIGlobalDawnguardFaction = 0
NPCO_AIGlobalVolkiharClan = 0
NPCO_GlobalHorse = 1
NPCO_AIGlobalSolstheim = 1
NPCO_WeatherFactorGlobalSolstheim = 1
NPCO_AIGlobalSolstheimExtraNPCs = 0
NPCO_AIGlobalSkyrimExtraNPCs = 1
NPCO_WeatherFactorGlobalHaafingar = 1
NPCO_WeatherFactorGlobalHjaalmarch = 1
NPCO_GlobalHousecarl = 1
NPCO_WeatherFactorGlobalFalkreathHold = 1
NPCO_WeatherFactorGlobalWhiterunHold = 1
NPCO_WeatherFactorGlobalTheReach = 1
NPCO_WeatherFactorGlobalTheRift = 1
zzEstrusBodyType = 0
zzEstrusSexSwitch = 0
zzEstrusLookerEnabler = 1
zzEstrusLookerOn = 0
zzEstrusChaurusAddStrip = 1
zzEstrusChaurusForceDrop = 1
zzEstrusDisablePregnancy = 0
zzEstrusChaurusResidual = 0
zzEstrusChaurusInfestation = 0
zzEstrusSwellingBelly = 1
zzEstrusChaurusUninstall = 0
zzEstrusChaurusInfected = 0
zzEstrusIncubationPeriod = 2
zzEstrusChaurusMaxBellyScale = 3.0000
zzEstrusFertilityChance = 15
zzEstrusChaurusMaxBreastScale = 3.0000
zzEstrusChaurusTorpedoFix = 1
zzEstrusChaurusFluids = 1
zzEstrusSwellingBreasts = 1
zzEstrusChaurusMaxButtScale = 2.0000
zzEstrusSwellingButt = 3
zzEstrusChaurusResidualScale = 1.2000
zzEstrusChaurusGender = 1
zzEstrusDisableNodeResize = 0
zzEstrusChaurusBirth = 0
zzEstrusSpiderMaxBellyScale = 3.0000
zzEstrusSpiderMaxBreastScale = 3.0000
zzEstrusSpiderMaxButtScale = 2.0000
zzEstrusSpiderForceDrop = 1
zzEstrusSpiderBirth = 0
zzEstrusSpiderAddStrip = 1
zzEstrusIncubationPeriod2 = 2
zzEstrusSpiderInfected = 0
zzEstrusFertilityChance2 = 15
zzEstrusDisablePregnancy2 = 0
zzEstrusDisableNodeResize2 = 0
zzEstrusSpiderUninstall = 0
zzEstrusSpiderInfestation = 0
WD_DialogueID = 0
WD_Debug = 0
WD_PlayerHasWeaponEquipped = 0
WD_rKeyChanceNone = 89
WD_CreaturesEnabled = 1
WD_CreatureSceneRunning = 0
WD_SheathedTrigger = 0
WD_SceneRunning = 0
WD_StealGear = 0
WD_HoursRestrained = 150
WD_SuspendScenes = 0
WD_Chasing = 1
WD_Raped = 0
SLDN2_FollowerCount = 0
SLDN2_EnemyCount = 0
SLDN2_PlayerMaxArousal = 0
SLDN2_PlayerMinArousal = 0



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