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Helmet lights on any helmet?

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Thanks for you suggestion! I downloaded the mod and looked at his changes but I'm not sure how he actually got the lights to emit from the intended spot. I PM'd the creator of the mod so I'll see what happens with that.

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Have not heard back from him yet unfortunately. I have pretty much given up on this because I was getting very frustrated. It's so many different things that have to be linked together and I have no idea how to actually position the lamp on the helmet. One instance I managed to get a colored light that faces forward, but it was at the bottom of my character biped. 

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I think i figured it out. I based my .nif file of of the mining helmet. So you can just copy your trishapes into the mininghelmet nife file, because you want to keep the BSConnectPOints. Although the mining helmet uses another weird .nif file as the Biped model, just use your normal file, i couldnt really figure out how that other stuff works. Other than that, just keep everything as it is in the armor addon.
For the armor file just add a new Keyword and just setup the rest as you usually would but keep keywords and everything else as they are.

Now copy the Helmet_Mining_mod and edit the ID, the model (change it to your nife file) and reaplce the ma_mining_helmet with your new keyword. Also add your new keyword to MiningHelmet_Headlamp in the same directory.

If the position of the lamp is wrong you can change it by going to your nif file and edit the Coordinates in BSConnnectPoints:Parents.

I dont know if all of these steps are necessariy but it works for me.

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I tried that CK beta and it messes up a lot of stuff that can only be detected with FO4edit so check your mod with that after you save it to be sure everything is working. For example I altered some npcs to be protected and when I checked the esp I made with FO4edit their facial features had changed magically somehow even though I did not even touch those controls.

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Hey xgamer, what helmet did you use to replace? I tried using the DLC marine helmet and as soon as I try to select the new NIF I combined from the Helmet_Mining_Mod, the CK crashes to desktop. I'm going to try it with a different one now.

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I have a custom mesh that i made, your problem might be that the mining helmet uses only the HEAD bone as far as i know, but the marine helmet probably uses the HEAD_skin as well, so maybe just try to copy that into the new nif as well. or maybe just copy the BSConnectPoints to your marine helmet.

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You guys can use SephDragoon's 'Research Project' mod and build the 'helmet light' item comes with the mod, which is a piece of Armor that gives you Power Armor/Mining Helmet lighting. If you don't want to have the light stick on your head you can just fire up FO4Edit and take away the slot so it won't appear on your character's model.

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