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Hermosas y Elegantes Damiselas

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English description below "Descripción en español"
(a question for administrators, It is allowed to put links to a armor from other sites besides nexus or sexlab?


Descripción en español


Primero advierto que es la primera vez que creo un plugin, asi que no sé si cuando alguien lo use su PC pueda estallar. Usarlo bajo propio riezgo
Segundo, si desean hacer uso de uno de los dos plugins, vayan a una zona desolada primero, luego salven y sigan los pasos de instalación


Como sabrán, hay mucho mods que modifican la apariencia de npc´s, al igual que hay una vastedad de armaduras y ropas.
Jugando Skyrim con Sexlab Amorous Adventures instalado, pense en la vida que tienen esas mujeres, por ser sacerdota no quiere decir que lleve puesto un traje de sacerdote, por ser comerciante no quiere decir que use ropa de comerciante, y asi otras más, por lo que se me ocurrio ¿por que solo mi personaje o seguidoras deben verse bien?, ¿por qué no hacer que ellas se vistan Elegantes?. asi que con 3 dias de ver tutoriales y buscando armaduras y ropas que se ajustarán a la profesion y personalidad de las "proximas conquistas", cree un solo plugin, que administre todo, las nuevas apariencias y nuevas ropa, las cuales elegi porque me parecieron las más ideales conforme a ellas, ropa abrigada para las que estan en lugares frios, ropa comoda para las que descansan en casa, entre otras (a excepción de las 4 mujeres de Hibernalia, porque busque que sus ropas combinaran y se vieran geniales.
Cree dos versiones de dicho plugin:
"Hermosas Damiselas": este plugin es un "merged" (todo en uno) de 7 mods que convierte la mayoria de las mujeres NPC´S (por lo menos las más importantes) en Skyrim en mujeres hermosas, sin perder la immersion del juego, por lo que para usar este plugin deberán bajar e instalar en el mismo orden los siguientes mods:
1- The Ordinary Women 1.9 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70547/?)
2- MyWarmaiden's 1.1 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73967/?)
3- Toccata as Elisif 1.1.1 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61140/?)
4- Seductress Serana 3.2 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52907/?)
5- Bijin NPCs 1.1 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71054/?)
6- Bijin Warmaidens 3,1 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40038/?)
7- Bijin Wives 1.0 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63473/?)


Luego puedes desactivar o borrar los 7 plugins de los mods anteriores e instalar este, y "abra Kadabra" un solo plugins en vez de 7.
El cuerpo que usan las mujeres en las imagenes son 7base, que podrán encontrar en HDT Bounce and Jiggles UNP (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72030/?), si desas usar ese cuerpo en todas las mujeres de este plugin, deberás reemplazar los cuerpos que traen los 7 mods, asumire que ya saben hacer dicho proceso


Por favor tomen un momento para agradecerle a sus respectivos creadores por tan geniales obras maestras: NeusKharp, seanume0725, damnyou123, rxkx22,


"Hermosas y Elegantes Damiselas": Igual que el anterior, es un solo plugin, solo que este viene con nuevos trajes para las mujeres de Sexlab Amorous Adventures, asi que cuando mires una mujer bonita y bien vestida, sabras que en algún momento podrás consquistarla.
Para que este plugin funcione, deberán descargar varios mod de armaduras si quieren que se vean igual que en las fotografias, y sin problema podran borrar los plugins.
(me gustaria crear un pack con todas ellas, pero para ello hay que conseguir el permiso de varias personas, a no ser que algun moderador me afirmara que no hay problema)
Si ven dos enlaces seguidos, debes instalar el primero, y luego remplazar con el segundo, recuerden que uso 7Base, sino remplazas los cuerpos de los mods, debes instalar las versiones unp para que coincidan con el cuerpo original de los mods (no lo he probado). Las armaduras sin links estan en archivo de texto
01 Adelaisa, (por que usa una armadura imperial si esta en una ciudad que los odia):
02 Aela (decora su armadura con los restos de los miembros de la Mano de Plata que elimina: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70095/?
03 Adrianne (la forja es muy caliente, además busca provocar a su marido): http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/338-sevenbase-conversions-bombshellcleavage-with-bbp/ 17. Leather Clothes - Cleavage BBP
04 Ahlam (Busca llamar la atencion de su marido, el cual solo pasa junto al Jarl) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53053/?
05 Annekke (Usa ropa que le deja trabajar en la mina, y con la cual está preparada para volver a la aventura), http://www.loverslab.com/topic/55081-my-personal-uunp-hdt-conversion-sets-lastupdate20160125/ 7. Ranger's Berne Armor UUNP HDT + Bodyslide
06 Aranea (ropa que la mantiene abrigada en la helada colina) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38053/? luego http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46460/?
07 Brelyna (Ropa que brilla ya que tiene restos de sus fracasados experimentos)
08 Camilla (Aunque diga que no, le gusta llamar la atencion de los hombres) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67952/? luego http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68194/?
09 Carlota (Se viste de forma comoda para las largas horas de trabajo) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34083/? luego http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49746/?
10 Danica (Usa ropa ceremonial del agrado a los divinos) http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2572-chakarus-1001-nights-for-unp-jiggle/
11 Elisif aun sin nueva ropa, no encuentro una digna de ella
12 Endarie (Usa ropa elegante y blanca para promocionar su tienda)
13 Faralda (Mantiene su libro de conjuros encima de su ropa)
14 Gerdur (Es la jefa de Cause Boscosa, usa ropa que le permite trabajar todo el dia) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50299/?
15 Idgrod (Ropa calida y elegante para demostrar su posición como la proxima Jarl de Mortal) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30466/? luego http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37129/?
16 Illdi (Busca llamar la atencion de donadores para el Colegio de bardos por orden de Pantea con su ropa provocadora)
17 Illia en la proxima actualiacion
18 Ingun (Desea combinar su nombre con el tipo de magia que estudia, "negra") http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59202/? luego http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68522/?
19 Irileth (Un traje que en sus hombros, representa el nombre del lugar que protege "Cuenca del Dragon") http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36431/? luego http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51320/?
20 Jenassa (Usa una armadura que hace que su enemigos bajen la guardia) http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/338-sevenbase-conversions-bombshellcleavage-with-bbp/ 5. LustDesign - Sovngarde Steel - Cleavage NON-BBP
21 Jonna (Viene de tierras aridas, y como no sale de la taberna, se siente a guso con sus ropas natales) http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1367-barbarianexplorer-tbbp/
22 Jordis todavia no estoy seguro si le dejare esta armadura, no lleva los cuernos
23 Lisette (Ropa que resalta los encantos de una bardo)
24 Mirabelle (Ropa de hechicera con sombrero para enfatizar que es una maga superior) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68653/? luego http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68765/?
25 Mjoll indeciso si debo cambiarlo o alguien me dice como cambiar el color http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48446/?
26 Nirya (Ropa que combina con las demás hechiceras del colegio)
27 Njada (Armadura que expone su cuerpo para ver las recciones de los hombre y recordar que no debe confiar en ellos) http://www.loverslab.com/topic/20917-sevenbase-conversions-bombshellcleavage-with-bbp/ 8. Tsun Armor - Cleavage NON-BBP
28 Pantea (Ropa provocativa para resaltar más entre las bardos) Archivo disponible por mi, por que no encuentro de donde lo descargue
29 Saadia en la proxima actualizacion
30 Saphire (Ropa que le ayuda a ser sigilosa en las noches) ¿Alguien podría convertirla a 7Base? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72772/?
31 Senna (Ropa blanca para su papel como la sacerdotiza que brinda las marcas de Dibella)
32 Serana (Fue encerrada hace años, la moda era diferente, y principalmente para la hija del Lord)
33 Sybille (Ropa para resaltar su lado oscuro)
34 Sylgja (Despues de sufrir una lesión enla mina, se pone ropa comoda para estar en casa)
35 Taarie (ropa elegante y negra para enfatizar su caracter y la elegancia de su negocio)
36 Valerica deseo ponerle "Lustmord Vampire Armor" pero siempre queda la ropa blanca, pondre una imagen para ver si alguien me dice como arreglarlo
37 Ysolda (Esta ahorrando para tener su propio comercio, y tener una mejor vida) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50814/?


Bugs o conflictos
Soy nuevo, repito que solo llevo casi 3 dias de usar Creation Kit,
1- Tes5edit me reporta 3 errores (error: record arma subrecord), cuando sepa que es y como lo arreglo, lo corrigo.
2- cualquier otro mod que modifique apariencia de NPc´s. Deberas poner el plugin al fondo de la lista.
3- hay cuatro mujeres cuyos zapatos o botas están parcialmente ocultas en el suelo (ver a Camilla), cuando sepa como, lo soluciono.
4- Hay dos armaduras que tuve que extraer los archivos del .bsa para que funcionaran, pero no recuerdo cuales.
5- No se por qué, pero al tener instalado "Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade", "Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade" y "Clothing and Clutter Fixes" las sacerdotizas (Senna, Danica y Aranea) salen con ropa normal, si alguien sabe como solucionar eso, diígame y lo arreglo


No encuentro un traje adeacuado para Elisif, debe de darle un porte de reina, acepto sugerencia
Voy a agregar a Sadia e Illia, se me olvido ponerle su traje
solucionar los 3 errores que reporta Tes5edit


Gracias a los que crearon los mods que modifican apariencia (en serio se los agradecemos), todas las siguientes mujeres estan cubiertas por este plugin (92 mujeres): Adelaisa, Aela, Ahlam, Alexia, Alfhild, Angi, Annekke, Anuriel, Aranes, Arcadia, Beleval, Birna, Borgakh, Bothela, Brelyna, Brylin, Camilla, Carlotta, Colette, Dánica, Delphine, Dinya, Elda, Elenwen, Endarie, Eola, Erdi, Evette, Faralda, Frabbi, Frea, Freir, Gerdur, Grelka, Harán, Hermir, Hillevi, Hroki, Huelga, Hulda, Hulda, Idgrod, Illdi, Illia, Ingjard, Ingun, Iona, Irileth, Jenassa, Jonna, Jordis, Karliah, Lami, Lisbet, Lisette, Luaffyn, Lydia, Maven, Mirabelle, Mjoll, Nilsine, Niranye, Nirya, Nivenor, Njada, Olfina, Pantea, Rayva, Ria, Rikke, Saadia, Sapphire, Senna, Sigrid, Silda, Sorine, Svana, Sybille, Sylgja, Taarie, Temba, Thaena, Tonilia, Tova, Ugor, Una, Utherd, Valerica, Vex, Vittoria, Vivienne, Ysolda.


English description


First notice that it is the first time that I created a plugin, so I do not know if when you use the plugin in your PC, the PC can explode. Use it at your own risk
Second, if you wish to make use of one of the two plugins, go to a desolate area first, then saved and follow the installation steps


As you know, there's a lot mods that modify the appearance of NPCs, and also are many armor and clothing mods.
Playing Skyrim with Sexlab Amorous Adventures installed, it made me think in the life of these women, being priestess does mean that need wear a suit priest, being trader does not mean that she wear clothing merchant, and so more, so it occurred to me, why only my character or followers should look good?, why not make them wear Elegant clothes?. So with 3 days to see tutorials and looking armor and clothes that fit with the profession and personality of the "upcoming romantic conquest", I create a single plugin, which manages all the new look and clothes, the news clothes that they have is because they were the most ideal, warm clothing for those that are in cold places, comfortable clothes for the girls resting at home, among others (except for the 4 womwn in College of Winterhold, because I search clothes that combine and look good in they.
I create two versions of the plugin:
"Hermosas Damiselas": this plugin is a "merged" (all in one) 7 mods that converts most women NPCs (at least the most important) in Skyrim in beautiful women, without losing the immersion of the game , so to use this plugin must download and install in the same order the following mods:
1- The Ordinary Women 1.9 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70547/?)
2- MyWarmaiden's 1.1 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73967/?)
3- Toccata as Elisif 1.1.1 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61140/?)
4- Seductress Serana 3.2 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52907/?)
5- Bijin NPCs 1.1 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71054/?)
6- Bijin Warmaidens 3,1 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40038/?)
7- Bijin Wives 1.0 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63473/?)


Then you can disable or delete the 7 plugins of the previous mods and install this, and "Abra Kadabra" one plugins instead of 7. This plugin is only for the appearance, remermer that.
The body I use in the images are 7base, which can be found in HDT Bounce and Jiggles UNP (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72030/?), if you want to use that body in all women of this plugin, you must replace the bodies that bring the 7 mods, I will assume you already know how to do this process.


Please take a moment to thank their respective creators for their great masterpieces: NeusKharp, seanume0725, damnyou123, rxkx22,


"Hermosas y Elegantes Damiselas": Same as above, is one plugin, only this comes with new outfits for women from Sexlab Amorous Adventures, so when you look a pretty and well-dressed woman, you'll know that at some point you will can seduce her.
In order for this plugin to work, you must download several armor mod if you want they look like in the images, and without problem you can deleted the plugins.
(I would like to create a pack with all of them, but for this I must get permission from several people, unless some moderator affirmed me that has no problem)
If you see two links in a row, you must install the first, then replace with the second, remember that I use 7Base, but if you dont replaces the original bodies of the mods, you must install the UNP versions of the armor to match the original body mods (I have not tried). The armor without links are in the text file
01 Adelaisa (Why she wears a imperial armor if the people in the city hates imperial):
02 Aela (She decorate her armor with the remains of the members of the Silver Hand tha she kills: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70095/?
03 Adrianne (forging is very hot, and also she seeks to provoke her husband): http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/338-sevenbase-conversions-bombshellcleavage-with-bbp/
04 Ahlam (seeking attention of her husband, who spends all the time with the jarl) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53053/?
05 Annekke (Use clothing that lets her work in the mine, and which is prepared to return to the adventure), http://www.loverslab.com/topic/55081-my-personal-uunp-hdt-conversion- sets-lastupdate20160125 / 7. Ranger's Berne Armor UUNP HDT + bodyslide
06 Aranea (keeps warm clothes in the icy hill) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38053/? then http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46460/
07 Brelyna (Clothes shining as it has remains of his experiments failures)
08 Camilla (Although she say no, she seeks to attract the attention of men) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67952/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68194/ then?
09 Carlota (She dresses comfortably for long hours of work) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34083/? the http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49746/?
10 Danica (She use ceremonial clothing that pleasing to the Divines) http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2572-chakarus-1001-nights-for-unp-jiggle/
11 Elisif no new clothes for the moment, I have to find it a worthy clothes for her
12 Endarie (she use elegant and white clothes to promote her store)
13 Faralda (Keeps her spellbook over her clothes to be ready in any moment)
14 Gerdur (She is the head of Riberwood, she wear clothing that allows work all day) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50299/?
15 Idgrod (warm and stylish clothes to demonstrate her position as the next Jarl of Morthal) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30466/? then http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37129/
16 Illdi (seeking attention of patrons for the College of Bards for Pantea order in provocative clothing)
17 Illia clothes in the next update
18 Ingun (she want combine her last name with the kind of magic that she studies, "black") http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59202/? then http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68522/
18 Irileth (On his shoulders, represents the name of the place that she protects "Dragonreach") http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36431/? then http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51320/
19 Jenassa (She use an armor that makes her enemies drop their guard) http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/338-sevenbase-conversions-bombshellcleavage-with-bbp/ 5. LustDesign - Sovngarde Steel - NON Cleavage -BBP
20 Jonna (she comes from arid lands, and because she dont leave the tavern, she feels comfortable with their native clothes) http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1367-barbarianexplorer-tbbp/
21 Jordis still not sure if he should leave this armor, she dont wearing the horns
22 Lisette (Clothing that highlights the charms of a bard)
23 Mirabelle (clothes witch hat to emphasize that it is a superior mage) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68653/? then http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68765/
24 Mjoll undecided if I should change the armor or someone tells me how to change the color http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48446/?
25 Nirya (clothes combined with other college women mage)
26 Njada (Armor exposing her body to see the rections of man for to remind herself that she should not trust in them) http://www.loverslab.com/topic/20917-sevenbase-conversions-bombshellcleavage-with-bbp/ 8. Tsun Armor - Cleavage NON-BBP
27 Pantea (provocative clothing to highlight more among the bards) File available for me, because I can not find where I download it
28 Saadia in the next update
29 Saphire (Clothing helps her be stealthy at night) Could anyone make a 7Base? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72772/?
30 Senna (clothes for her role as priestess that offered the marks of Dibella)
31 Serana (she was enclosed years ago, fashion was different, and mainly for the daughter of the Lord)
32 Sybille (Clothes highlight its dark side)
33 Sylgja (After suffering an injury in the mine, she put comfortable clothing to stay in her home)
34 Taarie (black elegant clothes and to emphasize their character and elegance of her business)
35 Valerica I wish put "Lustmord Vampire Armor", but always is white, as it no had texture, I will put a picture to see if someone tells me how to fix it
36 Ysolda (She saving money to have their own trade, and have a better life) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50814/?


Bugs or conflicts
I'm new in use the creation kit, only 3 days, so please forgive me any errors.
1- I Tes5edit reports 3 errors (error: record arma subrecord), when I find what does it mean, and how to fix it, I will fix it
2- any other mod that changes appearance of NPCs. Should put the plugin to the bottom of the list.
3- four women whose shoes or boots are partially hidden in the ground (see Camilla in the picture), when I know how, I will fix it.
4- There are two armor that I had to extract the files from .bsa to work, but can not remember which.
5- I do not know why, but having installed "Complete Overhaul Crafting Remade", "Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade" and "Clothing and Clutter Fixes" the priestesses (Senna, Danica and Aranea) come in normal clothes, when I know how, I will fix it.


I can not find a suitable outfit for Elisif, I accept suggestion
I will add a new clothes for Sadia and Illia, I forgot to put his suit
Fix the 3 errors reported by Tes5edit


Thanks to those who created the mods that change appearance (seriously thank them), all these women are covered by this plugin (92 women):
Adelaisa, Aela, Ahlam, Alexia, Alfhild, Angi, Annekke, Anuriel, Aranes, Arcadia, Beleval, Birna, Borgakh, Bothela, Brelyna, Brylin, Camilla, Carlotta, Colette, Dánica, Delphine, Dinya, Elda, Elenwen, Endarie, Eola, Erdi, Evette, Faralda, Frabbi, Frea, Freir, Gerdur, Grelka, Harán, Hermir, Hillevi, Hroki, Huelga, Hulda, Hulda, Idgrod, Illdi, Illia, Ingjard, Ingun, Iona, Irileth, Jenassa, Jonna, Jordis, Karliah, Lami, Lisbet, Lisette, Luaffyn, Lydia, Maven, Mirabelle, Mjoll, Nilsine, Niranye, Nirya, Nivenor, Njada, Olfina, Pantea, Rayva, Ria, Rikke, Saadia, Sapphire, Senna, Sigrid, Silda, Sorine, Svana, Sybille, Sylgja, Taarie, Temba, Thaena, Tonilia, Tova, Ugor, Una, Utherd, Valerica, Vex, Vittoria, Vivienne, Ysolda.

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Hello, i'm not a spanish speaker but i understood that this is basically a merged plugin of the mods listed here right? Will i have any error with other mods because i already use bijin for many of these npc's.


edit: nevermind apparently there is a merged patch of all bijin mods. (and i only know that just now? wtf is wrong with me :lol:)

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Hello, i'm not a spanish speaker but i understood that this is basically a merged plugin of the mods listed here right? Will i have any error with other mods because i already use bijin for many of these npc's.


edit: nevermind apparently there is a merged patch of all bijin mods. (and i only know that just now? wtf is wrong with me :lol:)



(In construction, I have not finished) had to leave at the time of the Post




First notice that it is the first time created a plugin, so do not know if when someone use your PC can explode.




As you know, there's a lot mods that modify the appearance of NPCs, as there is a vastness of armor and clothes, and whenever one of them install a new plugin

"Beautiful Damsels": this plugin is a "merged" (all in one) 7 mods that converts most women NPCs (at least the most important) in Skyrim in beautiful women, without losing the immersion of the game , so to use this plugin must download and install in the same order the following mods:

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Hello, i'm not a spanish speaker but i understood that this is basically a merged plugin of the mods listed here right? Will i have any error with other mods because i already use bijin for many of these npc's.


edit: nevermind apparently there is a merged patch of all bijin mods. (and i only know that just now? wtf is wrong with me :lol:)



(In construction, I have not finished) had to leave at the time of the Post




First notice that it is the first time created a plugin, so do not know if when someone use your PC can explode.




As you know, there's a lot mods that modify the appearance of NPCs, as there is a vastness of armor and clothes, and whenever one of them install a new plugin

"Beautiful Damsels": this plugin is a "merged" (all in one) 7 mods that converts most women NPCs (at least the most important) in Skyrim in beautiful women, without losing the immersion of the game , so to use this plugin must download and install in the same order the following mods:



Ok, thanks also i see he changed his description and included a whole load more mods btw do i still need the .esp's for it to work or is the merge enough?


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O.K., I like the idea of this mod.

I installed the cosmetiv PIs and the clothing / armor PIs in the sequence you recommend.

Still, this mod has got some bugs: In Riverwood, Gerdur and Camilla Valerius´ body has disappeared when dressed. Once I Use an undress spell on them the naked body is there. So, what am I doing wrong?

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O.K., I like the idea of this mod.

I installed the cosmetiv PIs and the clothing / armor PIs in the sequence you recommend.

Still, this mod has got some bugs: In Riverwood, Gerdur and Camilla Valerius´ body has disappeared when dressed. Once I Use an undress spell on them the naked body is there. So, what am I doing wrong?


I prove both with sexlab animation and I have no problems, which body you use? the default body of the mods or you change, remerber if you use unp body the version clothing you have to use if unp, I like the 7base, thats why i put link to 7base version of the clothing


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Cheesebunny23

I have all 7 of the listed mods but the characters clothing is still default.


At least they have better faces though.

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