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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 01JUN2024

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1 hour ago, theridran said:

I am defitnly joining this side of the shism :P i dislike paywalls and since here was were the mod started :P

A few things.


I don't know if I'd call it a schism. Lockeslylcrit and I have come to an agreement, and we're pressing forward. In the interest of folks who enjoy both of our work, we'll be seeking to maintain compatibility between our works.


There wasn't an actual pay wall. I never said pay wall. It was concerns about content for cash, specifically related to Dark World. I honestly don't mind if mod authors seek donations or content for cash. Issue has been worked out, and there is the potential that in the end, we may all benefit from it.


I shall seek to craft something of interest to everyone, be they a long time fan of my past work, or someone new who hasn't experienced it. Let's seek to enjoy the game.


It is expected that here at Lovers Lab that we'll be a good community together. Sure, there may be a disagreement sometimes between folks, but we've got to be good at moving on and treating each other with respect.


52 minutes ago, theridran said:

btw what are the plans for the mod now? :)


Fifth post from the top of this page gives the immediate plans.


I've others, but I want to get my hands around what's there presently.

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3 minutes ago, theridran said:

i'm sorry for the misunderstanding :) i do like the whole keep each other in respect and all ^^ so there be a good compatibility between reborn and fantasy then? since there are some stuff from both that i quite enjoy playing with.



That is the plan. I'm certain there will be rough parts at first since I'm picking the code back up from where mine left off, and Lockeslylcrit probably had built in compatibility pieces in over the past year. But I'll be seeking to fix them as quick as possible, and Lockeslylcrit and I will be communicating on topics like how to improve compatibility as things come up.


Best thing is for those who'll use both - is to let us know if they run into an issue. I'd imagine early on, it'll be more tweaks on my end, but the end goal is to where folks can enjoy the mods, alone or together.

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9 minutes ago, squallxue said:

what the....?

oh my!

new version?

but.....?What's the compatibility with other mods?and how about DWF?


Right now, the compatibility is probably pretty shitty.


This posting was more to get set for the next stage that is improving compatibility.


My recommendation is that if folks use DWF and other DW mods, that they probably only want to also run DWR if they're willing to experience some pain and report back on issues.


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30 minutes ago, dewguru said:





我的建议是,如果人们使用DWF和其他DW mod,那么他们可能只想在愿意忍受痛苦并报告问题的情况下也运行DWR。


oh my lady gaga........................................

I tryed this and wth.............too much bugs.................ORZ.......................

well....try to run this mod with tentacle,milk,beyound fantasy,and DWF

and crush again again and again.................ok I give up and waiting for new version.....

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13 minutes ago, AlexWyrmin said:

By the description of the 3.3 patch on the wiki, it sounds like it's "simply" a graphic conversion with some bug fixes included, so I'm wondering how much the latest version of your mod really requires it to work properly.

The mod doesn't NEED 3.3.0 to work properly. It's what I've tested it against and it works.


I don't roll my CK2 version backwards, so if you run into an issue that isn't something I can replicate, I might not be able to help if you're running a different version.


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4 minutes ago, dewguru said:

The mod doesn't NEED 3.3.0 to work properly. It's what I've tested it against and it works.


I don't roll my CK2 version backwards, so if you run into an issue that isn't something I can replicate, I might not be able to help if you're running a different version.


I see. Thank you very much for answering promptly :)

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A few quick things.


If you're trying to use Dark World Reborn with Dark World Fantasy's last release, you're going to have so many things duplicating each other or being one off, that you're likely to crash. DWR and DWF compatibility will improve as things progress for both mods I would expect.


Regarding the question about werewolf/vampires, and other content, I've plans. Those who knew me before, I was King of over committing, so I'm going to limit details to things that I've got in the creative pipeline and I'll try to log those accordingly on the front page in the What's Coming Next section. That said, if things work out, I've plans for werewolves, vampires and fables near the front of my queue.


I've been enjoying my Heroes and Villains game play too, so I've got some decisions to make. Right now, I'm leaning towards including that content and giving options to disable it. I'll see how it all shakes out though.

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1 hour ago, dewguru said:

A few quick things.


If you're trying to use Dark World Reborn with Dark World Fantasy's last release, you're going to have so many things duplicating each other or being one off, that you're likely to crash. DWR and DWF compatibility will improve as things progress for both mods I would expect.


Regarding the question about werewolf/vampires, and other content, I've plans. Those who knew me before, I was King of over committing, so I'm going to limit details to things that I've got in the creative pipeline and I'll try to log those accordingly on the front page in the What's Coming Next section. That said, if things work out, I've plans for werewolves, vampires and fables near the front of my queue.


I've been enjoying my Heroes and Villains game play too, so I've got some decisions to make. Right now, I'm leaning towards including that content and giving options to disable it. I'll see how it all shakes out though.

yeah.......there's a lot of repetition 

but since you're going to be involved in the update,

I think this mod will be better than before just like yestday once more

Pls add more bestiality/prolapse/bdsm/exhibitionism/urethra insertion/large insertions/nipple fuck/womb fuck.......................

OK.I'm hentai~

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2 hours ago, Nuppp said:

Is this mod compatibility with DWF ? or it's a same mod ? 

I just a little bit confused about this two mod right now after sawing this mod update and DWF delete all of files .



Today, it has a lot of duplicity with DWF.


If you've the last version of DWF and it's working fine for you at the moment, you probably don't want to use this one yet as they have more content that's the same then what is different at the moment.

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Tried it along with a bunch of non-Dark World mods and it seems to work flawlessly with the 3.2 version of the game. I was a bit bummed there were no siege events, but then I remembered they are part of Dark World Extras. I played with it in the load order for so long I forgot where one mod ended and the other began.

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1 hour ago, AlexWyrmin said:

Tried it along with a bunch of non-Dark World mods and it seems to work flawlessly with the 3.2 version of the game. I was a bit bummed there were no siege events, but then I remembered they are part of Dark World Extras. I played with it in the load order for so long I forgot where one mod ended and the other began.

That's good to hear. Thanks for sharing the update.

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16 hours ago, squallxue said:


may I stansport it and transtlate into chinese?

I'm currently planning on doing an overhaul on a number of items within Dark World Reborn. Please wait for a few more releases to allow for it to get a little more stable before trying to translate it.



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