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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 01JUN2024

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3 hours ago, VitorNCS2000 said:

quick question, how do you play a therianthrope other than the werewolf? and also thanks for the awesome mod, thanks to it my CK 2 runs are a lot more enjoyable now

No easy way to start as another without using console commands to add them. In game, you can come across others that you can work into your bloodline, as well as leave life to the RNG Gods by drinking an Awaken Heritage potion (or whatever it's called).

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22 hours ago, fakyfaky said:

Hey, this is just a quick ask. Would it be possible to limit Dracula and the Werewolves spawn to a certain area and culture? It is just weird to me that you can have a Indian Vlad and Mande Fenris. It'd be better if they were forced to spawn as a Vlach Vlad and Norse Fenris, just to keep it culturally consistent. Maybe a new rule for that?


Whatever you say, thanks for the mod.

Thought about this a lot in the past. Left it as it is, as it's very likely that they had to leave their original lands to arise elsewhere once again.


Plus, Fenris somehow becoming the Pope wouldn't be possible. :)


If I get things to where I'm happy, then I might slip in a game rule to make it optional. But for the current planned track, I wouldn't count on it.

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2 hours ago, dewguru said:

Were you getting any of the other options, or only the one? If none of the others are showing, then it probably means the dueling method that he's got for it isn't written correctly.


The way it looks like it is supposed to work is a character flag gets assigned that shows if you won, lost, or lost bad.


While I can see that there indeed an option that will call itself, ideally one of the others would be showing up too, giving you two options to choose between. If it doesn't, then I'll just comment things out and simplify it unless Drax70 has a different preference for it. I'm not going to dive in and try to fully figure out how it's written, as it's done differently than I do it now.

Hey dewguru!

Though I rechecked the code, I'm not a good codder to understand where is the problem to fix the events, sorry!

I wanted the dueling event to occur in two deferent random events, one while bathing and one on patrol! Both of them while on campaign...

Apparently, I'm missing something... ?


Feel free to change the code as you see fit for the benefit of the mod! I would appretiate it a lot!



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7 hours ago, Drax70 said:

Hey dewguru!

Though I rechecked the code, I'm not a good codder to understand where is the problem to fix the events, sorry!

I wanted the dueling event to occur in two deferent random events, one while bathing and one on patrol! Both of them while on campaign...

Apparently, I'm missing something... ?


Feel free to change the code as you see fit for the benefit of the mod! I would appretiate it a lot!



The other options did appear the first time, I chose "COME IF YOU HAVE THE BALLS!",

The exact same options appeared again, I chose "COME IF YOU HAVE THE BALLS!",


The exact same options appeared again, I chose "submit",

Then the other options disappeared and my only option was "COME IF YOU HAVE THE BALLS!" which I clicked 50 times as it was the only option.

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2 hours ago, Time Seeker said:

The other options did appear the first time, I chose "COME IF YOU HAVE THE BALLS!",

The exact same options appeared again, I chose "COME IF YOU HAVE THE BALLS!",


The exact same options appeared again, I chose "submit",

Then the other options disappeared and my only option was "COME IF YOU HAVE THE BALLS!" which I clicked 50 times as it was the only option.

Interesting, I can see that if you take the other options, it actually loops you back around to the beginning. I'll take care of it for the coming update.


10 hours ago, Drax70 said:

Hey dewguru!

Though I rechecked the code, I'm not a good codder to understand where is the problem to fix the events, sorry!

I wanted the dueling event to occur in two deferent random events, one while bathing and one on patrol! Both of them while on campaign...

Apparently, I'm missing something... ?


Feel free to change the code as you see fit for the benefit of the mod! I would appretiate it a lot!



No worries. It should be pretty straight forward to fix. I just didn't want to mess with it too much in case you wanted to adjust it. I fully understand though, and I'll take care of it. Thanks for getting back with me on it.

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I ended up adding the potential for a racial related building to appear (you'd need to be an Orc to have a chance to get the event for it).


I found that plugging special troops into the Technology bonuses is pretty much a no-go, as it doesn't append, it overwrites the vanilla file. So having special units be impacted by technology advancements, say for example - if you upgrade your cavalry technology - if I wanted Goblin Riders to also receive those technology bonuses, I'd have to provide a file that included the vanilla and my edits.


Since that would pretty much make DWR incompatible with large scale overhauls, I'm not going to do that.


Instead, the upgrades provided by building upgrades will be greater than other comparable buildings. For example, buildings that may improve Horse Archers, would pale in comparison to the bonus received by buildings for Goblin Riders. As Horse Archers also benefit from technology bonuses, while Goblin Riders do not.


Since I can't plug them into the technology trees directly, I think I might be able to balance this better by tying building upgrades themselves directly into technology levels. So - for example, a Goblin Den level 2, which would provide Goblin Infantry and Goblin Riders - couldn't be built unless you already had your Infantry and Cavalry tech levels at 1. Then I could match up the tech boosts for each of those to their respective tech trees. The annoying part is I'll basically be looking at a building upgrade per tech level.


Also - since I don't do modeling, none of the units will have unique artwork. Not a huge deal, since these buildings aren't meant to completely replace your forces, but simply give a racial flavor to some, so your forces would largely be made up of human fodder... er soldiers... anyway.


I'm wrapping up some image replacements, cleaning, and testing. Baring the world ending, I should be releasing the update later tomorrow.

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2 hours ago, Shuuu said:

Do the storyline  intrigue events pass down to your successprs? or do i need  to trigger it before my original lord dies??

It depends. While I've never had a ruler die mid-Belle quest line, the visit village should remain as that's a global_flag if I'm recalling correctly, and I believe the question line should restart with the new ruler, as getting to know her is ruler specific character_flags.


So, it depends on the quest.

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About the Drax70_Event_Image_alternatives.xxxxxxxx.zip mod that you can download.


These images are those provided by Drax70 that for one reason or another I choose not to include as replacements. Some are a little more lewd than I was aiming for in an event (such as the one meeting Rogue in the bar), while others may be of an art style that I don't prefer compared to what I'm already using, or some other reason.


Some of the images are pretty good though, and I thought I'd present them as an alternate download, as some folks may prefer those that are lewder or that align with Drax70's art style preference.


The zip file is meant for you to be able to simply deposit the gfx folder that is inside of it - into the DarkWorldReborn mod folder (which also has a gfx folder). You'll know you did it correctly, if you get prompted for approval to overwrite existing images.


Also - you'd need to do the above after any DarkWorldReborn upgrade.


If you decide that you don't like the alterations, then just grab a fresh download of Dark World Reborn.


I might end up making it a mod proper, to where you could simply toggle it active on the CK2 mod list, but that'll depend on if the interest regarding it is worth it. If I make it into a proper overwrite mod, it'd remove the need to do the overwrite every time a new DWR mod version comes out.

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New version is posted.


I'm not getting any unexpected validator or error.log entries from the mod, so functionally it's looking good after testing.


That said, there is a lot to this update, and I noticed a few times in testing where I had a bad image reference that didn't match the scene or the option text was repeated (meaning I had a bad localization pointer on one of the options in the event). So if you notice something that doesn't look right, please let me know.


Final change log for 1.83 that was released today.

v1.83 (Dark World Reborn)
    - More events (more ball related random events, hero and villain events, more annual randoms, more events than I kept track of)
    - Contribution from TrxXx - New Courtly motivation decisions for spiritual and steward council positions (steward is tribal specific), new background for big events, tweaked the dimensions a bit for improved image layout on the new background.
    - Contribution from Jim Raynor - event series that can trigger when trying to visit a concubine, and a random for bad, bad priests
    - Contribution from Drax70 - some new images, and existing image resize adjustments.
    - Finished fleshing out the decision events for the Vampires using their prisoners.
    - Family Palace has its own slavery dungeons that can be built (finally)
    - Slaves are now a valid feeding target for Vampires
    - Rise of the Pack now offers an option to start as a submissive werewolf (omega or bitch)
    - New npcs, heroes, villains
    - Orc Campaign start updated
    - Slavery streamlined (Get a Prisoner - Brand them and they become a slave who is pulled into your court, then use or sell them)
    - NOTE: Using male slave events route over to "Spend Time With" type events. I took a look for some good using male slave images, did not find any, and did not have the desire to continue looking. I welcome any image and event narration related to using male slaves and I will handle the coding side of things. Shoot me a direct message through LoversLab if interested.
    - If you have an arena, you can specify a slave to become a Gladiator, which makes them a part of your Arena Stable
    - Holy shit! Changes to the arena as well! You can finally have gladiators fight for glory/money/whatever!
    - Minor edits to the Alice in Wonderland content
    - Removed a few more obsolete images and their mod references
    - Orc players have the opportunity to get an event that will allow the creation of Goblin Dens, which include special units. This was a test, and plans are for similar special units for other races. Also - the Goblin Horde content is not complete. I pretty much added enough to test some things out regarding special units.
    - Fixed an issue where a therianthrope using a bitch had a bad scope call (thx KhorneFury)
    - Fixed an issue where the Werewolf Blood potion was clearing a flag instead of the modifier - allowing unlimited uses (thx TrxXx)
    - Fixed an issue with a Blood Moon flag that was not clearing (thx TrxXx)
    - Fixed an issue with the Hero Hall and Villain Lair buildings that could result in a error.log entry for non-fuedal rulers. (thx TrxXx)
    - Fixed an issue with some flags not getting cleared on the old Shopping events. (thx TrxXx)
    - Fixed an issue where motivating the Chancellor could result in a success and failure if both the ruler and Chancellor are the same sex (thx TrxXx)
    - Fixed where a couple events were using an old bestiality flag instead of the new game rule, which was ommiting content. (thx TrxXx)
    - Fixed an issue where the Gender Bender bonus trait was not adding a cock size for Futa characters. (thx Inevitably)
    - Fixed an issue with one event that could loop back onto itself. (thx Time Seeker)


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6 hours ago, dewguru said:

It depends. While I've never had a ruler die mid-Belle quest line, the visit village should remain as that's a global_flag if I'm recalling correctly, and I believe the question line should restart with the new ruler, as getting to know her is ruler specific character_flags.


So, it depends on the quest.

I was referring to the "bitten" or "dream" type starter events. Also is there way to lower fertility as a demon? I end up having to spend a fortune on serpent potions, i remember way back when there was a spell thing to make you infertile, is there still something like that in the mod? I'd rather not sire a horde of kids who will kill each other for the throne,,, >.<

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2 hours ago, dewguru said:

About the Drax70_Event_Image_alternatives.xxxxxxxx.zip mod that you can download.


These images are those provided by Drax70 that for one reason or another I choose not to include as replacements. Some are a little more lewd than I was aiming for in an event (such as the one meeting Rogue in the bar), while others may be of an art style that I don't prefer compared to what I'm already using, or some other reason.


Some of the images are pretty good though, and I thought I'd present them as an alternate download, as some folks may prefer those that are lewder or that align with Drax70's art style preference.


The zip file is meant for you to be able to simply deposit the gfx folder that is inside of it - into the DarkWorldReborn mod folder (which also has a gfx folder). You'll know you did it correctly, if you get prompted for approval to overwrite existing images.


Also - you'd need to do the above after any DarkWorldReborn upgrade.


If you decide that you don't like the alterations, then just grab a fresh download of Dark World Reborn.


I might end up making it a mod proper, to where you could simply toggle it active on the CK2 mod list, but that'll depend on if the interest regarding it is worth it. If I make it into a proper overwrite mod, it'd remove the need to do the overwrite every time a new DWR mod version comes out.

Did I mention I like lewd?  Doc Holliday said it best.



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2 hours ago, Shuuu said:

I was referring to the "bitten" or "dream" type starter events. Also is there way to lower fertility as a demon? I end up having to spend a fortune on serpent potions, i remember way back when there was a spell thing to make you infertile, is there still something like that in the mod? I'd rather not sire a horde of kids who will kill each other for the throne,,, >.<

No. If you start as a vampire, you're going to want to look at probably using the decision to obtain an heir pretty early on.


We'll need to see about the Succubus/Incubus stuff after this next update when I update some of it.

3 hours ago, Fuchsgeist said:

Hey, I'm new to this mod, so I have a question.

What starting date and country would you recommend to play? Also, which game rules are preferable for full experience?

I have all vanilla DLC's activated. 

EDIT: I only have 1 other "mod" which is "visible health and fertility"

It varies for a lot of folks. I prefer low-tech starts, so I personally roll with the earliest starting date, and then I vary widely in the country I go with. Since the Shattered World functionality was added, most of my non-test play sessions involve first Shattering the world.


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Because psylocke has the mind control ability she can cause the mind control event to pop up targeting the player. Not a big thing but since the event for this isnt really fleshed out I figured i should mention it. After playing a little longer Professor X also showed up and since he too has mind control ability I assume he can also cause this event.

Screenshot (512).png

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The new update is great, I like all the new images (plus the alternate ones). I've not had the chance to mess around with some of the other new stuff yet though.


I did discover a little bug or two, in the DWCourt.230 event if you have a stewardship score of 7 or higher it won't clear the shopping flags. Moving the hidden effect to either an after block or an immediate block should fix it. In addition, if you already have the fortune potion active, then if you randomly roll the potion again and select it, you'll have to spend 50 gold no matter what and not gain any effects (I think this happens with the diplo boost potion as well).

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14 hours ago, threvston said:

Because psylocke has the mind control ability she can cause the mind control event to pop up targeting the player. Not a big thing but since the event for this isnt really fleshed out I figured i should mention it. After playing a little longer Professor X also showed up and since he too has mind control ability I assume he can also cause this event.


Yes, what I need to do now is add events that allow the potential for you to be targeted I suppose, or as an interim at least block the ai from targetting the player until I get some events put together.


I appreciate your bringing it up.

7 hours ago, SirMxCrossbrand said:

I've had an issue for a while now where Bloodrayne, Vampirella, and the starting event for Beauty and the Beast have all triggered despite having storybook characters and hero/villain content turned off.

Bloodrayne and Vampirella are Vampires, which is controlled by Classic Monsters. So you'd need to turn that off, or simply do away with them.


As to the Beauty and the Beast content, all I can say is to ensure that you have Fairy Tale content turned off and that you're not mistaking it for the like named Fae content. I say that because I'm unable to reproduce your issue. To even try and force its selection, I made it where the event has to be looked at every year as a forced event instead of a random event. I progressed 20 years, and it never popped once during it's annual check, which tells me the rule check is working fine since I met all other requirements for it.


13 hours ago, TrxXx said:

The new update is great, I like all the new images (plus the alternate ones). I've not had the chance to mess around with some of the other new stuff yet though.


I did discover a little bug or two, in the DWCourt.230 event if you have a stewardship score of 7 or higher it won't clear the shopping flags. Moving the hidden effect to either an after block or an immediate block should fix it. In addition, if you already have the fortune potion active, then if you randomly roll the potion again and select it, you'll have to spend 50 gold no matter what and not gain any effects (I think this happens with the diplo boost potion as well).

I'll take a look at it. Thanks for bringing it up.

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Hey Dewguru, I've got the same bug as Threvston, though this time with Miss Martian, also a few years after the Professor shows up like he mentioned above, not sure if that helps.   **EDIT** Also it appears that it caused my character to become friends with her, but other than that, it seems survivable so far. looking forward to the mind control related stuff you mentioned above.


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Ok, Can we add or expand on the bestiality? as well as add special events on the Incest?

IDK if this mod has bestiality or its another one I have but it needs more content, like maybe special scenes if you play werewolf and even inter-species pregnancy?

Also minotaur's and centaurs might be a good addition to the mod, so horses and bulls have a inter-species play on the game.


as for the incest, wish the sex scenes where incest type ones when you fuck your son. Might also add in a start where you have a father or mother.

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I've gone down the Path of the Flesh for Lichdom but when I get the Monster's Ball event I still get the option to pursue Lichdom, not sure if intended. Also, in relation to that, I can always select to gain 3 Learning through the same event and as I'm immortal, I can gain essentially infinite Learning (again, not sure if intended).


So far, whenever my slaves have money and it's transfered to me the notification pop-up doesn't display how much has been given (if need be, I'll upload a screenshot next time it happens).


If you buy the Futa potion from the Wizard's Tower, you only gain the Futa trait with no additional traits (unlike DWLilith.220).

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