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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 01MAY2024

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10 hours ago, dewguru said:

I got things wrapped up just before bed last night. Will be error checking it after work today, if it looks good, it'll be tonight that it gets posted.


Dark World had content split out. Dark World Reborn consolidated it, but made it where options could be toggled with Game Rules. Dark World Fantasy split things out. Dark World Reborn (mine) resumed, with things consolidated again. Dark World Fantasy changed to a mod called Luxuria Fantasia, and likely has some of the content you may be looking for. DWR and LF can be played together. DWF and LF are done by lockeslylcrit, with DWF having formed while I took a year long hiatus.


Monk and Mystics is an expansion to CK2, or what is known as a DLC. It's not a mod. Searching for it on Steam would show you it.


I can see your opinion. My opinion is it's better the way it is now, and fits better since so many events, vanilla included or other mods show non-werewolves in the images. It stresses that therianthropes are master's of their form, shapeshifting at will, as opposed to something that's stuck in it. That said, I've an idea I'll be looking to add where a ruler can basically 'Call out the Pack' to have therianthropes in their lands show their true selves. It's not in the mod yet, but I'll be testing it in the next update (er, the one that will be after tonight's).

Thanks for explaining. I see a lot happened here the last year.


It actually makes more "sense" overall the way that it is now (also more true to what a "werewolf" is supposed to be and all that), but I really like the idea of therianthropes not being human at all, and in old versions of this mod it was just served. I'm sure I'm not the only one with this viewpoint. Too bad there's not an option to keep it like it was.


I think it's a pretty cool idea the "calling out the pack" anyway.


BTW, is the Fenris the invasion still made by animal-looking therianthropes?. If that is so, then the most important for me is still there. Can you imagine Fenris with fair skin and a moustache? Goddammit!

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1 hour ago, lhyena said:

Thanks for explaining. I see a lot happened here the last year.


It actually makes more "sense" overall the way that it is now (also more true to what a "werewolf" is supposed to be and all that), but I really like the idea of therianthropes not being human at all, and in old versions of this mod it was just served. I'm sure I'm not the only one with this viewpoint. Too bad there's not an option to keep it like it was.


I think it's a pretty cool idea the "calling out the pack" anyway.


BTW, is the Fenris the invasion still made by animal-looking therianthropes?. If that is so, then the most important for me is still there. Can you imagine Fenris with fair skin and a moustache? Goddammit!

Fenris views himself as superior to mankind, and as such doesn't hide his form, and is considered to have used the 'Come out of their skin' decision that allows them a wolfen image.


I've already begun planning out options for 'calling out the pack' for the update after the one I'll be releasing here in a few hours, so hopefully the next update will better fit your desired play style.

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43 minutes ago, dewguru said:

Fenris views himself as superior to mankind, and as such doesn't hide his form, and is considered to have used the 'Come out of their skin' decision that allows them a wolfen image.


I've already begun planning out options for 'calling out the pack' for the update after the one I'll be releasing here in a few hours, so hopefully the next update will better fit your desired play style.

Awesome. Do you think it will be savegame compatible with the version you'll upload soon?

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25 minutes ago, lhyena said:

Awesome. Do you think it will be savegame compatible with the version you'll upload soon?

It should be. The version I'll be uploading is just a number of fixes, and random events, most of which are additional spirit quest randoms.

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Change log for the incoming update.


v1.78 (Dark World Reborn)
    - More events (mainly more random spirit quest options)
    - Fixed an issue where vampires in prison could still come and seek to feed upon you. (thx Vladdigor)
    - Fixed an issue where a pair of NPCs that were supposed to be female, could be generated as a male (thx davemg)
    - Fixed an issue where an interface record was missing, resulting in the Astrid Doll artifact not displaying its image (thx aMemorandum)
    - Fixed some localization (thx aMemorandum)
    - Found one spot where werewolves may have gotten into the game even with Classic Monsters rule turned off (thx dvex49)
    - Tweaked some decisions as adult vampires should be the only ones doing somethings. (thx aMemorandum)
    - Fixed a couple visits that were not checking a partner match properly (thx aMemorandum)



The next update will include some contributed content. I'll be going through it to incorporate, as well as more events, and some new decisions (things like where a therianthropes can be encouraged to show themselves quicker).

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I got some questions (sorry, I'm trying to figure it all through playthrough, but I'm still missing things).

-Have House of Irae for DWR & Serpent Expansion for DWR been integrated into DWR too? If not, are they still compatible with DWR?

-If I enable all the content on the DWR game start menu but don't choose any start campaign, are the werewolf & vampire invasions still being triggered? If so, is there any event I can call through console to trigger Fenris invasion without messing/bugging it?

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19 minutes ago, lhyena said:

I got some questions (sorry, I'm trying to figure it all through playthrough, but I'm still missing things).

-Have House of Irae for DWR & Serpent Expansion for DWR been integrated into DWR too? If not, are they still compatible with DWR?

-If I enable all the content on the DWR game start menu but don't choose any start campaign, are the werewolf & vampire invasions still being triggered? If so, is there any event I can call through console to trigger Fenris invasion without messing/bugging it?

House of Irae is Compatible, and the Serpent Expansion works too, although i think that might be because I normally play with Luxuria Fantasia too( LF includes serpent ex.) Both Vampires and Werewolves ( Fenris and Vlad etc) will appear on their own after the first couple of years regardless, assuming you didn't disable their respective category.

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9 minutes ago, solrane said:

House of Irae is Compatible, and the Serpent Expansion works too, although i think that might be because I normally play with Luxuria Fantasia too( LF includes serpent ex.) Both Vampires and Werewolves ( Fenris and Vlad etc) will appear on their own after the first couple of years regardless, assuming you didn't disable their respective category.

Thanks for the answer.


What does LF add (besides the events) that DWR doesn't have already?

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43 minutes ago, lhyena said:

Thanks for the answer.


What does LF add (besides the events) that DWR doesn't have already?

House of Irae is made by the author of LF, so you're getting more compatibility with that mod I'd wager if it's used with LF, although it should work fine alongside DWR.


LF is pretty customizable too, so the best thing I can say is to try it out. I wish I could offer more, but 90% of the time I play, it's for testing purposes, and the few times I've used LF, I was focused on testing specific things and didn't really take in all that it entails. I do know that a number of folks use both of them together though.


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One little problem I saw on the the Dark World Reborn v178 is that some off the male character have the character icon Harley actually I wouldn't mind taking it of in mid game but I just found out not just my empire but the other empire as well having his vassal the Harley icon or the king himself

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5 hours ago, 369warhydra said:

One little problem I saw on the the Dark World Reborn v178 is that some off the male character have the character icon Harley actually I wouldn't mind taking it of in mid game but I just found out not just my empire but the other empire as well having his vassal the Harley icon or the king himself

Hrm. What was the prior version of Dark World Reborn you were using with your save file? Have you updated any other mods lately.


What you're describing is what typically happens when you've had a change in the number of traits recognized by your game. So, for example, if I had added a trait with this last update (I'm pretty certain I didn't), it would have shifted all of the existing traits and pretty much ruins your save game. Now, I think the last version that I said wasn't save game compatible was 1.75. So if you were using a version that old (or older), then you updated, you'd see the issue you mentioned. If you updated another mod recently, and that mod added or removed a trait, it would also cause the issue.


The fact that you're seeing multiple Harley images isn't this mod, it's just the trait order shifted, and the Harley image is a hidden trait. If you looked at other traits, you'd likely notice some other oddities as well appearing.


Long story short - your game is ruined, you'll need to start over, unless you know what mod changed the trait order recently, and you can roll it back and resume a prior save.

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Oh okay but I was actually using the DW:Reborn v1.77 till I saw the new update just yesterday 

It's not really a problem starting all over again and this is how I updated the mod.

I deleted the 1.77 and just replace it with the new version

Is that okay?

But Thanks love the mod so far


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3 hours ago, 369warhydra said:

Oh okay but I was actually using the DW:Reborn v1.77 till I saw the new update just yesterday 

It's not really a problem starting all over again and this is how I updated the mod.

I deleted the 1.77 and just replace it with the new version

Is that okay?

But Thanks love the mod so far


Hrm. Deleting one and replacing it with the other tends to be the best way to go about it.


I reviewed the traits quick and I don't see a difference between 77 and 78.


There was the fix for artifact image. Someone once told me that some of the images generate an index similar to traits for a game, but I've never seen it actually disrupt a save game.

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The upcoming release with the mechanism where a therianthrope can encourage therianthropes to embrace their natural being instead of hiding (meaning they're more likely to take images showing their alternate forms), can be done two different ways.


1 - If, as a ruler, you change your law regarding non-human acceptance to where they're fully tolerated, then therianthropes and other non-humans in hiding will have a greatly increased chance to make themselves known - since they are (in theory), living in a more accepting society.


2 - A therianthrope ruler can 'Proclaim Dominance'. Doing so is more war-like, as the message it sends to all humans is that the therianthropes are viewed as the superior species. The opinion hit is more severe, but the result should be a full therianthrope reveal.


Now, the way things are revealed, is characters in the impacted lands will see they're eligible to enact the decision to make themselves known and to choose a portrait (if they don't already have a custom one from the mod). Since decision checks are held periodically, there may be a delay in when a proclamation or law chance is made, and when they make themselves known. Worst case, it shouldn't take more than a year.


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Anyone else experiencing game crashes?


I crashed once when I used "spend time" decision with a vampire courtier, I also crashed when I tried using the bloodmoon ritual decision for the first time, and the third time I crashed I am not sure what happened.


The only other mod I'm running is the "real father + visible health" mod.

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10 hours ago, redrustred said:

Anyone else experiencing game crashes?


I crashed once when I used "spend time" decision with a vampire courtier, I also crashed when I tried using the bloodmoon ritual decision for the first time, and the third time I crashed I am not sure what happened.


The only other mod I'm running is the "real father + visible health" mod.

If you go up a level from your mod folder, into the Crusader Kings directory. There is a folder called logs. Inside the folder should be a file called error.log.


It might give you an idea of what's causing a crash. I had an issue recently, where my game kept crashing due to that new Monarch's Journey feature. Even though I wasn't playing the Monarch's Journey, I was apparently playing in a situation that somehow had my CK2 thinking that I was. So it was looking to trigger some kind of Monarch's Journey chest reward - but I wasn't playing a Journey, which I think has to be in hardcore mode with no mods, and it kept crashing, no matter what I did. It was the only thing in my error.log file and it kept repeating as it tried to do the award until it crashed.


After visiting the support boards, no fix was found other than playing a new game under different circumstances.

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As I mentioned briefly with the last release, the next release will include some contributed code.


Drax70 has obtained permission from the original authors to update and use content from ArgleBargle (AB mod) by Gurges and Dark World Reborn:Toska by DocToska!


Drax70 asked about incorporating them, plus a little help with some coding elements.


I've agreed to review them and help. This integration may take a couple releases, as I'm trying to get in some things of my own as well, and I want to ensure that things fit and work well together, both from a mechanics and setting perspective.


Kudos to Drax70 for the work in pulling this together, and a huge thank you from Drax70 and I to Gurges and DocToska for their work and permission.

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Hey can anyone point me to some information or a tutorial on making a custom npc?


Here's what I got sofar:

I dug through the code and making the character seems simple enough. Right now I'm just trying to add a new npc to the villains liar and am using poison ivy as a reference. But I'm really stuck on making the custom portrait.

I assume dw_portaits_03.dds is where I should put the custom image since there appears to be some open slots. But I have no clue how I'm supposed to go about applying the image. I can open the file with gimp and get a portrait aligned and cut into the circle correctly but saving is a different story. So I'm assuming I am just using improper software.

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20 hours ago, redrustred said:

Anyone else experiencing game crashes?


I crashed once when I used "spend time" decision with a vampire courtier, I also crashed when I tried using the bloodmoon ritual decision for the first time, and the third time I crashed I am not sure what happened.


The only other mod I'm running is the "real father + visible health" mod.

Nope other than random crash for me though but since I remove the DW:Toska


My game seems to be perfectly fine

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45 minutes ago, Lordfluffypants said:

Hey can anyone point me to some information or a tutorial on making a custom npc?


Here's what I got sofar:

I dug through the code and making the character seems simple enough. Right now I'm just trying to add a new npc to the villains liar and am using poison ivy as a reference. But I'm really stuck on making the custom portrait.

I assume dw_portaits_03.dds is where I should put the custom image since there appears to be some open slots. But I have no clue how I'm supposed to go about applying the image. I can open the file with gimp and get a portrait aligned and cut into the circle correctly but saving is a different story. So I'm assuming I am just using improper software.

When you add a custom portrait, it needs to then use the trait associated with that portrait slot.


My recommendation would be to add your custom image to remedy_portrait_swapping25.dds. It's the least likely one I'd use (since it's last), so you're unlikely to have a conflict in the future. To add the image to your character, the trait you add would be portrait625 if you use the first slot.


If you're looking to section it off as your own mod entirely (so you don't have to fight with constantly recreating it, then what you're needing then is the interface file. Look in interface/portraits/static_portrait.gfx

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1 hour ago, goyar35342@mailmyrss.com said:

Hey! Just wanted to ask if on the recruit hero/villain is it suposed to have like 3/4 options only?

I mean, for heroes if I recruit gwen, natasha, batwoman and red robin won't there ever be more heroes to recruit on that menu?

Yes there should only be 3-4 options, without spoiling too much, more heroes and villains will spawn depending on certain events triggered by the presence of the recruitable H/Vs. There is also a game rule the causes NPCs ( named DW characters) like the Heroes to be up for recruitment again if they die or vanish.

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On 3/27/2020 at 7:52 PM, dewguru said:

When you add a custom portrait, it needs to then use the trait associated with that portrait slot.


My recommendation would be to add your custom image to remedy_portrait_swapping25.dds. It's the least likely one I'd use (since it's last), so you're unlikely to have a conflict in the future. To add the image to your character, the trait you add would be portrait625 if you use the first slot.


If you're looking to section it off as your own mod entirely (so you don't have to fight with constantly recreating it, then what you're needing then is the interface file. Look in interface/portraits/static_portrait.gfx

Hey, got a working npc up and running! Thanks!


One more question though. How do you apply a custom portrait to a character with a racial trait? Or rather- How do you remove a racial portrait when remove_trait portraitxxx doesn't work?


Currently if I create an npc that is, say an orc- Or if a character with a custom portrait later gains the orc trait; Then it will enforce an orc portrait, overriding the custom portrait. An enforced portrait that seemingly cannot be removed by remove_trait portraitxxx. Even if the orc racial trait has also been removed.


This still occurs even if I clear all racial related flags on the character, (at least the ones that can be seen with charinfo). - Yet does not occur for a character that has never had a racial trait. Adding and removing the same portrait with add_trait and remove_trait work just fine for them.

(This could be an issue with Luxuria Fantasia compat but I cant seem to narrow down the problem)

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1 hour ago, solrane said:

Yes there should only be 3-4 options, without spoiling too much, more heroes and villains will spawn depending on certain events triggered by the presence of the recruitable H/Vs. There is also a game rule the causes NPCs ( named DW characters) like the Heroes to be up for recruitment again if they die or vanish.

Also, unless I changed something, sometimes when you recruit one, another fills the slot left vacant. So be certain to double check.

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