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Lewd mods and XCOM 2

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Thanks for all the amazing work on these mods :) War of the chosen looks great, i really hope it doesn't screw up the hard work already put into lewds

this is more an expansion pack like in ages of old, less like a DLC.... so expect it to break almost every mod.
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Forgot to mention the checklist:



Torso Pack                                   Leg Pack                                        Props Pack

A Cup                                            Heart Shape                                    Aviators on Forehead

B Cup                                            Landing Strip                                  Thick-rimmed Glasses on Forehead

C Cup                                            Bikini                                               Resistance Scarf  

D Cup                                            Bikini w/ Boots                                Tintable Scarf

Bikini 1                                           High Cargo Boots                           Dog Tags

Bikini 2                                           Low Cargo Boots                            Belly Ring

Bikini 3                                           Thong                                             Nipple Rings (for cups A, B, C)

Bikini 4 (C Cup)                              Undies                                            Nipple Studs (for cups A, B, C)

Shen's Vest                                    Zipped open Shorts                        Fitted Beanie (because the vanilla one looked stupid)

Jane's Vest                                     Zipped open Shorts w/ Thong        Bandana that remains worn while in the Avenger

Topless Civilian Coat                      Power Boots

Topless ME Jack                             Power Chaps

Topless ME Liara                            Jump Suit tied around (Portal 2)

Knot-tied Navy Shirt                        Ninja Pants

Resistance Straps                          Sweat Pants


                                                       Knee High Stripper Boots


4th EDIT: alright, so the problem with nothing showing up is caused directly by not overwriting the old with new. you MUST have the old version and the new together in order for the 'new' version to work - at all. period.


As for the nipple rings (that's shoulder props); Belly ring (that's lower face prop)


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Do I have to declare config variables in seperate files or something? I couldn't get the Capture Chance to work until I moved it out into its own config.


Ugh. Whatever.


Here is the mod updated with Captured units put back in. I deleted the character template mod and death avoid ability and just modified the TakeDamage command in the game instead, since it isn't protected or static.


If I figure out how to display messages during battle, perhaps I'll add in the text that tells you they were captured next time.


modmodmod &/or Enslaved mod doesn't work with Longwar toolbox, sorry.

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Here's some stuff




Thanks to Kexx, you guys are finally getting Fem-Archon tongue.png


This is Kexx's original Valkyrie from way back when (So no fancy bits), which I've merged with their newest version of the torso mesh, fixed any holes I could find in the mesh (that can be easily seen anyway), tried my best to get the darkness and colouration of the textures to fit the base game Archon.


I've set up the code to spawn the Fem-Archon as a variant of the normal Archon, nothing fancy, but she'll show up randomly through out gameplay.


This is obviously mostly Kexx's work so thanks should go to Kexx, I just get to release it :3


In light of that, I'll just throw in those lewd Stunlancers and Troopers from ages ago, I lost interest so those are the only 2 units, any only pantyless versions, cba to ask for permissions for panties :P




This one is set up to replace all Stunlancers and Troopers, so there may be compatibility issues with other mods that replace archetypes.




It seems these mods are clashing with the edited ragdolls mod. These mods just don't show up as long as the ragdolls mod is enabled.


Is there a way to get these mods to show up? I'd hate to not use the edited ragdolls mod, and I really want those valkyries in my game.



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ahhhh...thanks, Leggen. i'd JUST installed the ragdoll edit mod and was wondering where the hell my nekkid troopers were at. "where the white women at?!"


Good news! I believe I have figured out how to get these two mods to work together.

It's a load order problem, and the only way I've managed to get around it is to take the ragdoll mod out of the workshop mods folder and add it to your other mod folder, where you've put the lewd mods.


Mods not from the workshop appear to be loaded by alphabetical order, so name the folders for the ragdoll mod something like "Xragdolls" and the troopers and valkyrie mods something like "Ytroops" and "Zvalkyrie"

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okay, i've been painstakingly trying to reproduce the conflict between MooMany's nekkid trooper mod and edited ragdolls mod. I'd subscribed to a bunch of new mods plus ragdoll edit (in order to check the .ini) and the troopers/lancers had vanilla models.
unsubbed from ragdoll mod, deleted the "my games" subfolder for xcom, deleted any empty "workshop" subfolders...that didn't work so i opened up the 'alternative mod manager' and deleted the entry for the offending mod. Started up xcom2 via steam and viola! conflict gone.
So i'm subscribing to ragdoll mod now that i've got it 'fixed' to see if it really is that mod causing the conflict.
damn...it totally does break. weird how the 3rd party manager fails to notice conflicts like that. pity.
so, just for a lark, i opened up that manager and set load order for the mooadventmod to be after edited ragdolls. Shut that 3rd party program down and ran the game via steam's launcher (again, deleting the "my games" subfolder just to be squeaky clean even if that doesn't matter)...annnd conflict.

right. Now, let's try using the 3rd party manager as the launcher. First try unlucky, let's try a second time (now without deleting the auto-created files in "My Games" juuust in case that's actually needed for handshaking)...and no nekkid advent. damnit.
Meh. don't like the alternative launcher anyways

alright, screw this. unable to get the two to cooperate. unsubscribing from the ragdoll mod

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can someone tell me EXACTLY what the Enslaved mod does? i just installed it and i have absolutely no idea what it's supposed to do.


As long as you're not using LW2 or it's toolbox with vanilla, you'll see an additional option box in "view soldiers" area of the Armory. That box is on the left pane and gives you a few options.

1) breeding

2) prostitution


breeding will remove the soldier from the available pool for a few days approximately and during the scanning process in strategic briefing room you'll see a popup telling you that soldier has finished - and you'll get intel (around 30 points)


prostitution will do the same but you'll get supplies.


there is a statistics panel just below that keeping track of all this. 

Sometimes you'll get a 'have baby' option but so far that's just cosmetic (cosmetic in the sense of "oooo a button. click")

when you rescue a soldier that was lost on the battlefield (but not dead) nothing happens to them. (no 'rape' statistic tally increase, even though there's a column for that)


TL;DR - options to get a sliver of intel & supplies;  jack shit in the 'enslaved' sense of someone expecting a 'skyrim' experience.

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  • 2 weeks later...

...it totally does break. weird how the 3rd party manager fails to notice conflicts like that...

The alternative mod launcher can detect when two mods are editing the same thing, it cannot detect when one mod is making a change which will cause some other mod to choke on the altered data. That's on the mod authors to do sanity checks and not just assume that everything will always be vanilla. 

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can someone tell me EXACTLY what the Enslaved mod does? i just installed it and i have absolutely no idea what it's supposed to do.


As long as you're not using LW2 or it's toolbox with vanilla, you'll see an additional option box in "view soldiers" area of the Armory. That box is on the left pane and gives you a few options.

1) breeding

2) prostitution


breeding will remove the soldier from the available pool for a few days approximately and during the scanning process in strategic briefing room you'll see a popup telling you that soldier has finished - and you'll get intel (around 30 points)


prostitution will do the same but you'll get supplies.


there is a statistics panel just below that keeping track of all this. 

Sometimes you'll get a 'have baby' option but so far that's just cosmetic (cosmetic in the sense of "oooo a button. click")

when you rescue a soldier that was lost on the battlefield (but not dead) nothing happens to them. (no 'rape' statistic tally increase, even though there's a column for that)


TL;DR - options to get a sliver of intel & supplies;  jack shit in the 'enslaved' sense of someone expecting a 'skyrim' experience.



I figured out why the rape statistic doesn't increase while digging through the files. It only goes up if the soldier is rescued through the Murmur in the Populace event, but there are some missing quotation marks in the mods XComGameBoard.ini file that prevents the event from working correctly.


It's a pretty simple fix. Open up the Enslaved mods Config folder, open XComGameBoard.ini, and change






Save that and the Murmur in the Populace event should rescue soldiers as it's supposed to. Their rape tally should go up by one, along with increasing their unknown kids stat if they gave birth during captivity.


One other thing I've noticed when looking around the files, if I read it right, is that the mod changes the Council soldier rescue missions so that you will always rescue your captured soldiers before it gives you new soldiers to rescue.


For those who don't like editing .ini files, here is a fixed version of XComGameBoard.ini. Just extract it and replace the old file with this one.


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@ Xpyke good job keeping listing updated.

Might want too add a note to the Kexx456's Torso/Leg pack requirement, that it's new info, the v2.0 posts still say v1.0 isn't required.



... If you already had my previous Torso and Leg pack, just delete those and use these instead. Don't worry, previous content is still here.


Could cause people to think first posts incorrect, when it's not.



ahhhh...thanks, Leggen. i'd JUST installed the ragdoll edit mod and was wondering where the hell my nekkid troopers were at. "where the white women at?!"


Good news! I believe I have figured out how to get these two mods to work together.

It's a load order problem, and the only way I've managed to get around it is to take the ragdoll mod out of the workshop mods folder and add it to your other mod folder, where you've put the lewd mods.


Mods not from the workshop appear to be loaded by alphabetical order, so name the folders for the ragdoll mod something like "Xragdolls" and the troopers and valkyrie mods something like "Ytroops" and "Zvalkyrie"


I never use the Workshop for mods, Simply because I want full control of when my games get updated.

That applies to XCOM 2, and all other Workshop games.


XCOM 2 Specific Workshop to Mods folder conversion

Doesn't stop me using them, but I unsubscribe after creating my own Archive, so let me clarify exactly how I do it, same method for all mods

Archive Name, consists of 4 parts

  1. Mod Name in Steam Workshop
  2. Date of last update
  3. Author's Steam User Name
  4. Workshop ModID (The mods folder number in "..\Steam\SteamApps\Workshop\Content\268500" [XCOM 2's Steam GameID=268500])

So my Archive for the Example will be

Lipstick Pack - Facepaint [16·02·19] by Kazzerk=SW620998078.7Z


This gives me all the relevant info in the name, making it easy to find again.

The mod folder in this case is "620998078", and we need to give it a name, that works.

I looked at what the Nexus mods used for names and found a consistant convention.


Every XCOM 2 Mod requires a "*.XComMod" File, and every Nexus Mod I checked has the same naming method.

Lipstick Pack - Facepaint file is


The Folder


is Renamed to


Archive that Folder and you're done, use NMM, or manual extraction to install the mods

DON'T FORGET, you must unsubscribe to stop Steam downloading it again.

Updates are fine, when planned and co-ordinated, by the mod user. Steam will auto-update, even if it breaks your game.


Every mod has worked that I've used this technique on, at least as far as making them mod folder mods goes.

Other issues may arise, but having all my mods in the mods folder, keeps me in control of updates.

My current mod list is here, but I'm in the middle of updating, before the Chosen arrives. Anything later than mid march, is an update, or new. so not really tested the whole list yet.



Absolutely Critical [16-03-22] by Piggles=SW620664701.7z
Capnbubs Accessories Pack-116-v2-3.rar
Combined Piercings [17-08-03] by Jerrybullet=SW1097240865.7Z
Commander's Choice-579-1-2-4.zip
Destroyer's Female Face Pack [16-08-31] by Destroyer1101=SW755415350.7Z
Destroyer's Female Hair Pack 2.0 [17-07-09] by Destroyer1101=SW852249620.7Z
Destroyer's Female Hair Pack_v3-574-V-3.zip
Dragon's Wilderness PCPs [16-08-30] by Đrλgonsdoom=SW754041985.7Z
Drone Reveal Animation [17-02-25] by RoboJumper=SW871340811.7Z
Even More Maps! [17-03-24] by McDenny's 09=SW703734451.7Z
Even More Maps!-Suffer [17-02-15] by McDenny's 09=SW771147826.7Z
Even More PCPs! [17-02-05] by McDenny's 09=SW811937009.7Z
Female Archon [17-07-14] by Moomany and Kexxx456.7Z
Free Camera Mod-1-2-1-1.7z
Free Reload-401-1-1.rar
Full Character Customization From Start [16-02-15 by Dukhat=SW620530611.7Z
Gotcha Again [17-05-01] by Soldier9=SW866874504.7Z
Ignore Missing Content [16-02-10] by Zwagoth=SW619141883.7Z
Immersive Names - Version 1.4-346-1-4.7z
Improved AI v1.47 [16-07-06] by Paradox Song=SW618390218.7Z
Instant Avenger Menus [16-02-23] by Ketchi=SW628187112.7Z
Instant Loot [17-02-24] by GauravDas=SW628187112.7Z
Inventory Uses Mod-613-1-0-0.zip
Leg Pack v2.0 by Kexx456.7Z
Lipstick Pack - Facepaint [16·02·19] by Kazzerk=SW620998078.7Z
Long War 2-633-1-4.zip
Longer Names v2 [16-07-02] by Krj12=SW715700207.7Z
LOS Preview Ability [17-06-23] by -BG-=SW636724652.7Z
LW2 - Better Squad Icon Selector [17-01-24] by RoboJumper=SW848382778.7Z
LW2 - Rebel Job Selector [17-02-27] by RoboJumper=SW873749733.7Z
LW2 - Show Me The Skills - Revived [17-05-28] by LeaderEnemyBoss=SW861432746.7Z
LW2 Information Display [17-06-06] by NotGreat=SW925598042.7Z
Maps [17-07-21] by Vozati=SW655847458.7z
MGee's Maps [17-03-05] by MGee=SW819693464.7Z
Mod Config Menu-573-1-1-3.zip
More armor colors-343-1-1.zip
More Environmental Lighting Maps [17-04-21] by E3245=SW908638853.7Z
More eye colors-365-1-0.zip
More Nations Mod-100-1-0.7Z
More skin colors-364-1-1.zip
Nicknames Extended-109-3.zip
No Drop-down Lists [17-06-12] by LeaderEnemyBoss=SW865667559.7Z
No Hunter's Lodge [16-10-23] by RoboJumper=SW789269933.7Z
One Million Colours - Start Index-500 [17-07-31] by -BG-=SW1091135816.7Z
Original High Hit Dodge Behaviour [16-05-13] by Mr Nice=SW637362134.7Z
Overwatch All-Others [16·02·15] by WhoKnew=SW621695447.7Z
Perfect Information for LW2 [17-08-02] by Vulcan {R+LW2+Gotcha Again}=SW1094055530.7Z
Props Pack v1.0 by Kexx456.rar
Quick Reload [16-03-12] by -BG-=SW643302414.7Z
Remove Aim Assists [16-02-11] by RabidRabbit=SW617993180.7Z
RoboJumper's Squad Select - LW2 [17-08-02] by RoboJumper {R+LW2+Squad Select}=SW889469383.7Z
RoboJumper's Squad Select [17-08-02] by RoboJumper=SW880807907.7Z
RoboJumper's Various Speed-Ups [17-08-02] by RoboJumper=SW746389497.7Z
Second Wave Plus [17-07-21] by Team Dragonpunk=SW887190512.7Z
Show Defense in Armory [17-05-17] by GauravDas=SW927061576.7Z
Show Infiltration Percentage In Squad Select [17-05-05] by -BG- {R+LW2}=SW888102133.7Z
Show More Buff Details [17-06-04] by -BG-=SW709499969.7Z
Smart Overwatch [16-07-06] by Isms=SW714941290.7Z
Stop Wasting My Time 1.1.0-217-1-1-0.zip
TacticalZoomOut.zip-32-2-0.7z - Note Nexus Mod is TacticalZoomOut.zip-32-2-0.zip, but has Mods folder, repacked this to remove it.
Torso_Pack v2.0 by Kexx456.7Z
True Concealment for LW2 [17-08-02] by RoboJumper {R+LW2}=SW847481752.7Z
Unit Selection Order [17-01-11] by RoboJumper=SW839670497.7Z
Upcoming Events In Hours [16-05-07+Fix-17-01-28] by -BG-=SW627156954.7Z
Vivid Hair Color-500-1-1.rar
World Expansion Project - ADVENT-268-v1-0.zip
XCOM 2 - More Maps Pack-302-13-1.zip
XCom 2 International Voices Pack 1.2-203-1-2.rar
Yet Another F1 [17-07-19] by RoboJumper=SW934236622.7Z



Plenty of Workshop conversions as you can see, so the conversion system's well tested, even if some mods have just been added/updated.


Using Multiple Game Versions with Steam

War of the Chosen will not affect this game, which I keep outside of Steam, and I use Symbolic Links to switch things around when I want to play.

Link Shell Extension Is an exellent, and powerful tool for managing such links, adding context menu, and Drag & Drop functionality

It also uses Icon overlays to indicate what type of link is used, SymLinks/Hard Links/Junctions.

It also shows up links made by any program, including NMM, and Windows (Both prefer Hard Links)


Here's a pic of my Steam Folder, the games are actually scattered across many drives (plus 300 playable GOG games, and 1000's of mods) 8TB (1.75 TB is SSD).


Take notice of the mltiple XCOM Folders. The active one is named as steam requires, and simply naming a folder different stops it's use.

The Sym Link currently active, links to my fastest SSD, a 1TB Samsung 850 Evo, where the game folders named;

XCOM 2 (Steam - Modded)

Simply changing the link names, switches which one Steam uses, the real folder names, are unchanged, and can be anything I want.

You can do this renaming trick without using Links, but you can't easily keep games outside of Steam Libraries, without them.

Lots of moving GB's around manually without Links, with links it's essentially a special type of shortcut, no files get moved.



Hard Links can cause infinite loops if recursively nested, use them with extreme caution. Sym Links won't do that, and are much safer.

Generally dont loop links at all, and you'll have no problems. LSE docs give full details of this functionality, and risks.

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thank you very much. i was thinking of learning how to do that before the expansion, which i won't be buying right away, since i'm hoping to actually get beyond my second month ingame time after adding mods since the july 4th 60% sale when i bought xcom2. Would like to finish the campaign, with all the current DLCs - without installing longwar - before i start thinking about expansions to make the game even more interesting (developer wise)


QUERY: so what's to prevent a patch to the base vanilla game from screwing up a game? not to worry?



Use the latest version of xcom2 mod launcher, here, to enable the columns of 'workshop ID', 'last update' (on by default), and 'steam link' ...sadly, no "author name" column option

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@mike24 Yay an animator biggrin.png


Animations are pretty simple to get into the sdk it's just the standard ue3 setup, do the animation in max/blender/maya and export that as an fbx, then import into sdk


But I don't think the sdk has a control rig, unless the maya files do, but I can't access those. There's a bit of documentation on this in \XCOM 2 SDK\Documentation\Content\XCOM2Mods_Animation.pdf not sure how the male/female animation filter works though.


In theory, a simple way to make 2 units do some loving, add an ability to a unit similar to the viper's bind ability (using the code on how they added the ride elevator ability in shen's legacy so not to override any unit definitions), make it a range of 1, can target ally/enemy, ability gets activated, both units move to same tile, play animations, setup animation stages, figure out stop code to stop them sexing forever, etc.


If we ignore the moving to single tile animation that the bind ability has, it'd probably be much easier to set up animation wise, it'll be kinda like skyrim/fallout's teleport to smexytimes.


I've looked at how the viper bind animation is set up, in the bind ability, it moves both units into the same tile and plays an animation separately, one animation for viper and a different one for the bound unit, that's pretty simple coding wise, how that is set up in a modelling program goes over my head tongue.png


In other news post-21067-0-47045400-1503183805_thumb.png prop center fun......


Not shown here, but WOTC is going to break some materials which will need fixing, fun times ;_;

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@mike24 Yay an animator biggrin.png


Animations are pretty simple to get into the sdk it's just the standard ue3 setup, do the animation in max/blender/maya and export that as an fbx, then import into sdk


But I don't think the sdk has a control rig, unless the maya files do, but I can't access those. There's a bit of documentation on this in \XCOM 2 SDK\Documentation\Content\XCOM2Mods_Animation.pdf not sure how the male/female animation filter works though.


In theory, a simple way to make 2 units do some loving, add an ability to a unit similar to the viper's bind ability (using the code on how they added the ride elevator ability in shen's legacy so not to override any unit definitions), make it a range of 1, can target ally/enemy, ability gets activated, both units move to same tile, play animations, setup animation stages, figure out stop code to stop them sexing forever, etc.


If we ignore the moving to single tile animation that the bind ability has, it'd probably be much easier to set up animation wise, it'll be kinda like skyrim/fallout's teleport to smexytimes.


I've looked at how the viper bind animation is set up, in the bind ability, it moves both units into the same tile and plays an animation separately, one animation for viper and a different one for the bound unit, that's pretty simple coding wise, how that is set up in a modelling program goes over my head tongue.png


In other news attachicon.gifPoster_002.png prop center fun......


Not shown here, but WOTC is going to break some materials which will need fixing, fun times ;_;

That would be great! I was thinking in something  like the leisure time between the missions in the avenger. But make a sex mod in battle campaing is very good idea. 
In anycase, I don't have any idea about modding, I'm only animator. If anyone can make this project I would like contribute with animations. I love this game!!
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Is it possible to make animations for this game? It would be great!!  I would like to make some animations with this game ... For leisure moments with my team.  :D


It's definitely possible to make animations.

I'd like to see the bar in the base to become a room to have those leisure moments in.


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