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OSex+ The Greatest Virtual Sex Ever

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Hey all, I've tried all three versions thus far, and with each of them, both characters have done nothing more than merge together in a most unsexy fashion. (More like the creepy amoeba way, as opposed to the seksy "bom-chicka-mow-mow" way.) In versions 1.06 & 1.07, once I hit the "num0" key, the actors mush together and stand idle, while the commands, d-keys, and "numpad ." keys are all unresponsive. It won't even let me load my last save or exit the game, so I invariably have to kill the game via Task Manager. The other numpad keys bring up their respective menus, but they're kinda pointless without the good stuff.


Version 1.08 does mostly the same thing, except that when i hit the num. key to try and end the scene, both actors turn invisible and, sometimes, freecam gets toggled. On the bright side, it WILL allow me to load my last savem


I'm at work, so load order is gonna have to wait until later this evening.


did you use the 'GenerateFNISforUsers.exe'?


It's necessary to run it after any animation related mod install.


Yep. Every time I add or take away any animation mods, I run GenerateFNISforUsers.exe from Mod Organizer.


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Yep. Every time I add or take away animation mod, I run GenerateFNISforUsers.exe from Mod Organizer.



I also use mod organizer and had difficulty using animation based mods with it, what fixed it for me was instead of dumping the archive straight into MO I installed it manually and then ran GenerateFNISforUsers.


For some reason FNIS didn't seem to be able to find animations in the mod organizer subfolders, but it found them fine in the actual data directory.


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I was able to get the floating text bubble effect working. Files attached.




1) Make modifications to "floatingwidget.fla" to customize the look of the floating widget, add text fields you want to show, etc. Publish (it's already set up to publish directly to the correct deploy folder).


2) Use the "FloatingWidgetController.as" class in your actionscript code to control and reference the widget per actor. Code usage:

FloatingWidgetController.trackingOn(formID); // Turns the floating widget on for the actor with the given formID. Note, this is the actor formID. Not the actors base object formID.

FloatingWidgetController.trackingOff(formID); // Turns the floating widget off for the actor with the given formID.

FloatingWidgetController.getWidget(formID); // Returns a reference to the widget floating above the actor with the given formID. This allows you to populate it with text or whatever you want to do with it.

Example usage:

var actorFormID = 343954453;

.. // Note that the widget is not instantly available after the above line because the dll creates it with a separate process. So, you need to wait a split second before referencing the widget with the below code.

var widget = FloatingWidgetController.getWidget(actorFormID);
widget.bubbleField.text = "This text will float above the actor!";



* This is a hack / proof of concept resource. There are some errant properties and routines that I left alone simply because I don't know C++ well enough to know if removing them would break something. I believe that I shut down most of the original functionality by commenting things out. So, it should perform well.


* This was built starting from Expired's floating health bars mod. Full credit to him. Original mod here http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58728/ . Source code available here https://github.com/expired6978/skyui/tree/master/src/Meter and here https://github.com/expired6978/SKSEPlugins/tree/master/skse/hudextension


* I only included the source for what someone needs to customize the effect. It makes it easier to not get caught up in files that don't need to be changed. Also, I'm not sure what various rules are for posting different parts of it (in C++ you need SKSE source, etc.).


* I didn't rename the original files, etc. So, I'm 99% sure that makes it incompatible with the Floating Healthbars mod in current form.


* The default files include a text field for the actors name and bubble text. You can just remove these and replace with whatever graphics or fields you want. The default name field is populated by the dll. A remnant from the original mod. But, could be convenient to use in a lot of cases.


This should allow for some pretty cool UI mods. Text bubbles following characters, various stats, emoticons, etc. In a future version, I'd like to set it up to allow following specific nodes on an actors body rather than just the head. It wasn't immediately apparent how to do that. But, given that we have sliders for every node, there must be a way.


Anyway, hope this is useful to CE0 and any other modders that need the functionality.


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Yep. Every time I add or take away animation mod, I run GenerateFNISforUsers.exe from Mod Organizer.



I also use mod organizer and had difficulty using animation based mods with it, what fixed it for me was instead of dumping the archive straight into MO I installed it manually and then ran GenerateFNISforUsers.


For some reason FNIS didn't seem to be able to find animations in the mod organizer subfolders, but it found them fine in the actual data directory.




That reason is FNIS has to be run through MO in order to recognize animations that are installed in MO. (In some special cases where it doesnt catch them you have to run it as admin.)


Best way to see if something is wrong is to check if FNIS says anything about 0sex in its log.


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Yep. Every time I add or take away animation mod, I run GenerateFNISforUsers.exe from Mod Organizer.



I also use mod organizer and had difficulty using animation based mods with it, what fixed it for me was instead of dumping the archive straight into MO I installed it manually and then ran GenerateFNISforUsers.


For some reason FNIS didn't seem to be able to find animations in the mod organizer subfolders, but it found them fine in the actual data directory.




That reason is FNIS has to be run through MO in order to recognize animations that are installed in MO. (In some special cases where it doesnt catch them you have to run it as admin.)


Best way to see if something is wrong is to check if FNIS says anything about 0sex in its log.



Only that certain animation files seem to be missing; but these were memtioned in previous posts as not having been added yet.


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I have been following this and I must say it is incredible.  But I would like to ask how far do you see this mod going in terms of scope? This is turning out by far to be one of the most interactive and intimate "adult" mod, and it appears to me that it can become a framework of sorts in the future. 


I am not sure whether that is your intention but I can certainly see this as a framework overhaul in the near future for additional ways to trigger the Snu Snu 


Hi Ni, thank you for the nice comments!


1.07 and 1.08 are both frameworks as opposed to 1.06, I haven't been able to finish a draft yet of these to finalize the framework side of the mod but the latest seems very promising and I'm almost done with it.


It's a little different in the kind of framework it is. It's oriented more around scene creators, to allow animators to make scenes with all the features OSex has, which don't have to be sex scenes. Actor personality, and sounds is handled in the same way.


The way the system works it's independent in that it doesn't need a lot of support from other mods to become functionial. The framework side as a sex framework is just down to mod developers calling the scenes and doing whatever they want from there. I'm working on a system so both the scene and the actor can have parameters passed into a scene that's being started to choreograph the scene, and define custom npc behavior in that specific instance of the scene etc.



An unfortunate side to it is that i believe it suits best what we most likely wont see much and that's one time played story scenes, in using OSA as a cinematic enhancer to a story in Skyrim. I designed OSex to be played through multiple times as a "move" as opposed to one scenes being played out in relation to a story. It can make scenes that are one time played like described above but most likely will be used for bindable moves that the player can equip or developers can call on that are meant to be repeated over and over. 


OSA basically just puts all the tools in place to help animators who don't want to spend months/years on papyrus / CK / flash to put a similar system together to play interactive animations. If they can get an animation out of 3DS max all they need to do is type into some xml fields to make it happen.



The great thing about your mod is, one the fluidity and the immersion that comes with it and two the control. To be able to control the scene dynamically was incredibly satisfying.


Though it appears 1.07+ has taken a different direction and from what you described it feels more like a director's chair. Are the scenes set dynamically or are they done prior and played out?  


I see ways for both to be triggered and implemented depending of course on how the system is going to turn out, especially concerning consent of the PC. 


I.E. if consent was given - then the dynamic system in 1.06 would be most desirable as opposed to no consent given hence the scene plays out with no control provided to the player. 


Though which ever direction this goes, I am sure the entire community is eagerly awaiting for its release. 

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@Djenser empty your overwrite folder (backup if you need anything from there) in MO run FNIS and see if it created anything in overwrite. Make sure esp is enabled and test in game.


If it still doesnt work write detailed description of everything you did from installing to going to game. Also fnis log could help track down the issue.

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One thing I appluad are the expressions, the characters react in various ways during the same looped animation, which does make it all seem more alive, very well done indeed! I look forward to see more animations being added with time, I wish you all the luck with this!


Also: Hurray for romantic intercourse!

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Yeah its like 6 months since stable 1.63 version. 

Would be nice to have updated version.



Feel free to become a patreon - I'm sure the modders would appreciate a little financial feedback on their hard work. If you don't deem that necessary, and still demand more content you don't intend to pay and you don't intend to wait for as long as it takes, you're kind of making a fool of yourself.


Why not make some nice screenshots you share with the community? I'm sure positive feedback will help CEO much more than lamenting about the lack of updates.

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Next demo will be tonight or tomorrow. Everything is in except ESG redress and some menus. The ground work to some new features can be seen as well. I've decided to have the UI communicated every single thrust that occurs. There's a sound stutter on impact sounds at high speeds regardless if papyrus quickly handles this or relays to the UI so I figured might as well let flash get empowered by this. It allows for better calculations and control in the future and we can also do cool stuff like XRay. Hopefully I'll find a fix for the impact sound stutter in the future, it's not off most of the time, but scenes that have 5+ speeds get hit by it.   


AutoNav and Roulette are in for the entire scene and performing fine also so I'm excited to see what people think about it. It was kind of hard to find in the prior 1.07 versions and non-existant in 1.06






Arialynn I wanted to ask you a few questions. I have identity packs in the current version, I would really like to add yours to it because you sound incredibly sexy. No pressure here at all, and I also noticed you took the link down so I wanted to double check, if you're no longer interested or want to handle it all yourself as your own managed plugin I totally understand but to ask:


Can I put you in as one of the default voices of OSA, if so can I use what I have from your initial zip to at least get started? VoicePacks get credit recognition in game when viewing the actors identity data or customizing them so I'd need a name to credit which can be longer and can be anon if you would prefer that also. It will also need a short name for the "class" of the voice, for example mine are "OGal, OGuy" the skyrim based one I'm working on is FemEvenTone, something shorter for the "class" name but the full credit name can be as long as you want. Again if any of this is not cool, I don't want to pressure you, I just wanted to check and see.


As a summary of some recent changes:

Identity uses planned sounds now but they aren't specific to what they are instead they describe more the overall intensity of the sound. Each has 3 levels, the levels are meant to separate elaborate longer sounds at the highest level from smaller less intrusive sounds at the lower levels to avoid having crazy long wavs played over and over, preferring to mostly play the lower end which generally should be subtler. You don't need to make all 3 levels or even all types, the system will only use what's available. For example if you only had subtle0 you could fill subtle1 subtle2 medium0 medium1 all the way through frenzy with just that and it would still sound fine.



effort(micro grunts / breath sounds from exertion, mainly used during handjobs)

subtle, medium, loud,

frenzy (OSA recognizes the moments thrusts happen so frenzy is intended to be a response to a thrust. Actors can passively play sounds here and there or they can make a sound as a reaction to the thrust which is what frenzy is intended for)

flavor (playful teasing sounds) 

and a few more.


There's two packs that follow this outline: primal voice and primal voice (suck) which are separate. There's a 3rd coming which is not absolutely sex related and would be shared by non-sex osa mods also for just general reaction sounds outside of sex moans.


Each of these packs takes it's own class so you don't need to do them all to complete a sound pack. For example if you only wanted to do primal voice, users can set an npc to use a certain primal voice class, and a separate class for their primal voice (suck). body sounds, voice sounds, spells all work this way. All customizable parts of an npc are broken up into classes, if they have a defined class they use that segment for whatever the class is for, if it's not defined it random rolls from all the classes currently installed for that segment of their identity and picks one.


Sorry for the rant!




Hi Pipdude,

Incredible work. I have dialogue setup now as a part of sexdentity, so it can weave in bubble text passively or can put it up as a response to certain events all of which can be customized in the XML and I'm working on getting it setup with this. I won't be able to do it for the first 1.08 all the way but will have some tests to show to see your thoughts shortly after I get it launched. It's going to be fucking awesome though I think, as always Pipdude amazing help, this is huge. There's so much it could potentially do that hopefully showcasing it a little bit in OSA might get some other things showing up. 


I've looked into the nif skeleton idea and haven't been able to fully pull it off yet but I'm learning it might open doors to tentacles and perhaps in an easier way then having to assign additional actors to the scene, no luck yet at fully making it work but I'm making a little progress on it. Haven't fully put a lot of attention on it so when I do I think it will come together. Thanks for all of this!





Hi Ni,

Just to ease your mind nothing will change in the way it's interacted with by the player, when OSex is started with the hot key. The things I was talking about were additional options for developers to interact with the scenes for example if they only wanted a romance scene for a cinematic part in a story but didn't want the player to have control or if they wanted the sex to play out exactly one way in that scene (or following some guidelines) it will be possible. More so it applies to just OSA in general, OSex is designed to be open and interactable but I'm doing these things so OSA can also be used for a narrow choose your own adventure scene at the whim of a developer or someone who is making a mod + using osa for specific planned scenes. OSex favors more open ended exploring and doing whatever you want it's not as clear to see what I'm talking about in context to other things OSA could do.


OSA has a few tricks basically. It can be navigated with buttons, that push transitions between looping scenes as a base but beyond that I have autonav and roulette, both are roughly the same but autonav can transition between a point in an OSA scene to any other point through all the transtions on it's own, roulette uses this but takes parameters like "blowjob" "sex" and picks from a list of tags which it then autonavs too, on these notes developers could specify exact or loose guidelines to how they might want a scene to specifically play out. That's just extra options though OSex will remain the same although those options can be used on top of the buttons if people want.


Off topic: I was reading your guide. How did you put the copy paste transform plugin in 3ds max?


Hi Jim,

I wanted to say I really like your animations, really hot and the posture and movement of the figure looks really life like, can't wait to see more and I've been watching your thread closely.  


I always have a hard time setting it up but here's some things you can do to get it going:


Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2012\Scripts\Startup\ <--- put Copy Paste Transforms_v_1 here


or I believe you can just drag the Copy Paste Transforms_v_1.msi onto you 3DS max window and it will show up.


when it's active at the very very very top left of your screen above all the tool bars there is a mini toolbar along the top edge which is hard to notice it will have a box you can click there if copy paste transforms is active that opens up the panel.


if it's not there: click "Customize" on the top bar > Customize User Interface > Click the "ToolBars" tab


in the box scroll down to the "C" area and find CopyPasteTransforms. (I might have renamed this, I can't quite remember, I seem to recall it might have been called MattsCopyTransformMatt in the past so maybe try there if you can't find it. As a note my settings for the box are Group: Main UI, Category: All Commands.


Drag it into the box to the right "Quick Access Toolbar". It will now show up on the super top left of your screen on the mini toolbar thing to click.


Hopefully this helps let me know please if it's still not showing up.

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Can't wait for the next Demo CEO.


Thanks! I think we got it this time. It performs much better then 1.07 did with more features, in times of Papyrus Crisis it still can skip an animation or lose responsiveness for a moment but the flash doesn't falter so it picks itself back up no matter what happens, from my testing at least. Looking forward to seeing reactions and thoughts on the full system!

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First time posting on this site ever. I always lurked but I am a huge fan of this mod and had a question. I was playing to start a new playthrough and was wondering would it be safe if I download the next demo in the middle of it? I have the 1.08 demo 2 already. Thank you for this great mod. 

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OSEX 1.08 DEMO 3


So we're almost there. You should have sound and expressions on all scenes.


The only bug I'm experiencing is that alignment is off sometimes. This isn't due to scaling but instead the rotation of the actors. I'm trying to get by using less checks through out the script and only set the position once but sometimes it doesn't snap them in to the exact rotation with just one check. Until I resolve this if you notice they are off you'll have to stop and restart the scene. You can tell right on the first scene usually by seeing if the sub's hands are going into the dom's arms.


Actor's identity for sound and expression should be complete but only for their gender roll. You'll experience a little less identity just for now if the dom is a female or sub is a male, I'm finishing it up now. I redid identity so some of the faces and sounds need a little more work and fine tuning but for the most part should be fine.




This will be the systems in place for 1.08, I will not be adding any more stuff until I get a stable 1.08 on nexus outside of some config for the main menu and the esg redress scenes. Animation cleanup, finishing illustrations, tightening sexdentity is what I have planned and then getting it on nexus asap.




Reminder on keys: (Default setup)

num 9 is TOG

num 4568 is UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT

num 7 is YES

Num 1 is NO


Num Period is exit scene




I have no progress yet on the issue of people who can't start the scene. I most likely will not be able to find a solution without being able to recreate the bug. Generally when things like this happen in the past just releasing leads to people who hit the issue and have the will / knowledge to solve it who wind up reporting what their fix was so I'm optimistic it will get cleared up soon. One theory that's come up: the UI talks to the MCM right at the start to get the MCM to request it's keybinds. It's possible load order could effect this with the UI trying to talk to the MCM before it's set up. I'm unsure though. The bad news is that tests have shown it's an issue with the xml being read by the UI so even if key binds did work it would not be able to access scenes without reading XML. Maybe try reversing the load order of SkyUI, and OSA to see if that does anything.






Navigation menu brings you to certain key spots throughout. It doesn't take you to every exact orientation but all general positions have at least one representative here. If you press TOG you will alternate between WARP (instant) or TRAVEL (autonav). In the rougher blow jobs I'm having an issue that I'm still sorting out so don't use autonav from there but everything else is connected. If you are autnaving and the animation gets stuck between two scenes going back and forth in means there's a mistake in the nav xml data, please let me know so I can fix it.


--------------- Known nav mistakes:

-Adore Embrace > Curlicue Embrace or Kiss

-1Finger and 2Finger pussy pump in explorer. (Basically an 80% chance of error if you roulette to RUB | FINGER so most likely don't do that until I put a fix up, Unless you are feeling really lucky.)




Roulette Menu, travels you to positions grouped by theme. I had the buttons in full color like navigation but tried b/w, not sure which is better might go back to color buttons.




ESG menu. This uses "smart esg" now which only shows esg that is available so your menu might look different the mine above unless your esg is set up and the actor is wearing those slots you have set up. The icons are currently female oriented but next version they will be appropriate for male or female and adjust depending on the actor's gender. Missing a bunch of illustrations here still but they come with text also. 


If you have no ESG available or set up then the only options that work are FULL UNDRESS / REDRESS.


Pressing TOG switches between actors here. Also as a note if you do edit the esg xml you can stick a bunch of slots into one esg as mentioned before so just keep copying the XML block for that esg per slot you want to add to it. Using the xml is only temp until I have a menu to config the ESG in game.


You can also do ARRANGE to swap actors in the menu and LIGHTS work also. A majority of it is dead options that are still getting filled in besides these.




One last note is that I didn't pack this with PapyrusUtil but I do use one papyrus Util function. If you don't have it the expressions will snap around sometimes. I use the clampInt function to make sure mfg isn't setting the values over 100 which if it does reverts it to 0 instead of 100, hence why the snap would happen without it.

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First time posting on this site ever. I always lurked but I am a huge fan of this mod and had a question. I was playing to start a new playthrough and was wondering would it be safe if I download the next demo in the middle of it? I have the 1.08 demo 2 already. Thank you for this great mod. 


You might have to clear out the MCM quest, I recall redoing how the keys were bound slightly this time around. If it doesn't work you'll have to uninstall it and hang around in game until it dumps the quest.


Outside of that it should be fine. It's kind of new territory in having so much of a Skyrim system in the UI. It has a lot of benefits but a few things to keep in mind. The UI state is not saved with your game at all, it's just wiped and reopened fresh when you renter Skyrim. The benefits to this is that it's hard to bloat Skyrim at all since it's all temporary stuff the game doesn't record.


The drawback is that the state of a Papyrus script will save with your game so in some ways they can be more controlled. If you Save and exit with OSex in play now, upon returning the game will have no idea what was happening. I've fixed this by just having it clear all scenes and unlocking all actors at the start when you open up Skyrim if any are still hanging around.


There's a few things I'm worried about but I believe they will not cause problems. If scales are changed by the scene and a scene is saved and exited on it wont know what scales to restore upon reopening Skyrim. I'm not too worried about it because I believe scale is only recorded on live actors the game is currently keeping track of and if they leave cell and get unloaded it will auto fix itself. There might be further issues related to this that haven't been found yet but I don't see any at the moment.

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