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[DOA5LR] Timmy's Private Stash, Tips & Tools - UPDATE(11/21/18): Kinky Overalls

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but i do remember you posted a pack that had a lod for every female charater and it worked, but it was a beta kind and had problems with the body.



That pack has many problems and I recommend you try to follow the tutorials to increase boobage.  It works much better and you can make your own big boob reference that way too.


alright, ill try that way, thanks for the reply

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  • 3 weeks later...

Now you mentionned your tool in Kayakff thread I forgot to tell you the latest version you released don't work for me.

I can't drag and drop TMC or even open it via the option.

Here is the error :




So I'm still using a very old version (4.5).


Thanks for your report Lola!


Excuse my French, but I think it's complaining about the missing dll called TMC_Utilities.dll.  Is it in the same folder?  Please try downloading it again and making sure you have all of the files in the screenshot below in the folder:


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Yes I have these files included in the folder, I even tried to copy the older dll but the Recompute Tangent don't work with it.

I re-downloaded the tool and I found where is the error.

It was my fault, a stupid mistake, so stupid that I prefere don't say it lol.


It's working fine now thank you :)

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Huge thanks to Harry for pointing out the orientation issue of normal maps.  I decided to try to solve this very unique normal mapping orientation issue for arguably one of the most important parts of the nude mesh that we all love and use today.  


Short version:

Change log


- Added an option to use special handling to tangent vector calculation logic to rotate the vectors for private area due to the common nude mesh's normal mapping alignment.  This new mode RH (Rotation Handling) is recommended for all all nude meshes



Long version:

As most of you probably are aware of by now (and I probably should have looked before adding the tangent recomputation method :D) that the lady part texture is oriented side ways which is different from the rest of the texture.  This is not a problem for the diffuse map, however, it is a huge problem for normal maps since normal mapping relies on tangent vectors which are derived from the 2D UV coordinate system, so the direction of U and V are very important in this case.


Due to the unique orientation of the lady part's texture,  the "correct" way of calculating tangents gives strange shading effect on the model where the light appears to come from the left side which is evident in models after being edited in Blender or v0.4.9 recompute tangent functionality.


As such, the Recompute Tangent Vectors functionality has been specifically enhanced to deal with this issue.


Since technically, the implementation in 0.4.9 is the "correct" way of getting per vertex tangent vector, I've decided to add a new control to allow users to toggle toggle between the "correct" behavior and nude mesh only "rotated" behavior for the private part.


Two new controls via the drop-down box are as follows:

-The "Recompute Tangents (RH)" mode is recommended when dealing with nude meshes or any mods that contain nude meshes as long as the normal mapping layout is the same or similar to Harry's.    This is the mode where special handling is used to care for the sensitive part :bush:

-The "Recompute Tangents (NM)" mode does the mathematically correct tangent calculation for all vertices.  This works fine for official models or non-nude mods.


Let's take a closer look at the kind of effect having correct tangents would have on the model.  Take the Xmas outfit for Nyotengu for example - the official model has messed up tangents which can be fixed easily using my tool's post processing functionalities -


The effect can be observed easily in game (screen capture courtesy of IshidaCorp)


Her shoulders now have correct shading after the fix.


I recommend using all of the post processing functionalities to repair models.   The right most shot is done using all of my post processing functionalities and the shading on her wings is corrected as well as many other defects!


Let's take a more "intimate" look at what this update is all about :bush:


The lady part's shading is messed up when using "NM" mode to recalculate tangents since it does not take into account the special rotation of the lady part normal mapping.  As a result, light appears to shine from the left side of the model.   Using "RH" mode makes the shading look more natural.


Closer look:



Please note that after editing models in Blender, the same effect as "NM" can be observed on the tangents.  It can be corrected using this tool easily as shown below:



In-game comparison shots:


The original RNM and Recomputed Tangents (RH) versions look very similar, whereas, the Recomputed Tangents (NM) has messed up lighting and shading.


More shots of the juicy bumps as observed in game under various lighting conditions. 

attachicon.gifjuicy_bumps (1).jpgattachicon.gifjuicy_bumps (2).jpgattachicon.gifjuicy_bumps (3).jpgattachicon.gifjuicy_bumps (4).jpgattachicon.gifjuicy_bumps (5).jpgattachicon.gifjuicy_bumps (6).jpgattachicon.gifjuicy_bumps (7).jpgattachicon.gifjuicy_bumps (8).jpgattachicon.gifjuicy_bumps (9).jpgattachicon.gifjuicy_bumps (10).jpgattachicon.gifjuicy_bumps (11).jpg




I think I've stared at their lady parts long enough as part of this effort.. lol.


The updated tool can be downloaded here http://www.loverslab.com/topic/50997-doa5lr-timmys-private-stash-updated-101015/?p=1346825


"Recompute Tangents (RH)" is really something magical

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  • 2 weeks later...


cant use Timmy's Character Transformer Tool to transfor face naotora to other girl, face after transfor become no skin, anything can fix it ???

attachicon.gifgame 2016-09-13 11-24-39-246.jpg


Sorry but face transformation is not yet supported

So I really thought I was going to quit for real this time, but of course Tecmo had to release someone so hot and so irresistible I had to come back just for her :bush:


Below is a few tests of transformer with Mai support.  A few kinks to iron out, but I think the release should be relatively soon, assuming I don't run into issues and/or lose interest again, lol.



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In the mean time, I figured I could release the beta version of the transformed Mai (from Harry Palmer's real nude mode's Kokoro to Mai @SF30) to quench you guys' thirst for now while I iron the kinks out.

Bear witness to Mai in her birthday suit :bush:

UPDATE V0.1 Fixed a few minor issues around her belly (messed up vertices) and added a model with her fans. Mai just isn't Mai without her fans :bush:



I found her default T pose with fans extremely angry dick inducing :bush:

More Transformer test shots

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Just for future reference, do Mai's body proportions match up with any other character, for easier costume editing? All her DLC costumes seem like copies of other characters, and I'm wondering if a simple mesh swap from another character to Mai will work.


Mai has a larger pair of breasts compared to most of the characters except Honoka, and she has slightly more muscular arms with thinner and longer neck.   Her bottom is similar to Honoka in shape.  My nude mod for her has the shape of most of top half of her body from her official model.   It is actually a test byproduct when I was testing my new reference for Mai for my transformer.  

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In the mean time, I figured I could release the beta version of the transformed Mai (from Harry Palmer's real nude mode's Kokoro to Mai @SF30) to quench you guys' thirst for now while I iron the kinks out.


Bear witness to Mai in her birthday suit :bush:

attachicon.gif2016-09-13 18-59-46.jpgattachicon.gif2016-09-13 19-00-07.jpgattachicon.gif2016-09-13 19-00-19.jpgattachicon.gif2016-09-13 19-00-30.jpgattachicon.gif2016-09-13 19-00-38.jpgattachicon.gif2016-09-13 19-00-48.jpgattachicon.gif2016-09-13 19-01-00.jpgattachicon.gif2016-09-13 19-01-08.jpg




More Transformer test shots

attachicon.gif2016-09-13 20-10-47.jpgattachicon.gif2016-09-13 20-11-12.jpgattachicon.gif2016-09-13 20-11-31.jpg


And you shaved her pussy too... Thank you. :D;)


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Updated the beta preview early build Mai birthday suit to V0.1 to address a few issues with messed up vertices around her belly & her armpit.   Also added a model with fans.  Please download again. http://www.loverslab.com/topic/50997-doa5lr-timmys-private-stash-tips-tools-updated-091316-converter-v051-transformer-v031valentinebreakablemai-birthday-suit-preview/?p=1677222

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Updated the beta preview early build Mai birthday suit to V0.1 to address a few issues with messed up vertices around her belly & her armpit.   Also added a model with fans.  Please download again. http://www.loverslab.com/topic/50997-doa5lr-timmys-private-stash-tips-tools-updated-091316-converter-v051-transformer-v031valentinebreakablemai-birthday-suit-preview/?p=1677222


What is the AutoLink folder name for "Mai Shiranui"? ... I tried both MAI and SHIRANUI, both failed.

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