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Wow! All these DOA5 mods are nice, but how bout some mods for the males?


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I don't know about you, but I sure ain't going to spend hours staring at a naked male model in 3dmax trying to "shape" it to look "good", what ever good looks like in terms of man anyway.


what we need,



Female modders :heart:


Hot ones :exclamation:




naked :idea:




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I don't know about you, but I sure ain't going to spend hours staring at a naked male model in 3dmax trying to "shape" it to look "good", what ever good looks like in terms of man anyway.





I really like nude male characters. It would be a much funnier fight (but not with fat guy like Brad or old guy :@)




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  • 2 weeks later...

Just popping in and adding my thoughts, I am a -very- Straight Male, however I too feel it is high time the people who would want nude mods for Men in games start getting them.


Also we have an all-time high of Female gamers breaking into our ranks these last few years and I'm sure some of them would like to see it, it would also make us seem less "sexist" to those trying to point fingers at a Modding community.


As to DOA, unless someone with Harry's level of skill steps forward, it most likely won't happen... I would suggest those who want it look at the male nude Mods for Resident Evil 6, contact that Author to see if he/she will make some nude models, or let you re-work theirs into one.

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