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Kinky World pics show us yours

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Obviously she is quite the naughty one...learned a hard lesson though.

No more playing for some time. reinstalling back to win7 as i can`t get rid of this 0,69 items/s bug in WIN10. Just to delete a couple of files takes half a day. If I had had it longer I would eventually have turned into a HULK throwing out the PC and slamdunked everything in my surroundings, and we don`t want that! Cause, O.M.G, Green does not go well with my hair! ;)


Sorry to hear that Maraas, could you PM me about what problems you were having as I'm rebuilding my system later this month with the sole purpose of W10 and DX12 as I want to see what Deus Ex is like when it drops later this year as one of the first true DX12 games. It looks sick so far. I don't want to clutter the pic thread with tech talk but I really need my DX12.

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My last one for a while, since the talented Moonskin93 made a new vampire skin and eyes for halloween I gave it a whirl. My new vampire escort Mina Hammond....



I hate the university guy when you start new so she took a swig of blood from him.... :angel: :angel:



While waiting for her first client Mina was horny so how about some self satisfaction....



While waiting for a call my vampire gets raped by a mere human and she missed a client because of the rape too, she will get hers later....



Her first client, I don't know about most men but do you want someone with fangs sucking your penis?? I guess True Blood has taken the fear away from a blow job by a vamp....



Now some good ole vaginal sex....



We'll try to make sure Mina doesn't get too much sun as her adventures continue......

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My last one for a while, since the talented Moonskin93 made a new vampire skin and eyes for halloween I gave it a whirl. My new vampire escort Mina Hammond....



I hate the university guy when you start new so she took a swig of blood from him.... :angel: :angel:



While waiting for her first client Mina was horny so how about some self satisfaction....



While waiting for a call my vampire gets raped by a mere human and she missed a client because of the rape too, she will get hers later....



Her first client, I don't know about most men but do you want someone with fangs sucking your penis?? I guess True Blood has taken the fear away from a blow job by a vamp....



Now some good ole vaginal sex....




We'll try to make sure Mina doesn't get too much sun as her adventures continue......


Oh Juggernaut, love the pics from both of your story lines.  WTG!  It's funny you mentioned that about the fangs and the Oral, I was actually thinking about that as I was reading your story and then you referenced "True Blood" lol.  Now is the name "Mina" by any chance a nod to "Mina Harker" from "Dracula"?  I was just curious.  :)


Kaleo, thank you for sharing your story and pics too. 


Keep them coming, everyday the pics are here with fun stories is another day of smiles brought to my face and many others as well.  :D



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Here are tonight's pics.  Played a bit more with Nova in FleaBottom tonight.


1) Nova pleasing herself in her newly furnished living room

2) A rape in the neighborhood a few houses down from Nova's old house, good thing she moved (you'd think)

3) Nova now has roommates and here she is cradling with one of them

4) Nova working it with roommate 2

5) Nova getting some lovin' from roommate 3

6) Nova getting some spoonin' from two of her roommates

7) Nova went outside to recycle the paper and was raped.  So much for moving to a new section of town. 








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My last one for a while, since the talented Moonskin93 made a new vampire skin and eyes for halloween I gave it a whirl. My new vampire escort Mina Hammond....



I hate the university guy when you start new so she took a swig of blood from him.... :angel: :angel:



While waiting for her first client Mina was horny so how about some self satisfaction....



While waiting for a call my vampire gets raped by a mere human and she missed a client because of the rape too, she will get hers later....



Her first client, I don't know about most men but do you want someone with fangs sucking your penis?? I guess True Blood has taken the fear away from a blow job by a vamp....



Now some good ole vaginal sex....




We'll try to make sure Mina doesn't get too much sun as her adventures continue......


Oh Juggernaut, love the pics from both of your story lines.  WTG!  It's funny you mentioned that about the fangs and the Oral, I was actually thinking about that as I was reading your story and then you referenced "True Blood" lol.  Now is the name "Mina" by any chance a nod to "Mina Harker" from "Dracula"?  I was just curious.  :)


Kaleo, thank you for sharing your story and pics too. 


Keep them coming, everyday the pics are here with fun stories is another day of smiles brought to my face and many others as well.  :D



 Thanks O, I really had no Idea about Mina Harker, her name just popped in my head when I was making her. I may have her lose weight as her belly clips bad when she masturbates. The idea was to have a female sim with some weight to her for realism as not all women are built like models. We'll see how this goes. My sims install is borked, I can play the game but my laucher keeps crashing so no installation of simpacks and at this point if I have to re-install I'm not doing that on my laptop. I'll just wait for the rebuild of my rig. So I won't play for a bit and just help out around here when it's something I know about.

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Juggernaut, you still play by going through the launcher?  Ugh!  Too many issues with that sucker.  I have to go to work now but when I come home tonight I'll put something together to tell you how to go in game w/o the launcher.  It's the long way but no game crashing issues tied to the launcher.  So much better. 


Really you didn't know that about Mina Harker?  Wow, what a coinkydink. 


That's great that you added realism to the lady, yes not all are supermodels.  Have a great day.

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Juggernaut, you still play by going through the launcher?  Ugh!  Too many issues with that sucker.  I have to go to work now but when I come home tonight I'll put something together to tell you how to go in game w/o the launcher.  It's the long way but no game crashing issues tied to the launcher.  So much better. 


Really you didn't know that about Mina Harker?  Wow, what a coinkydink. 


That's great that you added realism to the lady, yes not all are supermodels.  Have a great day.


Thanks O but I do know how to bypass the launcher to play the game I just can't install simpacks without it. I mean world-wise. If it's just CC you can always extract the package file from the simpack but installing a world is a no go without the launcher working as far as I know..ugh!!


This game is like crack cocaine, it causes nothing but problems but you keep goin back to it..lol

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This game is like crack cocaine, it causes nothing but problems but you keep goin back to it..lol



Haha! Thats how i feel exactly. But without the trouble I would probably have been bored of it a long time ago ;)


I am also using the launcher, but you can install worlds without using the launcher :http://simswiki.info/wiki.php%3Ftitle%3DGame_Help:TS3_Installing_Worlds_Without_The_Launcher



Thanks a bunch bro, I wanted to try Los Aniegos and Isand 3 before the system redo and I want to see what happens. When I check Los Aniegos it's listed as corrupt CC but I want to see if its' a false positive as Delphy's Dashboard will list some CC as being corrupt that really isn't.

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Alright my dear Juggernaut and maraas, you've saved me a heap ton of work since you still want to use the launcher and know the long way already.  So I will let you roll with it, whatever floats your boat or tickles your pickle :D


Well I played just a wee bit this evening, game crashed.  Funny thing since I was boasting about not using the launcher due to game crashes, that's what I get for running my mouth.  Didn't lose anything really since Nova was just having sex all over the place.  Constantly horny.


1) Nova in the shower with roommate

2) Nova sporking it with the repairman

3) Nova sporking it with the repairman while the roommates sleep

4) Nova and Peeping Tom.  Isn't he a cutie?  Geek is the new sexy!

5) Nova and roommate doing it doggystyle on the roof top garden (thank you Jolie for the space)

6) Nova and roommate going at it on a table in the living area.  You GO girl! 










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Thanks for this info, I didn't know that.


A few weird situations today:


1. The guy with the hat never asked for Sarah's services, but then... I guess that's what happens when you are shy and superhorny at the same time.



2. Come on, can't you go elsewhere to read your book?



3. This really hurts, can someone guide this dog to the right place?



4. For best masturbation results, use always a squared-base shower.



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Oh my goodness Kaleo and Springacres, those are great pictures.  I was laughing as I was looking at these.  Thank you for the amusement. :)

You're welcome XD  Here's another one, this time of my Sim being intimate with the TV O.O



springacres how in the world are you finding all of these funnies?  Moonlight Falls Craftsman Mansion I see :D  Yes this pic made me laugh too. 

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springacres how in the world are you finding all of these funnies?  Moonlight Falls Craftsman Mansion I see :D  Yes this pic made me laugh too. 



I have no idea, but here, have some more!


This looks vaguely uncomfortable.  Oh well, that's what you get if you're a callboy, Kenneth!



Samuel Goth decided to jerk off by himself while my callboy was servicing his wife.



Next caller, Annalove Ivy is rubbing herself against the lamp.   While fully clothed and giving Kenneth a blowjob, as her teenage daughter sleeps in the bed right beside her.  WTF is wrong with my town?



Finally, Marigold Maldano asked Kenneth to have sex with Haley... then started doing a kinky dance right over Haley's head.  (I wish I'd gotten a better angle on this one, but sadly I didn't think to pause the game at the time.)


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springacres how in the world are you finding all of these funnies?  Moonlight Falls Craftsman Mansion I see :D  Yes this pic made me laugh too. 



I have no idea, but here, have some more!


This looks vaguely uncomfortable.  Oh well, that's what you get if you're a callboy, Kenneth!



Samuel Goth decided to jerk off by himself while my callboy was servicing his wife.



Next caller, Annalove Ivy is rubbing herself against the lamp.   While fully clothed and giving Kenneth a blowjob, as her teenage daughter sleeps in the bed right beside her.  WTF is wrong with my town?



Finally, Marigold Maldano asked Kenneth to have sex with Haley... then started doing a kinky dance right over Haley's head.  (I wish I'd gotten a better angle on this one, but sadly I didn't think to pause the game at the time.)





I agree that one position did look truly uncomfortable. 

I wondered if that was the Goth house, I was looking at the pics and scrolling through then read the captions.

lol for Annalove and the lamp lovin'

It did look like Haley's head was up Marigold's dress


Great pics again springacres, you truly have an odd town! 


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Played with my simette, Nova tonight.  Strange things were happening in that game.  Here are the pics from the game before it started getting weird.


1) This one is Nova whoring autonomously (I am not an autonomous player so imagine my surprise when she did this)

2) Nova and her roommate were watching Exhibitionist TV and they became very aroused

3) The arousal escalated and next thing you know, Nova and roommate are knocking the boots

4) Nova and another roommate using the bondage frame (this one gave me grief, kept freezing up on this segment)

5) Nova got another roommate because 3 just wasn't enough, she's a bit insatiable at times

6) Even Zombies need lovin' now and again

7) Nova is such a tease, she has teased poor Tom Peeping mercilessly so now he's taking matters into his own hands. 









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@LexRage77, no my Nova has no clue what she wants.  She's constantly wanting to have sex with one particular roommate and wants to marry someone entirely different.  She's insatiable.


Played with Nova again today/tonight.  Here are the photos, game behaved for the most part.  Had a few autonomous moments and I was like "What the heck happened?"


1) Nova and her love interest roommate, making all kinds of things happen in the kitchen but not brekkie.

2) Nova hanging out in the hot tub with Jupiter Luna

3) Nova and Bennett Obi (I'm thinking he is supposed to be like Obi Wan Kenobi)

4) Nova and Bennett Obi (no Viagra needed, the force is strong with this one)

5) Nova kinky dancing for a client

6) Nova couldn't make her mind up so she took on both men.  Stop, drop and roll.

7) Nova's personal red light district (had lyrics from Metro Station going through my head at that point)

8) Nova's love interest and roommate, taming of the shrew!

9) Nova and her "Future Lover".  This is the man that she wants to marry, what a nut she is. 










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