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GECK SayTo error?

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I'm having a weird issue: whenever I try to have an NPC say something to the player using the SayTo command, rather than going through the entire topic as intended, the NPC only says the first line of the topic and then moves on to the next topic. I've tried recording blank sound, but this didn't help. I've also looked at the actual EndGame credits of New Vegas, and I can't find any significant difference between what they're doing and what I'm trying to do.


I don't have a script, however, and the command I'm using is:

FBNarratorREF.SayTo player FBEndingSloan (with FBEndingSloan being replaced with the appropriate topic in every result scripts box)


Is there something I'm not getting right in the result script? Or do I have to attach a seperate script to FBNarrator?

Guest tomm434
rather than going through the entire topic as intended

Response evaluation comes from top to bottom. That means that NPC will say upper response in topic which can be said. To block upper topic you can use conditions. Or you can tick "Say Once" and NPC will say that particular line only once and next time he will say next response. Or make each topic for each line.


Topics for narrator have different responses, each of response having it's own conditions.



rather than going through the entire topic as intended

Response evaluation comes from top to bottom. That means that NPC will say upper response in topic which can be said. To block upper topic you can use conditions. Or you can tick "Say Once" and NPC will say that particular line only once and next time he will say next response. Or make each topic for each line.


Topics for narrator have different responses, each of response having it's own conditions.

I am familiar with dialogue conditions, I meant the response texts. Every topic has 2 or 4 response texts, and every response text is supposed to have multiple lines of dialogue. The FBNarrator only says the first line of the response text, then moves on to the next topic.

Guest tomm434

Oh okay. Maybe you use "Conversation" tab? it's different than "Topics". You should use "topics"


Oh okay. Maybe you use "Conversation" tab? it's different than "Topics". You should use "topics"


Nope, I have it all in the "Topics" tab.

Conditions are set to match the quests leading up to a "ending scene" scenario, and only the first line of every response text plays out. I even tried using a token system to make sure a response text was completely acted out before proceding, but that didn't help either, the response text isn't even finished.

Guest tomm434

I'm out of ideas then. Try using "begin SayToDone" block  - it's more reliable that begin(end) dialogue script anyway. I never trusted it.


I'm out of ideas then. Try using "begin SayToDone" block  - it's more reliable that begin(end) dialogue script anyway. I never trusted it.


That actually did the trick, thanks!


For anyone reading this later on, here's what I ended up with:


-Removed all result scripts.


-I added a script to the FBNarrator, which would dictate what to say.


The script I used:



scn FBNarratorScript


short FBEndingSceneStarted


; 01 - Primary Beacon


Begin GameMode


    if FBEndingSceneStarted==0

        FBNarratorREF.SayTo player FBEndingPrimaryBeacon

        set FBEndingSceneStarted to 1




; 02 - Goodsprings


begin SayToDone FBEndingPrimaryBeacon


    FBNarratorREF.SayTo player FBEndingGoodsprings




; 03 - Outpost


begin SayToDone FBEndingGoodsprings


    FBNarratorREF.SayTo player FBEndingOutpost




; 04 - Cottonwood Cove


begin SayToDone FBEndingOutpost


    FBNarratorREF.SayTo player FBEndingCottonwood




; 05 - Novac


begin SayToDone FBEndingCottonwood


    FBNarratorREF.SayTo player FBEndingNovac




; 06 - 188


begin SayToDone FBEndingNovac


    FBNarratorREF.SayTo player FBEnding188




; 07 - Sloan


begin SayToDone FBEnding188


    FBNarratorREF.SayTo player FBEndingSloan




; 08 - Freeside/Strip


begin SayToDone FBEndingSloan


    FBNarratorREF.SayTo player FBEndingFreeside




; 09 - Wolfhorn Ranch


begin SayToDone FBEndingFreeside


    FBNarratorREF.SayTo player FBEndingWolfhorn




; 10 - Dr. Wolfe


begin SayToDone FBEndingWolfhorn


    FBNarratorREF.SayTo player FBEndingWolfe




; 11 - Elliott


begin SayToDone FBEndingWolfe


    FBNarratorREF.SayTo player FBEndingElliott




; 12 - Ritual Clarity


begin SayToDone FBEndingElliott


    FBNarratorREF.SayTo player FBEndingRitual




; 13 - Courier


begin SayToDone FBEndingRitual


    FBNarratorREF.SayTo player FBEndingCourier




; 14 - This starts up the radio afterwards


begin SayToDone FBEndingCourier


    StartQuest FBEndCreditsRadioQuest






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