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Returning to Skyrim

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After a couple years deployed and going through the process of becoming a civilian again I've been away from Skyrim. My lifestyle has changed recently and I'm looking to get back into the game. Was just curious if any large breakthroughs have been made regarding Skyrim and mods. I've done a fresh install already, found MO, grabbed the latest SKSE and Wyrebash for Skyrim, but I want to make sure before I start the process of installing mods if there is something else I should pick up, or any tips you all may have. Thanks in advance!


First, before you do anything, config your SKSE using this tutorial: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1340369-skyrim-memory-patch-fixing-ils-ugrids-ctd-freezes-for-real/

Basicly, Skyrim have 2 mem blocks, block 1 has 256 MB effective memory, and the game will switch to block 2 if block 1 is overflown.

The problem is most of the time, due to engine/coding/whatever, the switch fails resulting in a ctd when you are in areas with a lot of objects.

The new SKSE solved that by allowing you to increase the size of the first mem block, so you will never have to make a switch.


P/s: Welcome back, bro.


First, before you do anything, config your SKSE using this tutorial: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1340369-skyrim-memory-patch-fixing-ils-ugrids-ctd-freezes-for-real/

Basicly, Skyrim have 2 mem block, block 1 has 256 MB effective memory, and the game will switch to block 2 if block 1 is overflown.

The problem is most of the time, due to engine/coding/whatever, the switch fails resulting in a ctd when you are in areas with a lot of objects.

The new SKSE solved that by allowing you to increase the size of the first mem block, so you will never have to make a switch.


P/s: Welcome back, bro.


Thanks alot, going through the tutorial atm. Any advice on the most compatable skeleton for Skyrim? I took a look at XP32's Nexus page, but found other threads here on LL that suggested others instead, all XP32 but I'd guess different bone counts.


Hooah soldier welcome home there has been a lot of major development in skyrim from body's reacting to physics and no longer needed animations even so far as skin/muscle movement (still early in development tmk), being able to start as a child and literally grow up as you level (another alpha but it may be stalled), huge fully voiced quest mods as big and well developed as a beth dlc if not even better to what they do, bodies that grow with experience (gain weight as you level faster with some skills than others, I could go on and on and on.


The skeleton you'll need is the XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended (XPMSE). It's basically "the one to rule them all" skeleton. No better one out there.

Thank you for the clarification.


Hooah soldier welcome home there has been a lot of major development in skyrim from body's reacting to physics and no longer needed animations even so far as skin/muscle movement (still early in development tmk), being able to start as a child and literally grow up as you level (another alpha but it may be stalled), huge fully voiced quest mods as big and well developed as a beth dlc if not even better to what they do, bodies that grow with experience (gain weight as you level faster with some skills than others, I could go on and on and on.


After reading this, I get a sinking feeling my load order will be maxed by midnight, with a bashed patch.



The skeleton you'll need is the XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended (XPMSE). It's basically "the one to rule them all" skeleton. No better one out there.

Thank you for the clarification.


Hooah soldier welcome home there has been a lot of major development in skyrim from body's reacting to physics and no longer needed animations even so far as skin/muscle movement (still early in development tmk), being able to start as a child and literally grow up as you level (another alpha but it may be stalled), huge fully voiced quest mods as big and well developed as a beth dlc if not even better to what they do, bodies that grow with experience (gain weight as you level faster with some skills than others, I could go on and on and on.


After reading this, I get a sinking feeling my load order will be maxed by midnight, with a bashed patch.



Then by 3 AM, you will be ready to post screenshots in "Show your Skyrim counterpart..." thread :P





The skeleton you'll need is the XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended (XPMSE). It's basically "the one to rule them all" skeleton. No better one out there.

Thank you for the clarification.


Hooah soldier welcome home there has been a lot of major development in skyrim from body's reacting to physics and no longer needed animations even so far as skin/muscle movement (still early in development tmk), being able to start as a child and literally grow up as you level (another alpha but it may be stalled), huge fully voiced quest mods as big and well developed as a beth dlc if not even better to what they do, bodies that grow with experience (gain weight as you level faster with some skills than others, I could go on and on and on.


After reading this, I get a sinking feeling my load order will be maxed by midnight, with a bashed patch.



Then by 3 AM, you will be ready to post screenshots in "Show your Skyrim counterpart..." thread :P



Lol ya its really easy to hit 255 without blinking but heres a huge recomendation get http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859/?(tes edit) and http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37981/? (merge script) definitely merge anything that adds armors look at the post they have listed for ideas on w/e you can merge currently i have 250/260 active esps (6 merged in bashed patch) yet i also have prob another 50 mods merged mostly armor, clothing, weapons, jewelry and that might be a underestimate I tend to go crazy with mods.


I served myself over a decade ago luckily/unluckily(depends on your state of mind) i never got deployed and I also have alot of friends who did just lost one of em a few days ago unfort he passed away at 88 last known witness from the jap surrender in '45 and another a couple months ago who was captured by the nazis and survived in a pow camp for 6 months before he was liberated. Funny how that works the former solider makes freinds with other former soilders frankly 99% of my friends served everywhere from ww1-afghanistan although all ive known from ww1/2 are now dead.





The skeleton you'll need is the XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended (XPMSE). It's basically "the one to rule them all" skeleton. No better one out there.

Thank you for the clarification.


Hooah soldier welcome home there has been a lot of major development in skyrim from body's reacting to physics and no longer needed animations even so far as skin/muscle movement (still early in development tmk), being able to start as a child and literally grow up as you level (another alpha but it may be stalled), huge fully voiced quest mods as big and well developed as a beth dlc if not even better to what they do, bodies that grow with experience (gain weight as you level faster with some skills than others, I could go on and on and on.


After reading this, I get a sinking feeling my load order will be maxed by midnight, with a bashed patch.



Then by 3 AM, you will be ready to post screenshots in "Show your Skyrim counterpart..." thread :P



Lol ya its really easy to hit 255 without blinking but heres a huge recomendation get http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859/?(tes edit) and http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37981/? (merge script) definitely merge anything that adds armors look at the post they have listed for ideas on w/e you can merge currently i have 250/260 active esps (6 merged in bashed patch) yet i also have prob another 50 mods merged mostly armor, clothing, weapons, jewelry and that might be a underestimate I tend to go crazy with mods.


I served myself over a decade ago luckily/unluckily(depends on your state of mind) i never got deployed and I also have alot of friends who did just lost one of em a few days ago unfort he passed away at 88 last known witness from the jap surrender in '45 and another a couple months ago who was captured by the nazis and survived in a pow camp for 6 months before he was liberated. Funny how that works the former solider makes freinds with other former soilders frankly 99% of my friends served everywhere from ww1-afghanistan although all ive known from ww1/2 are now dead.



I'm honestly just glad to be out. I gave the Army 4 years and some change, time to actually have a life to enjoy.


I did run into a possible issue, if someone could help me figure out how to solve it I would be very grateful. The current problem I've run into: I found the male replacer I intend to use, which is SAM, http://www.ladymoiraine.com/forum/index.php?topic=8263.0. The issue is, they recommend in the troubleshooting guide for SAM to use Racemenu 3.0 due to 3.1/3.2 causing animation issues or something of the like. However, the Skeleton that I was pointed towards http://www.loverslab.com/topic/25971-xp32-maximum-skeleton-extended/ requires 3.2. I'm looking at finding another male replacer at this point, unless there is a way to circumvent this.





The skeleton you'll need is the XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended (XPMSE). It's basically "the one to rule them all" skeleton. No better one out there.

Thank you for the clarification.


Hooah soldier welcome home there has been a lot of major development in skyrim from body's reacting to physics and no longer needed animations even so far as skin/muscle movement (still early in development tmk), being able to start as a child and literally grow up as you level (another alpha but it may be stalled), huge fully voiced quest mods as big and well developed as a beth dlc if not even better to what they do, bodies that grow with experience (gain weight as you level faster with some skills than others, I could go on and on and on.


After reading this, I get a sinking feeling my load order will be maxed by midnight, with a bashed patch.



Then by 3 AM, you will be ready to post screenshots in "Show your Skyrim counterpart..." thread :P




Working on that. Getting the non Sexlab mods installed first, then it's time to add some debauchery to the game. After the games working smoothly will come the gloriousness of my DnD Orc Blackguard slaver in 3 dimensions. How I have longed for this day.....




just came back to skyrim as well and following the tuturial. there is an option to do it manually and right below it and update to just download a prepatched version do i just select the premade one , also what folder or will Nexus Mod manager install it for me




First, before you do anything, config your SKSE using this tutorial: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1340369-skyrim-memory-patch-fixing-ils-ugrids-ctd-freezes-for-real/

Basicly, Skyrim have 2 mem block, block 1 has 256 MB effective memory, and the game will switch to block 2 if block 1 is overflown.

The problem is most of the time, due to engine/coding/whatever, the switch fails resulting in a ctd when you are in areas with a lot of objects.

The new SKSE solved that by allowing you to increase the size of the first mem block, so you will never have to make a switch.


P/s: Welcome back, bro.


Thanks alot, going through the tutorial atm. Any advice on the most compatable skeleton for Skyrim? I took a look at XP32's Nexus page, but found other threads here on LL that suggested others instead, all XP32 but I'd guess different bone counts.




The skeleton you'll need is the XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended (XPMSE). It's basically "the one to rule them all" skeleton. No better one out there.



Yes, Groovtama's skeleton is excellent. Make SURE you get the Groovtama xpms "Extended"/xpmse version at that link, and NOT the standard xp32 skeleton which is also located in the "Main Files" section there. ;)


Just getting back to all this myself - I really should make time for a proper reinstall... :unsure:


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