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GOG Galaxy


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Well today GoG is releasing its own Pc gaming service to compete with STEAM (just a few days after Valves paid mod initiative, clever move)

So... what do you think about it, i'm downloading it right now to test it.





Edit: Apparently I forgot the link, I edit the post with the direction again. Sorry

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Guest endgameaddiction

I already have an account so I'll be testing it.






I saw this coming. It's what competitors do to raise their image and squash their rivals.

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Guest endgameaddiction



I saw this coming. It's what competitors do to raise their image and squash their rivals.


Forgive me if I don't feel sorry for STEAM...



I wasn't defending Steam my friend. I'm totally against them. I was stating that competitors will always find a weakness (like what happened with pay to mod incident) and find ways to steal their consumers/clients. Walmart did a fine example of that decades ago.




Los competidores siempre encontrarán la debilidad de los rivales y robar a sus consumidores y clientes. Esto es lo que sucedió con Bethesda , Valve ( Steam ) y los consumidores. Los consumidores se preguntan si VALVE/STEAM esta a la altura de sus expectativas. Pero por supuesto, esto no ha sido la única vez . Y esto le da la oportunidad perfecta para una empresa como GOG un paso adelante y ofrecer el mismo servicio sin DRM , dinero de 30 días garantía de reembolso , etc ... si no, incluso mejor servicio en su plataforma.


Estoy con GOG porque creo que los videojuegos deben estar libres de DRM. Y si GOG puede ofrecer la misma plataforma como el STEAM y sin problemas, es un servicio mucho mejor que traerá a más consumidores a GOG :)



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But in this case they could not have chosen a better moment  :P 

Si tienes razon con esto último, personalmente espero que más gente se pase a GoG, el ser DRM free es razón más que suficiente para el cambio


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Guest endgameaddiction

Yes, I agree.


I'm looking forward to see where GOG goes with this. It's definitely a new ray of light upon us.

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Galaxy wasn't made just to compete with steam , it was made to satisfy the fans who were asking for it



Seeing how it is purely optional  ( compared to all other clients which are mandatory ) it's a smart move



With a great privacy policy and many great features (some still on the way)  Galaxy is like my dream come true .



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Apparently the friend list section is not completely implemented right now, you need to browse through forum and find someone you want to add, and if you have a new account (like me) there is no post, review or anything that could allow you to add me as a friend. Sadly, there is no "search friend" option for now, but well, is a beta after all..
Don't worry I'll add you as soon is possible.

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