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Sexout with Enhanced Camera and Controller

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Hey Guys,


anybody using Sexout with Enhanced Camera and Controller?


I use Sexout with Enhanced Camera http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55334/? since a long time, and haven't had any problems.

I'm using the newest Sexout beta and also the most recent NVSE and Extender and everything works as intended.

If I'm in first person i see my body, and if a Sexact is called it switches to third person tfc cam and back when the act is done.


Now all this is with kb/m. But today i wanted to play a bit from my couch and use a controller. Everything works fine as long as i'm in Third person, but when i'm in First person and the Sexact is called my body gets invisible 100% of the time. Which is weird, since the same thing works perfect with kb/m.

The Controller is the only difference. If i go into the menu directly after that and disable the controller (without changing other settings) it works fine again, enable controller...and the body gets invisible at the start of the act again. 


I also tried with the non beta Sexout and older Enhanced Camera versions to the same effect.


Any idea what could cause this?




It's just how sexout works. I would hazard a guess that the keyboard button press is called in the script, rather that the script activating the camera switch directly. Since the controller disables certain keyboard buttons this obviously doesn't work.


I've never had this functionality, you kind of just get used to switching to 3rd person beforehand. (I loathe playing games with kb&m)


It's just how sexout works. I would hazard a guess that the keyboard button press is called in the script, rather that the script activating the camera switch directly. Since the controller disables certain keyboard buttons this obviously doesn't work.


Well, that could be a part of it, but the switch to tfc itself works, it's just that the body get's invisible. And also only in first person, if I'm in third person everything works ok with controller. So it's not like all those commands are disabled.


Typically there is a moment when the camera switches and you kind of see your head from the inside for a short time and then the animation starts, that's the moment where things go wrong.

Enhanced camera kind of disables your head while in first person (so that you don't see it clipping in your vision). Would guess it has something to do with that in combination with the controller.


I've never had this functionality, you kind of just get used to switching to 3rd person beforehand. (I loathe playing games with kb&m)


Yeah, but the problem is with those moments that you don't know beforehand. Like with most of what happens with Sex Assault etc.


When the camera switches from first to third person, the body starts out invisible as the camera rolls backwards from the player. If the camera is switched to UFO/TFC camera while the player is invisible, the player will stay that way until the act is over. There's a delay to give the 3rd person camera time to roll backwards but you may need a longer one.


This is what the 'telephoto' setting in sexout is for. It will hold down the 'back up' key for a bit after switching to 3rd person. Note that this doesn't work if the characters back is too a wall or something and the camera can't back up, just like it doesn't work when playing. You need to change the camera angle (move the controls) to ensure it can bring the player into view.


There is nothing else Sexout can do about it.


When the camera switches from first to third person, the body starts out invisible as the camera rolls backwards from the player. If the camera is switched to UFO/TFC camera while the player is invisible, the player will stay that way until the act is over. There's a delay to give the 3rd person camera time to roll backwards but you may need a longer one.


This is what the 'telephoto' setting in sexout is for. It will hold down the 'back up' key for a bit after switching to 3rd person. Note that this doesn't work if the characters back is too a wall or something and the camera can't back up, just like it doesn't work when playing. You need to change the camera angle (move the controls) to ensure it can bring the player into view.


There is nothing else Sexout can do about it.


Thanks for your answer Pride. I already tried playing with the telephoto settings, didn't change anything.


I mean what's weird is that it is just with the controller. Enhanced Camera and Sexout work fine together, so it isn't that they are incompatible.



btw is the function to not use TFC bugged? Using that doesn't work (with Controller or kb/m). Here i see my body, but he is just standing while the other character is animated correctly and the camera is stuck and can't be moved at all.


Also in your beta Thread you talk about a planned feature "MCM control to disable flipping to 3rd person." Do you think is is something that you might be able to integrate in the near future or more something for way out? Because if i undestand correctly this would mean there wouldn't be a change of perspective at all, and that could maybe also be something that helps with that.


I may not have explained clearly enough. Invisibility is not "caused" by the switch to TFC, it's caused by the switch to 3rd person. The player is always invisible when you switch to 3rd person, at least for a moment. Normally the game moves the camera back itself and the player becomes visible again. If you're lagging severely or if you keep opening/closing the console (which freezes the 3D scene) you can watch this happen without sexout involved at all.


The TFC "issue" is that when TFC is toggled on, whatever visibility the player has at that moment, they are stuck with until it's turned back off. Sexout can't tell if the player is fully invisible, partially invisible, or fully visible. The telephoto option is there to just give it more time to "zoom out" which is what causes the switch from invisibility to visibility.


The tl;dr of all this is simply this: If you PLAY in 3rd person, and ensure your player is always visible on screen, then you will never be invisible when sexout is activated. Because of all these camera problems with the engine, playing in 3rd person is recommended. I don't really like it either, but you get used to it. I suggest the "3rd person centered camera" mod to help adjust, raised or unraised is up to you.


The TFC option in MCM might not be working properly, I haven't looked at it in a while but something is tickling my brain there. I will check.


I have no plan right now to complete that 3rd person toggle MCM option. If you don't want to go into 3rd person, you may as well not be using sexout, frankly. Most of the animations don't work in first person, or do but look terrible.


I may not have explained clearly enough. Invisibility is not "caused" by the switch to TFC, it's caused by the switch to 3rd person. The player is always invisible when you switch to 3rd person, at least for a moment. Normally the game moves the camera back itself and the player becomes visible again. If you're lagging severely or if you keep opening/closing the console (which freezes the 3D scene) you can watch this happen without sexout involved at all.


The TFC "issue" is that when TFC is toggled on, whatever visibility the player has at that moment, they are stuck with until it's turned back off. Sexout can't tell if the player is fully invisible, partially invisible, or fully visible. The telephoto option is there to just give it more time to "zoom out" which is what causes the switch from invisibility to visibility.


The tl;dr of all this is simply this: If you PLAY in 3rd person, and ensure your player is always visible on screen, then you will never be invisible when sexout is activated. Because of all these camera problems with the engine, playing in 3rd person is recommended. I don't really like it either, but you get used to it. I suggest the "3rd person centered camera" mod to help adjust, raised or unraised is up to you.


Thanks for explaining. So no first Person for me while playing with the controller. Still wondering what the controller changes that causes it. Maybe i should work on an Xpadder profile to make it work without activating the in Game Controller option. But there are always a few annoying things that never work that way....oh well.


I actually like playing 3rd Person, and if it was better integrated would greatly prefer it to first person. Heres hoping they do a better job with that in Fallout 4 (as if Bethesda would atcually ever work on a decent Battle System......)

As for the camera in 3rd person I use http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37632/?which is great, since i can set a camera for different situations/weapons etc.


I have no plan right now to complete that 3rd person toggle MCM option. If you don't want to go into 3rd person, you may as well not be using sexout, frankly. Most of the animations don't work in first person, or do but look terrible.


Yay thats it! I'm just not using it! Nah, i didn't meant to play the animations in first person, as you said i don't think that will really work or look good. What i meant was just a workaround to start the animation that way (body stays visible hopefully) and then i would be able to manually change the perspective to third person.


But it's okay i just play in Third person.


Prideslayer, a person can play in 1st person just fine and Sexout will make the switch to 3rd person and then zoom out for them. (As you say, as long as there is no obstruction) But, ONLY if a person is playing with a keyboard and mouse. This is the crux of this person's problem. (and mine to be honest)


If you switch to using a controller. An xbox controller for example and making no changes to Sexout's MCM setting, a player will not be switched to 3rd person at the start of a sex act. Thus making them invisible, and often resulting in weird camera jigging about onscreen. (fixed by opening our pipboy and closing it again)


If you switch to using a controller. An xbox controller for example and making no changes to Sexout's MCM setting, a player will not be switched to 3rd person at the start of a sex act. Thus making them invisible, and often resulting in weird camera jigging about onscreen. (fixed by opening our pipboy and closing it again)

Oh, is that it? That sounds like when you have the controller plugged in, the key for switching to 3rd person becomes unmapped. Can you check this? If so, mapping any key back to the 3rd person toggle should fix the issue.


Yep that's exactly the problem, the key is disabled. (like a lot of them are when you plug in the controller)


I remember back when I used to just use wsex, before I'd heard about Sexout I could use the / key on the KB to switch anims.


Not saying it for the anim function obviously, but that key is one that definitely remains active with the controller plugged in.


Well sexout doesn't press/tap any particular key -- it uses "TapControl 13" -- 13 being the 1st/3rd person toggle key. This way it's not limited to US-en keyboard layouts / languages. Going into the game settings with the controller plugged in should let you pick a key to use, which should get sexout working again. Doesn't matter to sexout what key it is, but there needs to be one assigned.


I tried that a while ago, doesn't work.

Tried assigning it to / key, and plenty of others. No dice.

Although I'm not sure I tried changing it with the controller plugged in. I'll get back to you.

EDIT: I thought not, it doesn't let you assign anything that isn't a controller button using that menu with the controller plugged in.

I'm not sure why this works with sexlab and not sexout.


Although thinking about it, I can press the ` key with the controller plugged in while playing skyrim while I am forced to switch to KB mode to do it for vegas. Perhaps it's just not destined to work.


It would be nice, but as I said I've gotten used to it and TBH there is sufficient delay usually between the sex act being triggered and it actually starting. More than enough time to push the 1st/3rd person button. (Left Trigger on default controller settings)


That's a bummer. There's currently no way to toggle 1st/3rd person other than tapcontrol, which doesn't work with gamepad buttons it seems. Maybe jaam can find a solution for an upcoming NVSE version.


It was fine, I think I just got confused about the enhanced camera and that stuff. I've never tried to play with a gamepad so I didn't know until I started googling that it was probably wiping out all the config settings. I have no idea why the engine won't let you use both a gamepad and a keyboard "normally".


In any case, it's not something I can solve within sexout right now. I've asked jaam if he can dig into NVSE and see if we can get a new function. If he can't or just doesn't have time (who among us does, anyway) then I will have to try to find it myself and add it into NX -- but don't hold your breath on that.


The original advice is still the "best" advice -- just play in 3rd person. Especially if you're using a controller. ;)


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