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Request: Impregnate a goblin mod.


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Well better get to work making models animations and what not because the fastest way to *make it happen* is to do it yourself instead of waiting for someone to do it for you as chances are it probably may never happen if you are waiting for someone else to do it.

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Wow, this post reeks of entitlement. Nobody's going to "make it happen" because you told them to. This should be a request, not a demand. If you really care so much, learn how to make content for yourself and ask for guidance from there. 

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So... Ban hammer in 3. 2. 1... ?

I mean... this thread is singularly stupid and obviously some kind of troll/flame bait, but stupid ideas aren't a bannable offense. There's a new stupid idea thread on LL every other day, nobody gets banned for those.

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The concept of joke is apperantly too deep for some people. There are no goblins in skyrim, obviously it's a joke. I was talking about Corruption of Champions with a friend and decided to make a joke request. Sure I probably should have put this in off topic, but I wasn't really thinking about it at the time. If a mod wants to delete this mess of a thread feel free.


TL DR : Calm down.

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The concept of joke is apperantly too deep for some people. There are no goblins in skyrim, obviously it's a joke. I was talking about Corruption of Champions with a friend and decided to make a joke request. Sure I probably should have put this in off topic, but I wasn't really thinking about it at the time. If a mod wants to delete this mess of a thread feel free.


TL DR : Calm down.


FYI, text on a screen doesn't convey sarcasm well.

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The concept of joke is apperantly too deep for some people. There are no goblins in skyrim, obviously it's a joke. I was talking about Corruption of Champions with a friend and decided to make a joke request. Sure I probably should have put this in off topic, but I wasn't really thinking about it at the time. If a mod wants to delete this mess of a thread feel free.


TL DR : Calm down.


But I haven't gotten angry about something today. I need my faux outrage fix, bruh.

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The concept of joke is apperantly too deep for some people. There are no goblins in skyrim, obviously it's a joke. I was talking about Corruption of Champions with a friend and decided to make a joke request. Sure I probably should have put this in off topic, but I wasn't really thinking about it at the time. If a mod wants to delete this mess of a thread feel free.


TL DR : Calm down.


Are you implying that impregnating an imp is now improbable?

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OK.I will say this right now.You guys are being pretty mean.The only goblins are considered Rieklings and from Immersive Creatures which they OP may have been commenting on.In that mod you also have Giantess and Hobgoblins.That is what it sounds like.So they mean Dragonborn.esm and some reference to modding.There are no female Hobgoblin,Goblin or Rieklings that look female.


It took a while for Bethesda to even add Female Falmer.So this should be no surprise.I also would like to support this idea Models for Female Rieklings would have to be changed from Purple male Rieklings to a changed sex.Probably will have to steal world of Warcrafts model or just give a Riekling a new head an body Skeleton.They also mostlikely use different weapons than males.Have thicker hips an weight more balanced.



      So yeah.Your gonna need to alter the meshes an add a belly form.Noticeable breast so you know it isn't a dude.No facial hair.An if anyone is doing this.You should label the skeleton so when you had your Riekling armor like some Daedra Armor they put on a full suit of Daedra Armor.An probably custom armors.That would be cool.

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My friend just pointed out to me that a game doesn't scount as an H-game if you can't impregnate a goblin. We need a mod that adds impregnatible goblins.


Make it happen geniuses.

I'm pretty sure ur thinking about Riekling or Falmer maybe Trolls

OK.I will say this right now.You guys are being pretty mean.The only goblins are considered Rieklings and from Immersive Creatures which they OP may have been commenting on.In that mod you also have Giantess and Hobgoblins.That is what it sounds like.So they mean Dragonborn.esm and some reference to modding.There are no female Hobgoblin,Goblin or Rieklings that look female.


It took a while for Bethesda to even add Female Falmer.So this should be no surprise.I also would like to support this idea Models for Female Rieklings would have to be changed from Purple male Rieklings to a changed sex.Probably will have to steal world of Warcrafts model or just give a Riekling a new head an body Skeleton.They also mostlikely use different weapons than males.Have thicker hips an weight more balanced.



So yeah.Your gonna need to alter the meshes an add a belly form.Noticeable breast so you know it isn't a dude.No facial hair.An if anyone is doing this.You should label the skeleton so when you had your Riekling armor like some Daedra Armor they put on a full suit of Daedra Armor.An probably custom armors.That would be cool.

I use to assume Falmer did gay stuff since they have no chicks also I believe it's strongly implied in vanilla that Falmer kidnap ppl as sex slaves since there is female slaves & some can be found dead & naked.


Why isn't there Riekling females tho like srsly in vanilla its strongly implied they're horny little bastards since they usually have Statues of Dibella & a bunch of Lusty Argonian Maid books ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)

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