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What would you like to see more in player slavery mods?


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I think one of my favorite mods here is asposros or something of a kind. Although how the text is being presented makes it hard to read (like the text begins with the end of the sentence first then it works its way back to the beginning) But I don't know about you guys but the first person texts just make it odd for me. I have always enjoyed second person descriptions or even third person.


It personnaly gets awkward that it keeps saying you or I... What about you guys?

Third person all the way!

It is technically the most "universal" also since it works for NPCs as well.

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Player as a slaver mod needs something like contracts: 


We need 15 male slaves to work a mine, 10 female slaves for household duties and 3 female brothel slaves who need to be trained and we need them next week.


You then have to pick some fortresses and dungeons where you can capture all the slaves you need and a base where you can take them for any training, store any extras you got for the next contract and maybe even have some employees (former followers?) who train the slaves and guard the base.


Slavemaker in Skyrim? That's too awesome to ever be a thing.


Honestly, I think what most mods need is just something to mix up the gameplay after you're enslaved/acquire a slave. What you suggested would be great on the player-as-slaver front. As for the other way around, I think SD+ is getting there, and Maria Eden has a lot of good ideas; the slaver-as-follower idea I think is pretty cool, and I know that's planned for SD+, which would probably go a long way to making it more interesting.

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You know what I'd like to see in player slavery mods?


Quick Time Events!


No, seriously, bear with me for a moment. Note, this is based on an assumption that you want your Skyrim to keep being a game, and not a fantasy porn movie engine.


The problem with most, if not all, player slavery mods is that slavery is all about not having control over your own actions, but losing control of your character in a video game is one of the worst things that can happen (how many games have been lambasted for relying too heavily on cutscenes?). This is a paradox that's holding slavery mods back, because they all heavily rely on scripted cutscenes - the only big difference is whether the cutscene happens at a predetermined moment (like in Slaverun, most of Captured Dreams, Trapped in Rubber, Devious Cidhna...) or more randomly (SD+, Maria Eden, several mods of the DD family). The former are fun once if the dialogs are well-written, but have very little replay value. The latter either have to keep expanding and adding new scenes to maintain interest, or they get stale pretty quickly.


The thing is, slavery of the BDSM variety isn't as simple as "get tied up, go through the motions of showing submission and performing requests, get fucked". What really makes it spicy is that many of the things the top orders are actually hard to do, and you have to endure through them in the exact way you were ordered to. I'm a dominant guy myself, and I know from my girlfriend that being tested and forced to go past her own limits is what she likes most about BDSM. The problem here is, sex scenes in Skyrim aren't really interactive, and there's only so much of this mindset your mod can convey through dialogues (though it's always appreciated when a slavery mod has robust dialogues).


Enter QTE sequences. This would open up new possibilities by turning the now-static elements of the mod into a gameplay element with a definable failure state. Like, you're not allowed to orgasm, so every time you get fucked you have to pass a QTE sequence to keep yourself from cumming, with difficulty based on current arousal and maybe sexual experience (or maybe a special stat the mod tracks just for that occasion). Or, you get whipped, and are expected to count the strokes, so each time a prompt appears, you have to push one of the two or three buttons - not pressing the button at all means you failed to count at all, pressing the wrong button means you made a mistake. Or maybe you're in a competition against another slave over who can withstand some kind of torture longer - again, QTE will make this into an interactive scene. Or maybe your owner really wants you to fuck someone really good (say, you're being whored out to a Jarl and anything less than the best fuck of his life just won't do). In all these cases, QTE sequences would take the experience to a whole new level.


Normally, I'm not very fond of QTE events in my games - usually, they're a cheap excuse so the developer doesn't have to think too hard about letting you do cool shit in the game - but in the case of slavery mods, they'd be a perfect solution to make the usually non-interactive parts interactive with minimal hassle, and they seem fitting because what QTE really puts to the test is your determination - in this case, it'd be your determination to please your owner, which would create an entirely new dynamic for slavery scenarios.

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I guess I sort of falls in the fantasy porn movie camp?


The thing is that once you involve player's interaction, especially presenting it as a challenge it sort of stop becoming about a slavery, but rather a test of the player's skill.

Then you start falling down this hole of, if the player want to see the deeper slavery content you are asking the player to "lose" on purpose.


A cut scene presentation isn't bad on its own, but it starts to become stale if it outlive its welcome. Repetition is an issue sure, but that goes for everything even gameplay can become repetitive unless the player just really happen to like the gameplay loop, which I am not sure a slavery mod can deliver logically.

Shorter cut scenes or a divided scene with player control in the between could be employ to mask the issue somewhat.

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The thing is that once you involve player's interaction, especially presenting it as a challenge it sort of stop becoming about a slavery, but rather a test of the player's skill.

Then you start falling down this hole of, if the player want to see the deeper slavery content you are asking the player to "lose" on purpose.

I vehemently disagree. There are many ways a relationship between a slave and an owner can develop, and contrary to what some people here seem to think, the slave does influence how things play out. And I'm not talking about BDSM relationships (where the sub actually has a lot of control by default, unless we're talking about really pathological relationships), I'm thinking about real slavery, as in "your owner can use and abuse you as he likes, including killing you if he feels like it".


If you're, say, a farming slave in ancient Rome, your life can take many different turns. You can keep disobeying and get killed as an example to other slaves. You can suck up to your owners and maybe you'll earn some privileges in the process - maybe even your freedom. You can try to run away, and all sorts of things can happen. If you're a good worker, you'll be treated differently from your fellow slave who's lazy or inept, and vice versa. The point being, you do have a say in what's happening to you, and more likely than not, keeping your ass relatively safe will take effort. The same principle applies to any slave you can imagine - as a general rule, any person who keeps slaves wants something from them, and slaves who perform what's expected of them will be treated differently than those who can't or won't follow instructions.


Introducing an element that challenges you, the player, simulates the same principle applying to your enslaved PC and gives you pretty much the same options a real slave would have in the same situation. It's not "losing on purpose", it's refusing the order and suffering the consequences. Whether you do this as a roleplaying choice or just to see another part of the mod doesn't really matter, nor does it matter whether you try to please your master because you're feeling submissive or because you're trying to get by and maybe get a better chance of escape in the future. What this does is ensures you have more than one possible scenario, and thus reasons to load the same mod again on another playthrough. Because then it would be a game and not a porn movie rendered on Skyrim's engine. The basic definition of a game is having means to influence the outcome and some kinds of win/lose conditions, and this is exactly what I'm suggesting slavery mods should implement.


Note that some mods already utilize elements of this, from SD+ giving you dialog options to either try and placate or defy your owner, to Maria Eden making the whole game pretty much about pleasing your owner or suffering the consequences (complete with being executed as a worthless piece of meat) to Captured Dreams and Trapped in Rubber having failable quests with consequences attached to failure. In the end, all I'm proposing is extending the same principle to the parts all those mods have that lack the same level of interactivity, as a means to keep the player more engaged.

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I think for anyone to install these kind of mods knowing what's inside it is safe to assume that player is interested in seeing the PC getting put into compromising position.


Succeeding or losing the minigame/QTE/challenge becomes the choice the player is making about what direction the player wants the mod to go. If the player want to see the "losing" branch the player is going to have to lose on purpose, that fact doesn't change. Or the mod could be purposely created for the challenge to be difficult, but then it might run into genuine issue of player wanting to see the winning side, but can't do it (Game is hard!).

In the end winning or losing the challenge from the player's perspective is technically no different then selecting from a dialog option between "submit" or "reject" and see how that plays out.

In some respect picking a solution is more in character since it is the character making that decision rather than it being determine by the player's skill.


I guess for me this is coming from past experiences with HRPGs where a good number of content are unlock through getting defeat in battle therefore it is very often about losing on purpose in order to see the events, which makes sense from a logical perspective, but from a gameplay perspective it is like you aren't going to get what you sign up for if you are doing well.

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Trusted followers capable of turning on you... how much complaining does Lydia do again? Is she tired of carrying around all your junk? Tired enough to slip a special 'herb' into that wine she just gave you? Wake up in a cage, with a collar around your neck, and Lydia laughing about you carrying all her burdens now.




I want this so bad.  Nothing would be better right now than this right here.  I mean, who else really has a chance of enslaving the almighty Dragonborn than the one person she trusts with her life?

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I object to calling it "losing on purpose" because if you're doing it on purpose and there's a story content behind the "failure state" (i.e. you get to keep playing the game, albeit with consequences of your failure factored into further experience) you've triggered, how exactly are you losing? You're getting exactly what you wanted. I let various creatures in Skyrim beat me on purpose to see various Death Alternative scenarios/rape animations and not once did I think that I've lost because of that.


The difference between doing this with QTE challenges versus just being given the submit/resist options, either through dialog or a prompt (and I'm all for supplementing my theoretical system with robust dialog options) is that it introduces a third alternative to being obedient or disobedient - namely, failing to do what you actually wanted to do. This is pretty realistic - going back to the farm slave example, just because you're willing to work your ass off to please your owner and maybe get some benefits out of it, doesn't mean you're actually able to please them with your performance (maybe you're just ill fit for the work and will fail despite your best efforts). Conversely, maybe you tried being defiant, but it turned out your resolve crumbles quicker than you expected when faced with torture (QTEs can go both ways, with tasks they would be about performing favorably, with punishments they would be about refusing to give the bastards satisfaction of seeing you broken).


Again, this does two things: first, it gives you more options, more ways your story can progress (especially coupled with good dialogue choices to supplement your performance in challenges and differentiate refusing the challenge from failing it despite good intentions). Second, it keeps you engaged, keeps you working towards seeing the story branch you want to see, in a way that a "choose your own adventure" prompt does not.

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Are there any slavery mods that force the player to do something they don't want? Kinda like sexlab defeat?


If no, them there are no slavery mods at all.


Maria Eden - your mistress / master is always doing things to you that you don't want.

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Are there any slavery mods that force the player to do something they don't want? Kinda like sexlab defeat?


If no, them there are no slavery mods at all.


Maria Eden - your mistress / master is always doing things to you that you don't want.


Hey zaira, since you're here, what's your opinion on my idea? :)

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I personally dislike the QTE idea because i suck so much at them. You should have seen me playing God of War 3 on my PS 3, it was so awful  :D 


Your interactivity idea is great though carnifex. What about freezing a slaves mana/health and stamina regeneration and many actions your owner does cost you one or more of the stats. With sleeping/resting they are restored to various degrees.

Example: A whipping competition. Every stroke does about 1-10 health damage, each slave gets 10 leashes, then is asked if she wants to continue. When you are down to 40 health after some rounds it will be a very difficult player choice whether to continue another round or not. If you reach less then zero health you blackout and might get a more severe punishment than if you would have given up the challenge.


Stuff like mining or wood chopping would consume a few stamina points per run. If you chop lots of wood for example then this work will please your master, but if you overdo it you have none left in the evening/night and your master might get very annoyed to have to fuck you sleeping, so you have to try to manage your stamina. Work enough during the day to not get punished for lazyness, but save enough energy for night action.

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The managing stamina part sounds sort of like what Slaves of Tamriel is trying to do with the mine slave.

There are also ideas about managing the ore mined like giving them away or stealing from others.


About the whole losing concept the thing with getting beat on purposely. Another way to look at it is the disconnect between what the player wants to see (PC to get enslaved) and what the character supposedly wants (not get enslaved).

The narrative is interesting when the character is challenged by what's present not necessarily when the player is challenged.

This sort of falls into a RP/story telling aspect which might be a little beyond about slavery mod mechanics.

A linearly story telling would technically solve (or at least masked) such problem since the player is typically only given limited number of choices to engage with predetermined outcome (content that player want to see) and the character is force to proceed with it (advance regardless of consent).

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I normally try to not get enslaved or get free as quick as possible. Because imho the various mods here already do a great job, after a short while which i enjoy as player at least the slavery starts to get annoying enough that you want to get rid of it to continue with normal unrestricted playing.

Without all those nice mods and the many dangers Skyrim would be boring though. A hero needs to fall deep to be able to arise again like a phoenix from the ashes.


No idea how to describe it better, but i am very happy with the current state of mods. Of course there is always room for improvement, but i am still vastly enjoying Skyrim. While the loverslab content "only" makes something like 20-33% of my playtime, and if so mainly as punishment to get rid of as soon as possible, it enriches it so much. The short term thrill and longterm annoyance mods like SD+ or Cursed loot provide is just awesome. Short term it is funny how fucked up your poor heroine got, but long term i always have the urge to get free asap again and it feels good when you finally find the last keys or manage to escape from your owner.

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  I have to agree with xboronx . I use the existing slavery mods as a reason to try harder to survive while playing in expert or master difficulty .my girls get caught a few times and get free as soon as can be , and that sometimes can be pretty hard in the higher difficulties , when a sneak attack only does a quarter of the health of your master . 


 I just actually want a slave mod that lets you and master team together so bad i am actually working with CK and cracking other mods open to take a peek. I can half ass it where i want it but its not a real slave and  master  relationship where they fight together keeping each other alive. I am going to keep at it though.


 " you fought well today slave." Master said as he used her flush and blood splattered body for his amusement.


 " Thank you Master! " the slave girl screamed as her body thrashed and convulsed in ecstasy. 

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Hmm asking me to dream? Ok. First off, I agree, most slavery mods are missing 'something'. "Ho, go here, fuck him, come back, fuck me, go there fuck her..."


Yep, that is terrible, it is far too consensual and is a large part of the reason I have avoided slavery mods.


What I want in a slavery mod is for the victim to be completely unwilling, yet under complete control. Constantly in bondage when not being actively raped and when sex acts take place it is not "master told me to give you a blowjob so get over here and let me gobble that nob of yours!", it is instead the slave being completely unable to stop what is about to happen to them and being completely unwilling and each sex scene being an actual rape.


Many slavery mods seem to have the victim be compliant and doing as the master says and I find that boring. I want the slave to be completely unwilling.


My ideal slave mod would have a few various "slavery" situations dependent on how/where the victim was caught. Slavery would be instigated in combat much like a rape scene is. Instead of the initial transition straight into a rape scene the victim would be knocked down, the attackers would close in, and the victim would be subdued and be put into a slavery situation (bondage, stocks, ect...). Slavery would work much like Defeat, an X chance of a slavery encounter beginning at Y health and/or Z stamina. There would also a auto-submit key.


Prior to all rape scenes in encounter the attackers would initiate dialogue based on the situation describing their intent with checks that may allow the victim to avoid the encounter (begging, threatening, and bargaining) (aka Bandit walks up to tied up victim/player "hey there baby, you feeling lonely, I am feeling pretty horny and I want to get laid!" Victim options 1) "please, no, don't" 2) "Don't you dare, you will be sorry! 3) "Do my companion over there, she is much prettier than me."


Slavery encounters would end in different ways, some in death, others in release. Death to end the encounter would be optional and could be turned off in the MCM and this would result in the end of the scene ultimately being release (being knocked out and waking up in the wilderness or in a medical center in a town.)


1) Bandits: On being defeated in combat the victim is knocked down, instead of the scene transitioning straight into a rape scene it transitions into a slavery situation. The victim is put into bondage/stocks, ect... in the middle of the dungeon and the bandits are there. A variety of potential encounters can then occur over which the victim has no choice over (although you could choose to activate or deactivate certain options in the MCM). 1) The victim is in stocks until the bandits become aroused to the point that they become interested in rape, enact dialogues, and when pleading fails the bandit/s begin to rape the victim. 2) The victim remains in bondage until a NPC arrives in the dungeon and pays the bandits for the privilege to rape you. 3) An NPC comes into the dungeon with a creature and wishes to pay the bandits in order to watch the victim be raped by it. 4) The bandits decide to torture/spank the victim. 5) An NPC arrives to the dungeon to purchase the slave (leads to a special dungeon slavery situation). 6) The bandits get bored with the slave and release her. 7) The bandits get bored with the slave and kill her.


2) Vampires: The victim is defeated in combat and knocked down and put into slavery/bondage. The vampires have their own set of potential encounters 1) The victim is in bondage and the vampires lead into dialogue that results in force feeding on the victim. 2) The vampires become aroused and lead into rape dialogue and scenes. 3) The vampires decide to let their hell hounds and gargoyles have some fun with the victim. 4) An NPC arrives to the dungeon to purchase the slave.


3) Falmer: The victim is defeated in combat and knocked down and put into slavery/bondage. The Falmer have their own set of potential encounters. 1) The victim is in bondage and the Falmer decide to torture the victim with whips and other devices (requires a couple different Falmer torture in bondage animation sets). 2) The Falmer become aroused and rape the victim. 3) The Falmer use the slave as a host for Charus larvae, allowing the charus to rape and impregnate the victim. 4) The Falmer decide to kill the victim (good time for the roasting spit from ZAZ). 5) The Falmer decide to release the victim.


4) Drauger: The victim is defeated in combat and knocked down and put into slavery/bondage. 1) The Drauger become aroused and rape the victim. 2) The Drauger are all sleeping and while they are not paying attention a few skeevers arrive and rape the victim. 3) The Drauger place the struggling victim on an embalming table, wrap them in linen bondage like a mummy/the spider silk struggling bondage from ZAZ would be very similar, place the struggling linen wrapped victim into a coffin, and then pour boiling wax over the victim and place the coffin lid over the dying, embalmed alive victim. (of course requires some new animations).


*** For the purchaser who buys the slave from various factions there would be a select number of encounters/outcomes from the slave being purchased. 1) the slave is taken to a dungeon/farm where other women are chained up in various areas. The room has two milking machines present. The victim is forced into the milking machine in a multi-stage animation and is forced to become a milk slave, if the companion was also captured and purchased they are placed in the other milking machine at the same time. The milking scene runs for a while and the victim ultimately orgasms and the scene ends with the victim falling unconscious and then waking up in the forest. 2) The victim awakes in a dungeon and is forced through a open doorway into a fighting arena/pit with a large crowd of onlookers looking down into the pit. There are no open doors or escape but there are cages imbedded into the wall with a variety of creatures/people. A specific cage opens and the victim is attacked, if they lose they are raped for all the onlookers to see. After they are raped the attackers return to their cage, and another cage then opens and a new attackers attacks the victim. They go through this with all 4 cages, full of different random attackers/creatures such as bears, trolls, vampires, Draguer, Falmer, humans, ect... At the end of the last attack they fall unconscious and awake in the forest. 3) The victim is taken to a fancy mansion with a variety of sex devices around a large decorated room. The mansion is a Thalmor brothel and a group of Thalmor proceed to rape and gang rape the victim in all sorts of ways with the various devices. After they are done the victim falls unconscious and awakes in the forest. 4) Any other encounters that could be dreamed up where a slave would be sold into a bad situation.***


I would "love" a slavery system/mod that gave a varied experience like that, and which stays completely non-consensual/non-compliant and has attacker/faction specific slavery encounters/storylines that ultimately end with the victim either free, or dead (and back to the previous save).

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I personally like scenario focused events.  My favorite aspects of the Sanguine Debauchery is the faction specific enslavement.  Getting put in a cage is great but then watching the NPC's just wandering about doing nothing is a little boring.  I'd like it if there were scenarios where you let a warlock experiment on your character, a king ordering you to walk across a street to humiliate yourself and he spouts lies about you being a horrible rebel, players getting raped as payment between two parties etc.  The dialogue really needs to fit the actions a player takes just so it feels like the player has to 'play along'  with the situation of being at the mercy of another character.  So I guess i really like really well scripted dialogues that make a player feel like there is something fun to discover as they do something.  If a scenario is done well enough, it'd be fun to repeat it just for the joy of the experience.  Ideally the scenarios would be very long and play out long enough for a player to be immersed.  I do like the short rape scenes that happen with a lot of mods that keep things quick but I'm a person that needs a lot of context to enjoy something thoroughly.  


One fun thing I remember trying was spawning a bunch of vampires in The Companion faction's HQ at Winterhold just to watch them rape the entire faction's members and enslave them.  I always hoped there'd be a scenario like this where after the vampires were done enslaving the faction, they would do things like hold meetings with all their new slaves in a room and explain their new faction's new mission that aligns with the vampires desires.  The leader could be publicly raped to remind their new slaves of their place.  Performing objectives like whoring out yourself to the Jarl to help vampires gain favor in Winterhold until they eventually take over the keep.  I like it when the NPC takes charge and the PC just follows them around as they do their things until the PC is required for a task.  I think the most important aspect is the dialogue though throughout the scenarios.  Making specific events rather than generic ones I feel is really important in making slavery mods go a bit further than what it is now.  Just some ideas.

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Hmm asking me to dream? Ok. First off, I agree, most slavery mods are missing 'something'. "Ho, go here, fuck him, come back, fuck me, go there fuck her..."


Yep, that is terrible, it is far too consensual and is a large part of the reason I have avoided slavery mods.


What I want in a slavery mod is for the victim to be completely unwilling, yet under complete control. Constantly in bondage when not being actively raped and when sex acts take place it is not "master told me to give you a blowjob so get over here and let me gobble that nob of yours!", it is instead the slave being completely unable to stop what is about to happen to them and being completely unwilling and each sex scene being an actual rape.


Many slavery mods seem to have the victim be compliant and doing as the master says and I find that boring. I want the slave to be completely unwilling.


My ideal slave mod would have a few various "slavery" situations dependent on how/where the victim was caught. Slavery would be instigated in combat much like a rape scene is. Instead of the initial transition straight into a rape scene the victim would be knocked down, the attackers would close in, and the victim would be subdued and be put into a slavery situation (bondage, stocks, ect...). Slavery would work much like Defeat, an X chance of a slavery encounter beginning at Y health and/or Z stamina. There would also a auto-submit key.


Prior to all rape scenes in encounter the attackers would initiate dialogue based on the situation describing their intent with checks that may allow the victim to avoid the encounter (begging, threatening, and bargaining) (aka Bandit walks up to tied up victim/player "hey there baby, you feeling lonely, I am feeling pretty horny and I want to get laid!" Victim options 1) "please, no, don't" 2) "Don't you dare, you will be sorry! 3) "Do my companion over there, she is much prettier than me."


Slavery encounters would end in different ways, some in death, others in release. Death to end the encounter would be optional and could be turned off in the MCM and this would result in the end of the scene ultimately being release (being knocked out and waking up in the wilderness or in a medical center in a town.)


1) Bandits: On being defeated in combat the victim is knocked down, instead of the scene transitioning straight into a rape scene it transitions into a slavery situation. The victim is put into bondage/stocks, ect... in the middle of the dungeon and the bandits are there. A variety of potential encounters can then occur over which the victim has no choice over (although you could choose to activate or deactivate certain options in the MCM). 1) The victim is in stocks until the bandits become aroused to the point that they become interested in rape, enact dialogues, and when pleading fails the bandit/s begin to rape the victim. 2) The victim remains in bondage until a NPC arrives in the dungeon and pays the bandits for the privilege to rape you. 3) An NPC comes into the dungeon with a creature and wishes to pay the bandits in order to watch the victim be raped by it. 4) The bandits decide to torture/spank the victim. 5) An NPC arrives to the dungeon to purchase the slave (leads to a special dungeon slavery situation). 6) The bandits get bored with the slave and release her. 7) The bandits get bored with the slave and kill her.


2) Vampires: The victim is defeated in combat and knocked down and put into slavery/bondage. The vampires have their own set of potential encounters 1) The victim is in bondage and the vampires lead into dialogue that results in force feeding on the victim. 2) The vampires become aroused and lead into rape dialogue and scenes. 3) The vampires decide to let their hell hounds and gargoyles have some fun with the victim. 4) An NPC arrives to the dungeon to purchase the slave.


3) Falmer: The victim is defeated in combat and knocked down and put into slavery/bondage. The Falmer have their own set of potential encounters. 1) The victim is in bondage and the Falmer decide to torture the victim with whips and other devices (requires a couple different Falmer torture in bondage animation sets). 2) The Falmer become aroused and rape the victim. 3) The Falmer use the slave as a host for Charus larvae, allowing the charus to rape and impregnate the victim. 4) The Falmer decide to kill the victim (good time for the roasting spit from ZAZ). 5) The Falmer decide to release the victim.


4) Drauger: The victim is defeated in combat and knocked down and put into slavery/bondage. 1) The Drauger become aroused and rape the victim. 2) The Drauger are all sleeping and while they are not paying attention a few skeevers arrive and rape the victim. 3) The Drauger place the struggling victim on an embalming table, wrap them in linen bondage like a mummy/the spider silk struggling bondage from ZAZ would be very similar, place the struggling linen wrapped victim into a coffin, and then pour boiling wax over the victim and place the coffin lid over the dying, embalmed alive victim. (of course requires some new animations).


*** For the purchaser who buys the slave from various factions there would be a select number of encounters/outcomes from the slave being purchased. 1) the slave is taken to a dungeon/farm where other women are chained up in various areas. The room has two milking machines present. The victim is forced into the milking machine in a multi-stage animation and is forced to become a milk slave, if the companion was also captured and purchased they are placed in the other milking machine at the same time. The milking scene runs for a while and the victim ultimately orgasms and the scene ends with the victim falling unconscious and then waking up in the forest. 2) The victim awakes in a dungeon and is forced through a open doorway into a fighting arena/pit with a large crowd of onlookers looking down into the pit. There are no open doors or escape but there are cages imbedded into the wall with a variety of creatures/people. A specific cage opens and the victim is attacked, if they lose they are raped for all the onlookers to see. After they are raped the attackers return to their cage, and another cage then opens and a new attackers attacks the victim. They go through this with all 4 cages, full of different random attackers/creatures such as bears, trolls, vampires, Draguer, Falmer, humans, ect... At the end of the last attack they fall unconscious and awake in the forest. 3) The victim is taken to a fancy mansion with a variety of sex devices around a large decorated room. The mansion is a Thalmor brothel and a group of Thalmor proceed to rape and gang rape the victim in all sorts of ways with the various devices. After they are done the victim falls unconscious and awakes in the forest. 4) Any other encounters that could be dreamed up where a slave would be sold into a bad situation.***


I would "love" a slavery system/mod that gave a varied experience like that, and which stays completely non-consensual/non-compliant and has attacker/faction specific slavery encounters/storylines that ultimately end with the victim either free, or dead (and back to the previous save).



I agree with you in lots of ways, but there are some things I would like to improve/Change (Oh and sorry, I haven't figured quoting and adding Spoilers out yet):


"Being completely unable to stop what is about to happen to them"


That would be very boring tbh. While the slave doesn't have to want to do this, it should still be her choice some Kind of, because otherwise everything would be planned out and you couldn't really do anything for the whole enslavement period. I'd suggest that their would be multiple choices like trying to escape (leading to punishment if failure) etc. I think SD+ is starting to go in this direction with the Player choosing to become submissve or not. What SD+ lacks however, is the ability to just run away.

So in General, your master gives you oders and you can choose to follow them or you do not. So in the end, the slave should "willingly" follow the master's command, because of the fear of the punishment and so being forced to do what the master says because every other Option is worse and so it is Kind of "unwilling" again. You can also try to convince the master not to harm you because you are the dragonborn and lots of People would pay a high ransom for you, especially if you are not harmed yet.

And also you could add lots of stuff where you don't really have a choice like your owners making fun of you. You could try to talk to them (if you are not gagged) and make them stop, but they'd prob just end up making even more fun of you. There could be much more situations like this where it doesn't really matter what you say (it still influences the relationship between you and the master).


"in encounter the attackers would initiate dialogue"


IMO this could be bigger than just for one mod, make it a whole Framework or something. Basically the dialogue would appear whenever you are defeated or you surrender (maybe even a Standard Option?) and could lead to multiple things dependent on the circumstances (like did you willingly surrender? did you attack them? did they attack you? What is their morale? What is your Reputation? Do you have a follower? How many did you kill? Do you have expensive armor on (Do you look like you are rich)? etc.) like the attackers robbing you, raping you, enslaving you, letting you live, going with you to the nearest City and asking for ransom (especially if you said something like "Don't you dare touch me, I am the dragonborn", selling you etc.

This would Combine mods like Defeat, SD+ or Deviously Helpless quite easily. (Maybe it could be implemented in the mod "Death Alternative"?)

Oh and not t Forget, I think the Player should always be informed on what the attackers want, because it is always Kind of weird if they just enslave you and then you address them as "master". Maybe they should say like "You are my slave now, you will address me as master from now on and do whatever I say. Understood?".


In General, I would add Options of People (like guards or friends of yours) arriving trying to kill your masters and thus helping you trying to become free again. Also maybe someone arriving (if you are enslaved by bandits) saying that somebody wants to pay the ransom and then the bandits decide on what to do. They might choose to accept, kill the one who said it cause they want to have you as a slave, kill the one who said it, because they want a higher ransom and this way are sending a warning, enslave the one who said it or send him back and tell him that they want more Gold and that he should hurry up, because they are going to get rougher with you.

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To some extent, I dislike mods that have your master follow you, and I preferred scenarios like PSE where you were following your master around. I know we're a bit limited by packages, but I wouldn't mind the sex-on-a-cooldown thing if the master felt more 'alive', e.g. bandits/forsworn started roaming around and raiding, or spriggans/hagravens/whatever were being periodically 'attacked' (the 'hunter trying to rescue you' think that, I think, PSE did fits here). I like how SD+ has the master get a package to take you from point A to point B when you're captured outdoors.


I also dislike events/mods where the player is given free reign (but not quite free reign). Maria Eden lets you go out and about, but if you've armed yourself and are in a position to fight back, or you've nicked some coin, scenes/triggers basically removing it all without giving you a chance to 'fight back' irk me -- if I fight back and lose, go for it, even with major punishment (a la A Forsworn Story).


My preferences would be:

  • Limited/no control.
  • Opportunity to fight back/escape when you DO manage to get 'free' (or 'free reign').
  • Not insignificant penalties for failure.
  • Variety in scenes, ideally some faction-specific components.
  • Tangible feeling of progression for long duration events*.
  • Storyline/progression towards a given end point/end state (even if it's a 'game over/bad end persistent play' state) is a HUGE bonus.


My favourite slave mods/scenarios out of all I've played are Maria Eden (with some caveats), the incomplete Ravenna questline from A Forsworn Story, Quick As You Like!, and PSE (Oblivion).

(* If I had the ability to author, I'd like to build a sort of framework that captured/monitored/tracked other events/happenings and caused differing effects to occur -- that would then gradually tail off as you left that state. For example, being enslaved for long periods may cause you to forget skills, or result in a name changes, or lock off the ability to refuse to undertake quests/resist arrest/etc. Being underground/in prison/in a dungeon for very, very long time periods may result in light sensitivity [either via visual effects or penalties]. Being enslaved by non-speaking races for long periods of time may prevent you from speaking to people at all [gibberish text], until memory of the language comes back to you. Being stuck at 100 arousal for extended periods [via QAYL or jumping onto the reported Maria Eden Blessing of Dibella accessory effect] would similarly limit dialog/combat options/trigger masturbation event atempts, etc. And so forth.)

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My preference is more of "bonded servant" setup with less sex and more adventuring. You're the dragonborn and it would be rather foolish to waste such a resource as a sextoy. Thus you have the freedom to roam and adventure as you want, but you're collared (and perhaps belted). Interaction with the master is a summons, such as a negligible jolt from the collar (or a plug if belted) that must be obeyed or the collar (or plug) jolts become less negligible.


This would initiate a radiant quest to perform a task for the master, very much like "Errands for Master" in Captured Dreams or WIP "Radiant Master" in Devious Deviants, but you aren't given a choice. This would likely be best done as a framework .esm with the radiant quests in .esp files so they could easily be expanded. Things like -


  • Catching escaped slaves. One of the master's less free slaves has escaped and you have to recover them. Possibily from wilderness to dungeons where the slave in question was captured and re-enslaved leading to negotiating (with both passive and violent options) for their return.
  • Capturing new slaves. The master wants a specific NPC (probably well guarded). Your job is to capture and return this NPC to the master. Not unlike Dark Brotherhood quests, but instead of killing, you're enslaving.
  • Escorting a slave. The master has decided to send a gift to a friend (a slave) and you have to escort the him/her to their new master. Twists include rivals and people wanting to free the slave.
  • Dwemer Restraints. The master has discovered a new type of restraints and you have to recover them leading to possible twist where you have to return wearing them.


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